Under Zhan Tiri's Control

by Musical_theatre_demon

Chapter 2: Sombra and Zhan Tiri

"King Sombra, I expected more out of you. Really, I did," Zhan Tiri said, "What pity was that? I said that once you reclaim your territory, I'd help you get whatever you desire."

"You did say that, yes," King Sombra said, "It's not my fault I was hesitant!"

"Oh, but it is. Your enemies feed on your weakness, Sombra," she said, "Either you regain that strength or I'll be forced to ge rid of you. And you know I don't want to do that."

King Sombra looked Zhan Tiri in the eyes.

"I'll do it," he said with a wicked look in his eyes, "Princess Cadence and her family will pay for stealing what is rightfully mine!"

Zhan Tiri smiled maliciously. "I will be watching you. And if you fail, I will destroy the portal and Equestria."

"Portal? What portal?" Sombra asked.

"You buffoon! The portal to the human world!" Zhan Tiri shouted, "Canterlot High if you will."

She dismissed him. "Off with you. Don't you dare disappoint me."