Equestria Ninja Girls: Viper Kai

by AmethystMajesty25


The next morning, the three teachers from three different dojos showed the contrasting methodologies at play.

At Rarity’s house...

Leo explained his students as the Rainbooms listened and watched, “I know it’s been awhile since we trained you all to defend yourselves and learn the ways of ninjitsu. But now, things have gotten worse. That’s why we’re here. The only way to stop Viper Kai is if we all work together. But always remember, the reason we learn martial arts is--”

Meanwhile in the CPA gym...

Karai continued explaining to her students, “To show the world that you’re not a bunch of wimpy nerds! We’re gonna show ‘em that you’re tough! Because we don’t quit! And we, don’t back down from anyone. Just don’t forget, the goal isn’t to hurt other people. The goal, is to--”

Meanwhile at the Viper Kai dojo...

Sensei Kai explained to his students as well, “Win at all costs. Those we thought to be our allies have turned against us. Now our enemies are attacking us from all sides. There is no turning back. Now is the time to show them--”

Leo resumed speaking as his students started training, “Forgiveness. Compassion. Master Splinter used to say that if you’re looking for revenge, you could start by digging two graves. He was right. If you have hate in your heart, then you’ve already lost. I know it’s not easy, but you have to do whatever you can--”

Karai resumed speaking as her students started training, “To beat the living snot out of ‘em. Don’t let ‘em push you around. You gotta swoop down like a ninja, grab ‘em with your hands and sink your teeth into ‘em. But I don’t ever want you to start the fight. I just want you to--”

“-Finish it. For good.” Sensei Kai resumed speaking as his students started training.

Sensei Kai asked his students, “Do I make myself clear?”

The students from three different dojos replied in unison, “Yes, Sensei.”

The three different teachers smiled and understood their students.

Later in the afternoon, Shark, Rumble, and the Diamond Dogs were in the middle of a forest and they were planning something.

Shark informed everyone, “OK, we’ve got one shot at this. Quick, in and out, we’ll be good.” He then looked at Rumble and asked him, “Know what you gotta do?”

“Heck yeah.” Rumble answered as he took a sip of soda.

Rover cheered, “Let’s go. Yeah.”

Then, the Washouts arrived to join Shark’s gang.

“Perfect. Just in time.” Shark commented.

Rover grabbed a can of soda and offered them, “Here you go.”

“I’m good.” Short Fuse replied.

Shark asked, “What, you can’t handle a sip of soda?”

“I just don’t need to pretend to be cool because I’m already cool. You got that?!” Short Fuse responded, feeling like he was about to explode.

As Shark was about to throw down Short Fuse, Rover stopped Shark and told everyone, “All right. Enough. Let’s get going.”

The Viper Kai gang went through the hole of a chained fence that was busted open. Turns out, it was a shortcut to the Canterlot City Zoo.

“The zoo? Why do we have to sneak in?” Rolling Thunder asked.

Rover said, “You’ll see.”

“Come on. This way.” Shark led his gang to the facility of the zoo.

The gang entered the zoo and went to the left stairway until they stopped and Shark informed them, “Right, there’s two cameras over there. The guard goes on break once every hour. We have less than five minutes.”

“OK.” Rumble nodded.

Shark and his gang went upstairs while Lightning asked Rover, “Five minutes to do what?”

“We’re getting a little gift for sensei. You didn’t see that text on your phone?” Rover replied.

“No, the battery of my phone died.” Lightning answered as she and Rover went to catch up with Shark’s gang.

They went to the reptile section where all the lizards and of course, snakes, were held in display. Shark, Rumble, and the Washouts entered the reptile room while the Diamond Dogs were on guard. Once they were inside, Shark unzipped his backpack and pulled out a bag to put the snake in.

Shark asked Rumble, “You got the snake pole?”

Rumble was about to get it from the pocket of his pants until he realized he forgot to bring it, “Aw, man! Snake pole, right.”

Shark was not happy to hear that and told him, “I orchestrated this entire plan and you didn’t bring the one thing you were in charge of?”

“I forgot, OK? I’ve got a lot on my mind right now. If I don’t pass geometry this semester, my parents are gonna ground me for the rest of my life.”

Rolling Thunder whispered to Shark, “Just reach in and grab the snake!”

“Are you insane? I’m not gonna stick my hand in there!” Shark whispered back.

“You know what, stand aside. Let me handle this!” Short Fuse whispered as he walked towards the tank.

Shark did not like where this was going and whispered, “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

Short Fuse popped a vein on his head and whispered, “Don’t question me! I got this!”

As Short Fuse was about to put his hand inside the tank until...

“Hey, who’s in there?” One of the staff members questioned.

“Oh crud. We gotta go.” Shark alerted his gang as they exited the reptile room except Lightning Dust who was willing to take the risk.

After Shark’s gang went back outside the fence, Shark interrogated Rumble, “What in the world were you thinking, you idiot?”

“Dude. At least I brought sodas.” Rumble answered.

“We failed the mission because of you!” Shark yelled.

Then, Lightning Dust went outside the fence with a stuffed bag in her hand and said, “Who said we failed?”

Shark’s gang heard a hissing sound inside the bag, meaning that there’s a snake inside. Everyone was surprised that Lightning got it before security noticed.

“No way.” Shark commented.

Rover asked, “You got it? Unreal.”

“Let’s see it.” Rolling Thunder said as Lightning Dust opened the bag up as everyone took a peek inside the bag and saw a viper in there.

Everyone celebrated and congratulated Lightning Dust except Shark, who’s jealous of how Lightning Dust completed the mission, but not him.

“Way to go, Lightning!” Short Fuse exclaimed.

After celebrating for a minute, Lightning Dust told everyone, “C’mon. Let’s get outta here before anyone else see us.”

“Yeah, we’ll catch up. My friends and I are going to have a little chat with Rumble.” Shark said as he glared at Rumble.

“Okay, then. I’ll see you guys later.” Lightning Dust answered as she and her buddies head back to the Viper Kai dojo.

After the Washouts left, Rumble sheepishly asked, “Me? What’s there to talk about?”

“Oh, just this.” Shark and the Diamond Dogs started beating up Rumble until he groaned in pain.

“That’s what you get for disobeying an order. I’ll make sure to tell my uncle that you quit.” Shark explained as he and the Diamond Dogs laughed and walked off while Rumble was left laying on the ground, high and dry.

Meanwhile, after training the CPA Martial Arts Club, Shinigami came by and asked Karai, “Karai, what’s our next move now?”

Karai thought about it until she got an idea. She told Shini, “Kai had the right idea, two clans are stronger than one...”

Minutes later, Karai knocked on the door to Rarity’s house. Leo opened the door and saw Karai, along with Shini, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, and Sunny Flare.

Leo greeted them, “Hi, girls Come on in.”

Karai and her gang entered the house as the Shadowbolts and Shini went to join up with their fellow friends.

Leo asked Karai, “Karai, what's up?”

Karai answered, “Kai showed up and offered me and my clan to join him. I turned him down. But his offer did get me thinking, and I have an idea. That we join forces together to take down Viper Kai.”

Applejack nodded, “We have worked together before.”

Donnie added, “And two are stronger than one.”

“Very well, Karai. We accept your offer to join our clans together to stop to Viper Kai!” Leo smiled as he and Karai shook their hands.

“And I've got the perfect name! We'll call ourselves... the Equestria Ninjas!” Mikey cheered.

Later on, Lightning Dust carefully placed the viper inside Sensei Kai’s snake tank with her hand and she closed the roof after putting the viper in there. Lightning was proud of herself that she managed to hold a snake without giving into fear.

“Well done. I’m impressed. You showed fearlessness, leadership. And those are the qualities you need to be a champion.” Sensei Kai congratulated his students as they stood front and center on the mat. Then, he placed his hand on Lightning’s shoulder, “Good job, Lightning. You are the reason why you’re our champion... as well as my nephew throughout these past four years. Do you see what you can accomplish when you work together? Alliances are important. For us and our enemy. Because you better believe that they are making alliances too.”

Lightning Dust was confused and asked her teacher, “What alliances?”

“Oh, you didn’t hear? Uh, Leo and Karai, yeah, they’re working together. They make a pretty good team. And uh, where’s Rumble?”

Shark answered, “Rumble told me that he quit. So, we beat him up.”

“You know, I was going to rat him out, but I’m proud of you for doing that. Well, it’s getting late. Since you’ve worked so hard, why don’t we pay them for a visit.” Sensei Kai suggested.

Shark only looked down, uncertain. He sure didn't feel proud of himself.

Back to Rarity’s house, the doorbell rang.

“I'll get it!” Pinkie Pie alerted everyone.

Then, Lancer noticed Bright Eyes looking nervous, “You okay?”

Bright Eyes looked at their teachers as if she’s signaling them to say something.

Fluttershy nervously answered, “We kind of invited a few friends...”

Sweet Note asked, “Which kind of friends?”

They soon got their answer when Pinkie popped in, “They’re here!”

When walking in, much to the Young Ninjas' shock, the Viper Kai rejects walked in. Once they noticed the other team, they stopped in their tracks, some dropping party food and games.

Heath Burns commented, “What the?!”

Gallus asked, “You gotta be kidding me?!”

Teddy said, “Aw, heck no!”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon replied in unison, “Uh-oh!”

“You!” Rumble who’s covered in bruises and pointed his finger at Lancer.

Lancer pointed his finger back at Rumble, “You!”

Patch commented with her hands on her head, “Oh, no!”

Flash was shocked that his sister was there, “Pauly?”

“Flash?” Pauly Sentry said.

Rumble asked them, “What are you guys doing here?”

“We could ask you the same thing, jerkwad!” Half-Note shot back.

Cold Forecast became confused and asked, “What's going on here?!”

“I bought this party hat for nothing!” Rumble said as he threw down his party hat.

“Wait?” Sandbar turned to the Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms, “Did you guys plan this?”

Pinkie smiled, “We sure did!”

Mikey noted, “But it was Bright Eyes' idea.”

Young Ninjas shouted in unison, “What?!”

Lancer questioned Bright Eyes, “You all parent trapped us? Why?”

Bright Eyes sighed and explained, “Okay, I know some of us don't really like each other.”

“You got that right!” Rumble reminded them.

Bright Eyes continued, “But Viper Kai’s the real threat! To all of us.”

Smolder felt frustrated and reminded Bright Eyes, “Need I remind you that they're Viper Kai!”

Cold Forecast reminded Smolder, “For your information, we're all Viper Kai rejects!”

Diamond Tiara had an idea and informed them, “We stand a better chance at defeating him if we join forces!”

Babs added, “Yeah! Show him that we're not weak!”

“And to avenge Clarissa!” Silver Spoon said.

Leo calmed the two sides down and told them, “Two clans are stronger than one, even stronger with three.”

April explained, “Look, we know you've done some pretty bad things to each other--”

Teddy got in Heath Burns' face, “Like breaking Lancer's arm!”

“You guys started that fight!” Heath Burns argued.

Teddy shot back, “After you got me fired from my job!”

Logan added, “And after you guys stole the charity money plus beating me up as a bonus!”

Both sides continued arguing until Leo had enough and stood between them, “ENOUGH! It doesn't matter who started what!”

Sunset helped Leo and explained to them all, “Leo's right! The goal is to save the Arts and Music program at CHS. And Viper Kai is standing in our way! If we all work together, we have a chance to save the program. If we don't get past all the fighting then it's all over! This rivalry has to end. One way or another.”

Back to the Vietnam flashback, in which Kai, as a POW, was being forced by his captors to fight to the death against his compatriots on a platform above a pit.

Back to Rarity’s house, the former Viper Kai students, Shadowbolts, and the Hamato Clan were all gathered around in the living room.

Applejack questioned the former Viper Kai students, “So tell us the truth; Why did you really change sides all of the sudden?

Babs Seed answered her cousin, “We aren't gonna help Viper Kai beat you all up. That's not what I signed up for.”

“Then what did you sign up for?” Smolder asked.

Diamond Tiara answered, “We're not sure anymore.”

Silver Spoon added, Well whatever it was, it's nothing like what Kai wants.”

“He's completely losing it. It's like he actually wants to start a war with all of you. And he wants to win.” Heath Burns explained.

Karai commented, “Guess some things never change.”

Rarity asked, “What do you mean?”

Karai explained everyone about Kai’s backstory, “Kai was a soldier back in Vietnam. And let's just say it left its marks on him.”

“That’s an understatement.” Raph understood her.

Cold Forecast agreed, “Yeah, it's like his brain is still stuck in the war or something.”

Then, Bright Eyes stood up and walked front and center to tell them her plan.

“I don’t know how I’d say this any plainer. But the Shadowbolts and Wonderbolts have to work together against Viper Kai and his sensei.” Bright Eyes explained.

Patch said, “Even if we’d wanted to, it’ll never work. Their style mixes with ours like...”

“Oil and vinegar?” Logan asked.

Patch answered, “No, not salad dressing. I would say like the British Bulldogs and the Hart Foundation.”

“They were friends, genius.” Rumble told Patch.

Patch fired back, “Not at WrestleMania 3, jerkwad.”

“You know what, screw this. Come on, let’s go.” Rumble told Heath as they got up and everyone was upset. As Heath and Rumble were about to leave, Lancer stood up from his chair and confronted them, “Hey wusses!”

Heath and Rumble turned around as Lancer exclaimed, “This is exactly what these jerks at Viper Kai want. Since you were one of ‘em, you’re a jerk. And so are you, Heath.” He then turned to Pauly Sentry, Cold Forecast, Babs Seed, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon, “Except for you girls, no offense.”

“None taken.” The five former Viper Kai girls answered.

Lancer resumed back to his speech, “So was I! Well, at least I wanted to be one. But now, Viper Kai has the worst collection of jerks in Canterlot, run by the king of all jerks! So if by merging with Crystal Prep and CHS, can keep us all from getting picked on anymore, then we’d all be jerks not to do it,” Then, Lancer apologized, “I’m sorry for all the ‘jerks’. I usually take pride in my grandiloquence, but... it’s an emotional time.”

Everyone in the room fully understood Lancer’s speech and the two former Viper Kai boys decided to go back to sitting on the couch with Patch, Teddy, and Logan Berrytown.

Lancer took a deep breath and asked Bright Eyes, “Now... when do we start?”

Bright Eyes smiled and got an idea.

Minutes later, Bright Eye’s plan was drawn out by the Turtles, Rainbooms, Allies, and the Shadowbolts on pieces of paper.

“So, we’re all in agreement that our new combined dojo should train at the Turtle Lair. But deadlocked on a new name, Gi Design, Post-Training Snacks, and Sensei Dispute Resolution Protocol. Okay, not good, but still, it’s a start.” Lancer explained as everyone understood the plan.

Then, Logan heard a cat meowing, “Aww, sounds like your cat wants to come in.” And he hurried out the door.

Sweetie Belle noticed that Opal was in Rarity’s arms, “But Opal's already inside?”

Rarity quickly answered, “I didn’t bring in another cat here, I swear.”

Suddenly, Logan was thrown through the window, startling everyone.

Turtles and Rainbooms shouted, “Logan!”

“Oh no!” Clover Bloom exclaimed.

Leo asked him, “What happened?”

Logan answered, “We got company...”

Then the back door was opened and Shark and his buddies stormed in with their ninja weapons. “Knock knock!” He said.

After that, the front door was kicked open and Lightning Dust came in along with the Diamond Dogs with their ninja weapons as well.

“I’m gonna go hide upstairs now.” Spike whispered as he and Opal went upstairs and took shelter.

With Bright Eyes having a bit of fear in her eyes, Lightning Dust told them, “Heard you were throwing a little get-together. Hope you don't mind if we crash!”

“You punks looking for trouble? Well, we can bring it to yah right here!” Raph shouted, but Rarity slapped him on the back of his head.

“Not in my house, you’re not!” Rarity yelled.

A voice said, “Your fights not with them, ninjas!” That voice came from Sensei Kai as he came in, “Your fight's with me! Oh! And I also invited some ex-military friends of mine!” With that, a group of men came in to help Sensei Kai.

“I warned you. I'm always a step ahead of you!” Sensei Kai looked to his students, “Now, students! Show them why Viper Kai is superior!”

Kai’s students answered, “Yes, sensei.”

Lightning Dust shouted, “No Mercy!”

The Turtles, Rainbooms, Shadowbolts, Wonderbolts and Allies defended and prepared themselves for a battle against Viper Kai inside Rarity’s house.