Good Times in Equestria: Thomas at the School of Friendship

by GoebelTron

Argument over Kingdoms & Comfort from Friends

Meanwhile, at the castle in Canterlot, the leaders and the Mane 8 were having an argument over the loss of their students with Princess Celestia and Luna.

Where Yona?! This all pony's fault!” Prince Rutherford said. “You're pretty quick to blame them! What are you hiding, yak?!” Ember asked, until Prince Rutherford snorted. Thomas felt uncomfortably scared about the argument while he hid underneath Fluttershy and hugged her leg.

“C-Can... Can we just focus on finding our lost students?” Thorax asked nervously. “Nice try! You grubs are probably hidin' the whole lot of 'em!” Grandpa Gruff snapped. “Hey! Nopony talks to Thorax like that!” Spike said. “Stay out of this, Spike,” Twilight said.

“Please, everycreature! If you can just explain what happened, I’m sure we can find a way to solve this!” Princess Celestia said. “The students left us notes before they disappeared. When the school closed, they didn't want to say goodbye to each other. They claim they ran away to stay together,” General Seaspray explained.

“That’s why they learned about friendship, but I still don’t understand why they ran off,” Twilight said. Thomas started to have tears leaking out of his eyes as they stained the fur on Fluttershy’s foreleg as he nuzzled his cheek onto it.

“The students couldn't have done this by themselves. Some creature is hiding them! If the niece of our queen is not found soon, I promise there will be retribution!” General Seaspray said.

“Yeah? Well, my dragons will burn every kingdom until we find which of you is hiding Smolder!” Ember said. “Tell it to the griffon army!” Grandpa Gruff yelled. “Yaks fight griffons and dragons!” Prince Rutherford shouted.

“The Changeling Empire can't afford an international incident. If any creature blames the changelings for this—“ Ember suddenly cut Thorax off, “What are you up to, shapeshifter?!”

“B-But we're friends!” Thorax said, until they heard Thomas break down, and then they all saw how scared he was until he quickly ran off. “Thomas. Thomas, wait!” Sunset said, but he ignored her and continued running.

“Find the students quickly, Twilight, or I fear our world will be at war!” Princess Celestia said. Twilight nodded, and then they all went back to Ponyville, until the Crusaders went off to go look for Thomas.

Meanwhile, at Sugarcube Corner, the Mane 8 and Spike were going over the missing students, “Okay. Let's review what we know.”

“Smolder, Ocellus, Silverstream, Yona, and Gallus disappeared together,” Spike said. “But we have no clue whether they could be hiding.”

“They're probably just off hidin' somewhere,” Applejack said. “Unless they used some kind of spell to disappear,” Starlight commented. “Ooh! Or went undercover!” Rainbow Dash said. “Maybe they were attacked by a ferocious shrimp! Nopony ever expects that!” Pinkie Pie said. Fluttershy gasped, “Shrimps can attack?”

“Nope! That's why nopony expects it,” Pinkie Pie said. “We need to think like our students. If someone told us we would never see each other again, what would we do?” Rarity asked. “Well, we’ll think of something,” Sunset said. “Oh, I hope Thomas is okay,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sure the girls will find him.”

Thomas kept running through the Everfree Forest with sadness and fear in his eyes as he ran over a huge hill. “Thomas!” Apple Bloom’s voice shouted, as the Crusaders kept running after him. They suddenly stopped to check for a reply. “THOMAS! ANSWER ME!” Sweetie Belle called out, until her voice echoed. “Come on!” Scootaloo said, and then they continued to go look for him.

Meanwhile, at the Castle of the Two Sisters, Sandbar came back with some wagons full of apples, cupcakes, and pillows for the other Young 5. “Cupcakes are best cakes!” Yona said, until she accidentally tripped over the stairs. “Thanks for saving them!” Silverstream said, and then they took their pillows and started to enjoy their apples and cupcakes, and laid on their pillows on their backs or on all four legs, or just sat in yoga pose. “Pillows! How nice! The castle is gonna be so much more comfy,” Ocellus said, as she transformed into a kitten and slept on the pillow. “Aww! Look at you!” Silverstream cooed, gently petting Ocellus, and ticking her chin with her claw. “And you know what else is fun? Pillow fight!” Smolder said, as they all enjoyed their pillow fight, but Ocellus became a lion and ferociously roared at her friends telling them to knock it off, and then they got back to relaxing.

Gallus laughed, “Huh. This place is way cooler than I thought it'd be.”

“Even I'm impressed,” Smolder said. “What's it called again, Ocellus?”

“The Castle of the Two Sisters. I remembered it from class. Princess Twilight's "History of Pre-Equestrian Friendships",” Ocellus replied. “Huh. Who knew? School was actually good for something,” Gallus said. “Yona not really like school. But Yona like new friends! But miss little ones,” she said, until releasing her powerful hug. “Well, at least it can’t get any worse, right?” Silverstream said. “Nope. Not really,” Sandbar said.

Meanwhile, the Crusaders kept looking for Thomas as they walked through the mountain pathway. “THOMAS!!” Scootaloo yelled as her voice echoed from far away.

You guys! I just found stairs!” Silverstream said, leaving the other 5 confused. “Aaaand we care because...?” Gallus asked unamused. “Stairs are awesome! We don't have anything like 'em underwater, 'cause you know,” Silverstream then touched her necklace, and it turned her into a seapony. “no way to climb 'em! See?!”

The students gazed in awe, and then Silverstream turned back into a hippogriff, “This place has everything! If only my family back home could see it...” Suddenly a thump on her head occurred, and she bit on an apple. “I wish the other changelings could meet you all. You're not nearly as strange as the stories say,” Ocellus said. “Gee, thanks. But yeah, hanging out with other creatures is actually... not bad,” Smolder said.

“But... I still can’t believe that the little sweetie Thomas just felt that way when we all left,” Silverstream said sadly. “He was just so cute.”

“Yeah. He was... kinda sweet,” Ocellus said.

Somewhere in the castle, Thomas was hiding in a dark room hugging his knees and softly whimpering and shaking about losing his new school and friends that he loved to hang out with, and still felt guilty about the school being shut down by the EEA. He suddenly saw the Crusaders coming over. “Thomas! We found you!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, until she brought him over for a hug. “Oh, Thomas! We were so worried about you!” Apple Bloom said.

“Thanks for finding me. I just miss them,” Thomas said. “Aww, it’s okay, Thomas. We’ll never forget them,” Sweetie Belle said, hugging him until the other two joined hugging their little brother.

Suddenly, the Young Six spotted them, “Thomas! Girls!” Silverstream said. “SILVERSTREAM!” the Crusaders and Thomas replied, and then Yona ran over to hug the four of them. “Yona so happy to see little fillies and little human friend again!” she said, powerfully hugging them with her strength, and then Silverstream held Thomas on her right talon arm and felt him hugging her neck. “I missed you,” Thomas said. “Shhhhhh... I missed you too,” Silverstream replied.

“So, you were hiding here the whole time?” Sandbar asked. “Why?” Gallus asked. “Because... *sniff* you were gonna leave us... and then the school was shut down by that mean Neighsay pony,” Thomas replied while crying. The Young Six were worried about how broken-hearted Thomas felt, and then Silverstream thought of an idea, “Why don’t you four hang out with us? It’s until somepony comes to get you.” The four of them nodded and then they sat on each pillow, and Silverstream sat down while holding Thomas for a cradle like how his mother does, but he sat up against her chest fur. “Thomas? I probably that we’ll never leave you again. Ever,” she said, until she lowered her head onto his and rested her chin on top of his head as she continued to hug him, and Thomas smiled softly as the softness and warmth of Silverstream’s fur chest comforted him.

Suddenly, a couple of shadows came out of nowhere and out sprouted Mindless Ones, which were blackish purple visor eyed monsters from the Dark Dimension. They were now slower marching forward towards them like zombies, and Smolder threw the pillows at them, but nothing worked. “I don’t remember learning about this in Professor Fluttershy’s “Critters for Comfort and Conflict” class,” Ocellus said. “Well, it’s been nice knowing you guys,” Smolder said, as Silverstream saw Thomas burying himself underneath her chest fur.

Until all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the Mane 8 came to the rescue, and defended the Young Six from the creatures. “How’d you find us?” Smolder asked. “Can we talk about this later after we deal with these things?!” Rainbow Dash asked, as more of the Mindless Ones kept coming while Starlight and Twilight kept shooting their magic lasers at them. They were completely surrounded by the monsters.

Suddenly, a orange sparkling ring shaped portal opened and out came three figures. One was a man with black hair and beard with gray tinges, and he wore a two layered blue tunic with a mystical red cowl and cape, a golden eye shaped medallion, golden rings on each hand, a brown leather strapped and sashed belt, dark blue pants, and black leather boots with blue strappings and light blue straps on his arms. His name was Doctor Strange.

The second was a muscular humanoid demon with orangish yellow skin, small horns, red eyes, and pointed webbed ears and he wore a red shirt, steel spiked shoulder pads, spiked cuffs and knuckle rings, a black leather belt, a purplish gray cape, armored pants, and dark red boots, and he was carrying a big sword in his hand. His name was Etrigan.

The third and final one was a senior year college aged girl with brown hair and a red gem necklace, and she wore a dark red vest underneath a futuristic multilayered red jacket with a belt clip, black slim fit pants, and black boots and arm braces with red lining and black fingerless gloves. Her name was Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff.

“Get back! We’ll handle this,” Scarlet Witch said, as she used her telekinesis as her hands glowed red and made energy fireballs to blast at the monsters. “Allow us to assist, darling,” Rarity said, as she and the others joined in, leaving Fluttershy in charge of protecting the students.

Etrigan sliced other Mindless Ones in half with his sword and then burnt the other half with his fire magic. Doctor Strange used his sorcery again the other group and casted a protection spell seal around the Young Six, the Crusaders and Thomas to be safe. “Wanda! Protect the young ones at all costs!” he said, and then Scarlet Witch stood in front of them. “We’ll help you!” Twilight said, as she, Starlight and Doctor Strange used their magic.

Applejack tied up a few of them with her rope, Pinkie Pie shot cake from her cannon, Rainbow Dash spun around like a tornado, and Fluttershy commanded her animals to attack.

“Wow! They’re amazing!” Ocellus said. “I take it back. I had no idea our teachers were actually cool,” Gallus said. Sandbar chuckled, “I've been trying to tell you!”

“We’ll need to send them somewhere else that they can’t hurt anypony!” Starlight said. “Stand back! All-Seeing Eye of Agamotto! Send thy foul beings back to whence they came!” Doctor Strange said, as his medallion opened the eye and then casted a portal underneath the Mindless Ones and sent them back to the Dark Dimension, and then the doctor closed the portal. Etrigan then sighed calmly, “Since the battle's fought and won. Jason Blood with me is done.”

Etrigan then lit up with fire, and transformed back into a man with reddish brown combed hair with white streaks, and he wore a tan jacket, a dark blue sweater, dark brown pants, and black dress shoes. His name was Jason Blood.

Silverstream suddenly got excited, “Did you see that?! Rainbow Dash was like voooooom and then werrrr, and our other teachers were so amazing fighting with those other three against those monsters! And then the birds came and—!”

“Yeah, we all lived it. But you’re right. That was pretty amazing. Even by dragon standards,” Smolder said.

The Mane 8 then walked over to the Young Six, the Crusaders and Thomas with worry. “Is everycreature alright?” Twilight asked, and then they all nodded. “Thomas! Oh, sweetheart! I’m so glad you’re safe!” Fluttershy said, before she hugged her son closer towards her chest and he curled himself up against her chest fur and stroked it.

Twilight then walked towards the three superheroes, “We’re grateful for your aid, but not to be rude if you don’t mind me asking... who are you three?”

“My name is Doctor Stephen Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts,” he said, and then motioned his hand to the other two. “These are my associates, Wanda Maximoff the Scarlet Witch, and Jason Blood, who is also Etrigan the Slayer, the demon you saw earlier.”

“Pleased to meet you. My name’s Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. These are my friends Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. Those young ones right there are with us,” she said. “This here’s my little sister, Apple Bloom,” Applejack said. “This is my dear little sister, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said. “And this is Scootaloo, my number one fan, but she sometimes looks up to me as a sister,” Rainbow Dash said. “And this is my son, Thomas,” Fluttershy said, holding her son on her hoof.

Scarlet Witch walked over to Thomas and kneeled down to softly stroke his cheek, “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.” Thomas nodded, and then Scarlet Witch read his thoughts, until she saw his past life from before he came to Equestria. “You were an orphan, but no one loved you?” she asked. Thomas nodded, and then Scarlet Witch looked at Fluttershy, “May I hold him?” Fluttershy nodded and then Scarlet Witch lifted him up and gently held Thomas in her arms for a hug, until he rested himself on her chest, but laid his head and curled his arms and hands on her breasts.

“He’s always very shy, but he can sometimes be a real sweetheart once you get to know him,” Fluttershy said, until Scarlet Witch bent over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re never alone,” she said, until Thomas nodded.

“So, do you know how you got here?” Twilight asked. “It appears we were teleported to a place where we saw this palace on the mountain,” Doctor Strange said. “That’s Canterlot!” Twilight said. “I’m sure you can make yourselves welcome here in Equestria, if you choose to stay!”

“Equestria? That’s what this place is called?” Scarlet Witch asked. The Mane 8 nodded, and then the three heroes nodded in agreement.

“Thomas, what could I have done if anything ever happened to you?” Fluttershy asked. “They were gonna leave. I... *sniff* I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. It’s still my fault that the school is shut down,” Thomas replied. “Aww... There, there, honey. It’s not your fault,” Starlight said, as she stroked his hair with her hoof, and then turned over to walk over to the Young Six. “You know, this probably isn't the safest place for a campout.”

“Does that mean you're going to send us back to our homes?” Ocellus asked. “Actually, we had a different idea, but we’ll need all the help we need,” Twilight said. “Because we’re going to confront the chancellor together, but I have a plan.” The Young Six were somehow confused after Silverstream placed Thomas onto her back. “We’re listening,” Gallus said. “It's pretty clear you've already started learning friendship from your teachers. But we'd like to show you even more than just that... if you'd come back to school?” Twilight said. “Not much of a choice,” Smolder said.

To be honest, we felt exactly the same way when Twilight told us she was reopening the school,” Applejack said. “But this time, we guarantee it shall be different,” Rarity said. “Oh, yeah! With class run my way, it'll be two hundred and twenty percent cooler,” Rainbow Dash said. “And without the EEA, it'll be much friendlier,” Fluttershy said. “Plus, all your nations won't go to war if you come back with us! Bonus!” Pinkie Pie said. “Wait. What's happening?” Sandbar asked. “We’ll explain everything on the way back,” Twilight said.

“I do believe that you all have a school to save,” Doctor Strange said.