//------------------------------// // Twilight plays portal 2 // Story: The Mane 6 play video games // by ChoccieWings //------------------------------// As everypony stared in awe at the collection, Twilight powered up her PC (Pony computer) and got on Steam and powered up Portal 2. "I love this game!" Twilight said to herself as she got it up. She had only just got it, but she had loved it since she first played it. "Ok, lets start!" Her character was walking on a catwalk when the main villain , GLaDOP (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating pony) said: "Come this way, and I will release you!" she said. Her partner, Wheatly, replied, saying "Don't listen to her, it's a trap!" Twilight made her character look at the surroundings. She couldn't seem to find another path, so she listened to GLAdOP and went into that path. As soon as she stepped in and got near the exit, neurotoxin was released into the chamber and the character died. "hmmm... maybe there's a secret path I have to take!" Thought Twilight, trying again. She tried everything she could, from taking specific paths to trying to find invisible paths, but she failed. At around the 20th fail, she snapped it. "OH SWEET CELESTRIA HOW DO YOU DO THIS????" this caught everyponys attention. "THIS GAME IS RIGGED! THERE ISN'T EVEN A PATHWAY! SURE, YOU CANT COUNT TO 3 VALVE, BUT AT LEAST LET ME FINISH THE GAME! YOU COUNTED UP TO MORE THAN 3 IN THE CHAPTERS, SO JUST. BUILD. A. PATCH FOR CELESTRIAS SAKE!" she started smashing her head against her chair, which was luckily soft. "uh, Twilight?" said Pinkie "WHAT?!?!??" yelled Twilight. Pinkie recoiled a little, surprised by Twilights anger. "I was just going to say that all you have to do is to jump down to THIS pathway!" she said, taking control and jumping down to another catwalk beneath the current one. ".... Im going to play brain training..." Twilight murmured, getting her pontendo DS. "Burn!" whispered Joystick to Sulfex, who responded with a nod. "well, im gonna play something on here!" said Pinkie, searching up the 3 words that made everypony panic. Scary. Maze. Game. "Oh sweet celestria not that..." murmured Rarity.