//------------------------------// // Part 4: The Beast Hydro Zord // Story: Party Of Green // by TheSuperTransformerFan //------------------------------// Where we last left off, the rangers were celebrating their latest victory with Pinkie Pie’s help, as she brought in a new sixth ranger to the team...Ben Burke as the Green Ranger. He had taught Keytron a thing or two about messing with his friends, and that he would never let the Grid Battleforce arsenal get taken by the Storm King. Mayor Daniels returned to the Crystal Dimension in rage. “Those rangers stopped my plan!” The disguised villain said. “And nobody told me there would be a green ranger!” “What?!” The henchmen said in shock. “And, I need more Morph-X before I transform!” The mayor said desperately as he started to change back. “Of course, Master!” Vargoyle said, as at that moment, the Storm King already was transformed. “Too late!” He growled as he marched to him. “We were THIS close to getting Keytron into the base!” He plugged tube of Morph-X into himself, as he sighed and let the energy flow through him. “Just you wait...” he seethed. “I’m going to crush those heroes into oblivion!” “What?!” Robo-Blaze said. “The plan to get into Grid Battleforce has failed?!” “Yes, it has!” The Storm King said furiously, as he grabbed the Robo avatar by the neck. “If that green ranger hadn’t meddled, we would have gotten away with it!” He released him hard. “Well, if you hadn’t needed all that Morph-X to disguise as the mayor...” Robo-Blaze started to retort. “Robo-Blaze, you’re starting to sound like a bad movie.” Tempest said, as she rubbed her temples in frustration. “The point is, the rangers had interfered once again. And a green ranger just arrived at that moment as well! Have a Lattee.” “A green ranger?!” Robo-Roxy asked in shock. “Nobody TOLD us there’d be a green ranger!!” She stomped down in rage. “Need Vargoyle and I remind you that our plan to infiltrate Grid Battleforce has failed?” Grubber reminded. “I know that!” The Storm King said, aiming his staff at his two henchmen. “I don’t care much for things going off schedule. The results are that we still have the same goal!” “I concur.” Tempest said smugly, as she walked over to the Storm centaur. “We need to crush those rangers, and their new green addition too.” Vargoyle and Grubber both had an idea. “Oh, Master!” Vargoyle said. “Allow us to do the crushing for you! Or rather...one of your gigadrones!” “And, we could upgrade it with one of the previous robotron’s dome technology!” Grubber added. The Storm King thought that was a good idea. “Do it!” He instructed them. “And, make sure that dome sucks the Morph-X from everything inside it!” “Don’t rush us!” Vargoyle said. “We know what we’re doing!” “How dare you speak to the Storm King like that!” Robo-Blaze barked. “Bow, and show some respect.” “Listen, while you’re up there getting that latte, could you bring me a non-fat one sugar cappuccino?” Grubber jokingly put in. “See if they have those muffin tops.” Robo-Roxy added. “They’re sweet.” Robo-Blaze had enough, as he marched up to them furiously, and grabber Grubber by the shirt. “Why you...!” “Enough!” Storm King said, as the Robo Amber ranger let go of the hedgehog. “How many times do I have to tell you, Robo-Blaze...There’s no ‘I’ in Team?” “Yes.” The Robo avatar said weakly. “You two...” he turned to the dreadlock robot, and hedgehog. “Go. Do what you have to. But, remember: I won’t wait forever.” “You got it, Boss!” Vargoyle said, as he and Grubber went to the computer to start up the latest gigadrone. “And pretty soon...” Tempest said, as she came to the villain's side. “We’ll be one step closer to preparing our master plan!” She and Storm King laughed evilly as Grubber and Vargoyle readied their latest gigadrone. Back to the heroes, after they defeated Keytron with the help of the Green Ranger, and celebrated their latest victory with their new teammate. As they embraced in this moment, they soon broke the hug as Commander Shaw told them, “One of the detectors just went off! A gigadrone is about to land in Sector Charlie 3-7!” “Alright, let’s go!” Ravi said, as the 5 rangers, 2 ponies and Spike went to the Zord hangar to their respective zords. Ben was ready too to join in the fight, as he put his helmet back on. “I have an idea. I think it’s time to join in this Zord battle as well!” He said to Pinkie. “Time to use your Zord?” Pinkie asked in excitement as Ben nodded. “Awesome!” “Let’s go!” Ben said, as he and Pinkie took off. “Commander, fuel up and deploy the Beast Hydro Zord!” “Roger that, Green!” The commander said, as she went to the base to get Ben’s Zord ready. “This is going to be fun!” Ben said, as he and Pinkie hi-fived and went to said Zord. . The first five zords deployed, and were ready for action as they approached the gigadrone. “Guys, you know the drill?” Devon asked his teammates. “Oh, yeah!” Steel said in excitement as the five zords formed their super Zord. “BEAST-X ULTRAZORD...UNLEASHED!” The rangers, ponies and sole dragon all shouted as the Zord got ready. Keydrone landed in front of them, just in time. “Okay, Team!” Devon said. “We got this!” However, the gigadrone fired a beam from its eyes and formed a large dome around itself as the Ultrazord advanced. “Oh man!” Zoey said in shock. “It’s one of those dome things the other gigadrone did!” “Hold on!” Starlight said in shock. “You faced a dome thingie like this before?” “Yeah.” Cozy said. “Last time I heard, It almost wiped out the rangers’ Morph-X supply completely from the zords.” “So, he just did what the other dome guy did?” Spike said. “That’s not good!” “Then, we’d better destroy it before it drains our Morph-X again!” Devon said. The others nodded, as the Ultrazord, sliced its way in the dome, ready to take the gigadrone on! The Beast Hydro Zord was following them too, and Ben and Pinkie both saw the dome the Ultrazord went in. They were both shocked. “Whoa! Check it out!” Ben said, as he was enjoying his new Zord so far. “And, look at that dome!” “Look at the size of that thing!” Pinkie said, pointing to it. “It’s huge!” “Last time Devon fought that thing, it almost wiped their Morph-X clean!” Ben said seriously. Pinkie was shocked as she shuddered. “Well, at least we now know what we’re up against!” She said. “As am I!” Ben said. “Let’s tail them!” He powered the controls to take the Zord in the dome! “Let’s do it!” Pinkie said, as the Zord went inside the dome, taking them with it. Meanwhile, the Ultrazord was already inside, ready to get the job done quick. “Okay, commander! The Ultrazord is inside the dome!” Devon informed her. “We’re going to do this quick!” He switched the thrusters on, as the Ultrazord used its lance to strike the gigadrone, making him stagger back a few feet. Keydrone was also blasted by a few more beams, making him stagger back a few more feet. The others were shocked at who or what blasted them. “Whoa!” Devon said in shock. That gigadrone got blasted?! But how?” “Who did that?” Nate asked, confused as well. “Guys!” A voice said, and they all looked up to see a green frog sub-like Zord hovering above them. They were all shocked at what they were seeing. “A green frog Zord?” Cozy asked, confused. She was then shocked at the new Zord, as it came closer. “Is that...?!” Zoey asked in shock. “It’s gotta be!” Steel said in surprise. “Hey, guys!” Ben said, as he and Pinkie waved. “Did you miss us?” Pinkie asked. “Ben! Pinkie!” Ravi shouted in excitement. “Phenomenal!” Nate said in excitement. “And, check out his new Zord!” Devon said, as the Zord hovered up above them. The gigadrone was shocked at what it was seeing. “Show us what you got!” Starlight said from the Jet zord’s cockpit. “Gladly!” Ben said, as he hit a button. “Let’s fight fire with fire! Hydro bombs, away!” The Hydro Zord unleashed tadpole-like bombs at the gigadrone, damaging him, and making it stagger back even more. “Check it out! We’re all fired up!” Ben said, as the Zord rammed into the gigadrone, making it stagger back. “He shoots, he scores!” Spike said, upon seeing this new Zord handle it. “Let’s go finish this guy head on!” Ravi said. “Right!” They all said, as the Ultrazord was ready to finish them off! However, Keydrone had a sneaky trick up his sleeve as he fired a lock beam from its eye at the Zord, and used its key arm to render the Zord helpless. The heroes in the Ultrazord tried to use the controls, but they were stuck. “What the?” Spike asked. “What’s going on?” “Oh no!” Steel said in shock. “My controls are locked!” “Not again!” Nate said as well. “The Ultrazord looks like it’s gone kaput!” Starlight said in shock. “No! It’s got them!” Pinkie said in horror as Keydrone seized this chance to slash the Ultrazord with its key arm, making the Zord start to completely depower. “Aah!” Zoey said in shock as the Zord was rapidly being drained. “We’re losing Morph-X!” Cozy called out. “We gotta do something fast!” Nate, Ravi, Devon, Steel, and Spike all shouted in pain and shock as they felt the surges the Zord was feeling as well. “BEN! PINKIE!” Starlight shouted as the pain surged through them too! “Guess it’s up to us!” Pinkie said in worry as Ben nodded. “You got it, Pinkie!” Ben said, as he checked the controls for an attack that could help them. “I’ll pick...you!” He hit a button, which made the Zord transform into frog mode. “There’s a frog mode?” Ben asked in excitement as Pinkie nodded. “Cool! Let’s see...this one!” He hit a button, and the turbines to the Zord opened up like a cannon would, and it opened its mouth to attack. “It’s the Hydro Tornado Blast!” Ben said, as the Zord conjured up a whole lot of energy, and blasted the gigadrone, weakening it. It even used its tongue to punch it in the gut! “Now, that’s what we call ‘blowing chunks!’” Pinkie said excitedly as she saw the attack unfold. “Thanks, Green!” Zoey said on Ben’s left video screen as the alicorn filly nodded. “You rock!” “Good job, Ben!” Devon said, on the other video screen. “No problem!” Ben said, as he and Pinkie waved to them. “Now, let’s show them some real muscle!” He hit a button, which made the Zord advance toward Keydrone. “Afterburners, fire!” The Zord rammed into it hard, making it stagger back even more! “Rapid blast!” Ben said, as the Zord fired it Tadpole bombs at him, weakening it even more! The gigadrone couldn’t handle much more of this! “Alright!” Pinkie said. “Phenomenal!” Ben said as well. The Keydrone was not one to give up, however as he ran back up to the zords again, ready to strike. “Oh, man!” Ravi said. “What’s with this guy?!” “He seems to keep coming and coming!” Cozy said. “It’s like there’s no end to him!” Spike said in shock. “Agreed, but I don’t know what else we can do!” Nate said worriedly. Ben and Pinkie both saw the gigadrone still not willing to give up, and were shocked. “Oh man! Keydrone is about to slash the Ultrazord, and it’s our job to stop it!” Pinkie squealed in horror. “What are going to do, Ben?” “I know!” Ben said, “And, I’ve got an idea!” He contacted Nate, and Steel. “Nate! Steel! Disengage the striker zords! I’m coming in for a close shot!” “What?!” Steel and Starlight asked in shock. “Are...are you sure that’s a good idea?” Nate asked. “Just trust me.” Ben said, confidently about his plan. “Alright...” Nate started to say. “But, the zords are locked!” Steel tried to point out. “Steel, we’ve gotta try!” Spike said, as they readied the disengagement switches. They eventually gave in. The gigadrone was about to charge into the Zord again. “Alright, the zords are ready to be disconnected.” Nate said, as he turned to Steel and Starlight. “Ready?” “Ready, Bro!” Steel said, As he got ready too. “Ready, set...” Nate and Spike counted down to disconnect the zords. “What, what are you...?” Starlight started to ask. “NOW!” Nate said, as they hit the buttons, jolting the Striker zords from the Ultrazord, leaving only the three Beast-X zords together. The force threw Starlight off to the ceiling, and then back down. The power supply for said zords came back online. “Our controls are back!” Nate said in glee. Ben seized this chance to blast the dome, which made it open, but for a short time. “Get out of there!” Ben said, as they threw the two zords out of the dome, as they landed right by the base. “Ugh...” Starlight said, as she got up from the zord’s throw down from the dome. “Warn me next time you're gonna do that.” Meanwhile, the Beast-X zords were still going at it with the weakened Keydrone, but its arm sent the zords back a few feet. “Man, there’s no end to this guy!” Ravi said in shock. “Even with our zords, he just won’t give up!” Zoey added. “Great. I don’t know what we’re going to do!” Devon said, as the drone got ready to slash him, but got hit by the Hydro zord’s tongue. They all looked up, and saw Ben’s Zord. “Hang on, guys!” Pinkie said, as the Zord was ready to take it on again and the three other zords got back up. Ben had an idea. “Hey, Zoey!” He contacted her. “Mind if I take your spot?” “Huh?” Zoey asked, confused by what he was asking. “I’ve got a new configuration!” Ben said, clarifying it, as the Zord came to the other three. “Okay!” Zoey said. “Let’s go, Cozy!” “Roger!” Cozy said, saluting as the Hydro Zord blasted the done open, and the chopper Zord jumped out of the dome. “Ben’s got a new Zord configuration?” Ravi asked in curiousity. “Sounds like it!” Devon said. “Let’s do it!” “It’s go time!” Ben said, as he activated the combination code. “Let’s combine!” Devon said, as he entered the code. “Oh yeah!” Ravi said, as he too activated the code. “DISASSEMBLY ENGAGED!” Devon, Ravi, Pinkie and Ben called out as the Racer Zord, and Wheeler Zord combined like the Beast-X Megazord. However, the Hydro Zord disassembled to form arms, a frog-like chest piece and a helmet for the Megazord. The transformation was complete as the new red, blue and green Megazord was ready. “BEAST-X HYDRO MEGAZORD...UNLEASHED!” The 4 heroes said, as the Megazord approached them. “Alright, let’s show this gigadrone how it’s done!” Devon said. “Right!” The others said, as the new Megazord advanced toward them. Keytron responded by firing a lock beam from its eye at the Zord. “Uh oh!” Ben said in shock. “Duck!” He activated the zord’s jet boots, making the Zord fly up and kick him down. Keytron was not willing to give up yet, as he whapped the Zord with its key arm. “Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be?!” Pinkie angrily retorted. “Tongue punch now!” The Beast-X Hydro Megazord opened its frog mouth plate open, and a tongue-like fist came out of it, and punch the gigadrone, sending it a few feet back. “Now, that’s what I call chillin!” Ben said in triumph. “You got it!” Pinkie said, as she hi-fived Ben. The gigadrone still was putting up a fight as it approached them again. “Uh, oh!” Devon said. “He’s still not giving up!” Ravi said in shock. Ben and Pinkie saw the gigadrone advanced toward the Zord, and knew what had to be done! No more playing. Time to get serious and end this! “That’s it, Keydrone!” Ben said. “You’re through ruining our day!” The Megazord advanced toward the gigadrone and before it could get the Zord, it delivered a fierce punch to the gut, sending it back a few steps. “You wanna know what we are?” Pinkie asked. “Yeah! We’re a super formidable fighting force, and I’m a big aquatic frog with an attitude!” Ben said. “Rapid blast!” The Megazord held out its arm, and unleashed the hydro bombs, which transformed into mini versions of said Zord, which rammed into the gigadrone, making it stagger back some more. “A Megazord is nothing without its power!” Pinkie said smugly as she gave out the next command. “Hydro Screw!” The Megazord unveiled walker-type Mecha hands and spun them as the turbines let out a gust of steam, and a gush of water at the gigadrone, severely weakening it, which made it slip and fall on the ground. He got back up, but couldn’t handle much more of this. “Time to end this!” Devon shouted as he summoned his weapon for the finisher. "TRANSPORT...CHEETAH BEAST BLASTER!" Devon’s helmet turned to scope mode, as he aimed the weapon at the robot. “MEGAZORD...TURBINE BLAST!” The Beast-X Hydro Megazord aimed its arms at Keydrone, and fired an array of blasts and water gushes and steam gusts with its hands, frog chest plate, and arm missed blaster. All these attacks were too much to handle, as the gigadrone went down easily and exploded, making him no more! “Virus eliminated!” Devon, Ravi and Ben all shouted in victory. “Whoo!” Pinkie squealed in excitement as the dome evaporated, and the Megazord posed in total victory as the new gigadrone was defeated.