//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Grumble, Mumble and Fumble // Story: The Witch of Darkness (#10) // by LightningStar626 //------------------------------// Chapter 5: Grumble, Mumble and Fumble. ~Back inside the cottage, everyone found an elf awaiting them. Like Alaxe, he wore light armour made of leather and metal.~ "This is Tig," Tad announced to the Rainbooms. "He is Alaxe's second-in-command." "I came as soon as I heard the news, sir. Mrs Tad had filled me in on all the details." said the elf. "We need a council of war." Tad said decisively. ~Pinkie Pie and Argie stifled a yawn. It had been a long day and she felt like dozing off but no one was prepared to consider sleep just yet. Late as the evening was, the team were soon huddled together around the fire, drinking steaming mugs of cocoa.~ "It seems to me," Tad began. "That our first object must be to rescue Lightning, Joskye, Sunset and Rainbow from Hexia's clutches. To do that we must discover their precise whereabouts in the castle dungeons, for that is where she will have taken them." "That's assuming they're still alive." interjected Alaxe. Tad nodded. "True enough. You may be correct in thinking that somehow Hexia knew of the girls' coming. If so, you may be sure that she is hatching some evil plot, using them as hostages." "Then no doubt she will question them thoroughly." said Tig the elf. "Now, this Lightning, Sunset and Rainbow may be strong-willed but few can hide anything for long once Hexia has them in her grip." "That is why our rescue attempt needs to be made soon." said Tad. "Oh, this is just too awful." Fluttershy cried. "To think of that nasty Crone hurting our friends." Rarity said sadly. "Can't we just do somethin' now? I mean, she may be questionin' 'em and doin' all sorts of terrible things!" Applejack exclaimed. Fluttershy suddenly screamed. "Oh, please, let's not just be here talking!" "We all want to go and get our friends out!" cried Pinkie. Alaxe held up a paw. "It's not as simple as that, girls. For one thing, the castle is heavily guarded by Cropers and Harats, and just to charge the walls would be fatal." "Cropers and Harats?" questioned Twilight and Rarity in unison. Tig nodded. "Most of our folk are scared to even go near the place, let alone inside." Alaxe agreed. "No, we must use our cunning and trust those friends of yours are alright, at least for the moment. Assuming that's all there is to it." He added with a knowing glance in Tad's direction. "I think you're being unfair not trusting them." exclaimed Swift, who had noticed his look. "I mean, do you really think that they're on her side or something?" "Remember Swift, I'm just a soldier." Alaxe snapped. "All I know is that they turned up out of the blue and then half of them went off with Hexia. And our only good weapon has been taken too because of them." ~Tad frowned and Swift was about to have a go at Alaxe when Fluttershy intervened, putting her hand on her shoulder.~ "Um...It's ok...It won't do any good." She said. "She's right. We've got to help our friends and your brother. It's no use arguin' about whose side we're really on." Applejack added. ~Swift huffed and folded her arms, glowering from beneath her lowered brows. She hated it when people didn't think she was telling the truth or when people don't trust someone even though she does.~ Tig the elf coughed politely. "I believe there are three forest folk who could discover Joskye and the girls' whereabouts for us." "Who are they, Tig?" Tad queried. "Why, three who are small enough to escape the guard's notice, sharp enough to find their way in and stupid enough not to be afraid. I'm thinking of Fumble, Mumble and Grumble." The elf answered. "Not those incompetent sprites! You really must be joking." exclaimed Alaxe. "Why they can't even find their way out of their own hive without making a mess of it! Quite useless as fighting troops. I remember the time when- " "Hold on, Alaxe." interrupted Tad. "Tig's idea is not bad. Unless, of course, you have a better one." Alaxe thought for a moment. "No, I don't." He admitted. "But let's face it. It's a bit risky, sir." "Risky or not, we've got to take a chance if we are going to reach everyone at all." Tad insisted. "If we are to succeed, any rescue attempt will have to be made without a hitch and that means we must know where they are, and they must expect us. As far as I can see these three sprites are our best hope." ~Alaxe agreed with some reluctance, while the remaining Rainbooms, Swift and Argie were just glad that something was being done. So it was decided that Tig should fetch the three sprites.~ ~The spell that Hexia had cast on Lightning wore off within the sight of her castle. She awoke with a start of horror as she realised they were no longer in the forest. She realised, too, that Joskye was caught too. She struggled in the painful grip of the scaly creatures.~ "Do you like my Cropers then?" Hexia cackled. "Nice creatures, aren't they?" She laughed at her plight as she strode on ahead of her captives. "Come on, keep them moving." She ordered. ~Joskye and the girls felt sick of their captors and couldn't bring themselves to look at their faces. Their hearts sank even lower when they saw the gaunt stone fortress with its tall turrets and grim battlements. Sunset could see at once this was no pretty fairy castle like Princess Twilight's but a place of dread where even the dark slit windows seemed to have eyes. The Cropers dragged them under a gloomy archway and a massive, iron-studded oak door swung noiselessly open at Hexia's command, though no doorkeep could be seen. Lightning shuddered. She and the rest had little time to take in their surroundings. Their captors marched them swiftly through across an open courtyard and into a large bare room, where they were flung to the floor like rag dolls. Slowly, they lifted their eyes. Rainbow could taste blood from where bit her lip. The evil Crone towered above them and her presence filled them with dread. Worse, she was not quite solid, like a huge dark and brooding ghost, constantly changing shape before their eyes.~ "So, what strange creatures do we have here!?" she grated. "Who are you? What are your names, man-children? Answer me now, or I'll make life very uncomfortable for you." Joskye breathed. "Please, Hexia- " "No, Joskye, let me." Lightning said bravely. She turned to the Crone. "My name is Lightning Star, and we don't really know what we are doing here, except that we came in through a passage and down some steps." She replied, thinking it would be the best to tell her the truth. Joskye softly blushed at Lightning. At this, the Crone's eyes gleamed. "The old passway, eh? I have heard tell of this, and I do not like it one bit. Nor do I believe you are telling me all you know. Who sent you? Why have you come to the Great Forest- into my domain? Eh? Answer me now!" "Well, nobody sent the eight of us, as far as we know." began Rainbow, feeling afraid, for she knew her answer would displease the Crone. "Eight? There are more of you?" she demanded. "Three. I mean, three." Rainbow replied hastily. "Liar!" She spat, and she kicked her hard in the ribs with her pointed shoe. Dash gasped with the pain and tears came to her eyes. Sunset held her and slid forwards. "Hexia, What we say is the truth!" She pleaded. "I don't know how we got into this. All we know is what Tad has...has told us." Sunset's mouth dropped in dismay as she realised that she had said too much. So there is more?" She grimaced. "What has that meddling fool of a manticore been up to this time?" ~The three had made up their minds. They would not betray their friends, let alone siblings too. They closed their mouths firmly and stared at the floor. Joskye also remained silent.~ "Stubborn, eh?" The Crone snarled. "Well, if you want to do it the hard way, that's fine by me. I can wait." She snaps her fingers. "Guards, take them away! A night in the dungeons will loosen your tongues-and if it doesn't, I have other, more painful ways. Think about it carefully, Lightning Star. You and your friends will be chained up with no food and water until you decide to speak." ~The Cropers dragged them down a steep flight of stairs into an underground dungeon. One of them lit a lantern, and propelled them along a foul-smelling corridor. In the flickering light they saw many wretched creatures caged up and some groaned as they passed. Their guards pushed them into a grimy cell and tied their wrists tightly to an iron ring each set in the wall above their heads so that they were stretched up on tiptoe. The door slammed shut with a dull clang and Lightning, Joskye, Sunset and Rainbow was left alone in the darkness. Lightning's arms were already beginning to ache as the first wave of despair swept over her and the others.~ "Get out of my way, you great drip!" ~The speaker was Grumble and that's how everyone knew that the three sprites had arrived in Tad's front room. Grumble was addressing Fumble who had trodden on his foot and poked an elbow in his ribs while trying to get through the door- though nobody could see why this should have been a particularly difficult task.~ "Was a marrow wiv you? Hollow, every one." The third member of the trio was the incoherent Mumble. "These three are aptly named." laughed Tad as he rose to greet his guests. "And I don't think I need to tell you who is who. Fumble, Mumble and Grumble, I want you to meet Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie. Alas, I would have liked to be able to introduce Lightning Star, Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer as well, but…well, more of that in a minute." Fumble reached out an arm to shake Fluttershy's hand, but somehow his arms and legs got mixed up and he finished in a tangled heap. "Hello." He grinned. "Sorry about that. It must be the uneven floor." Fluttershy giggled, and liked him at once. "Gooey ning, nice termiter." mumbled Mumble to Rarity. "Why don't you speak up, you dimwit?" bellowed Grumble. "Good evening, all of you. Although I don't think it is at all good at the moment. A fine to-do this is getting me out of bed with these two idiots. It had better be something important, that's all I can say. Anyway, here we are!" "Well, pleased to meet you, little creatures." Rarity awkwardly petted Mumble's head. ~Applejack, Pinkie and Argie glanced at Alaxe who gave them one of those 'don't-say-I-didn't-warn-you' shrugs. They were beginning to see his point, for these really were the most unlikely spies imaginable. Even saying hello seemed to cause a minor catastrophe. Tad, however, was quite unmoved by all of it.~ He took his seat and addressed the three sprites, who stood in a row in front of him. "Now, you three, I have a very important and dangerous mission that I wish you to undertake for us and for which, the world only knows why you are the only ones suitable. "We're all ears!" said Fumble. "More like arms and legs!" Alaxe muttered. Unperturbed, Tad continued. "These five girls, have three more friends in their group. Unfortunately, Hexia has captured them and locked them up in her castle." "Joskye, too!" Swift cried. "Yes, And Joskye. What we want you three to do is to find your way in and to discover their whereabouts." ~Fumble nodded his head so hard that he fell on his face. With considerable fuss Mumble and Grumble helped him up.~ "Assuming you can do this," Tad said. "I want you to pass on the message that they are to be ready for a rescue attempt. Many die for lack of hope in that accursed place, so it is extremely important that you encourage him to hold on. Is that understood?" Mumble muttered. "Paw Litening, Rain bo, Some set and Joe Skay, emus felt table. Wee and stand." "Once you have found them," Tad continued. "I want you to spy out the land and find the easiest way for us to get to him if there is one. You must return to us with that information as soon as possible. We will then plan our rescue attempt." "Fat lot of hope I've got of even reaching the castle with these two, let alone returning." complained Grumble. "But we'll do it for you, Tad, if you say so. Though I don't like it one bit." he added. ~Fumble, presumably intending to make a speech, stretched out his hand. Unfortunately, he succeeded only in knocking over a vase of dried glasses that stood on the table. Mrs Tad shrieked as it crashed to the floor.~ "My best vase!" Tad groaned and Alaxe lifted his paws in despair. "Go now, Before you do any more damage." he exclaimed. "And good luck, because you certainly look as though you're going to need it!" ~The three sprites crouched outside the wall. In spite of Fumble falling into a stream on the way and tripping over countless tree roots, and Grumble's continual complaints at fate for having given him such useless companions, nobody had noticed their approach. Not surprisingly, Mumble was the quietest of all.~ "Now, we need to find a way in." whispered Fumble. "Brilliant!" replied Grumble. "Go to the top of the class!" Mumble murmured something. "What's that! Speak clearly for once, can't you?" Grumble yelled. "Shush." ~They saw then that Mumble was pointing to a large water outlet emerging from the castle wall at ground level.~ "That'll work. Well done, Mumble." said Fumble. "Well, what are we waiting for? Come on. Shall I lead?" "Oh, no." Grumble replied firmly. "You'll come last. It's safer that way!" ~One by one they ran across to the wall -although stumbled and staggered is probably a better way of describing Fumble's progress.~ "Let's get on with it, then." Grumble growled. ~Without further ado, the three sprites scampered up the outlet to see where it would lead. They discovered that it drained the floor of the castle washroom. Luckily, nobody had decided to pour any water away while they were inside it.~ "So this is where she lives." Fumble said, looking around the dimly lit room. It smelt of old soap, damp stone and stale water. He twitched his nose. There was a deeper and more evil smell as well. "Hobble." said Mumble. ~Very quietly (even Fumble was careful) they began to explore, creeping along the draughty corridors and peering into cold dingy rooms looking for any sign of Joskye and the girls. All the time, their nerves were on edge in case any guards or even Hexia herself should discover they were here. For a long time, they found nothing and it was just as they were beginning to despair of ever finding anyone that Fumble had his lucky accident. The three sprites were passing a floor-level opening protected by a set of iron bars when Fumble slipped on some candle grease, or maybe he tripped over a flagstone (Afterwards nobody was sure which). Either way, he fell through the bars into the room below. Grumble was leading at the time and didn't notice. Mumble, who saw what had happened, muttered something like 'he's filling through the bus.' Grumble was about to shout at Mumble when they heard Fumble call out in a loud whisper from down below.~ "I think I've found them. Down here." ~Sure enough, Fumble was right. They had stumbled upon the basement dungeon where Lightning, Joskye and the rest were imprisoned. Without further delay, the other two sprites jumped down to join Fumble. They saw dark figures tied to the wall.~ "Psst. Are you Lightning, Sunset and Rainbow?" asked Grumble. "G-G-Grumble! I-is that you?" Joskye exclaimed. "Y-y-yes. T-that's us. W-w-who are you?" Lightning answered through her chattering teeth, for by now they were numb with cold. "Never mind that for now. We're from Tad, and that's all you need to know. We've been sent to find you and tell you that help is on its way. So don't be afraid, because you'll soon be out of here." Joskye was overjoyed. "Y-yes! I k-k-knew we could count on you." "W-w-well, if we ever get out of here alive." Sunset said. "Is there anything we can do for you now?" Fumble asked. "Y-y-yes. Th-there is. C-c-can you untie our wrists?" Joskye asked. "Please...I don't think we can last out much longer." Lightning begged. ~The three sprites scrabbled up each of everyone's legs and up their arms- which was an odd sensation, to say the least, and began to tug at their bonds. It seemed to take ages and ages, especially as Fumble kept falling off and had to keep climbing back up again. However, at last, it was done. The ropes gave and everyone slumped to the floor in an exhausted heap.~ Lightning began to rub her sore wrists. "Thank you…" "Thank you so much." Sunset gasped. "Yeah, thanks. Are they really going to be able to rescue us? I honestly thought we'd be left here to die." Rainbow said. "Yes, Of course, they'll get you out." Grumble declared with somewhat more confidence than he actually felt. "Tad can do most things. Why, you know, he once saved my life when a Croper was chasing me and had in a corner. So I'm sure he'll help you. And you trust your friends, right?" "Definitely." Sunset smiled. "Don't worry. We'll be back soon, so be ready." "Trusses, an truss Tad." Mumble mumbled. Lightning looked puzzled and Rainbow blinked. "Huh?" "What did he say?" Sunset asked, turning to the other sprites. Oh, don't worry about him. He never speaks clearly, but then, he never says anything very important, anyway." Fumble explained. Before a hurt-looking Mumble could protest, Grumble dragged them away. "Come on, you two, we've still got to find a way for the others to get in. That drainway won't do. Look after each other. We'll be back as soon as possible." ~With that they were off, leaving Lightning, Sunset, Rainbow and Joskye feeling much better. As they left, Fumble tripped several times and brought the other two tumbling down on top of him at least once. For the first time that day, Lightning and Joskye laughed. Lightning then winced as pins and needles set into her hands.~