//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Equestria's Reckoning // by suijin228 //------------------------------// Equestria's Reckoning Chapter 2 For the first time in months, I was back in the darkness. I could feel it soothing my mind and body, rejuvenating me as I lay unconscious. By the fact I was still thinking coherently and not being torn to pieces, Talia's plan must have failed. A pity in itself, but somewhere deep inside I felt a little glad that it had failed. Mr. Wayne time and time again had shown me that he would not kill, Talia would live and that was all I needed to know. That thought should have put me as ease, but I still felt myself tense for unknown purposes. The more I tried to figure out why, the tenser I became. Slowly the tension caused my hands to shake as a feeling I hadn't felt since I left the hole entered me. Fear? What had I to fear? I didn't fear death? I didn't fear the darkness? Any sentence put upon me would be carried out by I and I alone, Talia would be safe since nobody knew about her aside from Mr. Wayne, and he wouldn't talk. So what was there for me to fear? As I pondered this conundrum, I began to hear a most peculiar sound. It initially sounded like bottle rockets being lit off before descending into firecrackers. As I listened in, I felt my eyes start to open, blurry shapes and images invading my vision as I tried to take in the world around me. While the shapes came into focus, I found myself sleeping in a bed, a comfy one at that. While I was no stranger to comfort while living as the head of the league of shadows, it had been over half a year since I'd slept in a bed, mostly due to me trying to keep a low profile. Trying to sit up, I felt a sharp pain coming from my ribs. 'Defiantly broken,' I thought as I closed my eyes and tried to move without disturbing my injuries. When I'd gotten into a sitting position, I felt a sharp pain in my forehead, as if someone taken a sledgehammer into it. Bringing my hand to the pains location, I was surprised to feel a strange object protruding from my temples. Worry began to set in as I moved my hands up until I felt the tip. A quick check relieved a similar object on the other side of my head. This was what really began to worry me as I began to do a quick check over myself. The first thing I noticed was that I was blue. While I was still at my same size, I was now coated in, well, a coat of blue fur. Throwing off the covers, and subsequently ignoring the pain in my ribs from the sudden movement, I gazed down at where my legs use to be. I use the term 'use to be' due to the fact that they now were the legs of a goat, attached to which was a thin whip like tail. I could feel my Breathing increase momentarily as panic set in before my training calmed me down. 'When in an unfamiliar situation, learn the local color and try to adapt' even though the lesson obviously didn't apply to waking up as monster, a Satyr if my Greek mythology was correct, the lesson was to stay calm and wait. Feeling touching my face, I noticed that my face still wore the mask. Furthermore it seemed to be fully repaired. Whoever had taken me in seemed to have some repair knowledge. 'I'll have to thank them before my departure.' So caught up in my thoughts, I failed to notice the notice I'd heard earlier stop and the door to my room open. "Ah, it seems Trixie's guest is up." Controlling my instincts so that I wouldn't attack this individual who'd managed to sneak up on me, I prepared myself for whatever image I would be faced with as I turned. If the voice was any indication, she was obviously a female and by the way she talked, most likely a servant or slave to whoever's home I was staying in. As I turned to look at this figure, rather than find another Satyr, I found myself looking down at a small Technicolor horse. Her coat was a pale blue color, leading up into a silvery mane. With eyes a pale magenta color, and a horn poking out of the top of her head. She was the strangest animal I'd seen since... myself! "Trixie was beginning to wonder when Trixie's guest would awaken. She'll admit when she was stopping in Hoofington on the way to her next gig, she never thought she'd find a Minotaur like you lying in the river." Rather than feel annoyed at this creatures annoying speech pattern, I felt amused. Someone actually speaking in third person was something I'd never thought of seeing. Even more, she explained what I was, a Minotaur, a rather fitting creature if the legends describing it were true. "I'm guessing that you are Trixie?" My robotic voice came out, surprising Trixie as she stepped backwards before retaking the ground she'd given. "Trixie is more than just Trixie. For she is, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!" As she yelled out these words with such exuberance, small fireworks seem to explode behind her giving her introduction a bit of flare. I however was slightly blinded by these balls of light, as they appeared and exploded inches from my face. As the lights fades, I had to wonder just where these lights had come from. “And you are?” Was there a bit of smugness I detected in her voice? A few weeks ago, for even thinking you were above me, I would reward such thoughts with a crushed skull. But not now. Even if I was in another body, my mask should have given who I was away immediately, seeing as how my face had been shown around the world when I’d taken Gotham. This leading me to believe I was no longer in my own world. This would be interesting. "Yes Ms. Trixie, I am Bane, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Underneath my mask, I couldn’t help but grin a dark grin. End A.N. Alright, this here is the start of Equestria’s Reckoning. Bane won’t instantly try to attack Celestia since he has no idea she even exists yet, so to pass the time he’ll be traveling with Trixie. Next chapter there will be a time skip as I skip over Bane learning about equestrian through his travels with Trixie. This will be just so I can get the long and grueling explanation of everything out of the way that every Brony knows. Lastly, this takes place before Cannon, so next chapter you can expect to see Bane and Trixie in Boast Busters.