//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: Phone calls // Story: Summer Camp Fun // by FireworksPOP //------------------------------// It was a beautiful Saturday mourning, The sky was blue, the lake sparkled, and the gentle breeze made the whole setting perfect. Sunset walked to the mess hall, and the smell of cinnamon buns became stronger. Ray had stayed behind at the cabin and found a nice sun covered rock to sleep on. Lazy little lizard. "Hey Sunset!" Violet burst out of the mess hall doors and grabbed her arm. "Today we got some really good food! There's muffin's and oatmeal and toast and cinnamon buns!" "Violet! Let go and stop bouncing, wait did you say oatmeal?" "Yes! C'mon! C'mon! Where not supposed to get in line without our councilor!" "Okay Okay, I'm coming!" Sunset walked to the mess hall with Violet, (Or she was really being pulled by Violet), an through the doors, the place was practically bursting with activity. Wow and I thought Pinkie was energetic. Sunset and her campers got there food and took there spots. Sunset sat down at her usual table with Flash. "Hey Sunset." "Good morning Flash." "Oatmeal?" He smiled, but Sunset could tell he was forcing back laughter. "Sorry, I just forget you used to be a pony." "Hey! I'm more human than Equine now." "Says the girl who walked four miles like it was nothing." "Fine, you got me, but anyone could do that if they don't focus on the walk and just enjoy the scenery." She took a bite of her muffin. It was blueberry, and reminded her of that girl with the crossed eyes, Derpy. She always talked in this airy voice, and carried muffins with her everywhere, some student's even nicknamed her muffins, or Bubbles. Once, Sunset had been getting her book from her locker, and Derpy was opening hers, which was right next to Sunset's. All the sudden, a avalanche of every muffin you could think of fell on her, and Sunset had tripped on one and fell. Now that was a crazy day. "Third week of camp, good so far?" "Better even, I really like it here, all our campers are great friends, June can speak know, and I get to spend time with you." "Same, so what do you want to do after breakfast?" "June want's to do archery, so I have to go with them before someone ends up hurt or dead, she's sweet, but Violet always says the wrong thing at the wrong time." Flash shook his head and held back more laughter. "Dang, June is one dangerous thirteen year old, I'd say Rainbow Dash and Applejack have a new competitor." "Seriously, they compete in everything, during the weekend when we get back home they even made a competition of who could drink there smoothies fastest, I bet they still have brain freeze." "Who won?" "Pinkie Pie! She came in at the last moment with a cup the size of her head and drank the whole thing in under two seconds, Twilight timed her!" "A cup the size of her head? Two seconds? You've got to be kidding." "Rainbow had Flutter shy record it! She posted it on view tube if you don't believe me." "Oh I believe you, Compass did that once, although she got sick for three days, it's crazy how much Pinkie can take without being bothered, I was in math with her in middle school, once she tied herself to the ceiling in the classroom with a rope upside down, and she wouldn't come down! Our teacher said he would get her down but the next day she was still there, and had somehow gotten a marker and drew a mustache on her face, it was there for the rest of the week." "Wow, sounds unbelievable, but knowing Pinkie it's defiantly true." Sunset finished her muffin and looked around the mess hall. "Wait, were are our campers?" "Everyone else is here, where are they? I don't see Sunburst either?" "Oh no.." "Okay guys, one." "I'm not sure about this!" "Two..." "I second that!" "Three!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The campers of deer and eagle cabin flew of of the boat house roof and into the lake. "It's so cold!" June's teeth chattered as she swam back to the shore. "I thought that would be more fun." Canoe Tipper turned to Rocket. "You wan't to say anything?" Rocket shook his head. "I told you we shouldn't have done that, I'm going to get frost bite and my toes will fall off!" "Your over exaggerating." Sunburst led the campers back to the shore. "Maybe we should get back to the mess hall before someone notices where gone." "Sunburst! You better not be the one that led the campers out here! The sound of Flash's voice coming closer made them all quietly gasp. "Hide!"June ran of to a bush and jumped behind it, and the others fallowed. "I knew we shouldn't have done this!" she hissed. "Guys, I know your out here, Flash, do you smell that?" "Smell what?" "I smell something like a bunch of soaked campers hiding behind that bush." She gestured to the bush they were all hiding behind. "How the heck did you know they were there?" "I read a lot of mystery novels, the ones here are actually good, mystery books in equestria were always 'Who stole the last cupcake?' or 'What happened to the rainbow?' If you look around there's clues about what they were doing everywhere, including Violets hat floating in the water near the boat house and one of Rockets over sized shoes still on the roof." "Okay guy's, come out now! We know your there!" "Aww man!" Sunburst sulked out of there hiding spot fallowed by the others. "Sorry Flash." "Sunburst? I expect better." Flash sighed and looked up at the blue sky. "What about me?" Canoe Tipper questioned. "This is about normal for you." "Okay everyone! Were all going to go back to our cabins, change, and go on with our day. And hope you have all learned to..." "Not disobey rules." They all finished. "Good, Flash, I'll see you at our next activity, common Violet, stop hanging behind." and they all walked off to there cabins with the shoe still on the boat house roof and the hat still in the lake. Deer Cabin "Okay girls, go to the bathroom and get changed, and dry your hair." Sunset sat down on her bed as the others ran off to avoid her getting angry with them, it had already been a crazy mourning. That conversation at breakfast was the only part of this mourning that had felt normal, first, Camo had screamed, "ATTENTION!" when she woke up because she had been dreaming about being a general. Then Violet got a brush stuck in her hair, which had taken at least half an hour to even find it, then June had no, actually June had been pretty normal and a good camper this mourning, and the others had probably dragged her into it, she didn't want to cause any trouble after the last few years of her life. "...and the sound that we here in the dark, it makes-" Sunset took out her phone from her bag next to her bed and answered it. Counselors had been permitted to keep there phones, one because they were trusted to not be on them unless they needed to call someone, two, Fern didn't wan't to make the calls if someone needed something from home. "Hey Sunset, Pinkie says a lot of weird stuff, and you have known her longer, can you tell me if pinkie sence is usually true?" "Yes Twilight, but once she did say that Lawren Faust was our creator so what was it she said?" "She said that you fell out of a canoe the first night of camp while you were on a date and did an imitation of Pinkie sense." "Okay, sorry have to go, my campers just fell into the lake, bye!" Sunset hung up and sighed. She did her best to keep it from being a lie. It's true that they had fallen into the lake, she hadn't answered the question with a lie or the truth, that was a good thing, bad thing is, Pinkie was on to them. Eagle Cabin "Guys, go change, we have a lot of stuff to do after this so hurry up." Flash sat down on his bed but just half a second later a song the Flash Drives had written together played from his phone. "What's up Sandalwood?" Sandalwood was the keyboardist in there band the Flash drives, and one of Flash's closest friends. "Hey dude, so me and the rest of the band have been talking, mostly about how you ran out on us during practice on Saturday when you came to visit from camp." "I told you I had a family diner that night." "Then the next day when you showed up really late to practice, and you just stayed for five minuets, grabbed your guitar and left." "I fell asleep, and it was time to leave for the bus to camp anyway." "Okay dude, seriously, tell us if something's wrong, okay?" "Okay, see you next week." Flash hung up and sighed. It was partly the truth. He did have a family diner that night, only Sunset was there with him. And he and Sunset had fallen asleep together watching a movie and woke up the next day together, and Sunset's sweet smile had never faded. He loved her smile, her being happy made him happy. There past relationship was very different from what everyone thought it was, they had just let lies spread and soon they became roomers and then everyone believed them, yet there was on strange part that no one knew of that made her past self a greater mystery. This made him wonder, what did she see on the other side of that rainbow the night of the fall formal?