Equestria Warriors - Brother's Unite

by SunFlare Knight

Chapter #1 The Beginning - Spike's Birthday

Chapter 1

It was another beautiful morning in the town of Ponyville. The sun rises, as it wakes up the morning sky. The birds are singing, & the flowers are blooming. It was another beautiful day.

But today isn’t just about Ponyville’s wonderful day, No! today was a very special day for a special purple and green scale dragon. At the golden oak's library, Twilight was preparing a special breakfast for her first friend/ number one assistant.

She wanted to make this breakfast special for all the things that her scaly friend has done for past 10 years. Her friends are preparing a special picnic for their scaly friend as a part of his birthday surprise and, as a thanks to him for all he has done around Equestria.

Twilight was just finishing up making his special breakfast, but she doesn’t want to call him out of bed. so, she decides to bring his breakfast upstairs to his basket.

While she levitates the tray and place it on the nightstand, she calmly taps on the purple & green scaly dragons back & whispers “Spike wake up, I got something special for you.”

The dragon groaned and says “Five more minutes, please.”

Twilight didn’t want to let spike misses his special day by sleeping in, so she put her hooved on her chin to think how to get spike to wake up, then she got an idea. She leaned down the dragon’s ear & said.

"Spike! Rarity is here, & she wants to show you her new outfit.”

Spike immediately gets up & says “WHAT! is she here? how do I look?” Twilight giggled then levitates the tray of breakfast and places it on the dragon’s lap & she says “Happy Birthday Spike. To my first friend/Number one assistant.”

she gave a huge smile to the dragon's face, but spike hates it when she tricks him like that every time to wake him up. He looks at his food then faces back at twilight & said. “I hate when you do that, but I appreciate the breakfast tho-” his eyes widen as he saw what kind of breakfast twilight made for him “are these Sapphire pancakes, with rubies up top?”

He asked with drool coming down his chin. “Yep Rarity & I went to the badlands to find some special gems for you." She then levitates spike’s bag and places it next to him & she said. “Now eat up & get ready, the day is just getting started, & we have a special day for you.” as twilight left the room, spike gobble down his pancakes, drink his juice and starts packing up.

Few Minutes later

Twilight & spike stroll down the center town of ponyville. They were greeted with so many ponies, but most ponies were focusing & saying happy birthday to spike.

As they were strolling past the market stands, they were greeted by a pink mare with cotton candy look on her hair. “Hello Twilight, Hello Spike & Happy Birthday.” The hyper pink pony said. “Hello Pinkie, how's it going at sugercube corner?”

Twilight asked, to make sure not to spoil the surprise for spike. “It's going Great.” Pinkie says with a cheerful smile.

She came closer to Twilight ear and says “ I got the cake ready to go for the special surprise of our you know who.

She whispers while she pointed with her eyes at the scaly purple dragon, but spike wasn’t paying attention because he was still getting happy birthdays from different ponies. Twilight whispers back & pinkie & says. “ Thank you Pinkie. have that ready for the picnic, we will be down there in a few moments.” Pinkie nodded and said “Okie doki.”

she then looks at spike & said. “You have a wonderful birthday spike I will see you soon.”

“Ok Pinkie see you soon.” Spike said with a happy smile.

As pinkie bounce away Twilight and Spike continue walking down in Ponyville.

30 Minutes later

Twilight and Spike were coming on the hill side near ponyville. The same hill they came on when they first saw their meter shower, it was a wonderful time they had with all of their friends, she remembers the time when spike made awesome treats and some punch.

She also remembered the time when spike slept in the punch bowl when it was half full, it was the cutest moment.

Who knew that her dragon friend was growing up so fast & becoming a handsome drake, she going to miss all the best time they had, but she will always keep them in her heart & in her memories.

As they reach the top Twilight stop to not let spike go further to ruin the surprise. “wait here spike, I got something I want to show you. I will be right back.” she says as she walks down the hill.

Spike nodded and sits in the top of the hill waiting for twilight to return. But then spike heard a noise in the bushes. He went to go see what it was. But as he reaches close to the bush a squirrel jumps out with an acorn in his hand.

After he swipes the sweat off his head party figures blows at him. He flew back a few feet by the party horns, & a banner was being pull up & it says TO OUR WONDERFUL AND HANDSOME DRAGON FRIEND, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPIKE.

Spike was shocked and happy at the same time. All of his friends are here, there is Pinkie pie, AppleJack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, And even the CMC’s. Twilight comes to him & she says “Happy Birthday Spike, you deserve this.” Spike was Speechless. “Thank you Twilight & thank you all so much, this is the best birthday ever.”

Spike was happy to see all of his friends are here. Then pinkie pie came in with a glass of punch in her hoove and says “LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED.”

An hour later has gone by & Spike was having the best time in his life. There was lots of dancing, snacks, & cake, but he was also pumped to see what kind of presents he is getting from his friends. After everypony places presents next to spike he was about to open them but stops, & got a worry look.

Twilight notice this and see what's on his mind. “Spike is something wrong, I thought you be excited to open your presents?” Spike know Twilight is right, but he still remembers the time he had his first party in Ponyville.

“I do Twilight, but... last time when I had my birthday party in Ponyville I got greedy and turn myself into a giant beast. I almost destroy Ponyville, if it wasn’t my greedy self.

What if it happens again and I hurt you all, I don’t want that to happen, you all are family to me, & I don’t want to lose the only family I have.” Twilight saw the sad look on the dragon’s face, she knew she was the only family they got when she hatch him back when she is a filly.

“Spike I know you are afraid, but no matter what happens we will be there for you. You are more than just a friend Spike, you are my little brother, & I love you so much.”

she then wrapped her hooves around the dragons neck. “you are family to me weather your pony or dragon. Monster or not you are family & friend, & no matter what happens we will be there for you always.” then Applejack join the hug “Twi is right Sugercube, we luv ya no matter what.”

everypony nodded to that agreement, then they join the group hug. After a few moments Spike had tears running down his scaly face and said. “Thank you everypony, you girls are the best family a dragon could have, I Love you all.” “we love you too Spike” they all said in unison.

“now that we are all settled, are you ready to open your present spike?” Spike Nodded as he started open his birthday presents.


at Cantorlot Castle in the thorn room Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were getting ready to head to Ponyville to see their Dragon’s friend birthday. Princess Celestia was already to go but was waiting for her sister. “Luna are you ready, we don’t want to miss Spike's birthday.”

Celestia said trying to call out her sister. “Sorry Tia I was at the garden making sure Philomena was fed, & somepony to take care of her.”

Celestia was happy to have her sister back, & she is also Happy that she cares for her animals. “Don’t worry my dear sister, I always have somepony looking after Philomena while I was away. I been doing this for about over 1000 years ago.”

Celestia didn’t want to remember the tragic moment when she lost her little sister. Luna saw that frown on her big sister face. she came up to embrace her and said “Tia let's forget about the past; what matters is that we are together again, & nightmare moon is gone. No matter what tragic happens, I love you, & I forgive you.”

Celestia was shocked to hear what her little sister said, she is happy that her sister was becoming a grown mare, even though they are over 1000 years old & face many dangers in Equestria, she is happy to have her sister by her side. “Thank you Luna & I love you too. so, you ready to go?”

Luna Levitates the presents and trotted beside her sister, but as they were about to leave the thorn room, one the sun pony guards came up to the princess with urgent news.

“Your Highness I have some News.” Celestia came up to the guard to see what's wrong. “what is it have you got for me Lieutenant copper that is so urgent.” Lieutenant copper know's that Princess Celestia was going to ponyville for Spike's birthday but this was more important.

“Forgive me your Hightness, but we found a Human that somehow ended here with some kind of metal carriage. It crash landed next to the river near Foal Mountain.”

Celestia & Luna were Shocked to hear that there is a Human in their world. Luna came up to one of the guards. “Is the Human alright?" Luna Asked with a worry Look.

Lieutenant Copper came up to Luna and said. "Yes, somehow he survived the crashed, but that's not what I am worried about."

Now Celestia was Curious, what was making Lieutenant Copper so worried. She trotted up next to Luna and asked "Then what's the problem that makes you uneasy?"

Lieutenant Copper took a Deep breath and said " when we found the human crash landed we had to make sure that he was alright. but what happen was after we pulled him out of the crash, he open his eyes & ask us "Are you the day Guards from Celestia's Cantorlot Castle?" and I said yes but how did you know who we are? they he gets and says, I need to speak to Princess Celestia Immediately, I am look for someone very important to me then I ask him who are you look for. there are no other humans in Equestria."

Celestia & Luna were shocked but wonder why is this Human looking somepony, what will he do when the human finds him or her, & why was he brought here?

that's when Copper came up to the princesses with the most shocking news of all. "after I ask him that question he said "Oh he is no Human, he is a dragon" and then I ask him which dragon are you looking for and why is this dragon importent to you?"

Celestia & luna looked at copper with his face away and the sweat on his forehead. Celestia came up to his face with a stern look so she can get the answer from copper.

"what is it Lieutenant Copper, Tell me now."

Lieutenant Copper look back at princess Celestia, took at deep breath and said "he said Because he is Family" & after I ask him about how he can be related, he says he doesn't know. but I ask him this question that gave all my fellow guards a shock."

Luna came right up next to Celestia & ask "what question did thou ask him?"

"I ask him what is the name of this dragon you are look for, & he said my long lost brother Spike the dragon

WHAT!!!! Celestia & Luna Shouted in unison.

End of chapter 1