Party Of Green

by TheSuperTransformerFan

Prologue: The Unidentified Mural

It was a nice day outside, the birds were flying, people were enjoying it, and the sun was shining out. That would be the case as Ravi Shaw, the blue Power Ranger came out, with a table tray and saw a tricked out graffiti wall. He got out a picture of an island out, and saw the wall. He got an idea, as he started getting out a paint roller, and blue paint and started to paint over the dirty wall.

He covered the entire wall with a freshly painted blue background. That was done, now to add the works. Ravi carefully and skillfully painted tropical birds, the sun, and people on the beach, as well as the sand, and some palm trees. Finally, the painting was done! He stepped back to admire the wall, and was proud of how well he painted it.

He got out his picture, and saw that it matched what he had made on the wall. “Perfect.” He said, almost quietly. He put the drawing away, and started to clear the tray. It was a good thing his mom, Commander Shaw wasn’t here. She would think that art was a waste of time, unlike how some people would see it. He was ready to head back to Grid Battleforce, when he heard a voice.

“Ravi?” The teen turned around, and saw Pinkie Pie, who was confused about why he was just leaving.

“Oh! Hey, Pinkie!” Ravi said, a little too excited.

“What cha doing?” Pinkie asked.

“I saw this artist guy painting the wall.” He said, showing her said wall. “But, he ran away. Guess he didn’t want to be caught. He left his art supplies, so I’m just cleaning up the mess.”

He saw his hands had paint on them, and brushed them off quickly. “Oh, look at my hands.” He said. “Why would anyone bother painting a mural on a city wall?”

“Dunno.” Pinkie said, confused. “I guess some ponies just like to enjoy their free time. And, so have a lot of time to waste.” She patted his arm.

“Okay, well...see you at Grid Battleforce.” She said, as she bounced back. “Meet ya there!”

As Ravi saw her leave. He sighed with relief. “Good thing Mom isn’t here.” he thought. “She really would think it was a waste of time.” Nevertheless, he headed back to Grid Battleforce to meet up with his friends.

He arrived at the base, and went into the lab. He saw the he still had some paint residue on his hands, and washed them off with a rag and water. At that moment, Nate, Steel and Starlight Glimmer came in. “Hey, Ravi.” Starlight said, as they noticed his dirty hands.

“What have you been painting?” Nate asked.

“Oh, Hi, Starlight.” Ravi said to her. “Um...nothing. I just touched a freshly painted wall in our house.” They were confused. “Remodeling.”

“I guess I forgot you guys were doing that.” Steel said to him. “Cruise must be rubbing off on me.”

Just then, Ravi’s phone ringtone went off. He answered the phone. “Hello?”

At the spot where Ravi painted the mural, there was a whole crowd of people! Devon and Zoey were there too, as Devon, himself was calling to tell his friend about what he was seeing. Apparently, it was the recently painted mural that Ravi made.

“Dude!” Devon said excitedly. “Turn to channel 10!”

“Okay.” Ravi said, as he went to do so. “It’s Devon.” He said to them. “Something’s on the news.”

“Good news, I hope.” Steel said, as they all saw The TV, revealing the news headline, “Mystery Mural Appears Overnight.

Zoey’s mom, was reporting from this spot. “This building had been marked for demolition, until a new mural was made today.” She reported.

“Cool.” Steel said, as he saw it on TV.

“No way!” Ravi said, in quiet shock, as he saw his mural shown on the news.

“No one knows who the mystery artist is, but people sure love their work.” Zoey’s mom continued to report.

“Ravi, dude! This mural is awesome!” Devon said as he saw it. “I’m sure cameras don’t do it justice.”

Elsewhere, in the crowd of people, two other teens were also wanting to see the mural too. One, energetic and works on inventions, and the other, who also works on inventions but probably soon to be a future Power Ranger....Ben & Betty Burke!

Betty was ready to take the picture as she whipped out her camera phone. “Let’s get a picture for Dad.” She said, as she tried to get a good shot. But, no avail.

“Oh, man!” She said in disappointment. She had an idea. “Give me a boost little Bro.” She told Ben.

“Great idea.” Ben said.

“You’re the best.” Betty said thankfully, as her brother helped her up.

“I’m trying to get a good angle so you can capture it.” He told her, as he held her up on his back.

Betty felt like she could see the mural more now. “There it is!” She said, as she got her phone out, and ready for the shot. “A little to the left.”

Ben took a few steps to the left. “How about thiiiiiiiissss?” He said, as he accidentally stepped on a skateboard, making him and Betty slide out of the crowd.

“What are you doing?!” Betty shouted as she and Ben tried to hold on. She noticed that they were about to hit a wall. “Look out!!!” She cried out.

“I can’t stop!!!” Ben screeched. It looked like they would topple over as usual. Luckily, Betty grabbed an overhead light post, and she spun around somersault-like.

Ben wasn’t so lucky as he rammed into a nearby hot dog stand. “I’m sorry!!!” He shouted as he fell of the skateboard and into the condiments.

“Ben!!!” Betty called out from the lamp post, as she was stuck and didn’t know how to get down!

Back at the base, Ravi was interested in his recent unknown fame. “So, people really like it, huh?” He asked.

“Of course!” Devon said, proudly. “Your skills are next level!”

“Uh...what do you mean, my skills?” Ravi asked.

“Come on, dude!” Devon said, understandingly.

“Okay. I painted it.” Ravi said truthfully, as he could tell him anything. “How’d you know it was me?”

Nate, Starlight, and Steel exchanged looks of suspicion, disappointment, and seriousness as he was talking. “We had a feeling.” Devon said over the phone. “Now get down here, Michelangelo, and check out all the people enjoying your art.”

“Sure!” Ravi answered. “I’ll head over there, now.” He hung up, and got ready to head off.

“Heeeeey...wait a second.” Steel said, as they knew something was off.

Ravi stopped and turned to the science trio. “You guys coming?” He asked them.

“You painted the mural this morning, didn’t you?” Nate asked, knowingly. “That’s why you were washing your hands.”

“Yeah. That’s true.” Ravi admitted. “I did painting.”

“We already know you like to paint.” Starlight put in. “But, why lie to us about it?”

“I’m sorry, guys.” Ravi told them. “I’ve been keeping my painting a secret for so long. Telling little lies is just a reflex now.”

“Here’s the thing....Whether it’s a little lie or a big lie, it’s not cool.” Nate said.

“Nate’s right.” Starlight added. “I would you like it if Nate did that to you? Or, what would Applejack say if she were here? You know she is the element of Honesty after all.”

“You’re right, Starlight.” Ravi said. “I wouldn’t like it at all. I won’t lie to you again. I promise.”

“Okay. Thanks.” Nate forgave him, before smiling. “You better go check out your first art exhibit.”

Ravi smiled, and went off to see his mural in action, as he left. “I’m lost.” Steel said. “Who’s remodeling?”

As Ravi left, Pinkie Pie came in. “Hi, Starlight! Hi, guys!” Pinkie said as she came in.

“Hey, Pinkie.” They all said.

“I just saw Ravi leave to go see a new mural. Funny, cause that’s the mural I saw earlier.” Pinkie said, a little confused. “Who made that mural anyway.”

“Ravi made the mural, Pinkie. But, that’s not important right now.” Starlight said. Pinkie was shocked as she heard this. “Right now, Spike and I need your help! We’re making a present to surprise Twilight at Canterlot.”

Pinkie now made a huge grin, as she was ready to hear more about Starlight’s plan for Twilight.