The Moment Our Eyes Met

by SweetCarol

Chapter 7

Despite being very happy at that moment, Apple Bloom did not stop thinking about one thing: Her parents, her grandparents and her sister-in-law, who had died a few years ago, wouldn't be present to share all that joy with her, which left her sad.

Applejack soon realized this and took a small red box out of the purse that had taken her dress. Apple Bloom didn't know what it was, butshe knew it was for her, as it had her name on the cover.

"What is it?" She asked curiously as she wiped away the tears that unintentionally rolled down her cheeks.

"A very special gift. When each of the three of us were born, Mom made accessories for us to wear on our wedding day. She made that tie for the Big Mac, earrings for me and for you, little sister, she made this." Applejack opened the box, which was green inside, but the young mare could only pay attention to the beautiful hair clip. It had a apple shaped and shiny with golden details.

Big Mac wasted no time and put the hair clip in her hair.

"Little sister, I am sure that wherever our parents, grandparents and my dear and deceased wife are, they're really happy and proud that you're following the path of love. As we are."

Apple Bloom cried again, but with emotion and opened a smile. The three got together and shared a final hug.

"Ok, now let's go because I can't let my fiance wait any longer. I miss him so much."

"So, let's go." Applejack smiled.

At the aisle, Twilight Velvet used her magical aura to straighten the sash with the golden coat of arms of her adopted son's wedding white attire.

After the case of the crown of supreme sibling, she and her husband became much more present and loving to Spike than ever, always emphasizing that he was part of the family and was their son too.

"My baby, you're so grown up." She said sweetly, looking at him with pride.

"I can't describe how happy I am, Mom, I'm about to marry the love of my life." He said, refraining from shouting at all four winds how happy he was.

"And I congratulate you my dear, I'm sure that you and your special somepony will be very happy in this marriage." She said, wrapping him in a strong embrace.

Babs ran as fast as possible back to the yard behind the castle, with so many family members of the Apple family attending the wedding, inside the castle there wasn't enough space for everyone.

"Attention, guys, the bride is coming!" She exclaimed happily, which made everyone celebrate and Flurry Heart took her place in the aisle as the best mare.

Applejack arrived first, being one of the bridemaids along with Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Lil' Cheese and Luster Dawn.

"I don't know if I'm still ready to let you go." Big Mac confessed, when the time finally came. "But if this is what you really want, I'm happy for you."

"Big Mac, I may be forming my own family today, but never forget that: No matter how much I grow and how much things change, I'll always be your little sister."

His lips trembled and he tried not to cry anymore, but failed miserably.

"Let's go." He murmured, extending his hoof.

Apple Bloom put her hoof over his and they started walking slowly down the path of white flower petals. Both the bride and groom felt their hearts overflowing with happiness when they saw each other again after 3 long and distressing days in which they were separated.

She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in her wedding dress.

"Are you nervous, uncle?" Flurry Heart whispered, leaning towards him.

"Nervous? Nah. I'm terrified." Spike whispered back. "But at the same time, I'm happy. It's kinda weird, but I like it."

As Cadance said once, Shining Armor cried at every wedding, it was no different at that one. But that time, he had a company to cry with.

"It seemed like yesterday that he was so small and still wore diapers, my baby grew up so fast." Night Light said between loud sobs and the waterfall of tears that streamed from his eyes.

"I know how it is dad, I know how it is." He said, also crying compulsively while they were both hugging each other and patting each other on the back.

It was only a few months since Pinkie Pie and Cheese had her little Buttercup, but that hasn't stopped her from planning the best wedding party possible for one of her dearest cousins.

She bought a kangaroo for baby ponies and started getting her little filly used to the party atmosphere.

Wanting to be close to him as soon as possible, Apple Bloom started walking so fast that Big Mac could barely keep up with her. Twilight laughed softly as the brothers-in-law hugged each other. They looked at each other affectionately, trying to resist the urge to hug.

Instead, Spike just gently took her by the hoof and gave it a tender kiss.

"Dear ponies, dragons, changelings, griffins and etc., we are gathered here today to celebrate the union between Spike, my faithful Royal Adviser, little brother and best friend." She said, making him smile. "And Apple Bloom, one of the best sisters-in-law that anyone could have. Now if you want speak your wedding vows, this is the time. "

"Oh, I do wanna speak." She said, approaching a little more and looking him lovingly in the eye. "Spike, since the day we met I was absolutely sure that ... This would never happen. We were not enemies and we fought all the time, but we had our conflicts, do you remember?"

"How would I forget?" He said between low chuckles.

"But anyway, here we are, right? From my old relationships, I felt that little by little I started to discredit that there is this thing of true love as everyone keeps saying. But I was wrong, I found you again, being so loving, sweet, caring and staying by my side even in the most difficult moments. I love you so much, thank you for loving me as you love me. "

When she noticed that her love was crying, she also couldn't help herself and also started to cry.

"There, now we can continue." She said, while wiping away the tears.

"Well, I think it's my turn now." He murmured with a tearful voice.

"I can't believe it, Spike, did you write your votes?" She said, watching him take a sheet of paper out of his suit.

"Yeah, I knew I was gonna be too nervous and forget what I had memorized." He explained, while opening the paper. "Apple Bloom, love of my life, once I was asked if I believed in true love, I said 'yes', because at that moment I was thinking about you, how much I loved you and that I wanted to be with you forever. I cannot promise you that life by my side will be perfect, because I have several flaws, while you're the most amazing and special pony I've ever met in my life, I know you deserve someone better. But one thing I am sure of: My love, is and will always be all yours. "

Unable to hold on any longer, Apple Bloom jumped into his arms and finally felt complete again.

"Don't be more stupid than you already are, I don't need someone better. All I want and everything I need is you, only you."

Without waiting for the final sentence, they both kissed lovingly, but no one cared and everyone celebrated.

"Ok, ok, that's enough lovebirds, the wedding is not done yet." Twilight warned, but couldn't hide a smile on her face when seeing the starry love they had. "Bring the rings!"

"I think it's our turn girls, let's go!" Rocky told her cousins. She was 4 and of all of them, she knew more words.

Apple Belle and Andi went to one side and Rocky and Honey B to the other. The bride and groom only needed to die of cuteness to see how adorable they were. The little twins handed the wedding rings to the little fillies next to them, who in turn gave them to whom it belonged.

They invented that method so that there was no fight among the little ones.

Twilight used her magical aura and placed one of the rings on Spike's ring finger and the ring with a golden string, around Apple Bloom's neck.

"Now with the power granted to me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You can kiss ..."

Before she was finished, Apple Bloom grabbed him by the sash, pulled him close and kissed him.

"The groom? All right, then." She said between laughs, while all the guests celebrated again.

At the party, after so many congratulations, hugs and kisses on the cheeks, Spike could no longer understand the meaning of the phrase "Welcome to the Apple family".

But he was genuinely happy, to have been accepted so quickly by his wife's relatives, since he was the first non-pony member to enter the family and had to confess that he was a little insecure about it.

After greeting all the Apples, which took some time, Apple Bloom smiled and was immensely pleased when Gabby flew up to her and gave her a hug. After some time, she managed to resume her friendship with her griffin friend, but she understood perfectly why she had walked away.

But fortunately, Gabby realized that it wasn't worth it to be fighting with two of her close friends over sour grapes, mainly because neither of them had any intention of hurting her.

"I'm sure you two will be very happy and your marriage will last forever!" She exclaimed happily.

"Thanks." Apple Bloom genuinely thanked her with a smile.

"We're really happy that we didn't lose an incredible friend like you." Spike said, which made her smile widely.

"Aw you guys, I also wouldn't want to lose you two over this." She said, shortly after the three joined in a collective hug.

Meanwhile, it was time for Flurry Heart's pyrotechnics show, a wedding gift she had planned for her uncle and her new aunt. She had trained hard so that nothing could go wrong in the marriage and despite having failed in previous attempts, she felt that now that it was for real, she would make it.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She focused as much as she could on her magic and pointed the horn at the dark blue sky. A sphere of white light came out of her horn and up to the sky, where it seemed to transform into an explosion of colors and lights that made the shape of a heart.

"This is incredible, Flurry!" Spike exclaimed without taking his dazzled eyes from the sky. "Thanks."

"It's one of the most beautiful things my eyes have ever seen, thanks." Apple Bloom thanked her as well, and she smiled happily at both of them.

Meanwhile, Cadence and Shining Armor breathed a sigh of relief that nothing had gone wrong. Although Flurry had learned to control her own magic, some disastrous unforeseen events happened from time to time.

Shortly after that, Lil' Cheese went to the music area and turned on the mic.

"Alright guys, it's time to shake up those bodies that ya mamas gave you!" She warned excitedly, before putting on an animated song.

"Can I have the kind permission to dance with the bride?" Night Light asked, acting like a gentleman and extending his hoof to his adopted daughter-in-law.

"It'd be delightful, good sir." Apple Bloom replied and the two laughed as they headed for the dance floor.

"Well, may I have this dance, mom?" Spike asked Twilight Velvet.

"It would be a pleasure, honey." She replied and the two joined the others on the dance floor.

Meanwhile, Lil' Mac continued to encourage himself to ask Lil' Cheese to dance.

"Okay, take a deep breath, there's no secret, you just go up to her and ask if she wants to dance with you."

"Heya buddy!" The young yellow filly exclaimed happily when she saw her best friend.

It was there that he realized that there was no reason to be nervous, she was his best friend ... So why did he still feel so nervous anyway? Oh, it was because he realized that what he felt for her wasn't just friendship.

"What's up? You look nice." He dared to say.

"Oh, thanks!" She smiled.

"Soooo do you wanna dance?" He asked casually.

She took the headphones around her neck and went to him.

"I'd love to!"

The young foal smiled and was happier than ever for her to having accepted it.

Time skip ...

"Okay kids, I think it's time for you to go." Twilight told them, when the party was finally over.

"Go to where?" Spike asked, making her cast an ironic look at him. "I'm just kidding!" He laughed.

"Alright!" She said with a nod.

When they walked to the carriage, Apple Bloom remembered that she was so distracted by the wedding and everything that happened recently, that she forgot one small BIG detail.

"Oh gosh!" She exclaimed.

"What happened, sweetheart?" Spike asked her worriedly.

"Where are we gonna live when we get back???"

He just smiled, because Twilight had already talked to him about that subject.

"Why are you laughing? This is serious!"

"What a question, sister-in-law, right here in the castle." Twilight replied, leaving Apple Bloom astonished, she'd never in life imagine that she'd live in a castle.

"Did you mean here? Here in the castle? Here in Canterlot?" She asked, still trying to understand.

"Yes, I'd love for you to always be around and keep me company on my days off, if you want, of course." She offered.

Apple Bloom smiled and gave her a hug.

"I'd love to. Where are the girls? I wanted to say goodbye ..."

"Wait AB, we're here!" Applejack shouted, they all came to her, panting from running.

"You guys arrived just in time." She laughed.

"Just shut up and give us a hug." Scootaloo said, opening her arms and feeling her eyes sting with the threat of tears.

She jumped and her bridemaids and siblings they gave her a strong collective hug, knowing that they wouldn't see her for 1 week.

"What are you doing standing there smiling, brother-in-law? Come here!" Applejack exclaimed.

Spike opened his smile even more and joined in the hug.

"Things may change from now on, but the love I feel for all of you will not change anything. I love you guys so much."

"We love you too." They replied back in unison.

"Now go, the night only started for you two if you understand me." Luster Dawn said, giving them a wink.

"Lusty!" Scootaloo exclaimed in awe at what she said.

"I know you thought the same thing, sweetie." She answered.

"But you said that." Luster Dawn retorted, making them laugh.

Apple Bloom looked affectionately at each of them, before getting into the carriage with her new husband.

"Oh, I was just forgetting." She said as she took the bouquet of flowers.

She put her torso out the window and threw the bouquet, which, despite many mares craving to catch it to be the next ones to get married, fell directly on Luster Dawn's hooves.

She smiled and exchanged affectionate looks with Scootaloo, before they kissed lovingly.

The carriage finally left, to some place that Apple Bloom did not know where, as her husband said it was a surprise.

"I hope we're not going to the dragon kingdom." She said.

"Oh how did you guess so fast where we're going?" Spike joked.

"Stop being a liar." She said between laughs, knowing from his tone that it really wasn't.

A week ago, she thought she couldn't ask for anything more in life. But there was one thing she started to want to have when the two started plans to get married.

"Um, love." Apple Bloom called him.

"Yes, my lovely apple blossom?"

"I've been thinking about something, but I think you might think it's too early to think about it." She comforted.

"Do you want something?" Spike asked, raising an eyebrow.

She nodded.

"So say, all your wishes are my commands. And it'll be like this forever." He said, bringing a hand to his wife's cheek and she leaned over, letting him caress her face.

"Okay, I thought I had everything and I'm happy, but..." The yellow mare paused, placed one of the hooves on one of his hands and looked him in the eye. "What I want now more than anything in this world, is to form a family with you."

"... Wait, let me get this right. Do you want to have children? With me?"

"Yeah, I mean, who else would it be with?" She said between giggles.

Spike couldn't believe it. That day, he had been forever united with the love of his life and he couldn't be happier about it. But knowing that she wanted them to be parents made him feel an unparalleled joy.

"My love, it'd be a dream come true to form a family with you, of course I want to!"

Apple Bloom squeaked with excitement and gave him a hug. Feeling his body comfortable like a soft bed after a day of planning and partying, Apple Bloom failed to not yawned and started to feel her eyes getting heavy.

"So how many babies are we going to adopt?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around her.

"If it's okay with you, I want two babies. But one has to be a pony like me and the other a little dragon like you." She replied, blinking to see if the sleep was over, but she soon gave in that it was inevitable that she would fall asleep.

Apple Bloom's eyes slowly closed to blink and when she least noticed, she fell asleep.

"We'll spend several sleepless nights, but it'll be worth it to take care of little ones of our own." Spike said, getting confused at not receiving an answer from his wife.

He looked to the side and smiled when he saw that she was sleeping peacefully in her body. Suddenly, he was startled when she suddenly stood up.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" She repeated, while shaking her head.

"What there was?"

"I can't sleep, it's our wedding night." She replied, rubbing her hooves over her sleepy eyes.

"Hon, it's okay, you planned everything yourself and it's normal to be tired. We have the whole week to do it." He replied, while slowly laying her head on his lap.

Apple Bloom gave a small smile and closed her tired eyes.

"I love you so much." She murmured, before falling asleep again.

"I love you t..."

Before Spike finished speaking, he was interrupted by her soft snores, which made him laugh.

"I love you too, my sleepy angel."