//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Calm before the Storm ( Log 1 to Log 5) // Story: Diary logs of a Changeling Tank Commander // by OshyWoshy_Blitz215 //------------------------------// Chapter 1: Calm before the Storm Log 1 Name: Yanna Chitin 20th July 1010 ( 10 days before the invasion) Location: Northside of the Seaddle River. Rank: Zweiter Leutnant Weather: Rainy Time: 15:30 If anylings have read this journal... Shame on you.. but anyway, i decided to write my journal about my experience about this war. Of how I was drafted to the military and how I was trained to be a officer of my panzer Platoon. And how I and my platoon were the first ones to enter our Grestest enemy capital, Canterlot. For anylings want to know my name... Then tough luck.. because I won't tell you my name hah! And besides I already put my name on the log part! But I should tell you what am I look like so I won't keep you in the dark. I'm a Velisapolisian Changeling, yeah I know, I'm one of those high posh like class Changelings, but I always want to enter to the military, after that parade made by my Glorious one true queen Chrysalis, and her , admittedly her ( blushes) handsome Field Marshal. Oh btw I'm a female 19 years old. And before I joined the military, I have Known Field Marshal Trimmel, he's the one who believes that the tanks are the most important component for a modern Mobile warfare and he's the one who made a brand new doctrine that hasn't Known yet, I think it's called Blitzkriegor something? I don't know. I have joined the army as a Volunteer for the Heer, long before the Conscrption has took an effect. Soon I took a test, in order to join the Heer and I found myself to be part of the 7th Panzer division, of 2nd Swarm army, led by legendary Hive General Pharynx. My leadership skills as a leader of my tank crew, have made me command an entire platoon of New Panzers! and they're 5 of them. These tanks have just come out from the assembly line and shipped them all the way from Vraks to here! These tanks are the new panzerkampfwagen 4s. 4 of them are the Ausf.A variant, meaning they only have a short barrelled cannons, My tank on the another hand is a Ausf.G variant of Panzer 4. Meaning my tank has a longer barrel than the stock panzer 4s. This should give me an advantage against some Equestrian’s Matilda 1s according to the spies sent from Equestria... well I have to end this log now. Ps: for anyone who’s interested to my Physical description: I’m a normal looking changeling, with yellow eyes, wearing reading glasses and wearing a typical tank commander uniform. Log 2: Name: Yanna Chitin 25th July 1010 ( 5 days before the invasion) Location: Northside of the Seaddle River ( Panzer training grounds). Rank: Zweiter Leutnant Weather: partly cloudy Time: 13:00 For a five straight days, my platoons and I have been training on some attacking and defending maneuvers between our new Panzers. It also the same day that our Oberst, ( Colonel) Nicolas Arachnid, came by and showed us the new Equestrian tank that he and his Infiltrator company have "borrowed" for the demonstration purposes. On front of us, we see the newest tank in Equestrian Army. The Matilda 2. Unlike their main battle tank Matilda 1 in an Equestrian Army which has better armour than its gun itself. This Matilda 2 tank is significantly slower than their old Matilda 1 tanks, but have some superb Armor and have a decent cannon, that can penetrate our tank's armor in a decent range, but it's their Armor is their most impressive! On one test, the Oberst have shown my platoon and I, just how strong this armor is by bringing some panzers from neighboring platoon of Panzer 3s and 4s and they start shooting it at the front the Matilda 2 from 200m. The Panzer 3s and short barrelled Panzer 4s doesn't even penetrate through the front Armor of Matilda. Only my ausf.G variant of my panzer 4, managed to Pierce through it. The Obrest then decided to train us how to attack these new tanks and how to disable them, It took a whole day though. Soon after that training. The Obrest was impressed by our platoon's ability to quickly find exploits and weaknesses of this new tank quickly, and were told to be dismissed and return our Training grounds. I was quite surprised to get a compliment from my superior, especially since this platoon has more volunteered females than males. Female Changelings within the Wehrmacht are usually takes the Support role, Males tends to do the Fighting while us Females are the ones prepping their guns, tanks, planes, tending to the sick and etc. But our platoon and several platoons and battalions such as 167th Panzer "Kiss of death" Battalion in 32nd Panzer Division in 2nd Swarm Army or even a whole division like 56th Infantry "Dark Angels" Division 88th Motorized "Speed Succubus" Division and such, these divisions and battalions are considered the odd ones out, though the male usually would mock us. Cuz we’re females, but we're proven ourselves to be just as capable fighters as Males. After all my Glorious Queen is the one leading the charge against Equestria and her Allies, as she’s a Queen duh! Alright that should be my end of log for today. Log 3: Name: Yanna Chitin 28th July 1010 ( 2 days before the invasion) Location: Northside of the Seaddle River ( Panzer training grounds). Rank: Zweiter Leutnant Weather: Cloudy Time: 19:30 It's been three days since I have Written another log to my Journal. Here's what happened to me and my platoon in a about three days While I was talking to my Best comrade ( aka my best brood friend) tank Commander Adele Xylem, who’s commanded the Panzer IV Ausf.A. The short barrelled ones. We're in our tent talking about our crushes within the Wehrmacht, my one Is Field Marshal Trimmel, and some Changeling ace pilots in the Luftwaffe, Hehe and Adele's crush is the Legendary General Pharynx himself. I mean who could've blame her? He's one of the Generals who also believes in Mobile warfare known as Blitzkrieg or Bewegungskrieg ( maneuver Warfare), along side Trimmel. He also the one who crush the Thoraxian resistance, and overran the Entire Olenian Military. He personally commanding an Elite Panzer Division called 7th Panzer "Ghost" Division. Which is where our platoon is actually assigned, which a win if you asked me. Plus! he’s a very dashing Changeling if I say so my self, with large red spines and hot purple eyes, he’s a chick magnet alright hehe! For the rest of our days and the day after was doing some Panzer Training and proper maintenance of our Panzers. And have usual news from our great leader, and some new info from our Greatest Enemy Equestria. From the the last day we’ve got our latest info we have given, my platoon and I have learned that their Civil war is now entered to it's 3rd Year. I have indeed heard this Civil war, back in 1007, a year in a half before I joined the Heer. Since then I haven’t heard much about their civil war, mainly because I don’t care about their silly civil war and partly because reports are so sporadic that I could just imagine how these ponies fight each other over some of their stupid princesses, both are kinda stupid and easy to hurt their feelings if you insults them heh. Soon years went by, our Changeling Spy network has finally established in Equestrian soil and able to get accurate information about their troop movements and their army strengths, as of right now, they have made a very long trench front line that stretches from the mountainous border of Crystal Empire to the north to the Newly established southern Confederation to the South. And these two armies are in deadlock unable to advance to either side of the front. In any case, I hope these stupid ponies are still busy Killing each other, so we can finally conquer the entire Equestria quickly.. Log 5: Name: Yanna Chitin 30th July 1010 ( 2 hour before the invasion) Location: Northside of the Seaddle River ( Edge of the River bank. ) Rank: Zweiter Leutnant Weather: Clear Time: 22:00 We only have 2 hours left before we across this mighty Seaddle River. And the War is officially start, in the middle of the Night our platoon’s mission is to go straight across the river using raft provided by the supplies from Vrakian factories alongside our Panzers and surprise our enemies with our sheer firepower, these ponies relied too much on the terrain, these ponies thought that weren’t able to bring our panzers to this river, and only provided Small divisions on the river to defend it. Within struck midnight, we would finally commence our orders and to go across the river, though this would be the most difficult mission ever received by our orders recieved by our generals but I believed that our Training, our Panzers and our iron resolve, should be more than enough to achieve victory. And I hope those qualities I have should be enough to keep me alive. I would really want to live through this war and able enjoy our victory with my friends and my hive family. And finally Aquire those sweet sweet love! Well this would be end of this log for now, I would start to write more once I have done my mission and have free time..