the Other Side of the Coin

by Hydradagon

The coin is flipped

A coin has two sides forever linked and destined to intertwine at some point. But when a coin is flipped only one side is visible, only one side receives the light of recognition, only one side becomes known while the other remains shadowed and mysterious; unable to form. But what happens when some powerful force flips that coin and for a brief moment both sides become visible, will the other side form into the light of recognition as its predecessor did and if the other side of the coin becomes known; what will happen to the first side.

9:00 A.M.

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep click

“Guess that means it’s time to wake up” a silver pony said as he slowly began to drag himself out of bed in order to perform my morning routine. Walking towards the bathroom the stallion takes a look at himself in the mirror, and sees the same thing he’s seen all his life, a rather large Pegasus with blue hair with a white base and red eyes “yep; still me” he begrudgingly said after seeing the black marks on my face, hooves, and flank just above his cutie mark; Which was a plain mirror with a golden Ouroboros around it. Having nothing to do with any of his actual interests in life his cutie mark made it difficult to get a job most places. And that’s why I’m here at Hoofton, he thought. Hoofton- a small village about ninety miles off of ponyville who’s only redeeming quality is a university that specializes in classes of education that most ponies don’t usually dabble in.

Leaving his room in the back of the hallway on his way going down stairs the silver pony recognized a familiar pale lavender blur fly into a room just ahead of him “hey pastel, what’s the rush”

“Did it look like I was rushing” she answered back quickly before brushing her overly long chestnut mane out of her face as just before she started to put it into a braid.

“I just have to finish unpacking before the new pony arrives” pastel added in. but before he could respond she began pulling down boxes and started emptying out their contents over the already cluttered room’s floor

“You moved here almost two years ago, why the sudden interest in finishing your unpacking?” the stallion said as he walked into her room.

“Because if I finish unpacking; then I’m officially moved in and then I won’t be the new pony anymore”

“And why do you have to unpack right now”

“You don’t know, I found out this morning that there’s supposed to be a new pony coming to the dorm, and if there’s a new pony and if I’m still the new pony; then it will look like I’m trying to hoard their new title. Can’t you see I have problems here; Pastel problems. Now help me unpack, quickly markers go there, brushes go here, sketches on the ceiling, quick draws under the rug, paint here not there. THERE IS A RUSH NOW.”

“Ooookay” he says as he does a double take around the messy room he sees that she actually has accomplished a good amount with her drawing in her two years here at gem university as he notices countless drawings strewn across the room in a completely random order covering the original wallpaper in its entirety and even finishing off a second layer of sketches and assignments covering the first; Replacing the mediocrity with perfection.

“Hey Chrome?” Pastel said, suddenly calm

Slightly annoyed, “chrome” said “haven’t I been telling you not to call me that”

Tilting her head slightly pastel said “then what am I supposed to call you”

“I don’t know, use my real name or Chro maestum like I said you could”

“but that’s Booooooooooooooooooooooooooring” she said, throwing her hooves forward in an exaggerated motion “besides, a name like Chrome would match your coat color” she said as she pulled a mirror out of a nearby box to show me.

“I know that, fine; call me what you want, just make sure that it actually has something to do with my name” he says knowing that this probably won’t be the last he hears about that subject

“hey pastel, wasn’t this book due back at the library several weeks ago” picking up a book called Soul Painting: ponykind’s greatest ability, or worst curse?

“wa, wai, waitwaitwaitwait, that book shouldn’t be there it should be sitting on a library shelf” she said frantically as she tried to pull the book from my hooves

“Whoa, whoa, slow down a bit pastel. No need to overreact”

“but I’m not overreacting this book is a very important book that I was only barely able to check out on account of the librarian trusting me, but this book is really late

andthenthelibrarianwon’ttrustmeanymoreandshewon’tletmecheckoutanybooksandtheni’llfailallmytestsandbekickedoutofthedorm AND THEN I”LL STARVE” pastel cried hysterically after mumbling near nonsense

“Hold it pastel you’re not going to starve, you’ll be just fine… and where are you going?” Chrome said in exasperation as she began frantically flying down the long hallway.

“To the library in order to return this book so I won’t have to feed off of the scraps of homeless ponies” she said as she reached the large spiral staircase that marked the end of the dorms and the beginning of the common-room.

As he began flying after pastel he shouted “pastel, wait, what about unpacking your room!?”

“That is irrelevant now” she said not slowing down or looking back to speak to him.

Shortly after pastel had disappeared down the staircase a tall pony carrying an impossibly large stack of what appeared to be video-games. Being that Chrome was already flying in a cramped space he was unable to stray away from the earth-pony’s tower of games and collided. As the games scattered across the hallway and back down the stairs the silver stallion was only able to shout “sorry about that, I’ll help you when I get back”. Leaving the Earth pony with a face of borderline depression and rage, before Chrome had to continue on his way to catch up with pastel who as he left the building Chrome realized that she was a surprisingly good distance away from him damn Chrome thought I guess she really has been working on raising her wing-power.

“But your still not fast enough” Chrome silently dictated to himself as he prepared his large wings for a bit faster of flight. Quickly speeding up he feels the amazing experience of traveling at Wonderbolt tier speeds, the blatantly cool air slicing through your mane, the strain of your wings as you try to break past yourself, but most importantly seeing and feeling other ponies being appearing to be almost thrown at you as you disperse through them; it was exhilarating, inevitably all things must end as the small dot that was originally known as Pastel quickly began to enlarge and chrome was now flying backwards in front of her.

Seemingly not to notice Chrome overtake her in the first place Pastel shouted “ahhh I can’t see, what happened, my vision’s turned chrome” and being that he was flying very close to pastel was grabbed by her and taken down as they began an extended barrel roll across town

“ow, ow, owie owie owie” Pastel said while simultaneously rubbing her flank and head “owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, what was that for chrome, you made me think that I was blind because all I could see was silver” she said, now taking on a quizzical look

“wha, but technically you were the one who panicked and grabbed onto me” he said in exasperation as he pointed his forehoof “hold on, did you say you thought you were blind” Chrome said, giving pastel his forehoof to help her up.

Gladly accepting his offer Pastel grabbed his hoof and got to her feet whimpering “mmhmm”

“you know that when your blind you see blackness not silver right” Chrome said, poking one of many holes in pastel’s earlier statement

Suddenly full of energy Pastel said “how do you know, have you ever been blind before, for all we know there could be no such thing as blindness and all the people who are blind throughout Equestria are really just a part of a secret organization of not-really blind people who pretend to have a disability just so they can have perfectly good ponies feel sorry for them, and eventually they will enact their evil plot to gather all of Equestrian’s pity muffins. Until eventually they have enough muffins to power their muffin laser which they will use to BLOW UP THE MOON, which will cause princess Luna to die.” Pastel said, waving her hooves in random directions.

“wha, uh, hu, u, yes , your right pastel, blind people are all just trying to blow up the moon” Chrome said, rubbing the bridge of his snout with his eyes closed. Completely and utterly unable to comprehend how she came to that conclusion.

“We have to stop them Chrome!” Pastel said, now frantically gripping his shoulders.

“Stop who?” he said, hoping she wasn’t talking about what he thought she was.

“THE EVIL PEOPLE WHO WAN’T PRINCESS LUNA TO DIE” Pastel said now throwing her hooves in the air.

Trying to calm her down “don’t worry pastel, it’ll take them centuries to gather enough muffins to do that”

“But the blind pony organization has been around since the dawn of time” pastel said, sounding on the verge of tears

“Did I say centuries, I meant a much longer span of time than Luna would ever be able to live naturally” Chrome backtracked, trying to keep Pastel from crying

“Are you sure she’ll be alright” pastel said, sniffling

“Absolutely, the blind pony organization has no real purpose” Chrome assured, now remembering why they had left the dorms in the first place “so you said that you had an overdue book”

“oh my gosh, I completely forgot, I need to hurry, I can feel the hobo ponies already welcoming me to their blanket” Pastel franticly said as she dashed off, only to have her tail grabbed by Chrome before she could get more than a few feet.

“no you don’t; the book’s already several month’s late, I don’t think anypony would mind if it were a few more minutes late” he said while pastel tugged on her tail.

“butbutbutbutbutbutbutbutubtubtubutbutbutubtubtubtubtubtubtubtubMmmmmmmmmmmmhhmnphh” Pastel said before Chrome pulled her back and stuck his hoof in her mouth “No buts… or tubs!” Chrome said “now, do you understand?” pastel was then released after slowly nodding her head twice

“do you have any idea where your hooves might have been, I could’ve just swallowed bee guts” pastel said, moving her arms back and forth

“Nowhere much, considering I fly most places” glancing at his hooves he notices a dead bee, putting on a nonchalant glance, Chrome decides to keep that to himself. “Now then shall we get going?”

“YES, FINALLY, let’s go” Pastel said, Before receiving several stares from the other ponies in town.

Walking the remaining distance towards the library stayed uneventful upon entering the library however, we were greeted by a unicorn near the entrance who was struggling with its magic, performing what appeared to be a fairly simple spell, “I WILL RIDE A BICYCLE Of NIGHTMARES INTO YOUR FACE!!” came a voice from behind us, but before we had the time to turn around to see who it was. The stallion charged at us, knocking us into the unicorn that we were standing in front of us

“ ah! NO! I ALMOST HAD IT” the unicorn cried out in pain and frustration as its horn began glowing

“BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM” a large wave of energy originating from the unicorns horn had caused the library to combust instantly, the many books making perfect kindling, until soon, the entire library was in flames.