Summer Camp Fun

by FireworksPOP

Chapter nine: Pinkie's a spy (And a really bad one to.)

It was almost 7:00 pm, the sun had set and the moon was full, making the stars hardly visible. Pinkie Pie hid inside a bush with Rarity, watching a certain crimson haired girls house. "So why are we here?" Pinkie said.

"Pinkie, were supposed to stay quiet and wait, that's the point of a steak out!" Rarity whispered.

"But this is so boring, nothings happening!"

"Well, pretend your a spy, now stay quiet!" Rarity looked over to her friend, but Pinkie wasn't there. Pinkie? Where did you go?"

"OVER HERE RARITY!" Pinkie was on top of the roof of Sunset's house, hiding behind a black cape with a bat mask over her face.

"I said spy, not bat man!"

"OKAY! THIS GUY?" Pinkie tiptoed around on the roof with a star covered hat and tied her hair together to make it look like a beard.

"No! not Star Swirl, just get down here!" Pinkie disappeared. Pinkie? Where did you go?"

"HIA RARITY!" Rarity almost screamed. Pinkie had somehow gotten back to the bush and was eating a cupcake. "How did you do that?!"

"I don't know, ask the writer of the story, I can hear her right know getting mad because my character doesn't make sense."

"Pinkie, focus!

"What are we doing again?" Rarity groaned.

"Look Rarity, Sunset's back!"

"What?!" Rarity snapped her attention back to the house. Sure enough, Sunset walked out of it. She looked very happy, and June fallowed behind her.

"You okay her by yourself?" They herd her say.

"Yhea, I'm fine, you can trust me, thanks to you bringing me to that other world I can talk! I owe you."

Sunset shrugged. "Okay, see you in a few hours." June closed the door and Sunset began to walk down the street.

Pinkie jumped up out of the bush. "SU-" Rarity cut her off and pulled he back down just before Sunset turned around.

"So help me you don't let her know were here." Pinkie nodded.


"We fallowed her as far as we could, but after a few minuets she disappeared." Rarity explained as they waited for Sunset by her house.

"So let me get this strait, you two fallowed Sunset when you knew she was doing something she didn't want us to know about?" Applejack scowled. "What if she caught you? You spied on her, and remember the last time we didn't trust her? We all ended up mad and constantly said thing to her that we still regret, Rainbow said she hated poor Sunset for Pete's sake!

"Hey! I said sorry, the CMC where the ones to blame for that!" Rainbow growled.

"Are you 'blamin ma little sister for what you said?!"

Twilight pushed them away from each other. "I wasn't here when all this happened but I've had enough! Rarity and Pinkie, when Sunset walks out of that door I want you to tell her what you did last night, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, make up with each other, Sunset's leaving for camp again in two hours!"

"Fine, Sorry AJ."

"It's fine, I'm sorry I snapped at ya, I know you didn't mean it that way."

"Girls?" Fluttershy said.

"I'm sorry I said that, I didn't give you much choice."


"It's fine RD, I did let myself get over tempered."



"Look!" Fluttershy pointed behind them and they all turned around. "Sunset?!"

"Hey guys. What' s going on?"

"How did you get there? PInkie asked.

"I'm just coming back to grab my stuff and get June, what time is it?"

"It's almost ten in the mourning." Twilight answers.

Sunset shook her head and smiled. "Must have fallen asleep again, why does that always happen?"

"What did you say?"

"Nothing Pinkie, see you guys in a little bit, me and June need to get ready to leave." Sunset walked past them and into the house.

"Did you guys hear what she said? 'Must have fallen asleep again' what does that mean?" RD looked back at the house.

"I don't know." Twilight went deep into thought, staring at the door of the house, wondering,what's going on?