
by Gallants


"Corporal I'd like to speak to you," General Tetzail had told me, her timing was impeccable as always, I had just finished polishing Lilly and didn't have any other duties to perform. I quickly made my way down the halls of the Acclamator towards her quarters.

"Trooper," a lieutenant called out from behind me, "why are you wearing that armor? Phase I's are obsolete," I turned around and he stopped allowing me to observe the pink stripes of the wings on my visor, "Oh, Mistake it's you, keep that clanker of yours behaved," he told me with a finger before walking back to his post.

"She has been since the beginning," I muttered under my breath and continued towards the general's quarters at a heightened pace.

Her room was barren, more so than the other generals from what I'd seen, it most likely had to do with her being a Miraluka. "Sixty-Three, it's good to see you," she never used my name, she knew I hated it, she suddenly held the side of her head losing her balance. "I feel a disturbance in the force like many lives have been snuffed," her voice was unsteady; if she were capable I believe she would be crying.

Suddenly my comms crackled to life, "Execute order 66," the chancellor's voice buzzed through, I felt a compulsion I couldn't help myself, my commanding officer's voice broke through telling a couple of other clones to approach and take care of the situation.

"I have the situation handled, Captain Aspect," I said drawing my blaster, he told me not to mess it up, "Ma'am I'm sorry," I said raising my blaster, my hand was shaking, she 'looked' at me and nodded her head. Tears flowed down my face I couldn't do it; there was an electric buzz urging me to pull the trigger, deep in my head. I couldn't take it I ripped off my helmet and placed my glove to the side of my head, I activated the contacts and shocked myself. I fell to my knees gritting my teeth, I think something burst in my brain I couldn't feel anything.

"Corporal are you okay," the general whispered to me she was kneeling next to me a hand placed on my shoulder, "I was sure I was going to die there, I couldn't bring myself to fight you," she said helping me to my feet.

I looked at her and placed my helmet back onto my head, "I couldn't either, but we have to make it look like I did," I hissed out grabbing her robe, "I'll shoot the robe so it looks like I hit you, but you will also need to make it look like you fought me," she was quick to push me away at my words and throw the few items she had around the room, I shot her robe several times, she quickly put it back on and collapsed just as the door opened. A pair of clones looked between me and the general.

"Good job, guess you aren't that big of a mistake," he said chuckling, "Let's dispose of the body," I stepped in-between the general and the pair of troopers, they both tightened their grips on their blasters.

"I took the shot, I'll take care of the cleanup too," I told them before turning back towards her body, they laughed as they walked away, "General we just need to make it to the hanger then we can make a run for it," I whispered into her ear, she tapped my wrist and got up. We quietly made our way through the ship, I disabled the cameras as we went. It took a while but we made our way through and to the hanger, the General began to make her way to an ARC-170 and I placed a bug into the system to unlock the hanger doors and open the trench, from there I gave an order to Lilly to be ready to fight and to get out with us, she happily prepared herself for it. Before the General made it to the fighter her lightsaber ignited and she deflected bolts coming from a squad of troopers, I drew my blaster and began to open fire on them Lilly soon joined in with the cacophonous sound of her cannons echoing through the hanger.

"Can't follow orders or even age right you really are a mistake aren't you corporal!" the captain's voice called out over the warming of his Z-6 I was quick to change my focus onto him. His bolts struck the ground around us as I kept my pressure on him, slowly but surely the general and I made our way to the ARC, she took my blaster and continued to hold them off while I warmed up the starfighter. Before I closed my cockpit the general tossed my blaster in with me, with her in the gunner seat, I took off activating my bug forcing the hanger to open to our freedom, Lilly was the first out of the trench. We exited the ship while taking fire from the captain's Z-6, when we entered the open air of space we were welcomed by a warm orange glow as I began plugging coordinates in, then I felt a pull.

"Sixty-Three, I believe that's an event horizon we're riding," the general called out, glancing behind us I saw the darkest of black and the Acclamator being torn apart as it attempted to reverse. Lilly flew past us tumbling as she attempted to break away, our engines soon gave out and we were drawn into the singularity.