//------------------------------// // chapter 0 - all are fools as the game begins ( small edit) // Story: Summoned to Equestria? ehh what's new // by hoodini667 //------------------------------// Summoned to Equestria? eh what's new - my little pony fanfic by hoodini 667 chapter 0 - all are fools as the game begins I turn off my computer. I let out a sigh. I turn to the rest of my room, next to the chair on one of the bedside tables, which had a small basket of body care in it and the manga books. Then there was the bed itself in one of two covers, two shades of blue or white with dogs on it at the end of the bed. It was in the blue covers. The other bedside table (actually next to the bed) has a lamp and clock. Then it was a wood wardrobe. I didn't know what kind of wood it was, and I didn't care bout the wood. Then there was my drawing desk, then the other desk has play station four and the VR headset next to it and then it was the TV. I didn't know how big it was, but I also did not care I turned back to the desk where I have my laptop and my Yu-gi-oh code talker deck on the desk. I put the top of the laptop down with a sigh of resignation. I wonder, 'Is there anything exciting to happen in my life?' I let out another sigh; with my luck, it will be either a marriage or a funeral; I know my chance it's going to be the latter. I get myself ready for bed as soon can as I have pale white skin brown hair; my eyes were a mix of green, blue and brown I were on the weighty side, and I fall asleep to wake up suddenly as I look around, it looks like my room but slightly off for some reason. Then the door opens, a fit-looking older man came in. I can not tell their nationality; the person had what looked like no hair on his head, but a beard fell from their head to their belly—he was wearing a Japanese kimono. The top part was white and had many little suns on it. The belt was grey, and then the bottom was black with small white dots on it. Then he turns to me with a neutral expression. Meanwhile, my mind was screaming 'da fuck' repeatedly. I had a confused look on my face and I asked him, "what's going on and who are you." "I'm going to give it to you straight (sigh). Your dead, and I'm God," God said, waiting for my reaction. He smiled for a second, then it fell. ". . . well ok, it's the circle of life, and if you really hear you what something from me," I say with a little bit of a glare. "oh, you're a practical one. I believe you can help the other world from evil you know it as Equestria from my little pony friendship is magic," God says "oh, that's great. There is a condition for this, is there" I say, "yes, there is. You will be [The Gamer] you will be in a different body when you get there, "God says "(sigh) will what other surprises do I can looking forward to getting," I say sarcastically with a displeased look. "don't worry, you will have [body modification] at level one right at the start, and you will have communication with me, "God says, smiling "can I have a skill that increases learning to be called [Apt Pupil]? its a reference to the Shin Megami Tensei slash persona franchise?" I say "sure, that's very easy to do and do you like me to add references to Shin Megami Tensei franchise and persona three, four and five," God says "none from Shin Megami Tensei franchise and less of ones form persona three that game is depressing otherwise go for it," I say "I understand, and I will tone down the persona three references and get rid of the ones from the Shin Megami Tensei. Do you what to say goodbye to your friends and family?" God says "eh, I don't have enough of a connection on my end to what me to care about them is the world an anthro world?" you say casually. "that is sad to hear, the world, yes it will be anthro. and now to discuss the gender of your body starting out." God said "for my next life, I what to be a femboy (feminine boy) if it's in your power to do", you say. "yes, it can be done, but the Equestria you're going to has reversed gender roles to here. and you will need a new name." God said "I'm fine with that, and my name Will be Warrior Dragonheart", you say "you will experience many challenges along with your journey sum sexual sum, not," God said "l will try to stay away from the sexual parts unless it's With Sunset shimmer, but we have been stalling for far too long," you say God is uneasy. "I guess so. Let me make you a Portal to Equestria" God starts chanting in a language I can't understand, then a Wormpool looking thing starts to appear in front of him. " I thought it would look-alike to doctor Steven's strange sling ring portals," you say "his portals stay in his dimension Mine do not," God said, giving me an explanation. Then he stepped aside to let me go through the portal. [Equestria 982 years after nightmare moons banishment] I found myself in a warm convolving place I did not see a thing, and I felt like it was moving to an exit. Then I hear a screaming mare, which I'm guessing is my new mother the amount she was screaming did hear a little bit, but I was moving to something I would consider smaller than I think I'm, but I go through painlessly, and I am born. [Wellcome to Equestria warrior Dragonheart] 'menu,' I think to the game system, then a slightly transparent blue window. [ character ] [ inventory ] [ skills ] 0 bits 'character,' I thought the menu changed [ name warrior Dragonheart level 1 ] [ title: the gamer ] [ job: none ] [ strength 8 ( how much you can physically move things ) ] [ dexterity 8 ( you need this for "finesse weapons" ) ] [ constitution 8 ( how healthy are you ) ] [ intelligence 23 ( book smarts ) ] [ wisdom 13 ( when you feel something is off ) ] [ charisma 8 (how well you do in a social situation ) ] [ skills: 2 ] [ GAMER MIND - mental damage or cures don't work on you. Also, you don't need to sleep at 6 am. Your HP and SP will be healed by the system ] [ GAMER BODY - you do not bleed anymore. You will take damage to your HP equal to the damage your body would usually have taken ] " will this be going to be my life now? I might as well enjoy My new life." I think. (TIME SKIP TILL NEXT CHAPTER SOONISH) Author's Notes all are fools as the game begins ominous as fuck, but it works in this author's note, past this chapter, I will put in music for you to listen to if you would like for the stats, I used the Dungeons & Dragons look it up if interested with help from Grammarly