A Confusing Life

by DrSandwitch

A Crash To Remember

Making it to the top of the hill, I see Twitch pushing something big inside a bush. I approached him to see what he is trying to do, he notices me approaching him and turns around instantly showing a huge smile on his face. What is he up to this time...?

"Ah, Confusion! Good to see you again."

"What's up with you, you seem a little more active today than usual?"

"Am I? Oh well, it's nothing special, it's just something I have planned for us!"

I stood still in confusion trying to understand or at least get a clue to what he has installed for both of us. He trotted back to the bush and started shuffling something inside of it, he kept turning his head to me like he didn't trust me with something.

"So what is behind the bush?"

"Something you might like, though I have a question to ask you."

"Hit me with it."

"Do you wish to do the stunts I do?"

I nodded my head showing him that I was never interested and never even planned to do the stunts he does. He looks at me strangely after I nodded my head, he obviously didn't expect me to say no.

"Well that's fine... I guess because now I shall show you the first stunt YOU will be doing today!"

He grabs a paper on the ground close to the bush he kept touching. He then trots to me and lends the paper for me to see or read, I took the paper with curiosity and unfolded it to see what is written on it. The paper had a drawing of a pony on a wooden block on the top of a hill, there were red dashes leading to the very bottom of the hill and onto a giant X.

I stared at the drawing with confusion, I didn't understand why Twitch gave me a drawing from a two to three-year-old foal. I gave the drawing back to Twitch with a puzzled face.

"So why did you give me your sister's drawing?"

"What?! I drew this myself, what are you talking about? It's a drawing of you going down the hill with a wagon, didn't it look obvious already?"

"No, it looked nothing like it... and no offense, but you have to improve your drawing skills because I had no clue what was drawn on it."

"Don't worry non taken, I knew my drawing sucked in the first place," he said as he trots back to the bush shoving the drawing inside of it.

"Why exactly do you want me to do a stunt? I'm sure you know that I have no experience on those skateboards you have, plus I never even tried to do a stunt in my life and I never even planned to do one."

"Exactly, that is why I'm here to help you have fun!" he trots into the bush causing it to shake a lot.

I started to hear him groan in pain like if he was trying to pull something out, I then saw him struggle to leave the bush with a handle in his mouth. I then approached him to give a helping hoof, as I was trotting closer to him, he began pulling the handle with his hooves. Just as I was about to help him pull the handle, he fell on his back pulling out a wooden wagon from the bush.

I stared at the wagon with confusion trying to understand why he had pulled a whole wooden wagon out of a bush. I looked back at Twitch to see him pushing himself back on his hooves.

"This, this is your stunt board," he said while catching his breath.

I turned to the wagon and gave it a good look, the wagon was made out of wooden planks with a handle made out of a wooden tube. I noticed a couple of carved holes and dirt on it, it looked like something you would see from a local fruit market. The whole thing didn't look sturdy especially with those wheels under it, the wheels had a couple of holes on them and they didn't look properly screwed in.

"I'm using that?"

Twitch nods his head violently showing no negative thoughts about it.

Seeing how Twitch is acting right now shows how this might mean a lot to him if I use it. I trotted to the wagon slowly with fear trying not to show any of my negative thoughts about it. I climbed into the wagon and took a seat on a pile of dirt, the wagon had nothing in it besides dirt and... wait is that a half-eaten apple? I'm starting to have second thoughts about this.

"Are you ready?!"

"Uhh, I guess... where is the steering wheel on this thing?"

"Don't be silly it's a wagon, not a racing cart!"

I felt myself moving closer to the slope of the hill, my heart started to beat rapidly and I began to sweat nonstop. I turned to Twitch who is pushing me closer and closer to the slope, he was smiling at me while I stared at him with fear. I can't disappoint him, he obviously set this all up for me like a good friend... a scary one though.

"Will I be fine?"

"Hehe, I have no idea!"

"What do you mean by thaAAAWGH!"

I turned my head to my front after being pushed off the slope by Twitch, I held myself tight on the wagon using my hooves. I began to scream in fear for I was going down a hill at somewhat high speed. I tried to stop the wagon with my magic by holding the wheels still, but I had no luck in trying.

I noticed a couple of ponies walking by the pathway I'm sliding down from, I began to panic as I try to stop the wagon before crashing into them. I turned to the wooden rod behind me and grabbed it, I moved it from left to right hoping that it would prevent me from crashing into the ponies on the pathway. I felt myself steering to the left as I twisted the handle of the rod, I continued to twist it until I steered away from the group of ponies.

I noticed I had steered myself away from the group, but I also noticed that I went off the pathway I was on. The ponies watched me as I zoomed past them, I sighed with relief knowing that I just saved myself from crashing onto a couple of ponies and possibly harming them. I felt the wagon hit a flat surface and began slowing down, I looked around and noticed I was at the bottom of the hill.

"I'm alive... OH CELESTIA IM ALIVE!" I said with joy and excitement knowing that I could finally leave the wagon I'm on.

"WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!" A pony shouts from behind me in a distance.

Watch out for the tree? What does she mean by that? I pulled my attention to the road or at least where I'm going, I noticed a couple of trees ahead of me... oh you have to be kidding m-

I came in contact with the tree at a high speed, basically, I crashed onto the tree. My whole body was burning and started to ache, I felt completely dizzy as I tried to move around. I opened my eyes to see myself hanging on the tree with a blur, wait... I'm hanging on a tree?!

I shook my head and tried my best to get myself off the tree, I tried to push myself away from the tree with my hooves but every time I try I just keep feeling even more pain. I tried to turn my head around but something was stopping me from doing so, I placed a hoof on my head and felt my horn injected into the tree I had crashed into.

"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!" I shouted in anger and pain not understanding how I was able to get my horn stuck into a tree.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" a sorta high pitched mare with a weird accent asked with concern.

"Yes I'm fine, I normally hang myself on a tree on a daily basis," I said sarcastically stating the obvious.

"C'mon girls let's help him!"

I felt a couple of hooves being wrapped around my hindleg while I was hanging. It took me a second to realize that these ponies were getting ready to pull me out of the tree. I placed my hooves on the tree getting ready to push myself against the tree.

"Yall ready?"

"Mhmm!" a couple of ponies agreed, how many are here trying to help me?

"Three... two... one... PULL!"

I felt myself being pulled with full force, I began to push the tree with as much effort I can put in to.


The last thing I heard before falling onto the grassy ground was the snap from the tree, I landed flat on the ground followed by an OOF from my mouth. I groaned in pain while rolling around the ground, I opened my eyes to see three heads above me with a blur vision.

"Is he alright?"

"Hey kid you ok?"

"Should we get somepony to help?"

The only things I hear right now are the three fillies that are trying to help me up. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes with my hooves to see clearly again, I then pushed myself off of the ground and stood on my hooves again. Every part of my body burns and my head won't stop aching, I picked off the pieces of bark on my body and turned to the three ponies that had helped me.

"Thank you for the help, I really needed it," I thanked the ponies with as much appreciation I could give.

The three fillies stared at me with shocked looking speechless, I got confused as to why these fillies were staring at me like they had seen a ghost or something.

"DUDE, that was some crash you got in to- MOTHER OF CELESTIA WHAT HAVE I DONE!?"

"What is it? Is everything alright?!"


"What happened is there something wrong with me?!"

"It's your horn... It's uhh... how can I put this together...?"

"It's cracked," one of the fillies said finishing Twitch's sentence... hold on what did she just say?

I placed my hoof on my horn and felt a crack on the tip of it, I stood speechless to what I had just felt. I have a crack on my horn because of this STUPID stunt Twitch had set up for me... though I'm not mad, it was kinda fun now that I think of it, despite me having a crack on my horn. Sure my parents would be upset but heck that was FUN!

I began to laugh uncontrollably for no reason at all, the silence between every other pony was then broken by Twitch who began to laugh with me in confusion. The three fillies stared at me confused, I won't judge them since I'll probably be doing the same thing if I was them.

"Wait so your not mad at me?" Twitch asks me with fear and confusion.

"Mad?! I'm furious, you're the cause of me getting a crack on my horn! But that ride? IT WAS AMAZING, I NEVER HAD THAT MUCH FUN IN MY LIFE... besides me sliding down a slide for the first time but still, THAT WAS FUN!"

"Sorry to interrupt, but uh why in Celestia were you sliding down that hill?" a filly points to the hill in question.

"Oh, well you see Twitch here he uh-" I paused after I laid my eyes on a familiar face among the three fillies.

The filly had a yellowish fur with a red-like color for her mane, she wore a pinkish-red bow and had no cutie mark on her flank. All of this was starting to ring a bell in my head... is it her? The filly notices me staring at her, she looked at me back strangely with confusion. Her face then popped into a sudden realization, I watched as her eyes widen and her jaw drops, judging by that I can tell she knows me.

We stared at each other silently not breaking eye contact for even a second. The others began to notice our little starting competition, the two fillies stared at me and back to the filly repeatedly in confusion while Twitch stares at me with a smirk.

"You ok man? hope I'm not breaking anything between you two," Twitch chuckled with a smirk while poking me with his hoof.

I shook my head breaking eye contact with the filly and bringing myself back to the real world, I turned my head to Twitch with a dumbfounded look on my face.

"Everything is fine, I just... saw something," I said making an excuse to not continue the conversation.

"If you say so... anyways, the reason why-" Twitch continues to explain why I was sliding down the hill with a wagon to the fillies.

I sighed and look onto the ground placing my hoof on my face to cover it. How is this possible, I met the filly I ran away from four and a half months ago, and in the worst scenario to be in. I probably just embarrassed myself in front of Twitch and the filly's friends.

I groaned to myself and removed my hoof from my face I then looked back at the Twitch who is still explaining everything to the fillies. I noticed the filly was staring at me in the edge of her eye, I tried my best to ignore her and looked around my surroundings instead of having another staring competition.

I turned to the tree that I had crashed into and gave it a good close look. The wagon I had ridden on was destroyed, the front of the wagon snapped into two pieces. the long wooden rod or the handle was dislocated from the wagon, it was lying on the ground a few inches apart from the wagon, it must have flung itself after the impact followed by one of the wheels of the wagon.

I looked at the tree and gave it a good look, just another excuse not to look back. The tree had bits of bark removed after the crash, I noticed the tree had a face mark on it, wait... that's my face. I looked above the mark and saw a deep hole which is probably because of my horn when it got injected into it. There were pieces of bark and wood everywhere surrounding the crash site.

“Hey dude, let's get you something to treat those wounds!” Twitch says interrupting my alone time followed by a short giggle from the two fillies.

“Yeah you’re right, I’ll see you back on the hill!” I said as fast as I can with an embarrassing tone.

I galloped my way back to the top of the hill with no hesitation of stopping. The faster I run the less awkward conversations I’ll be a part of, sorry Twitch.