Good Times in Equestria: Thomas at the School of Friendship

by GoebelTron

Surf and/or Turf

On a boringly relaxing day, Twilight was sitting in her throne room all alone looking at the Cutie Map, until she heard hooves coming forward. “Auntie Twilight!” Thomas said, riding on Sweetie Belle’s back. “We're glowing!” The Crusaders said in unison as Thomas said, “They’re glowing!”

Twilight giggled as she walked over to the young ones, “That's what happens when you're summoned by the Map.”

“Somepony needs our help?” Sweetie Belle asked excitedly. “We're being called by the Map?” Apple Bloom asked excitedly. “Did I mention we're glowing?!” Scootaloo exclaimed excitedly. Twilight giggled again, and then saw Thomas’s arm was now fully healed. “How’s your arm?” she asked. “It’s a lot better,” Thomas said, feeling glad the arm cast and pain pills helped rebuild the bones.

“So where exactly in Equestria are we needed?” Scootaloo asked. “Actually, where you're going isn't even in Equestria,” Twilight said. “Then where is it?” Thomas asked, until Twilight pointed to a projection of the land beyond Equestria. “Wow! That's almost... off the table!” Sweetie Belle said. “Kinda like the last time you went there. Huh, Thomas?” Scootaloo asked. “Yeah!” Thomas said. “But what's way out there?” Apple Bloom asked, until Twilight showed them the projection of Mount Aris. “Mount Aris, the home of the Hippogriffs! And that's where you're headed!” Twilight said. “Whoa...!” the young ones said in unison as they gazed at their cutie marks on the map.

“Auntie Twilight? Can I come with?” Thomas said. Twilight nodded with a warm smile, “Of course you can, sweetie. I’ll take you for a quick stop at your house so you can ask your mother for permission.”

At the train station, where the ponies were chatting with each other, Twilight, with Thomas carrying his travel bag as he was sitting on her back, and the Crusaders were waiting for their train to Mount Aris. Thomas was also wearing a green and blue striped tropical flannel with a pattern of pineapples with his regular red, white and blue striped shirt underneath, a pair of gray cargo shorts, and dark brown hiking sandals with open-toe features. “You really don't need to come with us, Twilight. We can take care of this mission just fine on our own,” Sweetie Belle said. “Mm-hmm,” Apple Bloom said. “Yeah!” Scootaloo said riding her scooter over, and then she skidded to a complete stop.

“I know that. But I'm not so sure the ponies who care about you want you going off so far on your own,” Twilight said. “Besides, there's some school business I need to take care of on Mount Aris. This permission slip is for Silverstream. It's very important that her mother and father sign it, or else no field trips.” She showed them Silverstream’s permission slip. “Sounds like somepony just wants a vacation,” Scootaloo whispered to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, as they giggled together, leaving Twilight unamused with a sly smirk.

“Okay, yes, I have been wanting to visit Mount Aris ever since the Hippogriffs moved back. But it's purely research,” Twilight said. “But don’t worry, Thomas sweetheart. I’m sure we’ll find a way for you to meet the other hippogriffs, and maybe see Queen Novo and Skystar again.”

“Okay, Auntie Twilight,” Thomas said, hugging her neck with a warm sigh, until she smiled warmly and patted his hands with her hoof. “So, when we get there, Silverstream’s brother is going to meet us there and take us to both of their houses.”

“Wow! They have more than one house?” Apple Bloom asked. “I guess so. The social structure of the Hippogriffs and seaponies is a bit of a mystery,” Twilight said, until the conductor hollered. “All aboard! Last stop – the new Mount Aris Station!” Twilight and the kids got onto the train as the last remaining passengers got off or on the train before it began making its trek to Mount Aris.

During the ride, Thomas sat on Twilight’s lap for comfort and read one of his comic books he got from Canterlot while the Crusaders sat with themselves. “I don't know if I'd like being a Hippogriff. Part bird, part pony...” Sweetie Belle said. “I'm happy with just my pony parts, thanks,” Scootaloo said. “I think Hippogriffs are pretty neat,” Apple Bloom said. “Hey, Thomas? What was your first experience there?”

“Well... it was pretty scary while they lived underwater during the Storm King’s reign of terror, but the seaponies were kind enough to give us shelter, but we needed their help,” Thomas said. “I know. You were scared about losing everything you love,” Scootaloo said. Thomas nodded, before Twilight placed her hoof onto him, “But Tempest Shadow did save him before the Storm King was defeated, and we’re still grateful. He was also brave for holding him off for us.”

“Really? You fought the Storm King by yourself?” Apple Bloom asked. Thomas nodded, “Yeah. I did.”

“And thanks to you, we’ve got help from the hippogriffs,” Twilight said. Thomas nodded, until Twilight saw how uncomfortably scared he felt, so she kissed him on the top of his head, and then let him sleep against her barrel and belly so that he can stay comfy for the rest of the train ride.

Later on, the Crusaders fell asleep as well, and Thomas was still snuggled with Twilight’s fur as she kept her hoof and wings wrapped around him to keep him warm and snug, leaving her amused with a soft giggle about how cute Thomas was sleeping. Suddenly, she heard the train whistle blowing, “Final stop – Mount Aris Station!”

“Psst, Thomas. Girls, wake up. We’re here,” she said. Scootaloo gasped excitedly as the other two looked out the window with her, and saw Mount Aris as it was now fully rehabilitated and as the train came to a complete stop, the passengers got off as some were hippogriffs, and then the last ones were Twilight, the Crusaders and Thomas as he was riding on Twilight’s back to avoid walking all day.

“All right. So what kind of cutie mark-related friendship problem do you think we're supposed to solve?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I don't know. But Hippogriffs don't have cutie marks. So it might not have anything to do with that at all,” Twilight said. Apple Bloom then took a closer look at the hippogriff’s flanks revealing no cutie marks, “Huh. Still, the Map called us, so it must be a kind of problem that only we can solve.”

“Go, Crusaders!” The fillies high-fived each other. “But how do we know exactly who we're supposed to help?” Thomas asked. “I don’t know, but I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough,” Scootaloo said. “Maybe if the Map could be a little more specific about our mission, like maybe... an address?” Apple Bloom asked. “The Map doesn't really work like that. But I'm sure you and whoever needs help will find each other,” Twilight said. Suddenly, they heard water splashing, and they saw a seapony, “Excuse me! Miss Sparkle? Over here!” he said. “A hippogriff can have a seapony for a brother? Hoe does that work exactly?” Apple Bloom asked. “Shhh! Don’t ask that! It’s rude!” Sweetie Belle said, until the seapony turned into a hippogriff and landed near the group. He had apple greenish white fur and feathers with pale apple greenish light gray beak tip, talons and hind hooves, a moderate cyan and pale turquoise feather mane and tail, and moderate cyan eyes.

“Whoa!” Scootaloo said. “Can I ask now?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Sorry I’m late. I’m Silverstream’s brother, Terramar,” he said, shaking hooves and talons with Twilight. “These are also my students from our school, but one of them is my nephew, and Professor Fluttershy’s son,” Twilight said. “This is Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. They were called here for a friendship problem, and this little boy on my back is my nephew, Thomas. His full name is Thomas Mercer Shy, because Fluttershy adopted him, making her his mother.”

“Nice to meet you, little guy,” Terramar said, gently ruffling his hair with his talon hand. “Silverstream told me about you, and I’m glad she’s looking out for you.”

Thomas nodded, and then blushed bashfully. “Sorry, he’s very shy,” Twilight said. “So how can you be in two places at once?” Apple Bloom asked. Terramar chuckled, “It is kind of strange. See, after the Storm King was defeated, the seaponies didn't have to hide anymore. So some of them changed back to Hippogriffs and went home to Mount Aris.”

“But others got used to living under the water and stayed in Seaquestria,” Twilight said. “And me? Well, I kind of go back and forth with this. It's a tiny piece of the magic pearl. It was split up among our kingdoms,” Terramar said, pointing to his necklace with the crystal shard of the pearl.

Apple Bloom said, “Whoa!” as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both said, “Cool!”

“Well, I'm pretty eager to see the Hippogriff village. You know, to... get this form signed. And... research! So...” Twilight said, showing the permission slip. “Hey, Terramar? Does anygriff you know up there have a problem they need help with?” Apple Bloom asked. Terramar chuckled, “On Mount Aris? No. Everygriff is pretty happy up there.” He then sighed, “It's a great place to live.”

“Can you take us there?” Thomas asked. “Sure. Follow me,” Terramar said, leading the five to the top of Mount Aris, where the village was.

As they reached the village, the young ones saw so many hippogriffs enjoying themselves, especially the baby ones.

“Whoa! This looks amazing! Last time me and my friends were here, it was a ghost town!” Twilight said. “I almost had a nightmare about that one time,” Thomas said, before Twilight nuzzled him for comfort.

“Yeah. Queen Novo thought it was important to return our village to its former glory, after the Storm King was defeated,” Terramar said, before they heard a fanfare of trumpets.

“And now, I officially open the "Glad to Be a Hippogriff" Festival!” Sky Beak said. The hippogriffs then enjoyed the party and made a few laughs with each other. “Wow! We picked a good day to show up!” Scootaloo said. “Not really. We do this every weekend. Hippogriffs really like being hippogriffs,” Terramar said, as the hippogriffs kept cheering. “It’s hard for you, Huh?” Thomas asked. “Yeah, looks like it, but I still love my family,” Terramar said.

Sky Beak chuckled as he saw his son, “There's my boy!”

“Hi, Dad!” Terramar said, hugging his father. “Haven't seen you in days, son. Wish you'd come around more often,” Sky Beak said. “Oh! Dad, these are some of Silverstream's friends from Equestria. They came up to see us!” Terramar said. Sky Beak gasped, “Princess Twilight Sparkle!” He then screeched as an eagle, and then the hippogriffs listened to his announcement. “Attention, everygriff! Princess Twilight Sparkle is here! She's Silverstream's teacher!”

The hippogriffs greeted her with exciting gasps and exclaims. “Here to take in the marvel that is Mount Aris, your Highness?” Sky Beak asked. “Absolutely! And to have you sign a form for Silverstream,” Twilight said, showing him the slip. “Glad to! But how about if I show you around before that, and have us show the princess real Mount Aris hospitality?” Sky Beak asked. “I guess... But can I introduce you to someone?” Twilight asked. “Certainly,” Sky Beak asked. Twilight then magically levitated Thomas off her back and showed him to Sky Beak. “Is this your nephew, your highness?” Sky Beak asked. “Yes, I’d like you to meet my nephew, and the adoptive son of my friend Fluttershy, Thomas,” Twilight said. “Adoptive son? Wait... I’ve heard about you!” Sky Beak said. “You’re the one who helped fight the Storm King!”

Thomas nodded, and then Sky Beak ruffled his hair with his talon hand, “Welcome to our village, little one. Now, let’s carry on, shall we? To the refreshment tent for a stein of salmon juice to go around!”

“Eh. Research. See you later! And good luck! I know you'll find your mission!” Twilight said while joining the hippogriffs with fun activities. “Oh, and take Thomas with you.”

“Well, your dad's certainly... outgoing, isn't he?” Sweetie Belle asked, as Thomas stood next to her. “He's a great guy. All my relatives are nice,” Terramar said. “Wait. I hear something,” Thomas said, as he heard the sound of a giant pan flute with whimsical wind blowing, and he saw a huge stream with stepping stones and a huge shaped cliff, and lots of trees.

“Hey! Look at this!” Thomas said. “I see you’ve found the Harmonizing Heights,” Terramar said.

“I love this!” Sweetie Belle said. “Uh, is she okay?” Terramar asked. “She’s sometimes like this. It kinda reminds me of Auntie Pinkie Pie,” Thomas said. “This is absolutely the best place ever! You are so lucky!” Sweetie Belle said. “And you get to swim in the ocean! You have two great places to live!” Scootaloo said. “How do you make up your mind which one to stay in?” Apple Bloom asked. “I can't. That's the problem,” Terramar said.

“Did you say... "problem"?” Apple Bloom asked. “You have a problem?!” Sweetie Belle asked. “Yes!” Scootaloo said.

“They’re sometimes like this when crusading,” Thomas said to Terramar as he made a surprisingly amused face.

“Woo-hoo! We discovered our mission!” Sweetie Belle said. “All right!” Scootaloo said. “We did it!” Apple Bloom said. “Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” Sweetie Belle cheered, before she chuckled nervously. Scootaloo cleared her throat, “Sorry. You were talking about your problem?”

“Right. Like I said, Mount Aris is one great place to live. That's why Silverstream and my dad and some of my cousins came back here. But Seaquestria is another great place to live. That's where my mom is,” Terramar said. “Ohhhh. I-I didn't know that,” Sweetie Belle said. “Neither did I,” Thomas said.

.So no matter where I am, I feel like I'm letting someone down,” Terramar said. “No wonder you're having such a hard time deciding,” Apple Bloom said. “And I have to choose soon. Every other griff my age already knows where they belong. I'm still not sure,” Terramar said. “Maybe we can help!” Thomas said. “Yep! When in doubt, chart it out!” Scootaloo said, holding a paper chart they made.

“Now, we put down everything great about each place and everything not so great. Compare them, and... your decision is made for you!” Scootaloo said. “Well, it's obvious, isn't it? Mount Aris is the best of all possible worlds. Pro – it's beautiful. Con – too far from Equestria. I think that pretty much sums it up,” Sweetie Belle said. “But you haven't been to Seaquestria yet. How can you even compare them?” Terramar asked. “Terramar's right, Sweetie Belle. It'd be fair if we visited both places before we decide,” Thomas said. “Thomas's got a point,” Apple Bloom said.

As the young ones came back, Twilight zoomed over to them, “Hey, everypony! This festival is fantastic! Look what I won at the ring toss booth!” She showed them her trophy from the ring toss. “Ahem. But of course, I'm really here on business. Sky Beak's already signed the form. Now I just need your mom's signature. Is she around?”

“Um... she's a seapony. In Seaquestria,” Apple Bloom said. “That's what Silverstream meant by "houses"!” Twilight said. “Mm-hmm. If you'd like to meet my mom, we're just heading down there now,” Terramar said. “And how exactly are we gonna visit underwater?” Apple Bloom asked.

Later on, Terramar took them to the beach after Thomas got onto Twilight’s back, but held onto her neck as they all got into the water. He was also wearing a dark and light blue and sea green swim suit with a shirt, that he had in his bag. Terramar then placed his claws on Twilight’s hoof while the fillies held hooves, and the Terramar lit up his pearl necklace, and transformed themselves, including Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, into seaponies. They then went underwater.

“Whoa!” Scootaloo giggled. “Woo-hoo! Yeah!” She giggled again, “Whoa! This must be just like flying! Woo-hoo!” She swam through seaweed as fast as Rainbow Dash.

“Where's your mom's house, Terramar?” Apple Bloom asked. “Come on. It's this way,” Terramar said, leading the group to Seaquestria. “This is awesome!” Scootaloo said. “Thomas? You can ride on my back if you want. In case you get lost,” Twilight said sweetly, and then Thomas climbed onto her back and held onto her neck as they began swimming to Seaquestria, and he was a seapony-like boy again while his swim suit kept him safe and warm.

As they arrived and entered the dome underneath the water and swam by a few schools of fish, they saw a few houses in Seaquestria, but one belonged to Terramar’s mother as she was setting up a dinner table and serving a few guests. She had pale light grayish olive yellow scales, pale light grayish orchid and moderate magenta mane and fins, a moderate cerulean and pale turquoise fur neck scarf, along with a blue beaded and black leather chain necklace and a seaweed neck choker around her neck, and light purple eyes. Her name was Ocean Flow.

“Hey, Mom,” Terramar said. Ocean Flow turned around and saw her son, and then they hugged each other. “Terramar! Welcome home, baby! No excuses. This time, you're staying for dinner,” she said.

Terramar chuckled, “Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Thomas, this is my mom Ocean Flow. And this is—” Ocean Flow gasped, “Princess Twilight Sparkle! What an honor! You know, Silverstream just raves about you.”

“Well, she is one of our most hardworking students. In fact, I brought this form for you to sign so that she can have permission to go on some field trips in the future,” Twilight said, showing Ocean Flow her daughter’s permission slip. “Both my children are so smart. Would you like to see their baby pictures?” Ocean Flow asked. “Mom!” Terramar exclaimed embarrassingly. “That sounds adorable! I'd love to! And you know, to find out about aquatic pony early development and, uh...” Twilight said, as the Crusaders giggled, “Research.”

Ocean Flow giggled with Twilight, until she saw Thomas behind the Crusaders, and then her eyes widened. “Oh my gosh! Is this your nephew?!” she asked, gently holding him underneath his armpits and between his sides with her finned hooves. “Yes. This is Thomas. Just so you know, he’s very shy around larger crowds or new “people” as his race of humans call,” Twilight said. Ocean Flow then smiled warmly, “Aww... That’s okay, sweetheart.” She then brought him over for a hug, until Thomas hugged her neck and buried himself underneath both her neck and her chest. “But you are so cute!” Ocean Flow then nuzzled her muzzle with his nose. Thomas blushed as her fur neck scarf was cozying his face and he placed his ear on her chest for the sound of her heartbeat as he curled one of his arms on her chest and the other underneath her neck, “It’s n-nice to meet you t-t-too, Miss Flow.” Ocean Flow smiled warmly and rested her head on top of his.

Thomas then looked up at Ocean Flow’s necklaces while she was still holding him, “I like your necklaces, Miss Flow. Are they real beads and natural seaweed you’re wearing?”

“Why, thank you, sweetheart. And yes, they are,” Ocean Flow said, gently stroking his hair. “Umm... if you don’t mind, ...c-ca-can I... can I touch them?” Thomas asked. “Go right ahead, sweetie. I don’t mind,” Ocean Flow replied, and then Thomas gently placed his hands on her necklaces, feeling amazed about how she was into aquatic based jewelry. “My, he is such a charming little one, isn’t he?”

“He’s also very polite as his mother,” Twilight said. “And that’s what we love about him.”

“We’ll, I think he’s just the sweetest little thing,” Ocean Flow said, leaning down to give him a kiss on the forehead, and then gave him one more hug, and then she let him swim freely after breaking the hug. “Oh, well, maybe your friends would like a snack while we're gone? Some kelp chips? Fish oil tea?”

“No, thanks, Mom. I'm gonna go show them around,” Terramar said, as he and the other young ones swam with him.

“Look out!” Scootaloo said, giggling while swimming through a school of fish. “Can’t catch me!”

Sweetie Belle was not amused while Apple Bloom, Thomas and Terramar were watching, “Huh. Not much sunlight down here, is there?” Scootaloo giggled, before seaponies playing bongo seashell drums, and then she danced to the rhythm, “Boom-ba-da-boom-ba-da-boom-ba-da-boom-ba-da-boom-ba-da-boom-ba-da-boom!”

Sweetie Belle was still not amused about the underwater lands, “No grass to run in and no hooves to run on it with.” She looked at her seapony tail, before seeing a big fish swimming by her, “And excuse me, but how do you keep from getting all pruney?” She then sighed as it passed by.

Scootaloo laughed while riding a sea turtle, before picking up a seashell shaped as a horn and blew in it, making bubbly sounds, “Everything sounds funny down here!”

“Okay. I've seen everything I need to. So, uh, why don't we find Twilight Sparkle, finish the chart, and, uh, head back up the mountain? I have some serious field twirling to do,” Sweetie Belle said, as they began swimming back to Twilight.

“Where's she going? I want to stay and swim some more!” Scootaloo said, as she sighed disappointingly.

The group then went back to the beach, and Twilight was now holding Thomas on her hoof and then dried him off with a towel inside his bag after taking off his swimsuit.

Sky Beak screeched, “Princess Twilight, you're back! And just in time for the screeching competition.”

“Why not? Could be another trophy in my future! Be back soon!” Twilight said.

“All right! Let's add some positives to the Seaquestria side!” Scootaloo said. “Uh-huh!” Apple Bloom said, drawing some notes on the chart. “Swimming is like flying, multi-color fish, and did I mention the flying thing?!” Scootaloo said. “You forgot the cons. Dark, wet, sea monsters...” Sweetie Belle said with an unamused tone. “I don't remember any sea monsters. Apple Bloom, looks like it's up to you,” Scootaloo said. “Me? Well... Both places have a lot of good things about them. I can understand why it's hard for you to decide,” Apple Bloom said to Terramar.

“I like both places too, and your parents were so nice to me,” Thomas said, while putting his clothes back on after drying himself off from the sand and water. “Maybe you’re not thinking straight, but you have to be true to your heart.”

Your heart is in two places, you can only live in one
You're torn between the hilltops and the tide

Thank goodness that the Cutie Mark Crusaders have begun
To give you hope and help you to decide

These hills, they call to you, they say "Harmonizing Heights"
This is your home, simple and serene
The sun-dappled leaves or a mountain terrace
You can see twenty-three different shades of green

To dare to compare anywhere to there
Is unfair and just plain wrong
Colt or mare or you wear feathers, fins, or hair
This is where you belong

“Well, on the other hoof, I can think of a place that's way more exciting and cool, not to mention more you! Come on, you know exactly where I mean!” Scootaloo said.

Seaquestria's the most, you're supposed to be there
Underneath the sea where you can feel at home
Swimmin' with your friends, you can spend all day here
Playin' in the bay here, splashin' in the foam

Sailin' through the wavy blue
You'll view a slew of tortoises
Forget the rest, the sea's the best
For all intents and "porpoises"

Build your nest here on Harmonizing Heights

Live it up here in Seaquestria

Nothing compares to Harmonizing Heights
The eagles are regal

But the schools are cooler

Their claws are so awesome

With their sweet maneuvers

Star wishes every night

Starfish by eel light





Harmonizing Heights!


Harmonizing Heights!

“Girls! Break it up!” Thomas said.

That's it! This is the end!
Don't ever talk to me again!

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked away from each other with their forelegs crossed and had angry faces.

Apple Bloom and Thomas looked and saw Terramar walking away. “Terramar, where're you goin'?” Apple Bloom asked. “Ugh! If you all can't even agree amongst yourselves, how am I supposed to make up my mind?! It's hopeless!” Terramar then flew away. “Terramar, wait! We didn’t meant to...!” Thomas said as the hippogriff flew away.

“What’s going on here?” Twilight asked with a confused and stern look. “Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were arguing against each other!” Thomas said. “So, where’s Terramar?” Twilight asked. “He ran off. Probably wanted to be by himself,” Apple Bloom said. “Well, if it weren’t for Sweetie Belle, our mission would’ve been over by now! And a success!” Scootaloo said angrily. “Well, I’m not the one who dashed all of Terramar’s hopes and made him give up on the world! Heck, even both worlds!” Sweetie Belle said angrily. “Which was not my fault!” Scootaloo said, “Mine, either!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Enough!” Twilight said, while looking at them with angrily and sternly confused brows. “I’m very disappointed in you two. But why would you think that?”

“Because it was our fault,” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said in unison. Twilight made a sad brow, before she felt Thomas hug her on the leg, “All they had to do was help him choose which world to live in, but we let him down. We’re really sorry.”

Twilight smiled warmly, and then hugged him back, “Whoever said that he had to choose?”

“Well, he did,” Apple Bloom said. “Hmm... Maybe Terramar’s making it harder than it has to be,” Twilight said. “Yoo-hoo! Princess! We’re having a seashell-crafting circle. Care to join us?” Ocean Flow said, emerging from the water with other seaponies. “There you are! The flag-folding ceremony’s about to begin!” Sky Beak said. “Thank you, really. I’ve had a great time in both places, but...” Twilight said, until Sky Beak and Ocean Flow saw each other eye to eye. “Oh! Hello, Sky Beak!” Ocean Flow said. “Ocean Flow! You’re looking beautifully well,” Sky Beak said, as they hugged each other.

“Mr. Sky Beak, Miss Flow, I’ve got bad news... about Terramar,” he said. “Terramar?” Ocean Flow asked. “What about him?” Sky Beak asked. “Well, he’s having a hard time choosing between both worlds to live in, and well, we let him down because Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were caught up about pros and cons about which place is better, before arguing over each other about which they liked better instead of trying to help Terramar find his place in Mount Aris,” Thomas said. “We’re really sorry.”

Ocean Flow and Sky Beak felt worried about their son’s behaviors, until Twilight decided to explain her nephew’s story about his hard life from the past while she sat him down on her lap and then hugged her hooves over him to keep him comfy, and started from the beginning. After a few minutes of explaining, both the parents felt sorry for Thomas’s hard life, and were proud that Silverstream was helping looking out for him. Ocean Flow decided to hug him again, and it made him feel better.

While Ocean Flow hugged him, Thomas suddenly saw the hippogriffs and the seaponies talking with each other, and it made him smile softly. “I think I know how to help Terramar! Wait here!” he said, running to go get Terramar. “And I think I have one idea,” Sweetie Belle said.

Thomas kept looking for Terramar by using the cliffy rocks by the shoreline, “Terramar! Where are you?!” He then realized he was lost, “Huh. I thought for sure he came this way.” He suddenly saw Terramar sitting on a tree branch, “Terramar! You Do’d come all this way!”

“And I'm staying here, too! That way, I don't have to be on land or in the water!” Terramar said. “You just weren’t thinking straight,” Thomas said. “He has a point,” Scootaloo said, as Thomas saw her and the other two walking over. “We're sorry. We were supposed to help you, and...”

“...we just ended up confusing you more. It's all our fault,” Sweetie Belle said. “Actually, you were just competing against each other about which land’s the better one for him,” Apple Bloom said. “Oh!” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said.

“Oh, great! You're sorry, and I'm still confused! I'm staying in my tree,” Terramar said. “We might have somethin' worth comin' down for,” Apple Bloom said. “And we’d like to show it to you,” Thomas said.

Later on, they arrived back at the beach, and the four young ones showed Terramar their present, “We thought we'd get every creature together for a picnic on the beach,” Sweetie Belle said, and Thomas nodded. “And we mean every creature!” Scootaloo said. They all saw the seaponies and the hippogriffs having a picnic on the beach together.

“Son! There you are! Your friends told us how you've been feeling,” Sky Beak said. “And we're sorry if we ever made you think you had to choose between worlds. That wasn't our intention, honey,” Ocean Flow said. “Your hippogriff heritage is something to be proud of, certainly,” Sky Beak said. “But you're more than just where you're from or who you live with. We love you because you're you, no matter where you choose to be,” Ocean Flow said. “You don't have to decide. You can keep doing what you've been doing – going back and forth,” Sky Beak said. “And enjoying both places,” Ocean Flow said.

Terramar laughed while hugging his parents. “Something we forgot to add that both places have – family and friends who love you,” Thomas said, as Apple Bloom wrote it down on the chart.

“Thomas, girls? Could you come here please?” Ocean Flow asked, and then they walked over to her and the other two. “We just want to say thank you for helping our son learn to trust his instincts.”

“We just felt like that if he needed something to listen to, like your heart, it’ll be there to guide you, or ask for help from someone you trust,” Thomas said. “And that’s something we’ll never forget,” Sky Beak said. “And you really are the sweetest little child I’ve ever seen,” Ocean Flow said, and then she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, before pulling him over once again for another hug.

“Thanks for everything,” Terramar said, until he heard something weird. “Uh, are you glowing?” The Crusaders looked at their shimmering cutie marks. “Yes! We did it!” they shouted in unison.

“Congratulations! Your first map mission is a success!” Twilight said. “Guess that means we're officially done here. I hope you come visit your sister in Equestria,” Sweetie Belle said. “Yeah, come see us! You'll love it!” Apple Bloom said. “It’s one of the best places ever!” Scootaloo said. Thomas nodded, and then he looked at Twilight. “I’m proud of you coming along, Thomas. I’m also proud that you have good intentions for others,” Twilight said. Thomas nodded and then hugged her, before he felt his aunt hugging him back.