True Loves

by SweetCarol

Chapter 15

They couldn't be happier, the 'Day Of the 4 Loves' was coming and they could celebrate as betrotheds and without fear of hiding from the rest of the world how much they loved each other and wanted to be together forever.

Chee Chee had never asked to feel what she started feeling for her best friend, it came so suddenly in her life that she thought she was confusing her feelings. But time made her see that what she felt was true love, it was something she never knew she needed.

"What if we lived on the farm?" Bright Mac asked, as they walked together to the farm to tell the good news to his family. "Would you agree to get up very early before the sun comes up and do the chores? Get dirty with mud, feed the chickens, carry heavy boxes..."

"I'd accept to live anywhere, as long as I'm close to you, love." She replied, giving him a tender kiss on the cheek. "But we're not really gonna live on the farm, are we?"

He laughed at the desperation in her tone.

"I'd never agree if you didn't want to." He assured her.

Still curious as to where Bright Mac was going, Apple Belle started to believe the hypothesis of having been deceived, when from the barn window, she watched him close to Chee Chee and the two seemed very loving to each other.

"Look who's back!" Big Mac exclaimed happily when he saw them.

"Big Mac." She greeted him with a nod and a smile that never made her lips so happy that she was. "I know I may be going too fast, but we can't wait when it comes to love, right?"

"You're absolutely right, my dear." He smiled.

"So, Bright Mac and I would really like to have your blessing for our wedding." She said, while they leaned on each other.

Big Mac was immensely surprised that they spoke of marriage so quickly, but immediately smiled, remembering that like his parents, they didn't need a little time to know each other to be 100% sure they wanted to get married, they had known each other since they were little foals.

"Well, if that makes him happy, I give you my..."

"Hold on a minute, marry?" Apple Belle's voice shouted, interrupted him.

They looked back and she ran up to them, a clear expression of indignation on her cute filly's face.

They both approached her and kissed her cheeks at the same time.

"Little sister, thank you, if it weren't for you ..."

"You lied to me, you both did." She mumbled and walked away before Bright Mac could thank her with another kiss on the cheek.

The little filly was so furious that she didn't even know how to start talking. Until it started.

"Why did you lie? My best friends and I risked our necks for you two, you made us feel bad about ourselves for doing this search and worrying you all for nothing, we're grounded for a whole week! Is this what we get for wanting to make you two happy?"

The couple soon felt bad for the stupid thing they did, she was very angry, but at the same time she was crying with sadness.

"AB, we're really sorry for all this. But try to understand that ..."

"No, I don't have to understand nothing, we're siblings, Bright Mac, we always tell each other everything, we always got each other's back. And now you stab me in my back."

Those words reached his heart, that began to cry and regret the price he had to pay to hide a secret.

"Lil' sis..." He tried to get closer, but she backed away coldly.

"No, don't you touch me. Are you two getting married? Cool, I don't care, I'll don't go to this ridiculous wedding and I don't wanna talk to you, ever again!" She screamed in rage, then returned to the barn.

"Sweet caramel apple." Big Mac said, before following her.

"Oh sour apples, what did I do?" The purple stallion lamented between tears and sobs, he was always so close and had never fought with his little sister.

"Calm down my love, I'm sure you two will make it up." Chee Chee comforted him with a hug. "I know how it is, Butty and I have our little fights, but we always ..."

"It's not like that sweetheart, when our mother died, I promised myself that I'd always be very close to my sister, that I'd protect her and never let anything hurt her, but ..." He didn't finish speaking and collapsed in tears again.

"Everything will be fine honey, I definitely don't like to see you sad." She said as she looked him in the eye and smoothly ran one of her hooves on his ginger bangs. "Try to talk to her."

"But how do we go to your house and ask your parents' blessing?"

"We're still going, I wait for you here, now you're gonna make it up to your sister."

Meanwhile, in Apple Belle's room, which was Apple Bloom's old room before she moved out, little filly buried her head in the pillow and gave a muffled cry.

"He really thinks I should be jumping for joy for them, after all they've done to us. 'Oh Bebelle, I'm gonna lie to you and let y'all feel bad, but I'm not going to do anything about it.' I'm not a senseless pony to forget anything that happens overnight, he was the idiot for messing things up ... "

"How's she doing?" He asked his father, meeting him with his ear against the door to hear what his daughter was doing.

"She's moody, just like your great grandmother was. Look Bright Mac, I think it'll be better if we give Apple Belle a space, you have to understand that it wasn't fair what you did with her either."

"Yeah and you don't know how sorry I am." He said with his head down.

"So when she's calmer, you'll talk to her, okay?"

"Ok." Bright Mac murmured.

Meanwhile, encouraged by her beloved sisters, Marble agreed to participate in the 'Blind date', but they said there was no pressure, she could be friends with anypony she met.

She realized that it had been so long since she felt what it was like to be in love. Fighting and persisting to save the marriage with her ex-husband made her not see it.

"Oh hey Marble." The cross-eyed Pegasus greeted her with a smile when she arrived at the post office. "What brings you here? Any delivery?"

"Hey Derpy. Not really, I wanted to sign up for the blind date."

"Oh, then, okay. Do you want to know how things work?" She asked as she took a box.

"Yes please."

"On the blind date, we created a profile for you on the BD website, so right here you choose an anonymous profile and you chat with the pony until you decide to have a personal meeting with him or her."

Marble nodded, understanding how things were going. After Derpy created the profile for her on the website, she opened the box she had taken, that there were several colored papers together.

"Choose a profile. Remember that the colors don't match the coat colors of the ponies."

Marble looked at the mixed papers for a moment, she closed her eyes and turned away, as she dipped her hoof into the box and took one.

"Good luck with your anonymous pony, remembering that you remain anonymous to him or her too."

"Hey, does this 'Blind date' thing really work?"

"Of course, it was thanks to the 'Blind date' that I met my special somepony too, it was kind of hard to find a pony that loved me with all the flaws."

"It wasn't, you're great." Marble said with a smile.

"Well thank you, bye."

"Bye." Marble said goodbye to her and returned home.

Arriving home, she went straight to her laptop and took a look at the site before looking for her anonymous profile.

In the corner of the screen, there were several pictures of ponies together at weddings, as proof that the system really worked.

Marble found the profile and got a little nervous, she wondered who it could be and if they already knew each other. But she would never know if she didn't take a chance, Pinkie Pie always said.

Meanwhile, at the farm, Big Mac sat on the sofa in the living room and opened a book to distract himself, but he was still worried about Apple Belle, who was still upset and locked in the bedroom.

Suddenly, he heard a noise, as if it were a whistle. He soon remembered that when his daughter taught him to use the computer, she informed him that the noise was a notification that he had received a message on the BD website.

The middle-aged red stallion trotted as fast as he could to the computer, he was excited that someone had finally chosen him.

"Mommy, can you help me cut the sandwich?" Rocky shouted from the kitchen.

Marble stood up, imagining that he wouldn't get an answer that fast.

"I'm on my way, honey." She shouted back to her daughter when she got up.

Suddenly, she looked back when the laptop made the notification noise.

"Wait a minute my love, don't try to cut the sandwich yourself, ok?" Marble shouted at her.

"Okay, don't be too long."

She sat back on the couch and saw the message. It was "hello, good afternoon". Whoever it was, it was a very polite pony.

Her heart was filled with happiness, she didn't understand why, but she felt she would soon find out.