//------------------------------// // Where's Twilight at!? On The Book to Recovery! // Story: Ponyville's Biggest Threat // by MLPkillers //------------------------------// The Mane six arrived at the graveyard, the sun begging to rise. The graveyard still looked spooky as ever, the branches blew with the wind, making whistling and breaking sounds; some branches fell, startling the group. They started to wonder if Twilight came here at night; if it’s this spooky now, then image it at the time of late dawn. The group enters the foggy cemetery; it looked very humid, crows flew off as they passed, awaking the colt that lurks within this humid place. “So, where’s Rainbow Dash?” Applejack said worrying about her friend’s safety. If she came to the graveyard, then why is all this fog here? The group made it halfway into the place of the dead; they didn’t spot Rainbow Dash anywhere. Is it possible that she already found Twilight? Are they making their destination this place because they know we’ll be here, searching for them? They didn’t know to stay and search and wait, or leave and search the hospital? In the distance, the colt that wields a red cape laid and watched them search for something or somepony? He remembered the event from last night, even tho it wasn’t much done., he came to the conclusion they were searching for that purple unicorn mare. What was her name again? “She’s not here!” Pinkie Pie happily said looking behind a tombstone. Rarity was following the path, while Applejack checked behind the trees. Where could she be? If she came here to bury Spike, then maybe she’s at the grave she made? ‘You girls think she’s at the grave she made?” Applejack asked with a questioning expression. “I would maybe think so? Where’s Rainbow Dash anyway?” They searched for Rainbow Dash using their heads, no luck in finding their blue friend. They heard zooming through the air, the fog began to disappear, the noise was loud and fast when it started; the colt almost fell off the stone he laid on; he caught himself with one hoof and turned to the stone and jumped over it, landing on all four hoofs. What the heck was that sound? He turned to where he saw the group of friends and discovered a blue pegasus now with them. What are they really searching for? Must be their purple friend? He sighed. The Elements of Harmony is more than friendship. He decided to make his way to them and alert them of what happened to their purple friend. “Where were you Rainbow Dash!?” Applejack said angry, she had them all worried about them. Rainbow landed and took a deep breath, preparing to answer Applejack’s question. “You girls were too slow so I decided to check all over Ponyville for Twilight, not spotting her and so here I am.” Rarity and Applejack felt insulted Rainbow Dash called them slow, but decided not to make any fuss about it; more important manners to take care of, like where’s Twilight if she’s not in the graveyard? Did she decide to see the princes and fill her in on what’s occurring in Ponyville? Does Celestia know what’s happening in this village? “Wait, you didn’t see Twilight anywhere? “And she’s not found here?” Pinkie added, feeling more depressing thing about her friend being harmed. The pink mare heard hoof steps behind her, turning to the noise and spotting the black colt from a distance, they meet that colt already. What is he doing in this spooky place? Did he bury a corpse? “Hey girls, there’s that colt!?” Pinkie said with fear and worry. He could be the killer? Maybe he might know where Twilight is? The colt stopped a distance, enough for the group to hear his words. Applejack saw the colt; so that’s the colt they were talking about? “I couldn’t notice you were looking for something or someone, who or what is it?” The colt asked with delight. He would help them if they are looking for that purple mare? The group was confused and still not fully trusting the colt. Why is he in the graveyard at this time? There’s no way he slept here? “We’re searching for our friend Twilight, have you seen her?” That name sounds like the pony’s coat would be purple? That must be that purple mare that was with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash? “Is her coat purple?” He meets them a while back, did she forget her name, or was he playing the don’t know game? “Yes!, you remember, you meet us earlier!” Rainbow Dash flew above the colt expressing confusion. Did he really forget? “Do you know where she is partner?” Applejack said in her foreign language; walking over and extending a hoof out to the colt. The colt shook her hoof, The element of Honesty has an unusually strong grip for a mare; she sounds like a country mare, so that explains it. Applejack greeted him. The colt had a smile on his face. “She came here last night, she buried her dragon, after that, to let her anger out, she turned to the tree and constantly attacked the tree as it was somepony-!?” “Yeah, wanted to ask you, but why are you in the graveyard at this time? You were also here last night? The colt confirmed Rainbow Dash’s question. He must like this type of environment? “You know what’s happening in Ponyville, right?” The colt smirked, of course, he knows, but there’s a killer out there a lot more dangerous to society than he is. “I do. Me hanging in the graveyard does make me seem suspicious, doesn’t it?” “Um... Duh...!” Rainbow Dash replied with an of course expression. The colt doesn’t understand why she would fly instead of standing, Legs have stronger muscles than wings, so why fly and not stand while having a conversation? “Do you want to know where your friend is or not?” Rainbow wanted to joke and said in a grave, accusing him to be the killer, but instead, she kept the joke to herself. It wasn’t a good joke, to begin with, and she disposed of it. She landed 5 feet from the colt, answering his question with a yes. “She was attacked by an insane colt. I saved her and she’s recovering at the hospital in Ponyville.” The group was shocked with high amounts of volts; their fears of Twilight being attacked came true. Applejack knew it wasn’t a good idea to let her go alone. She scolded Rainbow for being so relaxed about it. The colt stared at the group as the blue pegasus argues with the orange earth pony. The colt turned his back to the group and headed back to his resting place. Applejack wanted to thank him for his kindness; as did Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. “Hey wait! Thank you for saving our friend!” Rainbow Dash said with gratitude. The colt felt zero emotion from their praise. He just did what’s right; he wasn’t going to watch an innocent pony be slaughtered like a pig, not to mention probably gutted? He was not a hero, nor will he be. “Don’t mention it, stay safe and away from that insane pony.” The group started to feel guilty for accusing him of being the killer. If he was, why didn’t he kill Twilight then? What if he did and thew us track to discovering her? They hoped they were wrong. He didn’t attack them when he could, is it because he’s outnumbered or because he wasn’t hired to if it’s an assassin like the police department theorized? Nah, they don’t think he’s an assassin, his manners are too polite and gentle; also, assassins don’t help people. “Well, our next destination is the hospital, check in on Twilight, then go to the funeral.” The group agreed with Applejack’s plan, heading to the hospital, this time not going in head staying with the group. They hoped their friend of magic would be okay. They worried about the situation. --- The purple mare has been thinking; how could she stop this killer? He’s an earth pony, so maybe he won’t be able to break free from her magic if he ain’t physically very strong as the magic? She grabbed the cup of water that was refreshed 5 minutes ago; that nurse is really... Odd and nice. She’s odd by her attitude, and the word nice means she’s polite. Twilight set the glass down, empty of water it used to have. The nurse would refill it, in 55 minutes that is. Twilight took a review of the surgical papers, spotting exactly where the hatchet hit and what it ruptured; She’s lucky she’s alive; if that colt would’ve tried to run her here, she would’ve bled out. They had to immediately start the surgery in the closest room. The intestines were damaged, and it was lightly; apparently, the hatchet lacerated the arteries; if they haven’t started the surgery within the minute she was brought here, she would’ve lost more than 40% of her blood; she would’ve gone into shock, and died from blood loss. Twilight well have to miss the funeral to make a full recovery; she didn’t want to, but she would make a amend to Fluttershy if she can’t be at her funeral. Twilight picked spell books from the medical cabinets, reading them, learning new spells she would think to try after she recovers; her magic is very delicate right now since the attack. Twilight laid her head on the pillow and her body on the bed, making sure to do it in a specific way so she doesn’t injury herself. She sighed. First, she loses Spike who was like a son to her, and now she finds herself in the bed of the hospital in Ponyville. She regrets taking her anger out on that tree; it must’ve alerted that insane killer? So far, he’s the killer and the one she suspected to be the killer is not a killer and is quite the opposite; he saved her, which would make him a hero. Why did he do it tho? What’s the motive for saving her? He was quite good a fighting, so he wouldn't have a weapon unless to absolutely kill somepony? He most likely doesn’t have a weapon and if he was the killer, it would be a broken neck or something in the range? The other killer took pleasure in stabbing or sticking his hatchet into her lower abdomen. The look in his eyes was pure insanity. Twilight had a flashback in psychology; does that colt have psychosis? This would mean he has involuntary impulses, which doesn’t seem to be the case? He would’ve decapitated her if he did, or does he have the mental disorder and is able to control it and use it to his advantage? Twilight picked up a book of spells, the title was: “Recovery Spells.” Twilight opened the book and read the citations for each section, She decided to study the healing spell. The definition of the spell was able to recover physical injuries, but suffer the loss of stamina; this varies how to serve the injury is; if an organ dies and needed to be healed/ brought back to function, then it would cost a lot of mana which in terms, cost stamina. (”Alright, maybe if I study these spells of recovery, I’ll be able to go to Fluttershy’s funeral?) Twilight will study the spell of recovery, hoping to learn them; they could potentially save a pony’s life? How much mana does it normally cost for minor injuries? 25M. 50M for the major heals. Twilight read page after page, she will eventually reach the final page which is 100; most of the books on the shelves are 100 pages in length. The history of the heal spell dates back to the time of Asclepius, the god of medicine. He was able to perform marvelous recoveries using the power which is called the: “Healing Touch.” Twilight finished the book, putting it back on the shelves above her and deciding to get some rest, if she’s going to attempt the healing spell, she would need more stamina; she defiantly has the magic to perform it. Twilight rests for stamina. She has no clue her friends are coming to see her, she seems to forget all about them, due to this tragic event. The Unicorn felt discomfort, but the reason made no sense.