
by Gallants


I woke up and saw Chrysalis still fast asleep, I decided to move over and check on the general. Her wound didn't seem to any better, in fact, it looked to have reopened some under the resin, "Hey Queenie, wake up," I said nudging Chrysalis, she began to stir grogginess clear in her eyes. "I think I'll take you up on getting the general to the hospital since we're safe here," I told her when she became alert once more.

"Good I'll convert the tent into a stretcher, we'll get her loaded," she said igniting her horn and disassembling our shelter, "When we get close to the edge of the woods I'll point you into the direction of the hospital... and we'll split up there," her voice wavered, as she began to put together the stretcher.

"You mentioned shapeshifting, cause I don't intend to leave our savior in the woods," I said placing a hand on her shoulder, "If you need or want, I'll help build you a cover," I said placing the general into the stretcher, I put the loops around my arms and followed Chrysalis through the brush.

She tried to keep us along a smooth path, but I swear this forest wanted to kill us there were spots where I almost tripped on a root, where there wasn't one before, "this is as far as we can go before we risk getting spotted," Chrysalis said getting down on one knee and removing the wedding dress she was wearing, stripping down to a green cocktail like dress. A green ring of fire quickly ran up from the ground, I watched as Chrysalis was replaced with a golden fur-covered creature, not too far off to what her original look was, her eyes opened revealing purple eyes, "How do I look?" she asked no longer having that buzz in her voice, "I think I'll go by Honeysuckle," she said looking herself over as well as she could.

"Honeysuckle and you said my name was weird, but you look like a completely different creature," I offered up, "Is this resin a common factor on this planet?" I asked motioning towards the general's wound.

"No, it's a changeling thing, we're going to need to replace it with something else," She said kneeling down, I got down and removed my IFAK once more and removed the small piece of syntheflesh I had.

"This will have to do, so you remove the resin, I'll squeeze and attach," I said when I was in position, she ripped off the resin and I got hands-on the wound squeezing it as closed as I could and applying the piece of syntheflesh against the area, blood stained the gloves and bracers of my armor. "Alright she should make it to the hospital," I stated getting my gear squared away. 'Honeysuckle' led us forward, slowly we crossed the boundaries of the forest and moved past a small stream. It didn't take long for us to reach the hospital, I nodded at 'Honeysuckle' she gave me a panicked look and stepped inside calling for help, she quickly got the staffs attention, I was quickly asked for details, "She's General Tetztail, we crashed last night I've been trying to keep her alive since then,"

"Okay she's military, and what's your name?" She asked me as a group moved her down the hall.

"CT-Sixty-Three," I answered standing a bit straighter, she looked annoyed

"I asked for a name, not a MOS," I raised my eyebrow under my helmet.

"What's a MOS ma'am, my name is CT-Sixty-Three, Sixty-Three to my few friends," I told her looking her over, she appeared to be well experienced despite a seemingly young age.

"Military Occupational Speciality, I was an RG-68W in the guard expeditionary group," She said reaching into her scrubs and bringing up a pair of stamped tags that read 'Lt. Redheart, 2nd detachment Royal Guard'.

"Ma'am, Corporal CT-Sixty-Three, G.A.R, former," I said with a salute.

"Do you have any nicknames," She asked with a sigh and roll of her eyes.

"Mistake ma'am," I said with a grimace, "Honeysuckle thanks again for stopping to help us," I said looking over to the Chrysalis, she gave me a curt nod.

"You don't need to use the nickname you got from your Drill Instructor," she said hesitating, nervously.

"It's not from training, the other soldiers called me that, because I'm different," I informed her, "It's why I never made it past corporal, despite three years and countless battles and lives saved," I told her grabbing some towels and trying to clean what I could of the general's blood off my hands.

"Honeysuckle do you mind answering a few questions?" It seemed Redheart was no longer interested in me, "What were you doing in the Everfree forest?"

"I was just out for a run, wasn't paying attention ended up in the Everfree and when I realized I was already lost," Chrysalis answered, she was good, "Then I came across their wreckage and tried to help them get here," the greatest lies always have a kernel of truth.