//------------------------------// // After Affect // Story: Yu-EQ-Gi-oh:Linked Paradox // by Quillion9000 //------------------------------// Yugioh: Road to Quantum Opening ( watch?v=WXx21ivOCLU) Don't you dare replace Your first and only want (Young Flash Sentry stares up at Flash Industries with his father and brother as Magnus ruffles their hair.) Don't give up on the chase Keep holding on! (Teenage Flash is riding through Canterlot atop a duel runner before coming to a stop outside the open gates of a large complex with multiple buildings.) Everything had gone to failure (Young Flash stands in front of Canterlot Middle Schools statue and watches in despair as young Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash leave him going separate ways from himself and each other.) My ambition turned into my broken dreams (Flash is sent flying outside a building and into the grace outside as lighting arcs through the sky followed by thunder. Soon, it begins to storm on him.) I left a promise out to die (Flash kneels beside his younger brother, Forward Base, who is currently crying. He stands before facing Ethan with a determined expression.) Every word I still remember (Young Flash is standing on the roof as a young Sunset is waiting for him.) They've been ringing in my head on full repeat (The scene transitions to the park at night as Flash stands across from Sunset in shock while she laughs at him. His fists clench and he activate his black duel disc causing a blue energy blade to appear.) Can't get your talk to ever leave my mind (Young Flash is panting with tears in his eyes as he stands in the middle of his father's home office with books having been scattered. Anything that could be wrecked was.) But now, from the clouds There's a wind that gives me a boost (Young Flash sits on his knees before a coffee table. Laid out before him is a blank deck of cards, his laptop, and a flash drive. He inserts the flash drive into the computer and plays a video.) My heart, burning hard Is about to light my fuse (Young Flash watches as his father appears on screen. After a moment, his expression changes from sorrow and anger to a proud smile.) (Let's try again!) Live in the now and break your confines Take ahold of this precious time (precious time) (Flash is in his room as the sun shines through the window and her finishes packing his things. He tucks the blank deck into his deck box before walking out of the room.) Glory days (glory days) 'Cause your life is not to trade (Flash is seen walking down the sidewalk with Shadow Lock conversing happily with him before they enter a car and drive off.) (Let's try again!) Bring back the color as you advance Paint it red, and then take a chance (take a chance) (Young Flash and Shadow Lock stand across from each other in a room of the decaying Duel Sanctuary. Both wield black duel disk as Flash's blue energy blade and Shadow's black energy blade come out.) Shout it loud (shout it loud) 'Cause your style's worth a bow (Flash stands outside the sanctuary and stares down the stairs as he imagines a transparent version of his brother running up to meet him before he vanishes. Rather than be sad, Flash gives a small smile before walking back inside.) Don't you dare replace Your first and only want (Teen Flash gets off his duel runner and looks back at the transparent version of his younger self who smiles and gives him a thumbs up before vanishing. Flash smiles and puts his hands in his pockets before walking onto the grounds of the large complex.) Don't give up on the chase Keep holding on! (Flash looks up at the building as he draws closer to the entrance with a look of resolve. He stops as transparent version of the Humane 6 as their current ages appear before him. Flash nods to them before they vanish. He then walks into the building.) Harmonious Element Compound Astral was sitting against a tree looking at his Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon, and Neo-Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon. “I know I don’t call on you like I should, but when I needed you, you were there for me. I sincerely thank you.” Unlike with Nova, he heard roaring in his head, but Astral didn’t need words to understand his cards. “I know. I just wish I could use you guys like any other card.” “Astral what are you doing?” Twilight asked confused. “Huh, Twilight?” Astral put his cards away before standing up. “What are you doing up and about? You should be in bed resting.” “The same could be said for you, and it’s not like we were forbidden from wondering the grounds.” Twilight stated. “Just kept within these walls for the time being. Anyways, you didn’t answer my question.” “Oh, I was thanking my dragons for answering me when I needed them.” Astral rubbed his head with a frown. “They understand the situation we’re in, but I still want them to know I appreciate their help.” “You mean because of Cipher?” Twilight asked. Astral nodded. “He’s the reason I don’t use them among other cards I have.” Twilight shook her head. “Before last night, I wouldn’t have bought duelist could talk to their cards, but I guess I got to keep an open mind now.” She looked at Astral. “You know, I didn’t think you’d be the type to worry what others would think of you.” “I can understand that, and that’s not entirely the case.” Astral stated. “Back in my old village, I was kind of overlooked. My best friends were the better duelists, and they taught me what they knew. In the end, anything I achieved was chalked up to their training. Never mind the hours of hard work I put into mastering my deck and understanding the game. Then, my friends ended up leaving me behind. At that point, I was treated fine, but overlooked.” He gripped his shirt where his heart was. “That hurt a lot. I suppose that’s when I became who I am. It’s still me, and I act in a way I can be proud of. I would aim for the top and make it impossible for others to ignore me. One day, I received a package containing cards that spoke to me like the others in my deck do. The thing is, they were cards used by The Cipher, and there was no name attached to them. I really did want to use these cards, but ever since my friends left, I’ve wanted to forge new bonds. In the end, I decided it’d be best not to use them.” “I see.” Twilight nodded. “Astral, I don’t know what other people may think, but I never saw The Cipher when you summoned those dragons. To me, you were just Astral. To me, Astral is someone who cares enough to play monsters that have gotten a bad rap. He’s also someone that shouldn’t be afraid to play every aspect of his deck. The reason being that no matter what others may think, his rival will have his back moving forwards.” She nodded. “No matter what people say, continue to be you.” “I never intended on letting people dissuade me anyways.” Astral smiled. “Thank you, Twilight.” He nodded. “I think it’s time these dragons got a better rap. Bring them back to the days of Kite Tenjo rather than having them associated with Cipher.” “That’s the spirit.” Twilight nodded. “If you want, I could help you reforge your deck.” “That gives me a great idea.” Astral smiled. “The two of us should help each other in creating better decks. Beyond that, let’s aim for the top together.” He held out a fist. “What do you say?” “I agree; however, fist bumping isn’t really my thing.” Twilight stated. “Okay, then how about a handshake?” Astral offered as he opened his hand. Twilight nodded and shook the hand. “That’s more up my alley.” “Anyways, I was planning on doing some schoolwork right now, but first I wanted to check on how you feel about Flash.” Twilight stated. “Did you mean what you said last night?” “Who do you think I am?” Astral beamed. “When you say something, you got to mean it. The moment you go back on your word, it loses value. I may not have known the guy for long, but Flash is my friend. If people are after him, I got his back. Count on it!” “I’m glad to hear that.” Twilight smiled and walked away. “We’ll get together soon and work on our decks. If we’re going to back Flash up, we got to become more skilled.” Cafeteria Kitchen Zack hadn’t been as injured as his teammates, Saffron, or Spearhead. As such, he was more than able to move around freely and decided he might as well help around the compound. When he arrived at the cafeteria to see if Saffron needed any help, she wasn’t there. As such, he decided to do more than clean. He found all the ingredients for chicken noddle soup before getting to work. Sure, it was more meant for sick people, but that wasn’t all it was useful for. A warm bowl of soup was sometimes what you needed after a relatively hard time. At least, that was the tradition around his home. A few hours in, Zack had a creamy broth in which there was chicken, noodles, carrots, and peas. He had been cleaning the kitchen and washing what dishes he could while keeping a careful eye on the meal. “What is this delicious smell?” Saffron’s voice rang out. “Is someone there?” There was a thin layer of fear to her voice, but that was understandable given what happened. “It’s just me Saffron!” Zack called out to reassure her as he finished up what dishes there were. “I’m back here preparing a meal for everyone!” Saffron entered the kitchen and was shocked to see how clean it was. “Oh my, did you do this Zack?” “I did.” Zack dried his hands with a towel and moved to stir the soup. “I figured I was one of the few people who got off better from last night’s attack, so I decided to make myself useful. My original plan was to clean, but I got sidetracked. Hopefully, you don’t mind.” “No, I don’t mind especially because what you made smells great.” Saffron stated. “I had no idea you knew how to cook.” “I wouldn’t if not for my mother.” Zack stated. “It’s a hobby on her side of the family dating back to my great grandmother. The parent teaches the child how to cook, and through it they develop a bond. Through that bond, they constantly improve upon a big book of recipes. It continuously gets passed down, improved, and added to. My great grandmother was actually rather fond of soups, and this is a recipe that rarely saw improvement.” “Fascinating.” Saffron stated. “What about your father? Do you have a type of bond with him?” “He was never in the World League, but he does duel as a hobby. Whenever I’d see him, he taught me what he knew giving me a solid foundation.” Zack stated. “Without him, I wouldn’t be here.” “Do you rarely get to see your father?” Saffron asked. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that.” Zack stated. “My parents grew into different people, and I was fortunate enough to be born into a family that would have a more amicable divorce than most. Before coming here, for the past five years, I lived with my father or mother monthly.” “I see.” Saffron stated. “Hey, enough about me.” Zack stated. “Are you feeling alright after last night?” “Yes, I am feeling fine.” Saffron stated. “I just can’t believe people like them are after Flash Sentry. He seems like a good person. While I don’t wish for them to take him, I don’t think I can duel like I did last night. Not every time.” “Not everyone is cut out to duel like that, so I’ll duel enough for the two of us.” Zack stated. “Granted, I barley know Flash, and I wouldn’t call us friends; however, it’s not hard to see that whatever they have planned for the guy is bad news. It’s best they don’t get their hands on him.” “Thank you, Zack.” Saffron stated. “Is there anything I can do to help?” A timer went off. “You can pull out the rolls from the oven.” Zack stated. “Didn’t have time to make any from scratch, but the ones in the packaging should pair decently with the broth.” Warehouse Soon after Shadow showed up, Flash was cleared to leave. He immediately ushered the Knight user out a side entrance and to a waiting car. The reason being that reporters had gathered outside the main entrance to wait for Flash and/or Blaze’s departure. After leaving, Flash had asked his uncle to take him to the warehouse. Shadow had agreed provided his surrogate nephew explained what happened. The Knight user had no problem confiding in this man. As they pulled up to the warehouse, he finished his tale. “You have no idea what sparked your rage?” Shadow asked. “I’m just not sure.” Flash shook his head. “It’s all been confusing. One moment I was terrified. The next, I felt every possible negative emotion which became the fuel for Odd-Eyes Ragging Dragon.” “Is that why we’re here?” Shadow asked. “Are you trying to understand?” “I don’t know.” Flash shook his head before looking at the warehouse to see that it was perfectly fine. “Maybe I just had to see it to believe it. I know this place was destroyed by me last night.” He put a hand on his head. “Mind if I take a walk?” “Sure bud.” Shadow put a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll be here when you’re ready to leave.” Flash smiled gratefully. “Thank you.” Back of the Warehouse Flash stared at the warehouse as memories ran through his head. Just before he went unconscious, he could see straight through to the other side of this building. Now, there were no signs of damage. “I just don’t understand.” Flash stated frustrated. “What am I missing?” “Got you confused to, huh?” Sunset’s voice rang out next to him. Flash immediately jumped back and held up his duel disk. He was starting at Sunset who was in much the same condition as Blaze had been. Again, part of him was glad to see her while another part was terrified. “What are you doing here Sunset?” Flash questioned. “Come for another duel?” “Relax Flash.” Sunset turned her gaze to the warehouse. “I’m not here for a duel. I’m done.” “You’re done?” Flash was highly skeptical. “What, you’re not after me anymore? Did your Lady Nightmare lose interest?” “No, I’m done with her and revenge.” Sunset stated. “Last night’s duel opened my eyes. You opened my eyes.” She nodded. “Quite clearly. All I’ve done was give you a reason to be like the man I despised. Last night, I saw what revenge could get me, and I thought that attack you did would be the end. My life sure flashed before my eyes. I saw the good and the bad. It put a lot into perspective. Before our duel, I had someone who loved me and six great friends. Thinking that was my last moment gave me the chance to reflect on my actions. Truly reflect. It made me realize what should have been important.” She looked at Flash. “Believe it or not, I’m done with revenge. It may mean nothing, but I’m sorry.” “Up until last night, I never thought I could be like you.” Flash stated. “I guess everyone is capable of causing pain weather they realize it or not. I hurt you like you hurt me. The sad thing is, I’m not sure you mean your apology. For all I know, it’s just a trick to make me lower my guard.” He sighed. “Maybe I’m a fool, but you seem sincere enough. I’ll accept your apology and extend one myself. No matter what I felt, I never wanted you to die Sunset. I’m sorry.” “Apology accepted.” Sunset walked away. “Anyways, maybe I’ll see you again.” “What are you going to do now?” Flash asked. “I’m going to travel around a bit.” Sunset stated. “See where the road takes me while trying to stay ahead of Nightmare. She may not take to kindly to me abandoning her.” She turned around and tossed Flash a note card with a phone number on it. “I may be the last person you want help from, but I owe you that much. If you need a duelist, call me.” Once she was gone, Flash looked at the phone number and sighed. He tucked the note card away and decided to return to his uncle. Outside Harmonious Element’s Compound Shadow pulled the car up to the compound causing Flash to look over at it. By this point, the reporters had been cleared out. “Are you sure you want to head in there?” Shadow asked. “I don’t think they’d blame you for taking some time given what they know happened.” “I appreciate that uncle, but Blaze said it best.” Flash stated. “Harmonious Element is my team now, and it’s my fault that’s the case. The least I can do is be the duelist they need. Despite what happened, my taste for dueling hasn’t diminished.” “Alright bud.” Shadow nodded. “I’ll prepare to head back to the academy, but never be afraid to call if you need someone to talk to.” Flash smiled. “Thank you, uncle.” Mess Hall Flash had been feeling particularly hungry and figured he might as well get something before adjourning to his room. He wanted to make certain what deck Blaze had given him even if he never had any intention of using it. No offense to Blaze, but Flash’s deck was his for a reason. When he entered the mess hall, he smelt chicken noddle soup and saw that the team had gathered. Well, Blaze was absent. They immediately noticed him with Astral getting up from his seat. “Hey there Flash.” Astral was beaming and patted him on the back. “Good to see you’re alright.” He nodded. “Seems as though those Agents of Nightmare found you, but it wasn’t any of us who told them. Believe me.” “Agents of Nightmare.” Flash was shocked. “Wait, people working for Nightmare attacked here as well!?” “Astral.” Twilight shook her head. “We talked about easing him into that information.” “I’m fairly certain we also discussed giving the guy his space.” Zack walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron and carrying a bowl of soup with a roll. “By the way, this is your first serving.” He set it at the table with the others. “There is plenty, so eat to your heart’s content.” “Sorry you two.” Astral chuckled. “I was happy to see him, so I kind of forgot.” “I was originally planning on not revealing what happened to keep them out of this, but that’s no longer an option.” Flash rubbed his head with a sigh. “Looks like we have a lot to discuss.” Later… As the group had diner, they shared what happened to each other last night. This included Flash talking about his rage, and Astral talking about his Galaxy cards. Despite what most assumed, Astral wasn’t debse. He knew who Flash was; however, he wasn’t one to care about status. In this instance, he had to care since these cards were responsible for the guy’s parents, and to a lesser extent his brother, leaving him. For Flash’s part, he was worried that the team wouldn’t accept him. The guy genuinely didn’t want to harm anyone. “Flash, I can understand if you make assumptions about me, but even if you don’t want it, I got your back.” Astral nodded. “Most of all, I am not The Cipher. I could never abide by what he…” “Astral, I don’t blame the cards for what someone did with them.” Flash interrupted. “Also, I know you can’t be him. In the end, use them or don’t, but make sure it’s your decision. Don’t let the opinions of others influence how you play the game.” “No wonder you were lacking in our duel.” Zack pushed his glasses up. “You muddled my data over a fear of your own cards. That is what I take issue with over your fear of the cards. Cards which I have no problem with. Clearly, another duel will be in order down the road.” “If all of you accept my cards, then I don’t really care what the rest…” Astral shook his head. “No. Actually, what I mean to say is that I will show the rest of the world that the Galaxy cards aren’t the issue. I’ll bring them respect.” “With that settled, are you guys okay with me sticking around?” Flash asked. “I’m not sure what triggered my rage. For all I know, it could end up harming you guys.” “That won’t happen.” Twilight stated firmly. “How can you be sure?” Flash asked. “Because you’re one of the strongest people I know.” Twilight stated. “Lesser people would have broken after everything you’ve been through, yet you have not. You’re now aware of your rage, and I know you won’t let it overtake you again.” “If it does, we’ll bring you back to your senses.” Astral stated. “No matter how skilled you are, I doubt you can take all three of us at the same time.” “Is this rage why Nightmare wants Flash?” Zack nodded. “Despite the bout of rage you had, kicking you to the curb is not an option. I may only have vague ideas what this Nightmare wants, but I refuse to let her have you. Last night proves that would only turn out bad.” With everything from that night in the open, the group had a far lighter evening. Flash’s Room, Night… Flash took out the deck Blaze gave him to see that it was her Salamangreat deck. “Looks like you’re really leaning into power over connection, huh Blaze?” He knew Blaze was dead set on leaving, but Flash wouldn’t accept that. The next time they met, he would help her. After all, Harmonious Element had to mean something to her in the first place since she spent two years dueling under that name. Outside the Compound, Morning… A limo pulled up to the compound and Chrysalis stepped out with a smirk causing Spearhead to pull out his radio. “Celestia, she’s here. You sure you don’t want me to turn her away?” “No, let her in.” There was an audible sigh on the other end. “This is Blaze’s choice to make. We can’t keep her here against her will.” Chrysalis approached him with a smirk. “Hello, I’m here to pick Blaze up.” “Yes, right this way.” Spear stated reluctantly. Inside Zack had been walking the grounds when he noticed Spear leading an unfamiliar woman with black skin into the compound. He immediately ducked behind a tree finding this suspicious. Perhaps this was Nightmare. Then, he overheard them and knew he needed to tell the others. Mess Hall Twilight, Astral, and Flash were enjoying a good breakfast when Zack burst into the room. “Guys, it looks like Sentry’s word came true sooner than we thought.” Flash merely sighed. “You mean her transfer?” Twilight questioned. Zack nodded. “I really didn’t want to believe she’d do this.” Astral clenched his fist before standing. “Damn it!” He stood up. “It’s not going to end like this!” He ran from the room. “Astral!” Twilight shouted worried. Flash sighed. “Let him go Twilight.” “What are you saying Flash?” Twilight asked. “I’m saying that nothing, at this time, is going to keep Blaze from leaving.” Flash replied. Twilight hung her head. “I get that none of us really had a positive relationship with her, but I never dreamed it’d come to this.” “I’m not sure how Blaze and I were, but it wasn’t negative.” Flash thought. Celestia’s Office Astral burst in causing Celestia and Luna to look at him. “Bring Blaze back.” “Mr. Flare, I recommend you show…” Luna began. “You can shove your respect because all I see is you two caving into Blaze.” Astral walked forward. “Where does it stop with you two? Are you really going to let Blaze abandon us?” Luna was about to retort, but Celestia held up a hand. “Astral, you have to understand that this was Blaze’s choice. Any duelist is free to sign on with another team. Believe me, Luna and I don’t want this just as much as you, but nothing we said could change her mind.” “Maybe you’ve said all you could, but I have not.” Astral turned away from them. “Just watch because I’m going to get Blaze to stay with us.” He ran from the room. “Count on it!” Harmonious Element Blaze had a bag slung over her shoulder as she started the walk to the gates. As she passed the small training room, memories of Celestia, Luna, and Spearhead helping her hone her skills came to mind. Then Saffron, Flash, Twilight, Astral, and Zack ran through her mind. She soon heard Astral drawing her attention. “Blaze!” She turned to see the Composite duelist running towards her. “There’s no way I’m letting you leave.” He stopped across from her. “I know we never meant much to you, but I at least thought Harmonious Element meant something. How could you decide something like this?” “I don’t know if Flash told you, but there’s a duelist out there that needs to pay.” Blaze looked at the sky. “The law couldn’t touch her, so I’ll bring her in myself. Beyond that, when I’m at the top, people will have to listen. Then, they can’t ignore people like her. I won’t let them.” “If there’s a problem with society, we can fix it together.” Astral clenched his fist. “Beyond that, what you just said isn’t dueling. It’s revenge.” “As I already told you, dueling philosophy doesn’t matter to me.” Blaze stated. “It’s not why I’m as strong as I am. In fact, dueling like you… Like Nova… is why I was weak. No matter how despicable I find that woman, she was right about one thing. Power is all that matters.” “Your wrong, and I’ll prove it.” Astral held up his duel disk. “You and me. Right here and now. If I win, you have to stay in Harmonious Element.” “I saw this coming a mile away.” Blaze sighed. “Fine, we can duel; however, when I win, I’m walking.” “Even now, you’re still cocky.” Astral looked at his deck. “She may be powerful, but we can be powerful as well. Let’s do this for Harmonious Element.” His deck sparkled as the duelists moved to face each other. “Let’s duel!” (Astral 4000/Blaze 4000) “Since you challenged me, I will go first.” Blaze declared plainly. “I will start by activating my Seal of Orichalcos.” The green circle appeared on the field. “That will be all.” “Take me seriously and duel like you mean it.” Astral declared. “If you leave yourself wide open, my victory is certain.” “I wonder about that?” Blaze questioned with a yawn. “Why don’t you bring out everything and see if that holds true?” “Fine. I’ll show you what my deck is capable of.” Astral declared. “I reveal Blue-Eyes White Dragon in my hand to special summon Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon(LV 8/3000/2500).” A white dragon appeared. Since I control another monster, I can special summon my Cyber Changer(LV 8/500/500 effect) and make his level the same as another monster. I target my Alternative giving me two level 8 monsters to construct the overlay network. Galaxy which shines in the darkness reveal yourself and usher in the new era. Xyz Summon Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon(R 8/O 2/3000/2500).” A large, light blue dragon with crimson red and dark blue scales descended. “Why stop there when I have Rank-Up Magic Astral Force? With this spell, I can target an Xyz monster I control and rebuild the overlay network to summon a monster 1 to 2 ranks higher. I target Cipher Dragon! Shining galaxy that illuminates all darkness descends and illuminate the path to victory. Rank Up: Xyz Change Neo Galaxy Eyes Cipher Dragon(R 9/O 3/4500/3000).” A colossal, light blue dragon with crimson red armor appeared. “Let’s show he our might buddy. Go, Cipher Super Projection!” The dragon fired his attack down on Astral’s opponent. “You are nothing but a second-rate duelist with a third-rate deck.” Blaze declared. “When the seal is on the field, traps that share the name Orichalcos can be played from my hand as if they were set. I activate Ring of the Orichalcos. This trap can destroy any one monster of my choosing and deals life points equal to that monster ATK to both players.” “That means you’re ending this in a tie!” Astral declared. “Correction.” Blaze declared. “I’m showing you why your kind never last in this world. When the Seal of Orichalcos is active, all the damage I’d take from this card gets added to my life points instead!” Astral watched on in shock as a green ring appeared around his dragon’s neck before detonating (Astral 0/Blaze 9500). Astral collapsed to his knees as Blaze picked her bag up and walked past him. Astral clenched dirt between his hands. “This isn’t over.” Blaze stopped but didn’t even look back at him. “Yes, it is.” “No, it’s not.” Astral stood up. “One day, I’ll beat you and shine light into the darkness you’ve been forced into.” He held out his fist to her back. “Count on it.” “I won’t hold my breath.” Blaze walked away. “Learn the lesson that you are not made for this world before you end up like Nova.” Blaze was gone leaving Astral there. “What happened to Nova is tragic, but I will show her that there’s a place in this world for people like me.” He looked at his deck. “No… we’ll show her there’s a place for us in this world.” The deck resonated with Astral’s resolve and shined brightly.