Duel of The Fates: Friendship Unleashed

by An_Obsessed_Fan


Sunset Shimmer walked through the dark hallway of the temple, coming upon a symbol. A sith holocron, she felt the darkside radiate off of it, though only a fraction of what she had felt from the real thing. She reached out to it causing it to reach back. She saw flashbacks of herself, the piercing yellow eyes of a sith and anger radiating like a whirlwind. She remembered the power it gave her, the power she had craved and to be honest she still did. Before she could see much she was pushed back, when she opened her eyes Rarity had parried her blade away from the symbol on the wall and she glared at Sunset. She quickly deactivated her saber, deciding it was better to stay behind Rarity and follow so she didn't get sidetracked again.

They kept moving and eventually came to a large room with an altar on the opposite side and a figure meditating. Sunset shivered as she felt the all to familiar chill of the dark side, but something was wrong, they she had never sensed as much force energy from a sith. Rarity's eyes set on Sunset who had stepped back slightly. Rarity gently grabbed Sunsets hand and Sunset's head twitched to face Rarity, who gave her a reassuring nod.

The figure stood and as they did the cloak they were wearing dropped. Sunset almost dropped her lightsaber hilt as she stumbled back farther and Rarity's eyes widened in shock at the sight of Master Twilight Sparkle who met both their eyes and smirked. She grabbed a twisted lightsaber hilt from her belt and ignited a crimson blade. Both Jedi drew their lightsabers in response and in a flash of red, Twilight sprinted toward them and locked blades with Sunset using wide powerful strokes to redirect their attacks. Twilight knocked Sunsets lightsaber from her hands and attempted to slash at her but sunset used the force to launch herself into the air calling her saber back to her hand and rejoining the duel. In the moments that Sunset wasn't fighting Twilight overpowered Rarity and Sunset shouted with anger as Rarity dropped to the floor.

Outside of the temple Rainbow Dash, AppleJack, Fluttershy began entering the temple. They slowly walked through the hallway examining the symbols. The more they walk into the temple the more concerned they become. Rainbow Dash stops the group and they hear the faint sound of clashing lightsabers. Before anyone can stop her Rainbow Dash runs toward the sound igniting her own dual bladed saber, Applejack and Fluttershy quickly follow to back up their friend.

When they arrive at the altar room Applejack rushes in to aid Sunset and Rainbow while Fluttershy goes to check on Rarity.

Twilight grows a grin as Sunset begins to tire out and she prepares the finishing blow, but before it can be dealt her lightsaber is blocked by a new combatant. Twilight scowls at them and uses the force to create a massive shockwave pushing all of them back before taking advantage of scars in the ceiling to bring down the ceiling. The Jedi attempt to escape but the way is blocked by falling debris they have no choice but to try to use the force to shield themselves as their screams are masked by the sound of rock hitting the floor.

Rarity opens her eyes to darkness and coughs from the dust surrounding her. She realizes that Sunset is still with her and Rainbow, AJ, and Fluttershy are there too. Fluttershy stops Rarity from sitting up because she is hurt and she could hit her head on the rocks above them. She looks around to see Sunset using the force to hold the rocks, Rarity put a hand on her shoulder and Sunsets head turned. Rarity could see her eyes flickering from blue to yellow, Rarity gasped and Sunset grunted with effort as she begun to lift the rocks further up. Sunset began to cry out as the effort began to overwhelm her. Rarity grabs Sunset who reluctantly lets Rarity examine her eyes for a moment before being satisfied. The others tried to help take some of the weight they pushed the rocks off of their position and climbed out onto the top of the pile and as they looked around at the rubble the saw footprints walking off to a place they could only guess.