Party Of Green

by TheSuperTransformerFan

Part 2: Collecting All Memories!

You’re probably did the Storm King be able to disguise himself under the alias of Mayor Daniels, Devon’s dad? Is he a changeling in disguise? Did he somehow escape Tartarus, and manage to take Evox’s power and store in the staff of Sarcanas? Well, we’ll get to those answers later! Right now, we need to get to our heroes!

Nate, Steel, Ravi, Starlight, Cozy and Spike were all a little frustrated that Zoey, Devon and Pinkie didn’t record the memories in the book. They were giving them menacing looks.

“Are you kidding me?!” Nate asked. “You guys had ONE JOB!

“You guys said...” Steel started, with Starlight and Spike nodding with him.

“Sorry, you guys.” Devon confessed. “We were busy tasting Pinkie’s cupcakes for her memory formula, that we forgot to add them.”

“That still is no excuse to forget!” Nate said, as he got his fists ready. “I’m giving you guys a piece of my mind!”

However, Ravi, and Starlight held his arms in place, before the latter could go any further. “Nate...settle!” Starlight said seriously.

Nate lowered his arms down, and took in a deep breath. “I’m sorry. But, you’re right.” He said. “We can still get those memories later. Right now, what’s this I hear about cupcake-tasting memory formula?”

“I’m glad you asked.” Pinkie said. “I really thought I had my taste/memory formula figured out, but I was completely/totally wrong. So... on to stage two!” She quickly got out a cakes with multiple Pinkies, which shocked them.

“Whoa!” Steel said. “Someone call the robotron exterminator!”

“More Pinkies?!” Nate asked, and then saw that they were just in a cake. “Oh, I never seen anything like that before.”

“Well, Twilight would definitely know what this one is.” Spike said, as he chomped on the cake and another memory came into focus.

“That's nice, but this cake isn't supposed to remind you of that.” Pinkie said, taking this as a compliment. “It's supposed to remind you of all the holidays I invented!”

The others were surprised that Pinkie had invented such holidays. “You created holidays, Pinkie?” Nate asked. “Like... irthday holidays?”

“Sure!” Pinkie asked, as she chomped into a cake. “Did I not tell you that?”

“I think you have.” Cozy said, as she smirked. “A myriad of times.”

“We get it.” Steel cut in. “You like to start a bunch of holidays.”

“Steel!” Devon said as he nudged him.

Ravi noticed a cake with a frog and hat on it. He took a quick bite out of it, and instantly knew that it tasted good. “Hey, Pinkie!” He said, as he tasted it. “What’s on this one? It looks pretty good.”

Pinkie saw the cake Ravi took a bite out of and beamed! “Oh, Ravi!” She said happily. “That cakes tell me about my ability to predict the future!”

The others were a little shocked and confused that Pinkie revealed that. “Predict the future?” Nate asked. “I thought only Starlight can do that.” Starlight blushed as he said that.

“Well, of course I can! Duh!” Pinkie said. “I can predict the future sometimes. Well, the immediate future, really. I call it my Pinkie sense!” She felt a twitch in her tail. “Oop! Better cue another flashback!”

“So, you can only predict what happens right now?” Ravi asked. Pinkie nodded.

“Also, Does it maybe remind you of babysitting?” The party mare asked. The others were confused...except Steel.

“Wait! I remember when I took care of a potted plant named Spot!” Steel said excitedly. “It was quite an adventure, and...wait. Did you babysit before?”

“You took care of a potted plant, Steel?” Cozy asked confused. “No offence, but plants aren’t sentient.”

“Oh, I did, Cozy!” Steel pointed out. “I made a bet with Nate that if I did take care of a plant, he’d get me a pet.” Nate looked at him, smiling and suspicious. “Although, I did lose him to Vargoyle, and all...”

“Then, if you did try your best, I bet Pinkie did the same.” The filly put in, as she looked her friend.

Pinkie nodded again. “Only, it was more challenging than you might think.” She said sheepishly.

“Then, I think that’s exactly what this cake reminds—“ Cozy started as she pointed to the same cake, only for Pinkie to cut the filly off.

No, it doesn't!” she said seriously, before shifting back to happiness. “But maybe it reminds you of all the crazy outfits I've worn over the years, huh?”

“Maybe...” Steel put in.

“This is supposed to remind us of those moments?” Nate asked, confused as he bit into a slice of said cake.

NO!” Pinkie shouted as she threw her cake plate down, and smacked the computer screen in frustration. “Those were all trick questions!” She said quickly, which made the others jump back. “This cake is about my ability to sum up a series of events in a quickly stated run-on sentence that keeps going for as long as it takes for me to say either everything that's happened up to this point or everything that's going to happen with the Hydro Zord with no real way of explaining how I could possibly know that information!” She slouched down in defeat.

“Pinkie, we love that you're taking this job so seriously.” Zoey said, petting her on the head, kindly. “Memories or not, I trust you to make whatever coronation cakes you want.” She smiled at her, who smiled back.

“Yeah. I guess so.” Pinkie said, as she looked up. “But, it’s not just me that should help collect the memories.” She extended her hoof out to her. “It’s also some ranger I know!” She even turned to the fourth wall. “And, it’s a yellow one!”

“Really?” Zoey asked. “Who is that?”

“She reminds me of a great warrior ever to fight beside me, and my friends.” Pinkie said boldly. “She’s a fearless warrior who never runs away from a challenge, and will always jump in to solve big the day she became a ranger!”

“This ranger I know can definitely hold her own in a battle...” Pinkie continued. “...and is always quick to apologize and make things right.”

Pinkie then went from bold, and kind and understanding as she took Zoey’s hands and smiled sweetly at her, as she continued her speech. “She even is not one to back down out of a mission to set things right...even if those things are beyond her control.” Zoey was shocked as her friend said that as she was wondering who she meant.

“And, I remember about hearing that her mother almost revealed the rangers identities...” Pinkie continued. “Everypony would be staring at them, judging them, jealously noting how they could be waybetter than them! Why wasn't it them? Why wasn't it them? And then, when they would choke, they'll turn on them, becoming a seething, angry mob, and they’d be horribly humiliated, never able to show your face again!

She shifted back to warm kindness. “But, no.” She said. “I believe she helped her mom see the light in keeping the identities a secret.”

“And, that ranger has even went out of her way countless times to help other critters that have been in poor habitats, that she wouldn’t rest until they were in a safe place!” She playfully nudged Zoey. “Kinda like Fluttershy.”

“And that ranger even has helped Pinkie even in battles together in very unpredictable ways than one.” Cozy piped up, as she flew to her. “I should know, because even she teamed up with Twilight and her friends, many times.”

Just then, Zoey and the others were heading back. “And then I said to Nate...’Get your own chicken coop!’”

Fluttershy just spat out her drink at Zoey and Rainbow Dash who dodged her projectile spitting. “Oh, sorry. That one’s got animals!” She giggled.

They were going to check on the weather when they saw the weather already being messed up. They took a good notice at the two who were behind all this. “COZY GLOW?!” Zoey shouted.

“ROXY?!” Both Pegasi said in shock.

”Uh, oh. Looks like we’re busted.” Roxy took out the robotron creation key and threw it up into the sky. The messed up weather landed in front of the heroes in the form of a robot. “Go get them, WeatherTron!” She alerted.

”Roger that!” The robot said. “Today’s forecast is a little rainy, and drizzly, with a chance of Rangers and Ponies!” He swing his thundercloud hands to them. The heroes dodged them as they got ready to fight them!

Chrysalis was shocked and decided to step in, along with Roxy. “Okay, elements!” Roxy said evilly. “Time to blast you all to kingdom come!”

Pinkie and Zoey appeared before them. Pinkie was disguised as a circus worker. “Step right up, evil fillies and gentlevillains!” She spoke to them. “Try your luck!” She and Zoey got a wheel that had pictures of each of them Mane six on edge wedge.

Chrysalis tried to blast the wheel, but Zoey retaliated. “Beast blast!” She fired from her blaster at the changeling and yellow avatar. They yelled in pain, and tried to blast them, but with Pinkie hiding in various places, and Zoey using her jackrabbit powers, they were almost too fast to beat! “Close, but no cherrychanga!” Zoey said, as she fired from her blaster to hit them spot on! “Thanks for playing!”

Zoey was shocked at what Pinkie was saying that she realized now, who she meant. “That ranger...” Pinkie said, pointing to her. “ you.” She smiled at her.

Zoey was shocked and surprised at she meant her. Tears of joy were flowing through her. “Oh, Pinkie!” She said, hushed as she hugged her friend tightly and kindly, as she smiled during the hug. “I’m proud that you needed me for the memories.”

The others watched in awe and comfort as they saw the hug unfold. “I’m glad that you even care about helping Twilight out with her gift for her in Canterlot.” The party mare said softly. “You really do solve big problems.” As they hugged, the rest saw the book fill with her and Zoey’s memories real quick! They smiled at the whole process.

“Pinkie, that was great!” Starlight said in joy. “I think we got everything we needed.”

“We most certainly did not!” Steel said, seriously. “Pinkie’s taste/memories formula isn't working! We still haven’t finished trying her cakes!”

“Steel, it’s alright that we didn’t try the rest of her cakes.” Nate said, calmly to his brother. “Bug, didn’t she just make that up?”

“But that doesn't mean it shouldn't work!” Steel said urgently. “We need to try again!”

The two embraced in the hug, when Devon and Ravi both got a call on their wristcoms. They both could tell it was urgent. “We’ll try again later. The commander wants to see us!” Devon said, calm but serious. “Come on.”

The two girls broke the hug, and Zoey started to leave. She then stopped, and turned to Pinkie. “You coming, Pinkie?” She asked.

“Yeah.” She said. “I just gotta finish up some details on the project.” She pointed to said project on the computer. “I’ll be along.”

“Okay!” Ravi said, as the others left. “See you then.”

“See you!” Pinkie said, as she waved to her friends, before getting back to the project. She typed in the blueprints for the FS-00 project, and she saw that the holographic portals needed a few more seconds.

“Just need a few more seconds to access the holographic Zord portals.” She typed in the coordinates, and got the right access. She hit the button, and the Zord portals were spot on!

“Yes!” She said. “This is just what I needed! Now to get to work on this thing.” Pinkie worked from top to bottom, working on the new Zord. She worked on the design, and got the parts built, and portals connected and working. After a good montage of building, the Hydro Zord was finally complete.

“Phew!” She said, as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. “The Hydro Zord is complete!” She looked around. “Now, all it needs is a Beast Bot.” She went back into the lab, and started to punch in the DNA coding, and the blueprints ready to make the Beast Bot.

Pinkie wasted no time in sprucing up the lab and pulled out some schematics, working on a computer and assembling a small green frog-like robot. She uploaded an operating system into the robot and activates it, creating a small, frog-like creature.

“Eureka!” Pinkie squealed as she threw the goggles off her head. “I have created the perfect tactical companion to the Hydro Zord!” She powered on the bot, who squirmed around to life. “Ah. Pinkie Pie!” The bot said. “I’m...what should my name be?”

Pinkie was shocked. She hadn’t really thought of a name. She started to think of what a possible name would be. “Uh...Betty?” She asked. The Beast Bot shook its head in disgust. “Uh, that’s okay! Let’s try another one!” She said. “Enetan?” No. “Tina?” Nope. “Denise?” Still nope. “Louise?” Still no.

Pinkie threw herself down in defeat. “I have no idea what to call my Beast Bot!” She said, stressed. “I mean, it’s not like it’s a frog, so I can call it ‘Ribbit’...” Just then, she got an idea, as the Beast Bot chimed in excitement.

“Waitaminute...” Pinkie said, as she came over to the robot. “You’re a frog Beast Bot. So, you need a name appropriate for a frog. How about Ribbit?” The Beast Bot cheered in excitement.

“Alright, then I shall call you Ribbit!” Pinkie said in excitement.

“Alright!” Ribbit said, introducing herself. “Ribbit is my name! I’m here to make sure you’re fast and efficient!”

“Aw.” Pinkie said, as she kindly petted it. “Thanks, you’re so cute!”

Ribbit blushed. “I love when you call me cute!” The Frog bot said.

“I know.” The party pony said. She was proud of the work she had done to create this. And now, Project FS-00...The Beast Hydro Zord, and its Beast Bot partner was complete.

“Now, all I need is a ranger.” Pinkie said out loud. She wondered who would be a perfect candidate for the ranger to go with this Zord. “But, who?”

While she was pondering that, she went out to gather the aquatic DNA from a frog, then returned to the base, and extracted it into the Morph-X. She then created a key, very identical to Ravi’s...only it was made to look like a hippo...or frog, depending of what you’d see it as.

“Oh... I need a new ranger, and I need one soon.” She said, worriedly. “How am I supposed to make this ranger feel like A perfect partner for Ribbit, and the Zord without actually going too far away to a different world?!”

Just then, she got the perfect idea. “Pinkie, you’re a genius!” She said to herself. She gathered her new green Morph-X key, and got a spare Beast-X Morpher, and left the base to go find her potential partner.

Meanwhile, Ben was outside by the lamp post, trying to help his sister down, who was still hanging on to said lamp post. “Come on, Betty!” Ben said, getting ready to catch her. “You can do it!”

“Ben, help me!” Betty screamed in horror, as she looked down at the ground, and was frightened.

“I’ve got you, sis!” Ben said, as he was ready to catch her. At that moment, Pinkie raced out of the base, and got to Ben a little too quickly, as she rammed into her, making the two topple over.

“Owie...” The party mare said, as she was trying to recover. She finally collected her bearings and saw Ben on the ground, trying to get up. She jumped up in shock. “Ben! Oh, thank hoofness I found you!“ she said in shock and relief.

Ben got up, and was shocked to see her here. “Huh? Pinkie? What...what’s wrong?!” He asked.

“I am in dire need of help...” she said to him. “I have a Zord...the rangers are on paint duty...need you to see it.”

“Aren’t the others going to see the new painting mural?” He asked confused.

“Yup. But, I have something that I have to show you that could help the rangers!” Pinkie explained to him. “I need your help. And fast!“

“Okay. But, I have to help get Betty down first.” Ben said.

Pinkie groaned. “Not important.” She said, as she pushed him over to the base. “We should get goin, Ben!”

Betty saw her brother and Pinkie leave, and was shocked. “Wait, Ben!” She screamed. “Take me with you! You can’t just leave me here!” She then noticed that she was starting to lose grip on the post, as her hands slowly slid off, and then she fell to the ground. “Noooooo!” She shouted, as she landed on her behind hard. “Ow! My butt!” She rubbed it, as it would take a long time for the pain to subside.

Meanwhile, Pinkie took Ben to the Zord hangar, and unveiled to him the new frog sub-like Zord. “Uh, Pinkie? What are we doing here?” Ben asked confused.

“Feat your eyes on this, Ben Burke!” Pinkie said, solemnly, as she flicked on the lights to reveal the Zord in its full glory, as it shone in the light. “Introducing the Beast Hydro Zord! A green Zord, loaded with aquatic frog DNA.

Ben was shocked at this. “Really?” He asked. “Then, how come it hasn’t been used before?”

“Yup!” Pinkie and Ben both walked over to the Zord. “It is one of the first generation models, and is mostly in prototype stage. It hasn’t been tested yet, and I was about to find a candidate when I found you.”

Ben was now surprised as she meant that she wanted him to be a guinea pig pilot for the Zord. “You want me to practice driving this Zord?” He asked.

“Yeah.” Pinkie revealed. “I have a feeling that this Zord, could have all the answers in defeating any mecha villains, and could strengthen our chances on taking down the Storm king. You want to take this for a test drive with me?” She asked. “Maybe, we’ll find something.”

“That’s no problem!” Ben said happily. “Of course, we’ll go on this Zord ride.” He and Pinkie slowly, but safely got into the Zord cockpit. They then closed the doors, and powered on the controls. “I hope I’m not wasting your time.”

“No, you’re not!” Pinkie said, as she switched the steering wheel on. The Beast Bot opened its ‘eyes’, and giggled.

Ben was frightened that the Zord started giggling. “Pinkie?” He asked. “Is that you?!”

“No! It’s me!” Ribbit said. Ben looked down, and saw the Beast Bot talk to him. He jumped back, but then got back in the drivers seat.

“ that a Beast Bot?” Ben asked surprised.

“Yep! Meet my new partner, Ribbit!” Pinkie said, introducing him to the bot. “Don’t worry, she’s pretty much harmless.”

Ben saw that she was right. She was no trouble at all. “Uh, hi, Ribbit.” He said, shyly as he pet her. The bot giggled. “Oh.” He said. “I guess she looks pretty cute.”

“I like being called cute!” Ribbit said, which made Ben’s face light up.

The Zord hangar doors opened as the Zord lifted off the ground, and into the air. “Alright, Ben!” She said. “You ready for this?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be!” Ben said, as he gave her the thumbs up!

“Then, here we go!” Pinkie said, as she hit the gas pedal, as the Zord flew out of the hangar, and she And Ben screamed with excitement, as they were not only about to witness the first test drive if the Hydro Zord, but also experience for the very first time, a brand new green Power Ranger that would later prove to be a formidable fighting force for the team!