//------------------------------// // The Wedding // Story: Falling For a Mutant // by VioletRose13 //------------------------------// The next morning, Leo was sitting on the ledge of a building next to Karai who was finally discharged from the hospital but still had her arm in a sling. "Are you sure you’re gonna be okay, Karai?" Leo asked. "Yeah, I’ll be fine." Karai answered. "I just wanted to thank you, all of you, for finishing what no one else could." "That's what friends are for." Sunset Shimmer answered. “Indeed.” Luna said as she joined them and gave Karai a pat on the back; she was now wearing the deep blue and white speckled geode on a chain around her neck. Karai smiled as Sunset wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Suddenly, Raph came up behind Leo and practically tackled him with a bear hug. "We did it, brother. We ended the Shredder." "Okay, okay. Don't squeeze me so hard, Raph. I’m still a little sore." Leo groaned as Raph loosened his grip. He turned his attention to the Rainbooms. “But we couldn’t have done it without you guys. Thank you so much.” “No problem.” Flash said as he and Leo shook hands. “Stopping bad guys; it’s what we do.” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle. "And if ya’ll ever need our help again, just give us a holler." Applejack said. "Thanks. Same to you guys too if you're dealing with any freaky magic business again." Raph added. "Deal." Sunset replied as she and Raph bumped fists. The others walked up to them as Donnie said, "So what're we gonna do next?" "Yeah, the Shredder's gone. You think that puts you guys out of business?" Scootaloo asked. "Hardly. I'm sure there'll be plenty of enemies willing to take Shredder's place." April replied. Casey spoke up. "Tiger Claw is still out there, too, and so are Cinch AND Warren. The Foot Clan isn't out of the game yet, dudes." Mikey jumped in and spoke. "Well whatever evil emerges, we'll be ready for them 'cause we're so awesome!" "You bet we are!" Rainbow agreed as they shared a high-five. "That's right, guys." Leo agreed. "And we'll do it together." “Indeed we will.” Master Splinter said as he and Celestia joined the group, smiling and arm in arm. He looked at Karai. “I’m so glad you are safe, Miwa.” “I’m happy you’re safe too, father. I thought I’d lost you forever.” They shared a quick hug before Karai turned to Celestia. “So… you’re the one who stole my father’s heart, huh?” “I suppose I am.” Celestia calmly replied. Karai paused, then gave her a smile. “I’m sure you’ll take good care of each other.” “Thank you.” Celestia then turned to Splinter. “Oh. Before I forget, I have something for you, Yoshi.” She dug into her jacket pocket and took out two geodes; one of them was the yellow and pink gemstone they playfully fought over the night they met and the other was a faceted gem with the same color scheme. “Spike snatched them from Warren and Cinch during the fight last night. And I think you should have one.” She took the faceted gem and held it up to Splinter and in a moment, a golden chain appeared and the gem was hanging around his neck. The same thing happened to Celestia with the other gem. “So… these stones are the source of your new powers?” Splinter asked. “Yes, and I want us to have these ones as a way to represent the bond you and I have created during our time together and how strong that bond has become.” Splinter smiled. “…Thank you, Celestia.” “Of course. And Yoshi? There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” She took his hand and slowly got down on one knee. Splinter’s eyes widened as the teenagers behind him stared with equally wide eyes; they watched the scene with baited breath as Celestia began to speak again. “Hamato Yoshi, I know we’ve only known each other for a short while, but after everything we’ve been through, I truly cannot imagine a life without you.” She started. “You mean everything to me, you believed in me, looked out for me, made me feel special every day… you made my life special just by being at my side. You’re brave, cunning, strong, kind, and just an all around wonderful man; that’s why I fell in love with you. You may not be human, but you are still the most amazing man I have ever met and I would never change that for anything. I never want to lose you, ever again. And that’s why I’m here on one knee to ask you a VERY important question.” A smile spread across Celestia’s face, growing ever wider. “Hamato Yoshi, will you make this principal the happiest woman in the world… and say you’ll marry me?” She looked up and gave him a look of hope. The Turtles, the Rainbooms, Spike, April, Karai, Casey, Flash, Luna, and the Crusaders watched in shock as they waited for Splinter’s answer. Tears started dripping down the mutant rat’s cheeks as a smile started to creep onto his lips. “…Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes! Yes, yes, YES!!” Splinter exclaimed as he pulled Celestia into his embrace and kissed her; as if on cue, Celestia’s ears, tail, and wings formed as her and Splinter’s necklaces began to glow. They parted as their students began to cheer and jump for joy; they stared with proud smiles on their faces. “Holy chalupa!” Casey cried. “Oh gracious, you’re really getting married?!” Rarity wept. “This is wonderful!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “And dudes! You know what this means? We’re getting a new MOM! Booyakabunga!” Mikey screamed. “Gimme a high-three, bros!” Raph shouted as he and his brothers shared a high-three. “Congratulations, father!” Karai beamed as she and Splinter hugged. “Oh, Celestia!” Luna cried as she hugged her sister. “You know something, Sensei? In Equestria, Principal Celestia is actually a princess. And technically, if you were in Equestria, you would be marrying into royalty.” Sunset said. “Me? Royal?” Splinter asked in disbelief. “Prince Splinter?” Casey asked. “More like King Splinter.” Leo said. “Then in that case, all bow to His Royal Majesty!” Donnie jokingly declared. “Oh yes, His Royal Rattiness!” Mikey added as he, April, Leo, Donnie, and Raph bowed before their master. Splinter smiled and jokingly ordered, “Silence, you annoying peasants.” “As you wish, my liege.” Leo chuckled as he and his brothers and friends laughed. “So when’s the wedding, ya’ll?” Applejack asked. “Oh my gosh, the wedding! We have so much to do! And so much to plan! There’s music, catering, the cake, the dresses, the guest list, so much!” Twilight exclaimed before Celestia put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, Twilight. There’s no rush.” She said. “Indeed. We are going to take this engagement nice and slow, just so we can get to know one another better. After all, we have all the time we need.” Splinter and Celestia shared a hug. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three Years Later… It was the day of the wedding, a warm summer afternoon. Splinter was standing under the tree near April’s old farmhouse with Princess Twilight Sparkle standing next to him; he was wearing a brand new Japanese style robe in shades of black and silver with a yellow rose pinned to the outer jacket and his golden geode hanging from his neck. He watched as the guests dressed in their finest started to pile into their seats. The students and staff from Canterlot High and even Crystal Prep Academy were sitting on the bride’s side while all of the friends and acquaintances the Turtles had made during their many adventures were on the groom’s side. The Mighty Mutanimals were there, Master Usagi and Kintaro were there, the alternate versions of the Turtles and Splinter were there, the Utrom from Dimension X had come, Mona Lisa and Sal Commander of the Salamandrians had come, and even the reformed Bebop and Rocksteady had shown up. Splinter gazed out at each and every guest, feeling ever so fortunate to have so many friends and loved ones in his life. Sitting in the front row was Karai wearing a traditional white and black kimono; she had a small reptilian baby with green and silver scales, a tuft of black hair, and big blue eyes sitting on her lap. Karai smiled at her father. “I’m so happy for you, father. Congratulations.” She said as she held her daughter close. “Thank you, my daughter.” Splinter said before turning his attention to his granddaughter and smiling; he reached out and gently stroked the baby’s cheek with his finger. “Is this what a wedding on Earth usually looks like?” Sal asked as he was sitting next to Mona who also had a small baby in her embrace; this baby had big yellowish green eyes, aqua green skin, and a turtle shell. “I’m sure it is.” Mona replied. “Thank you again for coming.” Splinter said to Sal. “Of course, Master Splinter. We are family now, after all.” Sal replied as Splinter nodded. “Oh, it’s almost time. I’m so excited.” April said as she sat with her father, Kirby. Splinter then turned his attention to Princess Twilight; she was wearing an elegant kimono of purple, blue, and white silk with her hair tied into a bun and a golden crown sitting atop her head. It was a good thing this Twilight didn’t wear glasses because even Splinter knew it would be difficult to tell the two Twilights apart without them. She gave him a smile. “How do you feel, Master?” She asked. “A little nervous… but also very excited. Thank you so much again for agreeing to do this, Princess.” He answered. “Of course. Any friend of the Rainbooms’ is a friend of mine. Now… are you ready?” Splinter paused, then grinned. “Yes.” Princess Twilight then turned her attention to the band that was sitting close by and she gave them a nod. DJ Pon-3 just started a slow and steady beat as Fluttershy jingled her tambourine, Flash strummed on his guitar, Octavia Melody gracefully glided her bow across the strings of her cello, and Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon played the piano. The guests all turned their heads to face the back. The three Cutie Mark Crusaders strode down the aisle, scattering flower petals as they walked; Spike the dog came soon afterwards with two rings sitting on a velvet pillow. Then Agent Bishop and Luna dressed in their finest walked down the aisle; they split and took their positions as the Turtles and the Rainbooms came soon after, all dressed in fine livery designed by Rarity. Leo and Applejack were first, then Raph and Rainbow Dash, then Donnie and Twilight, and then Mikey and Pinkie Pie. And finally, Celestia strode on down the aisle with a bouquet of pink and white roses; she was wearing a stunning white Japanese-style gown with yellow and pink accents, her hair was styled and held with a yellow comb, her veil was a pastel pink, and her geode was around her neck. As she walked, she gazed at her husband to be through her veil with tears in her eyes; she hadn’t felt this happy in a very long time. The music came to a slow stop, she stopped at the altar, Splinter gently removed her veil, and they turned to face Princess Twilight. “Dearly beloved, family, friends, humans, mutants, creatures of all kinds.” She began. “We are gathered here to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments: the joining of two hearts. Never in the history of Equestria has there ever been a love so powerful, so strong, so true, yet it started from the most unusual of circumstances. These two beings standing before you have proved that love surpasses all differences, all flaws, all faults and they have proven time and time again that a love as dedicated as theirs can withstand anything that had come their way.” She nodded at Celestia. “Hamato Yoshi, for so many years, I’ve felt alone. Even with my sister Luna and all of my new friends, I didn’t feel like I deserved them. After Sombra, I didn’t think I would ever find love again, but after meeting you, everything changed for me and you proved me wrong. And I promise to love you and cherish you for as long as we both shall live.” Splinter smiled. “Celestia, after my mutation, I believed that love was something I could not achieve ever again. But you have proved me wrong, and in an instant, you opened my eyes to so many things I never thought I could do. What I mean is, you changed my life. And then I have changed your life, and now we change our lives.” Twilight chuckled. "In that case, may I have the rings?" Mikey gently kicked Spike and whispered, “Spike, that’s your cue. Spike?” The little dog could hardly speak; he was on the verge of bursting into tears right there. Then he composed himself and brought forth the rings. One was made of a sparkling white stone which Splinter gently placed onto Celestia’s finger. And the other was made of a smooth black stone, which Celestia slid onto Splinter’s middle finger. Twilight turned to the groom. "Do you, Hamato Yoshi, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, to have and to hold for the rest of your days?" Splinter looked into Celestia's adoring eyes. "I do." Twilight turned to the bride. "And do you, Celestia, take this mutant to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, to have and to hold for the rest of your days?" Celestia beamed at the mutant she loved so much. "I do." "By the power vested in me by the Land of Equestria…" The Princess continued. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." And that’s just what he did; Splinter brought Celestia closer to him and they immediately shared a passionate kiss. The crowd clapped their hands and cheered like mad. “Mazel Tov!” Bebop happily shouted. "BEST WEDDING EVER!" Mikey cried. “Cowabunga!” Leo, Donnie, and Raph screamed. “Light ‘em up, ladies!” Pinkie Pie shouted as music started to play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A wonderful reception happened. The Rainbooms, the Turtles, and even Flash and his band were playing together as the guests started to dance. “It’s been a long, long day And there were moments when I doubted” Donnie sang. “That we'd ever reach the point Where we could laugh and sing about it” Sci-Twi chimed in. “Now the sun has set on this, Another extraordinary day” They sang together. “And when it comes around again You know I'll say Tell me what you wanna do today All we need is a place to start If we have heart, we'll make it 'Cause we're not messin' around Yes we can dream it, do it, build it, make it I know we can really take it To the limit before the sun goes down” “As soon as you wake up you gotta make your move” Raph sang. “Don't miss the beat, just get into the groove” Rainbow added. “The sun is shinin', there's a lot that you can do” Leo and Applejack. “There's a world of possibilities outside your door” Mikey and Pinkie sang. “Why settle for a little, you can get much more” Sunset and Karai sang. “Don't need an invitation, every day is new” They all sang together. “Yes, it's true Summer belongs to you Summer belongs to you Summer belongs to everyone, so have some fun There's nothing better to do Summer belongs to you” “Mind if I take a verse?” Celestia asked, picking up a microphone. “Be our guest, Mom.” Leo said. Celestia grinned. “I traveled halfway 'cross the state And almost turned and ran away But you helped me get my courage back So now I've got to say That though I've often thought of rats As just a nuisance and a bother Today I can't imagine Having a husband like none other And you’ve gotta believe in something So today I believed in you And you came through, we made it I've never been so proud I know at first it seemed implausible But we accomplished the impossible Now there's something that we've got to say out loud” Celestia turned to her husband; Splinter smiled and grabbed a microphone of his own. “Time is what you make of it, so take a chance” He sang. “That’s it!” Raph cried. “Life is full of music so you ought to dance” “He’s got it!” Mikey shouted. “The world's a stage and it is time for our debut” “By Jove, I think he’s got it!” Donnie exclaimed. “Don't waste a minute sitting on that chair” “Yeah!” April and Karai cheered. “The world is calling to you, just get out there” “That’s what I’m talking about!” Leo yelled. “You can see forever so your dreams are all in view Yes it's true” “Summer belongs to you” The couple sang. “Summer belongs to you Summer belongs to everyone, so have some fun There's nothing better to do Summer belongs to you Summer belongs to you Summer belongs to boys and girls all around the world We wouldn't say it if it wasn't true Summer belongs to you” Then everyone started to join in. “Summer belongs to you Summer belongs to you Whatever you want to do, you make the rules You got the tools to see it through Summer belongs to you Summer belongs to you Just remember that you can do it and when you're through it Will change your point of view Summer belongs to you!” Celestia and Splinter held each other close and shared another kiss as the crowd cheered.