Ponyville's Biggest Threat

by MLPkillers

Twilight Recovers! Madbox!

Twilight awoke in room 101, Forgetting the chain of events that occurred outside of the graveyard. She looked down at her abdomen, finding bandages and spotting a stitch. It was almost at the chest, she’s lucky to survive whatever happened? She started to rethink the actions that happened, staring out the window; from the distance, she saw the graveyard, and memories flowed to her. She found the killer in Ponyville. When he attacked, why didn’t she use her magic to restrain him? More importantly, that colt they were all suspicious of isn’t really the killer, at least she hoped. He was good at taking down that insane pony with 3 hits, no magic. He must’ve taken some fighting classes (martial arts.) Twilight was thinking how she could go to the funeral tomorrow, she’s banged up, not to mention, bandaged. The sky looked like it was in the morning, but the sun wasn’t out. The weather was cloudy, hopefully not rainy or stormy, or they’ll post the funeral to another day. That colt came from the graveyard, was she so loud that ponies across the graveyard could hear her? Wait, he doesn’t live in Ponyville, Ponies wouldn’t invite their friends over when there’s a murderous pony on the loose. She remembered the autopsies from the Pies. It was a knife, not a hatchet? That pony had a hatchet, did the other colt have the weapon to the crime? Maybe the insane pony had it in his bag? Twilight got up from the bed, feeling a sharp pain in her abdomen. She wanted to yell but covered her mouth with a hoof. She lay back down, not wanting to rip the stitches apart. She turned her head to the right, spotting a glass of water, she grabbed it with her magic, then with her hoofs firmly. She gulped the 8 ozs of water down; the glass of water was refreshing. It didn’t taste stale or like it been out for hours, this would mean the staff is refilling the glass every hour. She was glad to be alive, if that was the killer, then why did the other colt save me?

The room door opened, making a squeaky sound before opening all the way. A white mare came through the door with another full glass of water; she was surprised by Twilight, she’s actually awake. She walked to the table with the empty glass and put it on her tray, replacing the empty glass with a full one. She turned her attention to Twilight.

“Hi, Mrs. Sparkle, The surgeons here worked really hard to save you. You had massive internal bleeding, your liver was punctured, which is why we are surprised you’re alive. After you recover, do you plan to tell the town what happened?

Twilight stared at the nurse with shock, she’s alive how exactly, good thing that pony knows how to teleport or She’ll be dead...! Wait, most of the Unicorns don’t know how to teleport yet, so he was able to, the only problem with it is that Spike had the doors lock and they were shown no damage, the insane pony said he didn’t do it, and she believes he’s telling the truth. So is it possible that colt killed Spike? Twilight clenched her right hoof, feeling angry, then sad.

“Are you okay Mrs. Sparkle?”

The nurse asked in concern, viewing her clenched hoof. She’s angry about something; could another pony have died?

“I’m okay, just rethinking the events that happened, sorry to make you concern.”

The nurse walked to the door, letting Twilight know to call her if she needs anything? Twilight lay back down, thinking about how Spike could’ve died? If he did do it? How could she stop him, he obviously not here and that means he teleported after dropping me off. He has powerful magic, maybe marital magic too? Twilight closed her eyes and decided to get some rest for the funeral.


The time was morning, Twilight’s friends awoke, Rainbow Dash Complaining of neck pain, apply pressure to her stiff neck; she got up, using her head to search for Twilight; she didn’t find her. Did she not come back!?

“Um... Where’s twilight...?”

The others just woke up, they didn’t think about Twilight, good thing Rainbow Dash reminded them that their friend is still gone. The group felt anxiety wash over them, That’s nice and clean. They thought she would be fine on her own, addition to that, she’s very unpredictable when she’s angry, so it was best to let her blow it off.

“What do you think could’ve happened to her?”

Pinkie said, worrying her friend that helped her mentally is in grave danger. Why and when the Equestria become so cruel and malevolence. Could it possibly but most unlikely be Discord? No, don’t think so, he causes immature chaos, not at this level, don’t challenge him on that tho, he might scoot to this killer’s level? Rainbow Dash flew fast and grab all the sleeping bags and put them back under the staircase, there, she found a photo of Spike and Twilight hugging. This caused sadness for Rainbow Dash, she decided to leave it there, putting it back in its recent position. She made her way back to the group.

“I recommend we search for Twilight, if we can’t find her, then either she left Ponyville or went to a recovery place to rest alone.”

Rainbow Dash knew how Twilight probably felt, but she decided to stay quiet about the picture she found under the stairwell. She stared down at the ground, expressing what looks like to be sorrow: This is a sign of sympathy.

“You okay Rainbow Dash, you look sad?”

Rainbow brush the photo out of her mind, facing her friends with a smile. She agrees to go look for her.

“I fly around Ponyville fast to see if I can find her!”

Rainbow Dash opened the door and quickly flew fast and free, not to mention loud. The first place she’ll check is the place she went to burry Spike: Ponyville’s graveyard.

“I don’t feel comfortable with Rainbow Dash blasting her way through Ponyville looking Twilight.”

Applejack said with concern, she urges the rest of the group to head out and search for Twilight with her.

“Do you even, know where she went?”

Pinkie Pie said confused. Applejack remembered where Twilight went first, as Rarity also does. How could Pinkie Pie forget where Twilight went?

“Darling, you’re kidding, she went to the graveyard to burry Spike.”

Pinkie remembered now. She felt bad for forgetting; she couldn’t shake her sisters being murdered; she’ll never be able to see them, hug them, or even party with them again. She regrets not being there but assumes if she was, she’ll be with her sisters. Maybe there’s a way to bring them back?

“Pinkie are you daydreaming? Let’s go!”

Applejack said, the others already outside waiting for Pinkie Pie. Pinkie walked through the door, feeling uneasy.

“Alright, let’s go to the graveyard to see if Twilight’s there?”

The group agreed and made their next destination: Ponyville’s graveyard.


Toom got up, he was angry, that colt is going to pay for that! How dare he interfere with his murder victims. The mad pony made a short-term goal to kill Comber. That black, about to be red colt is going to lose his organs, the mad pony will eat them in front of his face. Toom got up with agitation, the sky is looking a little blue. That’s despicable. It needs a little bit of red, crimson red, blood red. Toom saw a delivery pegasus, she was delivering mail at this hour? She must want an invitation to death? The insane pony turned to the mailbox near him, with his hatchet, he went over and started chomping down the mailbox, it was loud, but the only ponies awake is him and that mail pegasus, possibly that darn colt? The mailbox support barrier was made out of wood, making it easy to chop down like a small tree, it actually felt like a branch really; it only took two hits, and it was down: That’s normally the case with the victims; chop them in the back, then the head or neck. Toom picked up the mailbox by its wood. He made his way, stealthy to the mail pony; it looks like her next delivery is the house on the left, toom hid behind the fence, in the bushes of where the mailbox was. Toom had a firm grip on the mailbox’s handle, before coming over, he made the bottom look like a stake. He can’t wait to make this pony suffer, he’ll image it to be that colt. The mail pony came over to the mailbox, opened it, and placing three letters inside.

(”Only two more deliveries, and I’m done.)

The mail pony had a smile on her face as she walked away, she didn’t spot the stalker, he came out of the bushes and opened the fence door, letting him follow the mail pony. He made his quick way to the pony, hitting her in the back of the head with the metal blunt part of the mailbox. She fell to the ground, unconscious, her last view was a black pony with a mane and tail following his coat in color. Her vision blurred out there.

“You will die by your career.”

Stabbing the stake into her stomach, he twisted the mailbox, pushing the mailbox down, ripping the stomach from its attachments. The acid burst from the stomach and into the abdominal cavity. Toom ripped the mailbox out with the stomach on it. He walked over and put the stake over the ponies skull. It still had the stomach on it. He stabbed the mailbox into the skull, fracturing it and stabbing into the brain. She was dead. Toom looked around, he wanted to make sure nopony was on watch duty. The prey didn’t struggle, that wasn’t fun at all for the insane pony. He took his gasoline can, pouring it on the mailbox, to the entire body; he lit the match, a devious smile formed on the killer’s face. He stabbed the match into the open yellow eye. The feel felt slimy like the intestines do. He repeated the process with the left eye. He took another match and lit it.

(”I’ll make any victim see hell. Bullseye?”)

He lit the matches that were in the eyes fast, stepping away to see the matches burning into the skull; if the neurons weren’t firing, they are now. Toom started walking away from the body, having his head turn to see it set up to blaze, the mailbox caught fire. Toom ran fast, mumbling words.

“Delivery, Death!” Hahahaha!

The killer put his can back in his bag, with his hatchet; don’t want nopony seeing those weapons, that’ll be bad. He would make his way out of Ponyville, waiting for the announcement to end. Wait, how does he know about the funeral? He took the mailbag with him, opening and reading the letters to be delivered. He doesn’t know who Fluttershy was, and he really doesn’t care, if she’s so special, then he would’ve taken the time to torture her, maybe make her eat her still powered by sight eyes. After he read the letters, he put the bag down with the torn envelope and set it ablaze. He made his way out of Ponyville, he’ll come back once the funeral is over, He was fast, it was like murder powered him. He decided to lay behind a tree outside of Ponyville’s welcome sign; if any new visitors come, HI! I mean DIE!