//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Troubles in Ponyville Part 1 // Story: Under Zhan Tiri's Control // by Musical_theatre_demon //------------------------------// Twilight flew as fast as she could to Ponyville until she came across The School of Friendship. Touching it with her hoof, she smiled as the memories surged through her. But then, she realised what she had come to do. Right when Twilight Sparkle was about to open up the doors, the crystal transformed into black rocks. King Sombra cackled. "Long time no see, Princess," he said. "How are you alive? My friends and I defeated you and you brutally were cut into pieces!" Twilight said. "Oh, I have my ways," Sombra said, "I have magic, remember? I can regenerate whenever I want. OK, let's get to the truth. Zhan Tiri brought me back." "Zhan Tiri?" Twilight said, "Who's that?" King Sombra grinned maliciously. "Let's just say she's somepony who's my partner in crime. May I say more?" "I think I've heard enough!" Twilight said, "It's over, Sombra!" Smiling, King Sombra clearly knew he had the upper hoof. "You really think your Elements of Harmony can stop me now? Well, think again!" Twilight Sparkle eyed the blue stone in King Sombra's magical grasp. "What do you have, Sombra? Give it here!" "Oh, this old thing," King Sombra said, "I don't quite know myself, but I what my magic will be once united with it!" Twilight grimaced. "You wouldn't dare!" King Sombra chuckled. "Oh, and I will! Goodbye, Princess!" With the Moonstone, he wieled its power and used his magic to make Twilight unconscious. "Well, this stone is powerful alright! I can't wait until I get my hooves on the Sundrop! Then I will be able to bring down Twilight and her friends once and for all!" Sombra spread his wings and took off. "Sleep tight, Princess. And don't expect your friends to help you because I know exactly how to dispose of them."