//------------------------------// // 3 Caballo Viejo // Story: Good Heart: Friendship Family // by Roger334 //------------------------------// Different ponies are chattering, eating, and drinking inside the Andromeda Bar, an old building located in the heart of the Red Brick Market. This fine establishment is one of the oldest places around Wheat Country. It is well-known for its good atmosphere and decent food. In the middle of the already-late night shift, Sunset Shimmer and Trixie landed on top of the billiards, obliterating the expensive tables in the process. “TRIXIE!” shout Starlight Glimmer from the other side of the place. She approached to assist her fallen friend. Some waitresses helped the amber mare. “You know how expensive those tables were?! I brought them all the way from Uninopolis!” “You’ve got to stop falling from the ceiling… it’s weird and you are destroying my property!” Starlight turned her head. “Who’s this?” “RIGHT” – Trixie shook off the remaining splinters and dust – “this is Sunset Shimmer. My new associate in my quest for Alicornia’s freedom!” Both unicorns stared at each other. Distrust fueled both of her judging eyes. “Uh-huh. If you say so.” “Lit, there’s something I would like to talk to you…” “Sure, Trixie” – Starlight waves her left hoof at the staff – “and you, take a seat and order something. This time it will be on the house.” The sailor mare rolled her eyes and sat on a nearby table, away from them. Shortly after they entered a private room behind the counter. The size of it was considerably small. Mops, brooms, and other cleaning tools were kept in there because it was a janitor’s closet. An oil lantern lit the place. The stench of soap impregnated the air. “Starlight” – Trixie moves a bucket away – “I couldn’t find Rarity on Reins Harbor.” “Who would have known? You even had a plan,” mocked the pink tycoon with a serious expression. “I know! Luckily for me, Sunset is willing to help me.” Starlight frowned. “What did you promise her?” “Nothing! I saved her life twice from a giant octopus-like monster.” “For real?” “Absolutely!” “Well” – the pink unicorn touches her chin – “I guess that is a pretty good reason to help somepony out.” “Still, you better be careful about her. I wouldn’t trust a pony I just met. Specially if you are planning to fight some powerful foes as the ones you described to me.” Starlight used her magic to open the door. “You must tell her your true intentions and the risks she is getting into if she decides to tag along with you.” “I know and I will, but right now, I need her to stay with you so I can continue my quest.” “Time is running out and I’ll be back for her once I find the remaining Mane Six.” The pink unicorn sighed heavily while covering her face with exasperation. For a couple of seconds, she mumbled inaudible sentences back at Trixie. She stood still inside the small room, waiting for the intense moment to end. “FINE. We’ll do it your way!” “But I warn you” – Starlight points at her – “If you fall from the ceiling one more time, that’s it and I mean it. No more help from me. Understood?!” Trixie hugged her. “Don’t worry, Lit. This is why I am training. I start with your expensive tables and I learn from my mistakes. And now I know where not to land next time…” said the blue unicorn before teleporting away from the room. “Next time?!” gasped the pink mare, with horror. ********* From a blinding flash of light, Trixie appeared in the middle of some bushes in a public park in the heart of Uninopolis, the first unicorn city. Tall buildings blocked the almost-nighttime skies above her. Passing tramcars pulled by strong stallions made their way through the busy roads. Several ponies were either crossing the street or moving goods with heavy wagons. All of a sudden, a loud whistle caught her attention. “Public napping is forbidden! Do you want to spend the night on jail?” shout a police officer. “No, sir!” replied Trixie before fleeing the scene. While trotting through the streets of her hometown, the blue pony was trying to remember the address of one of Starlight’s contacts in the big city. She worked as a fashion designer, but most importantly, she was an earth pony. According to Twilight’s diary Applejack and Pinkie Pie, the next missing members of the Mane Six, were residents from Ponyville. Despite her long journeys across Ponya, Trixie has never seen a town comprised only of earth ponies. If they were needed to save Alicornia, she needed to find the right spot first and talking to this designer seemed like a good idea to begin with. While buying a blue-glazed donut from a street vendor, the address came back to her. On a lonely corner, Trixie called a cab. As soon as her hoof raised, one of them stopped in front of her. “To Brumby Heights!” ********* Minutes later, after racing through the traffic, Trixie arrived at the location of a massive five-story brick building. Random clothing hanged from wires between neighboring windows. A cloaked figure was outside the main entrance loading some crates into a small cart. It looked rather busy doing its chores. The blue unicorn approached with caution. “Excuse me, but do you know on what floor I can find the fashion designer?” “I cannot remember her name, I’m afraid.” The mysterious figure turned at her while taking off its hood. “Maybe you’re looking for me, considering I’m the only fashion designer on the block.” “I’m Coco Pommel. And you are…?” “Trixie’s the name” – she waves – “And I’m looking for somepony…” The cyan-maned mare blushed. “I don’t think I can help you with that… sorry.” “WHAT?! NO. I-I… I need to find more Earth Ponies like you,” replied Trixie with a serious expression on her face. “Oh, I see.” “Please, do not take this the wrong way, but I’ve never seen a settlement of ponies like you before. Not even once in all my years of traveling and selling.” “It is particularly important for me to find some ponies I have been looking for before it’s too late. My problem is that I don’t know here to start!” “Mm-hm” – Coco loads more crates – “I’m aware that we aren’t a common sight for unicorns like you.” “Or even pegasi, I assume.” “Nevertheless, the only place I can think of is Ambrose. My hometown.” “Never heard of it…” replied Trixie. “I thought not. It is a small settlement located east from here in the Caballo Viejo region. Maybe you’ll find something useful in there that can help you.” The blue pony smiles. “Can you take me there? I’ll pay you, that’s for sure.” “There’s no need for that. I am going there, as you can see, to spend a couple of days with my family. You can come with me if you want.” “YES. That would be great. Thank you!” “Let me get my stuff” – Trixie enters a nearby dark alleyway – “I’ll be back in a minute!” Another blinding flash of light lit the gap between the buildings. Seconds later, the blue unicorn reappeared pulling a cart. It was the same one that Starlight lent her before leaving to Reins Harbor. It had plenty of supplies, all of them still intact. ********* After leaving the city hours ago, they entered the desert region in the far east. Nighttime ruled the sky. There was no path to follow, just Coco’s memory. Near a massive rock formation, they decided to rest by setting a small camp. The unicorn used her magic to install her tent before lighting a fire. Coco built hers next to Trixie’s. Crickets were screeching from their hiding spot between some ancient saguaro trees. A curious owl was staring at them from its nest. Coco put a silver pot near the fire. “Hot chocolate is the best medicine for cold nights like this one.” “Say” – she approaches Trixie – “How long has it been since the last sunrise?” “What do you mean?” asked the unicorn, confused. “It’s probably just me, but it has been almost two weeks since I last saw a sunrise.” “These eternal nights have been pretty rough. I had to buy more candles than usual for me to finish the last orders in time.” Coco poured hot chocolate on a mug. “Who knows? Maybe one day the Sun will return.” Trixie remained quiet, but her mind began thinking about what she just heard. The last time she saw a sunset was before the events that took place in Alicornia. After that, all the past days have been spent searching for Twilight’s friends. This new idea now haunted her. “I think I’ll bunk for the night. See you tomorrow,” said the blue pony, just as she took a deep breath before entering her tent. Coco remained outside near the gentle fire. ********* Deep in the desert, far from any known settlement, a dirt crossroad appeared in front of them. Dry bushes and small cactuses populated the surroundings. Right in the middle, towering before them, there was a large wooden signpost indicating only three possible directions to follow. “🠔AMBROSE” “LAS COLINAS 🠕” “MILLENIUM MINES ➞” Coco stopped. “This is where we part ways, Trixie.” “I need to keep going to Las Colinas to deliver an order.” The cyan-maned mare pointed to the left. “Down this path you will get to Ambrose in a couple of hours. Just... follow the road and you’ll be fine.” “Thank you so much for everything. Hopefully, I will find what I need in there,” said Trixie, with a smile on her face. “One more thing” – Coco put her hoof down – “Be aware that your kind aren’t as common as you think in these regions.” “Ambrose was founded a century ago by earth ponies. Pegasi, sometimes, come all the way from Aero to sell their goods. But unicorns... well, that’s another story.” “Just be careful… and try to be friendly.” “Good luck. Give Starlight my regards,” said the earth pony before cantering away with her heavy cart. And just like that, Trixie was completely alone once again. With the help of her magic, she took out Twilight’s diary and read the entries regarding the remaining Mane Six members. After finishing her lecture, she put it away. She closed her wallet and secured her belongings with more ropes. “Alright. Let’s go!” cried Trixie before cantering away from the signpost. Despite being on a desert during nighttime, the challenge of traversing an unknown region was the same. Trixie had to cross through several rickety bridges that ran over deadly ravines and cliffs. Some parts of the road were completely erased due to sandstorms or rockfalls. Her magical abilities allowed her to surpass these obstacles. Whenever she felt tired, Trixie took a moment to rest. If she was thirty, she drank water from her copper canteen. The unicorn lantern allowed her to scare away the snakes and bats that lay hidden in the path. She was an experienced adventurer, but for the first time in her life, all her knowledge was put to the test. Finally, after hours of trotting through the desert, the small town of Ambrose appeared. From the distance, some buildings could be seen illuminated. The place looked like a lonely ship sailing in the middle of a dark sea of dunes. Without hesitating, Trixie cantered to the main street with her cart. All the houses and stores were built entirely out of wood. Colorful banners and signs categorized each business´s purpose. Lanterns, candles and torches were the only source of light in this place. Raising behind what it looked like a bank, an impressive water tower with the name of Ambrose painted on it crowned the skyline. No pony was outside in the street except her. Trixie approached to each store and knocked on every door, but they were all closed. Merry music and loud chattering could be heard coming from a nearby two-story building. It was a saloon. The unicorn trotted there and parked her cart outside the noisy establishment. Very slowly, she opened the rustic swinging doors with her magic. Just as her hooves touched the carpet, the music stopped. The pianist and the waitresses, just like everypony inside the saloon, stared at her. To make matters worse, one of them dropped her drinks in the floor. Trixie began to feel nervous. With caution, she approached the counter. Some stallions decided to exit the room, while others whispered something about her. The bartender, and old stallion with glasses, ordered the pianist to keep playing. “Howdy, stranger. What do you want in here?” “Hello. I-I am looking for somepony called Applejack… and Pinkie Pie.” The stallion yelled. “Are you going to order something?” “S-Sure. Give me one glass of… iced tea?” “ICED TEA?! We only serve REAL drinks in here, stranger.” “HERE” – the bartender pours a beverage on a glass – “Have some cider.” Remembering Coco’s advice, Trixie smiled and accepted the drink. In mere seconds, she drank it all. The old stallion stared at her with a serious expression. He looked irked rather than pleased. “You had your free souvenir from our town. Now leave my saloon immediately." “B-But I didn’t pay you…” “Doesn´t matter. Your money’s no good in here.” The bartender pointed at the exit. Trixie closed her eyes and sighed with sadness. She trotted very slowly to the exit. As soon as she closed the doors, the loud chattering returned. A young filly carrying apples on a basket was accidentally hit by the swinging doors. The unicorn panicked. “My apples!” cried the filly. Trixie used her magic to gather all the fugitive fruits back on the basket. She even used a piece of cloth to clean some of them. The arranged fruits were delivered back to the nervous filly, who kept staring at her. “Hope I didn’t hurt you,” said Trixie, trying to smile. Just as the young pony approached to receive the basket, the blue unicorn noticed something about her. Somewhere in Twilight’s diary, she mentioned something about a troop of friends that played together around Ponyville. The physical characteristics of the filly in front of her matched the description of Apple Bloom, Applejack’s baby sister. “Apple Bloom…?” The filly picked up the basket and flee. “I-I… I have to go!” Trixie felt confused about her reaction and the way she was staring at her. So far, her experience on Ambrose has been rather awful. The town’s sheriff, another old stallion, approached to her with a thick lasso attached to his back. He was wearing a white hat and a blue vest with a silver star on it. He also had a dark mustache. “Howdy, ma’am” – the sheriff stops – “Some good ol’ folks told me about a unicorn that decided to pay us a visit.” “Listen, stranger. I don’t know why you are here and what are your intentions. But if you are planning to do something against these good ol’ souls, you better tell me now.” Trixie’s ears dropped and her face turned sick. “My, I am only looking for a couple of ponies I need for my… m-my new enterprise. Yes. That’s all, I swear!” “Okay.” “I suppose you don’t know anypony around here” – the lawstallion points at a building on the other side of the street – “We have a nice hotel for outsiders like you. If you can’t afford it, you can always camp on the outskirts. Just be careful about snakes.” “Welcome to Ambrose, ma’am.” ********* After parking her cart outside the suggested place, Trixie entered the building. Compared to the saloon, the atmosphere felt much nicer in there. Oil paintings and large sand-green couches decorated the main hall. An old grandfather clock with gold features was ticking on a corner. The receptionist, a young mare with cerise skin and rose-colored mane, greet her. “Welcome to Elcoyote. My name is Cheerilee. How can I help you?” “Hi. I want a room for tonight… and probably for the whole week.” Cheerilee took out a book. “No problem. Tell me, which currency do you intend to use?” “I have Tails.” “Mm-hm” – the cerise mare turns pages – “I see. You must come from Uninopolis.” “Considering the percentage of gold present in your coins, the room’s fee will be adjusted to match our establishment’s pricing.” “Sure.” “Thank you so much. The fee for tonight is… twenty-seven coins.” “Fine by me.” “Excellent! Now, please sign with your name in here while I get your key…” ********* Trixie slept for a couple of hours before feeling ready to continue with her quest. Nighttime still ruled in the sky. The unicorn went downstairs and sat near the front desk. She reread Twilight’s diary again and took notes on a scroll she was holding with her magic. Cheerilee was sweeping the entrance. A sweet tune coming from the grandfather clock echoed in the hall. The sound of its bells reminded Trixie of Alicornia. The blue pony put away the diary and the scroll. “I am wasting time.” Cheerilee picked up the dust and threw it on a small garbage bin. Just as she passed near Trixie, she noticed her saddened face. “Is everything okay? You look troubled.” “Yes. I just need to keep… going, that is all.” “If you are planning to venture outside Ambrose, be aware that thieves are known to raid travelers in these regions.” “Thieves?” asked Trixie, worried. “Oh, yes. The route to Aero is filled with dangerous crooks. Maybe if you want to visit the pegasi city, you should go back and enter the Cloud Road through Las Colinas. That is the safest path, according to all my previous guests.” “I didn’t know Aero was this close… Wow, thank you.” Cheerilee smiled. “Anytime! You can leave your stuff in your cart outside if you want. Right now, there’s no pony else booked in the hotel.” Trixie nodded before standing up and leaving. With the help of her magic, she took out some tools, food and money for her upcoming journeying. Just as she finished packing up her saddle bag, a mysterious stallion called her. He was massive even compared to Celestia. His skin was brilliant amaranth, while his mane was orange. He was wearing a black top hat and a small gray bow. His lips were chewing a straw. “Heard you were looking for Apple Jack…” said the stallion with a grin on his face. “Yes, I am. As a matter of fact.” “But… how do you know?” The stallion spit the straw. “The only unicorn that has ever come to Ambrose was also looking for her. She came from the big city, just like you.” “I can take you to her” – the colt pulls a yellow stagecoach out of an alley – “If that is what you came for.” “This unicorn… what color was she? What was her mane like?” “She was purple. That’s the only thing I can remember.” The look on the stallion’s face was serious, just as his offer. Considering everything she has heard about the area, especially the dangers that lurked beyond town, Trixie did not want to take any unnecessary risks just like she did in Reins Harbor. Furthermore, the stagecoach was in mint condition. Maybe this stranger was trying to be nice or maybe, on some level, he was expecting some kind of monetary reward for his gesture. It has been almost two weeks since Arcani took over the Eternal City. Having little to no other choice, Trixie considered the offer and ultimately decided to accept it against her common sense. She boarded the stagecoach with her saddle bag. Once inside, the stallion closed the door and began pulling it away from the hotel. Minutes later, they were far away from town. Despite the luxurious interior and red velvet cushions the road’s bumpiness could not be avoided. The blue pony was struggling not to hit her head with the roof or walls. She had never traveled by stagecoach before and this uncomfortable experience was not helping at all to improve her impression. At some point of the trip she lost her patience. “Are we on the right road?!” “I am terribly sorry, ma’am, but this is the only path to reach Applejack’s house.” “Okay. Okay. Just… be more careful. I am hitting my head back here!” An hour later, the wagon, all of a sudden, stopped shaking. The movement was smoother and Trixie, finally, was feeling relaxed. Soon, she was yawning. The soft velvet cushions took their toll. Her eyes closed and she fell asleep. Her saddlebag was used as another pillow. Trixie began dreaming about her past adventures. Twilight’s shadow was casted unto her and its weight was considerable. Many things depended on her alone and failure was not an option, specially not this time. Similar ideas were rushing through her mind, and all of them were equally haunting. Without warming, a strong solid hit came from the undercarriage, ending Trixie’s dreamland. She waked up so fast, that her hooves could not save her from falling to the floor. The stagecoach started to accelerate at an alarming rate. As soon as she attempted to use her magic to open one of the small windows, something truly eerie occurred. Her magic, somehow, was not present. Panic and utter fear invaded her just as she realized that her magical abilities were completely gone. The stagecoach continued speeding. Trixie attempted to kick the door open, but it was futile. They were heavily locked from the outside. Moreover, the windows were too small for her to use. She was trapped inside. The sound of the wheels hitting rocks was loud enough to mute her sobbing. Suddenly, a rock broke one of the windows, leaving a gap behind. It was large enough for her to use as an exit. Without hesitating, she put her saddle bag on and jumped. Shortly after thousands of wooden shards and other debris were dispersed everywhere after the stagecoach hit the bottom of the cliff. The unicorn rolled down at a great speed, but the sand eventually stopped her. Her hooves were shaking, and her mane was completely ruined. She had some bruises and minor cuts due to her rough landing, but she was alive. Her eyes saw the pile of useless splinters that once were a luxurious vehicle. Before even doing something else, somepony knocked her unconscious. An unknown foe approached. “Is it her…?” “Yes. She was asking for you in town. She recognized Apple Bloom.” “I see. Our worst fears came true.” It laughed. “Well, no matter. She won’t be going anywhere soon…”