//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: The Moment Our Eyes Met // by SweetCarol //------------------------------// "Thank you for your brilliant idea." Princess Twilight thanked the three mares at the end of the festival, which, as expected, had been a success and soon, the exclusive holiday for lovers would be changed so that no one was left out. "No, thanks to you for allowing us to demonstrate that 'Hearts and Hooves day' can be better." Apple Bloom replied, while the three bowed to her. "Hey, there's no need for that." Twilight said between laughs. "You three are more than my subjects, you're my friends. And now we're basically sisters-in-law, AB." The three stood up and smiled. "I have an incredible sister-in-law and I'll do everything to be an incredible sister-in-law as well." She answered with a smile. "Oh, you already are." Twilight said, making her smile widen even more. "Well, you can go back to your room if you want, you must be tired after the day you had." "Sure, but I'm actually feeling very energetic!" Apple Bloom said, while her best friends yawned in sleep. She was feeling the happiest mare, not only from Equestria, but from the whole world, there was nothing she could ask for in life. She had a wonderful family that was always growing, incredible friends, a teacher job she loved and a real love to call her own. "Oof, it was quite a night." Sweetie Belle said, as she settled on her bed to get comfortable. Scootaloo thought a lot about everything that happened and despite the possibility of being judged, she decided to tell her best friends what she was keeping secret from everyone for a little long time ago. "For sure." She murmured. "With everything that happened today, I decided that I'll try to tell Luster." "What are you gonna tell Luster?" Sweetie asked. "... How I feel about her." She answered, while her cheeks flushed. At that moment, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were astonished as never before in their life. "You WHAT???" "Wait, let me get this straight: Do you like Luster Dawn?" Apple Bloom asked. "Yeah, I really like her a lot since she moved to Ponyville." She replied, while her cheeks flushed. "And you didn't trust your best friends to tell us all this time?" Sweetie Belle said, not hiding how furious she was. "Sorry, I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how the two of you would react. I mean, she's 18, I'm 28, I'm a teacher in the School of Friendship and she's a student ..." "Why would we judge you?" Sweetie Belle said. "No?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "No you silly, love is like that, it has no age, it has no restrictions on gender, color or species, it arrives by surprise and when you see it, you're so in love that you can no longer imagine your life without your loved one." Apple Bloom said, while pressing the card that her boyfriend handed her against her chest, very close to the heart. "Yeah, you're right, I was so silly. Umm, do you guys think she would like me back?" "Of course, you're awesome Scoot, when we get back to Ponyville, you'll come up to her and say 'Luster Dawn, I love you!'." "Ehhh I won't say exactly like that, or she'll run away from me." She said and the three laughed together. Apple Bloom lay on her left side and watched the moon through the window, smiling as she remembered the magical moment that was their were together and forgetting the world around them. They were only a few feet apart, but she missed him as if he were miles far away from Equestria. She didn't even want to imagine what it would be like when she returned to Ponyville. She slowly closed her eyes to embark for dreamland. When suddenly, she was startled to think that the room had caught fire, when a green fire spread in front of her out of nowhere. She breathed a sigh of relief and was excited that it was a letter from Spike. "If the universe knew the size of my love for you, it would be ashamed to be so small. I'd like to see this gorgeous little face that makes my heart race and the most beautiful gaze that ignites my heart one last time this night. Your Spikey Wikey ❤" Apple Bloom felt like screaming, but she controlled herself when she saw that her friends would suspect her reaction. She thought and thought. She just couldn't wait for her friends to sleep, she really wanted be with him. Until an idea finally came to mind. She kept the letter under her big pillow, pushed the sheets away from her legs and stood up. "Hey, where are you going?" Scootaloo asked. "... Ugh I shouldn't have eaten so much candy and smoothies at the festival, I have to go before an accident happens." She said, pretending that she really had a bellyache and needed to go to the bathroom. "But there's a bathroom over there." Sweetie Belle said, pointing to the bathroom door on their bedroom. "Come on Apple Bloom, think." She said mentally. "It's just that my stomach is not doing so well, I can infest the whole room with a stench and I don't want my best friends to go through it... "Oh no!" Scootaloo exclaimed as she used her hoof to cover her nostrils. "Hurry, hurry before the worst happens!" "Go, go now." Sweetie said, imitating her actions. "Yes, I will and it'll probably take a while so don't worry about me, see you guys in a little while." She said frantically, as she ran to the door and left the room. As soon as they saw that Apple Bloom left, they burst out laughing. "Poor little Apple Bloom, still thinks she can fool us." Scootaloo said between laughs. "Umm Scoots, do you think they will...?" "Yeah, they will." She nodded casually. "So we better sleep, since she won't be back." Sweetie said between a yawn. Apple Bloom knew that there was a group of guards who kept watch at night, she would have to play the clandestine ninja if she wanted to see Spike again. She walked sneakily and whenever she saw a guard, she hid behind a wall or behind a thicket. "Mission accomplished, Agent AB." She murmured to herself, before knocking on the door. She was startled when the door opened and almost hit her in the face, but the shock soon passed when he wrapped her in a hug and covered her with kisses. "Honey, I missed you so so so much." "Me too baby, I'm so good at sneaking around that I'm even thinking about joining the CIA." She joked. "You know you didn't have to do this, do you? What are they gonna do if we want to see each other?" Spike asked between laughs. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and smiled. "... It doesn't matter, I just wanna be like this, by your side." She said, rubbing her snout gently against his nose. "Well, let's come in?" He asked. "No, let's make out here outside where everyone can see us." "Ok, ok, I get it." Apple Bloom was happy to be with him at that moment, but he couldn't help thinking about what it would be like the next month, Spike went back to traveling the world to solve friendship problems, to travel away from her. The thought made her cry with sadness. "I'm gonna miss you so much. I mean, what are we gonna do when ...?" "Hey, hey." He said to get her attention, looking her lovingly in the eyes and wiping the tears from her cheeks. "We'll find a way. For now, I wanna enjoy this time we have and fill you with love." Apple Bloom smiled and her eyes took on an inexplicable glow. Suddenly, Spike was startled when she suddenly approached and wrapped him in a strong embrace, but soon he took her in his arms and hugged her even tighter. "I love you so much." She murmured. "I love you so much too." He took her to the bed and sat with his back against the headboard, while she sat comfortably on his lap, not daring to look up to look him in the eye. Realizing her insecurity, Spike gently held her chin and lifted, making their eyes meet. Apple Bloom smiled awkwardly and a blush spread over her cheeks. "Has anyone ever told you how lovely you are?" "Never like that." She murmured. "Wait!" Apple Bloom shouted when he leaned over to kiss her. She took a breath and just after that, she nodded. Their lips brushed softly against each other, she really liked the sensation of kiss him that way, but knew it could get better. In a few moments, she noticed that he opened his mouth from time to time to lightly bite her lower lip. Without hesitating, the young mare stuck her tongue on his mouth, wrapping her legs even more around his neck and pulling him even closer. With the sudden attitude of his beloved, Spike's eyes widened and he let out a muffled groan in her mouth, due to her lips still locked on his. Although surprised, he soon liked it as much as his special somepony when her tongue eagerly explored every corner of his mouth. Apple Bloom knew that she would soon be carried away when his long tongue began to intertwine and fight against hers. Suddenly, waves of shivering went up her spine, when she started to feel his hands leave her back and slide slowly down her legs, stopping to quickly stroke her flank. Until they stopped where he wanted, giving light squeezes to her cute little butt cheeks. Before the burning desire she felt for him took over her actions, Apple Bloom broke away, breathing hard and feeling that she had managed to break away from him for very little. Spike soon thought his girlfriend had walked away because he had gone too far with the displays of affection. "Apple Bloom, I ... I'm sorry, sweetie, I shouldn't ..." "No baby, that's not it." She said immediately, for him to stop feeling guilty. "It's just that, if I take too long, my friends may suspect the excuse I gave them." She approached him again and gave him a tender kiss on the forehead. "See you tomorrow morning, I love you." Spike clenched his fists tightly. The thought of staying away from her started to cause him immense distress. Before the mare got off the bed, she turned when she felt a tug on her tail, but not so hard as to hurt her. "No. Stay, please." He said, looking at her with pleading eyes. The moment her eyes met his, she knew she wasn't going anywhere. "... Spike, if our lips touch again, even for a second, I won't be able to stop ... But I can't deny that now is all I want." She murmured quietly. "I know, so far I still don't know how I managed to control my dragon instincts when I'm with you, but I want you, more than anyone can imagine." He whispered, leaning his forehead against hers. "Well ..." She murmured, as she put one of her hooves on his chest, feeling his heart beating as hard as hers. "We can lose control... Together." He smiled and brought his hands up to her face, caressing her cheeks. "Is this the first time you've done this?" He asked, out of curiosity. "Ehh no." Apple Bloom confessed. "Do you have a problem with that?" She asked, there was no hint of indignation in her voice, it was more of a concern if Spike were like obsolete stallions who refused to get involved with a mare who was no longer a virgin. "No, of course not." Spike replied, running his fingers over the silky strands of her mane. "And this is yours?" She decided to ask, but she was sure that an attractive dragon like him was no longer a virgin. "As a matter of fact, it is." He replied, looking away and scratching the back of his neck. "But why?" She asked in surprise. "It's simple, I was waiting for my special somepony, aka you, my Apple Bloom." At that moment, Apple Bloom's eyes lit up with what he had just said. The love of her life, had waited for her. She felt like her heart was about to burst with love. Without waiting, she leapt into his arms and attacked him with kisses all over his face. "Did I ever say that I love you?" "Hm, sometimes." He joked. "It's true, but I never said that I love you so so so so much, my love." Spike joked, but he felt like he was about to cry whenever she said she loved him. "And I love you, as I've never loved anyone before." He declared, before pulling her closer and they kissed lovingly again, while he slowly laid her on her back on the mattress. And that was forever one of the moments that they'd never forget, even if they wanted to. The moment when their bodies came together and loved each other completely, surrendering only in body, as they had already surrendered in soul. Apple Bloom loved how in part he controlled his dragon instincts and was never too rough until she asked for it. She had never made love with a dragon before and she had to confess that at first things was a little strange, but it didn't take long for her to feel totally fulfilled. After all, he wasn't just any dragon, he was her soulmate. The next day, as Scootaloo predicted, Apple Bloom did not return to the bedroom and it was already obvious who she was with. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She asked Sweetie Belle. "Totally." "Let's prepare the cake!" "Let's be the bridesmaids!... Oh. Let's make the cake!" They asked for permission to use the castle's kitchen, which was happily granted to them. "What if she hid so that we wouldn't give her the cake?" Sweetie Belle asked, as she watched the cake dough rise in the oven. "She'll waste her time, because we'll look for her and we'll not leave any stone unturned." Scootaloo said with a laugh, while mixing the cake's icing. Meanwhile, feeling that she had slept enough for one night, Apple Bloom's eyes opened. A small smile of bliss opened on her lips, thinking about what happened last night. She turned her face away and her eyes sparkled when she saw that they had awakened as they slept, together snuggled and warmed like never before, with their legs and arms entwined. "Honey? Honey, wake up." She called out to him, but it seemed that he still had a long time to wake up after all the effort he had made. She didn't care a bit about staying that way until he woke up. "I love you." Apple Bloom murmured sweetly after planting a kiss on his cheek and snuggled into his chest. Suddenly, she was startled and grunted when there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" She said it out loud. She was soon confused when her friends entered the room so casually. "Good morning!" Sweetie Belle hummed. "Hey, don't talk too loudly, he still looks tired. Although he sleeps like rock." She said, while gently stroking his head. "Well, the way your mane is in disarray, the night was good, right?" Scootaloo said, which made her laugh nervously and blush with embarrassment. "Changing the subject, we made you a cake." Sweetie Belle said, as she placed the cake. Apple Bloom read what was written and couldn't help but burst out laughing. When the girls started living together, they made a pact that every time one of them had their first time with their respective romantic partners, if 2 of the girls found one of them, they would deliver a cake written "congrats on the sex" on top. At that time, Apple Bloom was the first to be caught. "I never thought you two would even do that." She said between laughs. "Surprise!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "I think it's better to leave the lovebirds alone now." Sweetie Belle said. "Okay, enjoy the cake." Scootaloo said, before they left the room. As soon as they left, Apple Bloom chuckled and shook her head. "I love my besties." She murmured. End of flashbacks... "Thankfully, that misunderstanding was resolved, just imagine what it would be like if it weren't?" Applejack said, as she watched herself in front of the mirror after putting on the dress. "I don't even like to think about it, the most important thing is that today we're together and more in love than ever, he accepted my proposal and we're about to live the most important day of our lives." She said calmly. Big Mac was about to say something, when the three heard a knock at the door. "Oh, hide yourself lil' sis!" Applejack said, standing in front of Apple Bloom. "Relax, it can't be Spike, he spent the last few days at the Crystal Empire so we couldn't see each other." The bride assured her. "You may come in." The door opened, revealing to be Babs. "Hi cousins, I came here to say that it is time AB. If you want more time to .." "No, I don't need to, I'm 1000% ready." She said, without a doubt. "You're still gonna take me to the aisle, right, big brother?" "Eeyup." Big Mac agreed, starting to cry again.