//------------------------------// // Everypony Loves Lukas // Story: Want The Human, Need The Human // by MyAwesomePony //------------------------------// Birds chirping, flowers blooming and not a single cloud in the sky, that sounds like an amazing day in Ponyville, as it always is. The Celestia sun shone brightly in the sky as Lukas and Pinkie Pie were walking and trotting through the humble little village, talking to each other without a care in the world. "We should take walks together a lot more often, Pinkie." Lukas said. "I agree, Lukas. I really need a break after filling out so many orders." Pinkie replied as she sighed proudly. "Man, Celestia sure isn't slacking off today." Lukas said as he wiped the sweat from his brow. "I know, it is just so hot today. When I get back to Sugar Cube Corner, I'm gonna eat an entire tub of ice cream." Pinkie said heavenly. "Save me some, Pinkie." The human chuckled as they both laughed. Suddenly, they both heard something, it sounded like a magic beam. They both turn around to find the Princess Of Friendship herself, Twilight Sparkle, in the distance, with a row of random objects in front of her. It seemed like she was practicing her magic with them. Interested to see what she was up to, Lukas and Pinkie walked up to her as she just turned a rock into a frog as it hopped away. "Hey Twilight." The both said in unison as Twilight turned around. "Oh, Hey Pinkie, Hey Lukas, what are you up to?" Twilight said warmly. "Nothing much." Lukas replied honestly. "I see that your practicing your magic." "I sure am." "But why would you need to practice? you're already a pro at magic." Pinkie said. "Well, Princess Celestia asked me to do a transfiguration demonstration to her students." Twilight replied with confidence "Hey, that rhymed." Pinkie whispered in Lukas' ear. "So I'm just working up my magic. Watch this." The lavender Alicorn closed her eyes as she concentrated really hard on her spell, then, with a boost of energy, a raspberry colored beam shot out of her horn as it hit a flower as it turned into a hay bale. "Woah, that's amazing." Lukas gasped. "You sure do know your magic, Twi." Pinkie said. "Thanks guys, but I'm not done yet." Twilight said with motivation. Another beam zapped out of the purple Alicorn's horn, but this time, it didn't hit any of the objects in front of her, but it struck a tree sitting by as the beam ricocheted off the tree and was heading straight for Lukas, he tried to duck, but it was too late, the beam hit the human with incredible force, causing him to collapse to the floor. Pinkie and Twilight gasped in unison as they both ran up to the bruised human. Lukas, are you okay?!" Twilight cried out. "Speak to me, Lukas, speak to me!" Pinkie screamed as she shook his body. "Ugh, I'm fine, guys." Lukas groaned as he rubbed his head in pain. "That felt like getting struck by lightning but, like, 1000 times more worse, but I think I'm gonna be fine." Lukas got up to face his pony friends, but instead of a sigh of relief from Twilight and a crushing bear hug from Pinkie, both of them just stared at Lukas with a blank expression. "Uh... Guys?" The human said with confusion as he waved his hand in front of their faces. "Hello?" Then, the weirdest thing happened, their pupils suddenly went backwards in their head and were replaced with heart eyes as they both suddenly smiled from ear to ear. "What is happening?" Lukas asked, more confused than he was before. "I'll tell you what's happening." Twilight suddenly spoke out as she walked closer towards Lukas while wrapping a hoof around his body. "You going to love me." Twilight said in a dreamy voice. "No!" Pinkie yelled as she grabbed Lukas' arm. "He's all mine." "No, he's mine." Twilight declared as she grabbed his other arm. Soon, they started to play Tug Of War with Lukas as they pulled his arms back and forth. While arguing about who gets to keep him. "What has gotten into you two!" Lukas cried out, demanding to figure out what has happened. Suddenly, Lukas heard a noise, like hooves. He turned around to find all the ponies of Ponyville running after him. Lukas yelled and managed to get free of Twilight and Pinkie's grip and ran away as fast as his little legs can carry him. "After him!" Twilight yelled as they all obeyed and galloped after the poor human. Lukas had just ran out of Ponyville, with the stampede of ponies not far behind. Lukas didn't know why everypony was acting this way, why did everyone want him so bad? When he first came to Ponyville, they were all scared of him, but now they want to be around him. He looked back and the stampede was getting closer, at any minute, they could catch him. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash flew from the crowd and swept Lukas right off the floor, but Fluttershy tried to grab him as well, but another Pegasus swooped in and grabbed Lukas from both of them. Suddenly, Applejack threw her lasso across the sky and it wrapped around Lukas and she pulled him to the ground. But Lukas broke free and ran off once again. Lukas managed to lose the stampede of ponies as he was hiding behind a small hill. He was tired from being tossed around like that, he started to reflect on the events. "Why is everypony acting like this? It is a total nightmare! their all clinging onto me like a bunch of wild animals." Then, it hit him. "Wait a minute, Twilight told me about a spell called the "Want It, Need It" spell, that makes everyone and anyone interested in you. That's why everyone is acting so strange, but did she ever tell me a way to reverse the spell?" Flashback "Princess Celestia is the only one who can reverse the spell" End Of Flashback "That's it." The human beamed." Celestia can fix this!" Then, the pony stampede found Lukas and the chase begun once again. "Hopefully sooner than later." Lukas opened the door to the Golden Oak Library and close the door behind him frantically as ponies put their faces up to the windows, still wanting the human. "Okay, I should be safe in here." Lukas sight in relief. "Oh, Hey there, Lukas." He suddenly heard a voice, turning around slowly, he saw a little, purple dragon as he was sweeping the floor. Lukas then screamed and fell to the floor. "Stay away from me! I don't want to go through this again." "What are you talking about?" Spike asked the human, confused. Lukas opened his eyes to look at Spike's concerned face as he realized, Spike didn't have hearts in his eyes, his regular pupils were there instead, which means the spell didn't effect him for some reason. "Huh, I guess the spell only works on ponies." Lukas thought to himself. "Are you okay, Lukas? You seem a little loopy today, and why are all those ponies begging to come inside." "Well, me and Pinkie were walking through Ponyville and saw Twilight practicing magic and she accidently casted me with the "Want It, Need It" spell, that's why I need your help." "What is it, I'll do anything." Spike replied. "I need you to write a letter to Princess Celestia, telling her to come to Ponyville urgently to reverse this spell." Lukas said frantically. "Got it!" Spike replied with determination as he pulled out a blank scroll and a quill. "Ready when you are." "Dear Princess Celestia." Lukas began as he barricaded the doors and windows. "I need you to come to Ponyville immediately, you see, Twilight accidently casted me with the "Want It, Need It" spell. Twilight told me that you were the only one who can fix it, so please come quickly. Lukas Hart." Spike had just got done writing down the human's name as he rolled up the parchment and took a deep breath and blew on it as a green flame sent the scroll out a nearby window. "You know, I always wonder how you write so fast." Spike and Lukas waited anxiously for Princess Celestia, the pony stampede still remained outside the library, still begging to come inside. "Do they ever get tired?" Spike asked himself. "I don't think so, Spike." Lukas replied honestly. Suddenly, before anyone could say anything else, a bright light flashed in the middle of the library, books and papers flew everywhere as the light faded away and revealed Princess Celestia with a scared look on her face. "Lukas, I came as soon as I got your letter!" Celestia cried frantically. "I never thought I'd see the "Want It, Need It" spell again, not since Twilight used it on her doll." "Yeah, she told me." "Don't worry, I know exactly how to fix this, you're gonna have to let them in." "Let them in, but they will just cling onto me." Lukas cried out. "It's the only way to reverse the spell." The princess replied. Lukas pondered for a moment before answering. "Fine, just for things to go back to normal." Without wasting any time, Princess Celestia removed the wood from the door and opened it as wide as it can go, and everypony practically sprinted inside straight towards Lukas as he braced for impact. Everyone was grabbing him, pulling him and all sorts of things, but soon, things are gonna go back to normal. Princess Celestia flew in the air and closed her eyes as a white orb was forming out of her very long horn as she blasted it straight towards the ponies practically playing Tug Of War with Lukas as the whole room shone in a white light. Then, all the colors were back and the ponies stopped pulling and grabbing the human for a moment as they all groaned. "Ugh, what happened?" Twilight croaked out. "That was the weirdest dream ever." Pinkie said. "It certainly wasn't a dream Pinkie." Lukas replied. "Well, I'm glad everything is back to normal." "Uh, what are you talking about, Lukas?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You don't wanna know." I chuckled to myself.