The Biggest Battle Ever

by MyAwesomePony

Chapter 5 - Beaten Up

The Biggest Battle Ever:
Chapter 5 - Beaten Up

We were all walking through the hills as the wind was getting stronger and stronger, so strong, that it made Applejack's hat float away, but I was there to catch it.

"Thank you, kindly, Lukas." Applejack said as she put her hat back on.

"No problem, AJ."

"Hey Lukas." Twilight called my attention.

"Yeah Twilight?" I said as I walked beside her.

"Thanks for giving me that speech, I really needed it."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all." I replied with a smile.

"I'll admit, I was acting a little bit crazy." Twilight said.

"Now that's just putting it mildly." Pinkie whispered in Rainbow Dash's ear.

"Enough chitchat, let's defeat those villains!" I cried out as everyone agreed.

"About them. Do you think they know where we are?" Spike asked us,

But he soon got that question answered as a big yellow vortex appeared in front of us an out came the trio themselves, Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis and they all had smug looks on their faces with Grogar's bell following them.

"I'd say they have an idea" Applejack whispered.

All we could do was watch in horror as the trio walked slowly towards us, while Tirek pounded his fists together.

"That bell has Discord, Celestia, and Luna's magic inside." Twilight declared. "If they use it against us-"

"Discord's magic is so chaotic, he's the only one who can use it." Fluttershy pointed out.

"You just can't accept that you were beaten before you even realized there was a fight, can you?" Chrysalis said.

"You can't beat us if we never give up!" Twilight proclaimed. "As long as I have my friends by my side, I'll put my faith in friendship-"

"Ugh, can we get on with this please?" Cozy Glow interrupted her before spinning around, charging up a magical beam.

"I think we should run." I said with a shiver.

Cozy then aimed the red beam straight towards us, and right when it was about to hit us, I saw a bright flash of purple light. Then, the next thing I knew, we all ended up behind a bush.

"We need to get that bell and get Discord and the princesses their magic back." Twilight said while looking over the bush, then turning towards us. "Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Lukas, you're with me."

"Sweet! I'll grab that bell in ten second-" Rainbow started but was interrupted by Twilight.

"No. We're the distraction." She then pointed a hoof towards Spike, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity. "They're gonna get the bell."

"Twilight, I can't fight them, I don't any crazy powers like you guys." I worriedly said.

"Lukas!" Twilight then put a hoof on my shoulder. "I wouldn't have given you the task if I couldn't trust you."

"Yeah, but still."

"But Lukas, like you said, you've come a long way since you came to Equestria, this is a chance to redeem yourself." Rainbow Dash clarified.

"Yeah." Pinkie agreed. "Show them who is the boss."

"Well." I then pondered for a moment before replying. "Okay, I'll do it, for Equestria."

As me, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were peaking over the bush, we saw the trio trying to search for us by taking down every single tree and bush in the field.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Chrysalis said with a threatening voice.

"There!" Cozy pointed a sharp hood at us.

With that, me and everyone else sprints out of the bush, yelling out a long battle cry. Then Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow charged straight towards us. As I ran away from Cozy Glow's magical red beam, I tried to look for something in the field that could do some damage. Turning around, I saw that everypony else was busy taking care of the trio, Rainbow Dash was flying around Cozy Glow, Twilight and Tirek was having their own little battle and Pinkie Pie was distracting Chrysalis. I didn't know what I could do to contribute to the fight, but then, in the distance, I saw a pile of rocks. Quickly, I ran over to the rocks and chose my first target, which was Chrysalis. I reached for one of the rocks and steadied my aim, and with one big throw, I sent it flying, hitting the bug queen right at the back of her head.

"Ugh!" She exclaimed. "Who did that!"

She then turned swiftly around to take a good look at me.

"Haha, take that, you repulsiveness!" I declared

Then, she charged up her magic and before I knew it, she blasted a magical beam right at me, I ended up on the grass, bruised. Suddenly, Chrysalis landed on top of me, looking like she was getting ready to shoot another magical beam out of her horn. I cringed and flinched back. Then, I heard the sound of Chrysalis' scream, looking over, I saw that Twilight had shot her own magical beam at the bug queen.

As I stood up, she motioned her hoof towards the bush, as if telling me to take cover. She didn't have to ask me twice as I bolted towards the bushes and ducked for cover.

"Man, it's crazy out there. Well, at least I know I'll be safe in here." I said, wiping the sweat from my brow.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that, Lukas."

Just when I thought I was in the clear, I heard a really familiar voice come from besides me. Slowly turning around, I saw that I was face to face with the evil, menacingly filly herself, Cozy Glow.

"What do you want, Cozy Glow?" I asked, feeling a little bit startled by her sudden appearance.

"I figured that you've been having it a little bit too easy." She declared.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I questioned the filly.

"What I'm saying is that we've planned a special surprise for you." She said in a rather innocent voice.

"Like I ever will believe you." I said.

But then, instead of taking my word for it, Cozy Glow replied by quickly swooping me up from the ground and was now carrying me through the sky. Then, before I could even process any more, I was slammed onto the ground with a hard thud. I then look up and I see Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow staring at me with menacing looks on their faces.

"Oh gosh, would you look at the time?" I pretended to look at a watch on my wrist, standing up. "I really need to get going." I sprinted away in the opposite direction, but then, I felt a magical force pick me up and drag me back, my body zooming towards a really evil looking Chrysalis.

"Didn't you think that you'd be just a tad bit under leveled for this fight?" She asked me.

"Uh, a little bit." Came my short reply.

"Please, don't hurt him!" I heard Twilight cry out.

"Hurt him? Oh, we're going to do a lot more than that!"

Then before I even had the chance to respond to that statement, I was dropped to the ground again as they all started beating the ever living Celestia out of me, causing me to get severely bruised. I had never felt pain like this before. As they were all tackling me, I heard everyone else scream and cry. Suddenly, I felt something tug at my arms, I saw that it was Rainbow Dash, she was trying to pull me out of their grip, but then Chrysalis blasted the blue pegasus, sending her in the air.

"RAINBOW-mmm." I screamed before Cozy Glow had covered my mouth with her hoof.

I continued getting punched, kicked and shot at by magical beams, feeling more and more pain. Then, they finally disperse and I end up bruised and tattered. Right as when I was about to get up, I then felt an unbearable amount of heat, what I felt was a big burning ball of light. This light energy caused me to fly through the sky and skidded on the ground. My vision became blurry as I heard everyone's screaming.


"Lukas, please wake up!"

"Please wake up!"

And then after that, I fell unconscious, and everything went completely black..

To Be Continued...