The Rising Demon Era.

by Neutral Boy

Chapter 5: Fall of a king, hostage crisis, and secret deal.

In the Crystal Empire, the blue armor pony used a holoprojection map to see what's going on.

Her eyes widen when she saw the element group running while Sombra faces off against the ice serpent.

Recognizing the figure by the large snake, her hands tighten in grips.

"So, one of our former ally has finally surfaced. This could probably complicate a few things."

The blue armor pony then goes to conjure up a spell for a call.

"I better inform them at once."

Elsewhere up in Cloudsdale, the yellow armor pony is walking around as the other ponies were staying away.

Many of them have a shaking feeling inside themselves upon seeing the pony in armor. Some have guessed in their head is a special agent assigned by the Princesses. Others would say that it's a hired bounty hunter from a different source, hired to take in some pony or perhaps kill them.

The green armor pony merely shakes his head of seeing the frighten ponies.

'Jeez, they have never seen any armored warriors more terrifying up close? Typical of them.' His mind said.

Then, he heard something in his pocket and goes to a back restaurant to hide in.

He pulls out the book and a hologram armor pony pops in.


"Have you completed your mission yet?"

"Afraid not, I need to get some information first in local businesses. Then track down one of the attended employees who's probably hiding in a building. I'll make them talk one way or another."

"Well you better hurry up in less than a few hours cause we have a bit of a problem."

"Really? What's so bad that you had to call me?"

". . . He's back."

Upon hearing those words, the green armor pony grips his hand tight.

"So, the bastard's still alive. Which can only mean his two allies are somewhere else entirely."

"You are correct, I'll inform the others as well and see if there's one nearby to assist Sombra."

"Okay, also before I forget, I manage to get an easy target hostage earlier in my last travel. The little trouble maker is a slippery one, but I caught him by surprised and beat him down hard until he's knocked out cold."

"Excellent work, have you delivered the message to any pony?"

"Yep and they'll be in for a big surprise for sure. Don't you think?"

"Indeed, they all will witness it one day."

Back with the fleeing group, they did make it to the Crystal Empire and tend to Shining Armor's injuries.

While the group tries to plan out on not making the crystal ponies, Twilight Sparkle however needed to find out the clues for the real crystal heart to use it against King Sombra. Though she can't do it alone and have an assistant of Spike. It was hard for her to forgive him given the problems in Canterlot, but perhaps they need some closure and private talk time for later.

Sighing, Twilight turns toward her assistant who's paying no attention to any pony.


"Y-Yeah Twi?"

"As much as we haven't talked much and giving you the silent treatment, I need your help on saving the Crystal Empire. After we get this done and go back to Ponyville, we'll have some alone talk time just between us without any other pony listening in. Sounds fair?"

Hearing her truthful words, Spike felt some of the weight lift off his shoulders and smiles.

"Alright. What do you need help with?"

"First is to search for clues of the Crystal Heart. We'll start with the locals and the library next."

"That shouldn't be a problem."

"I'll help out too Twilight, in case there might be any hidden traps King Sombra laid out for us."

"Thanks Flash, now let's go save the Crystal Empire."

So the three head out to ask the locals of the history and clues to the Heart's location.

Both King Sombra and the ice serpent clash on butting heads and recoil back to fight.

Sombra goes to bite the serpents neck, but staggers in grunt when the grey pony launched a fire spell at him.

This gave an opening for the serpent to slam him down with it's icy spike tail.

Not giving up, he unleashes the shadow spike piercers as the armor pony and serpent dodges them.

"It seems Sombra's not going down yet." The armor pony murmurs.

The two of them didn't know that another big monster appeared and interrupted the fight.

A giant Dragon Fly appears with a red armor pony standing on it's head.

"Been a long time, hasn't it commander?" The red armor pony said.

"Hmph. I thought the last you didn't learn back then. Why side with her?"

"Oh believe me I did, but she convinced me otherwise so it's best to help her out than you ever could."

"Don't give me that crap. What kind of sick twisted plans has she done in store?"

"Like I would ever tell you. So enough about that, what's say we kick off another round of battle?"

"Fine by me."

The ice serpent and dragon fly clashes while King Sombra goes off to the Crystal Empire.

Twilight, Spike, and Flash Sentry have asked around every crystal citizens with little information.

They did however if out a clue and all of them went to the crystal library of finding a specific book.

In one of the right books, Twilight found something and proceed to head over in the throne room.

From there, she discovered a hidden staircase using her magic as they go down the stairs.

The three saw a door leading to the entrance, but appears to be blocked by Sombra's curse trap.

"You have failed me my faithful student."

"Why. . . ? Why did you do this Twilight? What has gotten into you?!"

"Never thought I meet someone who also hates her ruling."

"Hey, let me go! I swear, you won't get away with this! You hear me?!"

"Oh fine, I'll play along for now. So long as I get a crack at Twinkle Stars."

"No matter what, I'll always be there for you Twi."

"Your days of ruling finally ends here."

"Welcome to the new Era, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

". . . . . N-No way, that's not possible. It's you. . ."

Despite having trouble to get out of the strange hallucination, Twilight snaps out of it and uses her magic to shoot the crystal. When it glowed, the color changed and the door opens up in a clear white stairs going up.

So she uses a spell and they slide down the stairs towards the top until they eventually made.

"Ugh, remind us to know that you were gonna do that." Spike said, his eyes dizzy.

"No promises."

So Twilight, Spike, and Flash found the real Crystal Heart at last. Seeing the thing floating in the center.

"Looks like the Crystal Heart's intact. We better get it before Sombra does."

Unaware that they were being watched and Flash notices the figure sneaking in from behind them.

"Look out!"

Flash pushes them out of the way from the incoming sword as the circle activates and trapping him in the center by Sombra's magic. Both Twilight and Spike got the Heart and turn there heads to see the blue armor pony before them.

'Another armor pony?' Twilight's mind said, wondering on who's behind the armor.

"Who are you? Why did you try to attack us?"

"Wouldn't you like to know. Now hand over the Crystal Heart mare or this could get really ugly."

"Never. Spike, take the crystal heart and bring it to Cadence at once."

"B-But Twilight, what about you?"

"I'll be fine, just make sure that neither Sombra nor this mysterious pony doesn't take it."

It's a difficult decision, but Spike nods his head and jumps down on each platform with the heart.

The blue armor pony growls and takes a stance to focus on Twilight.

"Here I thought things would be so easy for me. I go all through the trouble of running and walking in my travel to cause some bad negativity, yet here I am tangling with a troubling purple mare. Who prefers to instead read books a lot and friendship issues than finding a true potential of her life."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Heheheheh, You'll find out soon enough miss Sparkle."

The two of them then clash with the armor using her sword while Twilight blocks it with a barrier shield.

While they continue to fight, Spike carefully jumps on each platform to go down.

"Easy steps Spike, easy step." He murmurs.

What he didn't expect is a shadow magic spell to hit the platform he's standing on.

"The Crystal Heart is mine!" King Sombra yelled out, his form change to his pony form.

Spike lost the grip of the heart as he also fell and he tries to get it back. Both him and Sombra were getting close to get it until Cadence flew up in time to catch Spike and the Crystal Heart thanks to Shining's assistance.

Getting it back, Cadence and Spike uses the heart power up the Crystal Empire with the citizen's help. As the Empire shines and King Sombra's body slowly shattering, he made one last message speech to every pony.

"Enjoy your victory foolish ponies, for this is just the beginning end of Equestria and the rise of a treacherous force."

Saying his final words, King Sombra shatters into pieces as the citizens cheers of the King's defeat.

Twilight meanwhile gets up to see that the blue armor pony has vanished.

"Well, I'll find out about the armor pony later. I better go check up on Cadence, Spike, Flash, and Shining."

Not far from the Empire, both the armor ponies halted there fight.

"It seems King Sombra has failed his task. I'll see you in another day, former commander."

The red armor pony vanishes in smoke while the grey armor one walks off away somewhere.

"So they made there move. I better get prepared as well." He murmurs.

Elsewhere at the same time, Moondancer arrives in the Ourtown entrance to deliver the message.

The weirdest part when she got there is seeing every pony with wide grins and equal cutie mark shapes.

'Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.' Her mind said.

Her body shakes when she notices them staring at her and she had to hurry up.

She saw a mare accompanied with two ponies greeting her.

"Welcome to Ourtown, I'm Starlight Glimmer. Who might you be young mare?"

"M-Moondancer miss Starlight, I-I'm here to deliver a message to you."

"Oh a message for me? Why, I'd be honor to accept it. Perhaps it's a secret admirer?"

Moondancer shakily hands Starlight the message scroll.

"Let's see if there's anything interesting in the message."

Upon opening it up, her eyes reads it and slowly widen in horror of reading it further in.

"Hello there Starlight Glimmer, if you are reading this, then you'll know that we have a dear long lost childhood friend of yours held hostage. If you want him back, then you do exactly as we say. Refuse and he'll be terminated in a gruesome spot in public eyes, along with the deaths in the town you are in. Here is the coordinates for our meeting.

Signed by, unknown contractor.

P.S. We know of the cutie mark vault you hidden in a cave. So don't go into thinking of adding the messenger to the equal cult cause the moment you do, say goodbye to your only home you have left."

Meanwhile in the Cantelot garden, a brown armor pony is walking toward a chaotic statue.

A powder material appeared out of the armor pony's bag and is poured in a circle.

Chanting in a different ritual language, the powder brightens up and a Draconequus appears.

"Ahhhhh, I'm free again at last. These itching sore can give me the cramps sometime." Discord said, stretching.

When his body goes to fly upwards, he gets a staticky shock and felt the pain.

"Wait a minute, why can't I move around farther?"

Discord looks around before looking down to see the brown armor pony staring at him.

"Ohohohoh, so you're the one who freed me. I must say, I'm impressed you would do that behind sunbutt's rear end. Given how you sneaked around and I've grown interest of this mysterious appearance you have stored up in your armor."

The armor pony sighs and speaks to him.

"Listen, I don't have a lot of time to talk so I'm here to make a deal with you."

Discord felt surprised of the deal offer and raises his eyebrow in suspicion.

"Pray then, what's so important that you would ask moi, the spirit of chaos and disharmony a deal?"

The armor pony sits down while Discord listens to the reason before the deal.

"The vision of a new faction rising and Equestria's demise."