A Rush of Blood to the Hooves

by LittleBoyBlue


18 days until Birthday Performance

After a good breakfast, the band, along with it's newest member, got ready to go to the stage they were to perform on in an hour.
Once they got there, they then proceeded to go to the green room. They knew that this time, there was going to be a bigger audience.
With their costumes ready (except for Rarity....at least, not yet.), they proceeded to practice their AROBTTH songs. And one or two Parachutes songs here and there.
After an hour of practice, Twilight then appeared at the door.


"All right everypony! You guys are on in five minutes. Good luck out there!" She then shut the door, as they got prepared.
"All right, Jonny, Guy, and Rarity, all of you do your strummy stuff. Will do your drummy stuff. And I'll do my piano stuff." Chris said.
The four senior bandmates laughed, knowing Chris's sense of humour.
Unfortunetly, Rarity did not. She huffed at Chris.
"I don't do this "strummy" action you are talking about Mister Martin." Rarity said.
"What I meant was play your guitar Miss Rarity." Chris replied. "I am sorry if I offended you."
"Oh, all right." Rarity said. Chris then motioned for Rarity to go out first.
"It's good thing you all are such good gentlecolts. Thank you."
"You're quite welcome, Miss Rarity." Chris said, as they walked to the stage.


The crowd WAS bigger than last time. Probably around 150.
"Oh god, there's more than 7 out there!" Chris joked.
"There is?" Rarity peeked out from behind the curtain.
There WERE more than 7 out there.
Suddenly, she got very nervous.
"My! That sure is a lot of ponies out there."
Guy smiled and headed towards Rarity.
"Don't worry. Just imagine them in their-" Guy then remembered, no clothes.
"Ummmm......uhh.......just don't worry!" He stuttered.
Rarity smiled.
"All right. If you say so darling."
Guy blushed, as she turned to get ready.
Will punched him in the front leg.
Guy gave an embaressed look to Will. Will just grinned mischieviously at him.
"Show time guys!" Said a stage worker.
"All right! Let's go." Chris said, as he led them to the stage.


The crowd gave a small cheer when the band came out, but then the cheer got significantly louder when Rarity came out.
"It would appear you're more famous than us Miss Rarity." Jonny told her.
She smiled as she gave him a nod.
"Good afternoon Ponyville!" Chris spoke, into the microphone.
The crowd cheered a little, still unsure who the band is, and what they play.
"It would appear that there's a certain white mare here that is more well known than us. So that's why we're kicking her out."
Chris and his mates laughed at his joke.
But again, only he and his friends got the joke. The crowd started mumbling to each other. Rarity had tears forming in her eyes.
"But....but....why?!?!" Rarity cried.
Chris facehoofed.
"Relax, it's just a joke." He said.
"Oh...well stop it!" She said. "You scared me there!"
The crowd, now relieved, got quiet to hear them play.
"Enough chit-chat, let's go." Chris said.
They went to their instruments to get ready.
They started once Chris hit those first few notes.
The concert was now in motion.