Super Stallion

by PioneerofImagination

Chapter 52 Discord's Top 10

"Hello all," Discord said right off the bat. "Right off the bat is right, Mr. Pioneer of Imagination wow is that a mouthful. Any when, it's me, Discord spirit of chaos and disharmony. Taking place right in the Castle of the 2 Sisters which might become the new chaos capital of Equestria when Twilight takes over and I get to play the role of her 2nd in command. So to celebrate Twilight's coronation in this chapter I'm going to be counting down my top 10 list of things that happened in Equestria and beyond that for one reason or another wasn't worked into the story, until now that is. So sit back, relax, and enjoy as I get right on 10 with the end of my chaos student's first visit to the Crystal Empire after she became an aunt."


Twilight and her friends got ready to head out after their visit with her brother, sister in-law and niece. Things had taken quite a turn for the worst with the baby breaking the Crystal Heart but as usual it was nothing they couldn't handle. 

"Just once I'd like us all to go somewhere without some sort of drama happening," Rarity said as Spike rubbed her shoulders to help her relieve the stress. "A little lower darling, yes much better thank you."

"Ah but what fun would that be," Rainbow Dash said. 

"But with all that's settled there's still 1 problem for us to deal with."

"There is Twilight?" Shining Armor asked a little worried. 

"Yeah you still have to name my adorable little niece," Twilight answered to Shining Armor's relief. 

"Oh I know," Starlight said. "How about Skyla?"

"...Nah," the others said.. 

"We've actually thought about it and I think we found the perfect one," Cadance said. "Flurry Heart."  


"Yes Mr. Pioneer does enjoy his nice touches doesn't he? So much they've grown on me quite a bit, don't worry the rest won't be as short. Number 9 takes place in Ponyville as a stupid little fight turns into a stupid big fight as they have a habit of doing so. Turns out these ponies can be quite chaotic on their own if they want to be." 


Ponyville was basically in the middle of a civil war with 1 half of the town hitting the other with pies and the other half putting old clothes on the others.

"Let them have it!" Applejack said as more pies were launched in town. 

"Don't let up, we have them right where we want them," Rarity said as she and quite a few other unicorns used magic to force others to wear clothing from the pioneering days of Ponyville. 

What was supposed to be a fun celebration of the day their town was founded had turned into a feud of just how they were supposed to do just that. Twilight, who wasn't there as she had to go to Canterlot soon made her way back to her utter horror. 

"Oh Princess Twilight thank Celestia," Mayor Mare said as she ran over. "You've got to do something to stop all this."

"Oh I plan to," Twilight said as she used her magic to stop the ponies from fighting afterwards she made her way to the stage. "First off let me start by saying I am very disappointed in all of you. This is not how we resolve our differences. You've made yourselves look like absolute idiots and worse, you've set a horrible example for the younger generation. On top of that tourists will be coming here soon wanting to see how great Ponyville is after I bragged about it."

"Tourists?" Mayor Mare said concerned. "Coming here, you said how soon?"

"Very," Twilight answered. "So here's what you're going to do, you're all going to clean up your mess while I straighten things out here." Twilight tried to talk to her friends but they split up and Twilight would have to try a little harder to get them all together. 

"Oh Princess Twilight is right Cranky I feel so foolish," Matilda said as she was cleaning up the town. "We shouldn't have acted the way we did."

"Well if you think that then I agree," Cranky said as he was helping in the cleanup.

"Well at the very least it's nice to know that you always have my back," Matilda replied. As Twilight was alone thinking what to say to her friends suddenly who should appear other than Discord who revealed he had been watching Ponyville's little war from the start.

"The start, why didn't you try to stop any of it?" Spike asked. 

"And not see how big a pony created chaos of this magnitude could get, what kind of spirit of chaos would I be then?"

"I just don't get how things could have gotten so crazy so fast Spike and I was only gone for a day?"

"Madness is like gravity Twilight, all it takes is a little push," Discord answered. 

After thinking about it a little longer Twilight figured the best way to get her friends back together would be to get their help with the visiting ponies. Twilight made her way to see Applejack hoping she could help the guests of Ponyville by turning Sweet Apple Acres into a bed and breakfast.

"Twilight that's kind of a lot to handle on such short notice," Applejack said as she was bucking apples.

"But Applejack when I first came to Ponyville the Apples extended such amazing hospitality. I was hoping you could do the same now."

"Twilight I don't know, I think I'm all burned out of this year's Ponyville Days." 

"Burned out?! I was only gone for a day."

"Well it was a longer day for me than it was for you."

"That doesn't make any sense!" 

"Well maybe if you didn't spend time with Discord it would."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Look I can't help all right. I'm too busy with the farm," Applejack said as she was about to storm off. 

"You can't help or you won't? Who am I kidding? It's the latter it's always the latter this is so typical there's something serious going on and I'm the only that sees it. It's my brother's wedding all over again," Twilight continued the last comment stopping Applejack from bucking as she still felt a tad sore about the way she acted back then. 


"No, you just go back to your farm," Twilight interrupted. "I'll fix everything like always. It's nice to know my friends are always never there for me." Twilight then walked off in a huff but as she left a smile appeared on her face as she knew that would get Applejack to come after.

"The ol guilt routine huh Twi?" Applejack asked herself as she kicked the ground a bit before catching up with her friend. "Works every time." After that Twilight talked to her other friends seeing if they'd help.

"No way, no how! My Ponyville days are over!" Rainbow Dash said as she was chilaxing by the water.

"So you're just going to live here from now on?" 

"I have never seen this town get so crazy before! I’m fine kicking it back here and missing it all," Rainbow Dash answered but Twilight got her to rethink after talking about how another pony would be put in charge of weather control. After that she got the rest of Ponyville to get back on track and while there was a hiccup here and there it turned into quite the success. Discord even decided to help out in the celebration to make it even more of a hit. 


"Ah yes, who says that I can't be nice? From the flashy Crystal Empire to the simple Ponyville to the mysterious Everfree Forest number 8 involves our adorable heroes there of all places as even after all this time it holds quite a few more secrets." 


The mane 6 and Spike traveled into the Everfree Forest and found a young deer called Bramble; he was the son of the heart of the forest, King Aspen. He was making the Everfree Forest expand to balance out a minotaur named Well-To-Do that was leading an operation to build a theme park named Fun Fun Land. But in order to do that he would have to cut down quite a bit of the forest and the deer weren't happy about that.

"Don't you worry 1 bit King Aspen we're going to talk to Princess Celestia about this," Twilight said. Princess Celestia like King Aspen cared much for the environment as well as all of the creatures within her kingdom and did not like a place as unstable as the Everfree Forest being tampered with because of an amusement park of all things.

"Mr. Well-To-Do I'm afraid I can't approve of you doing such a thing," Princess Celestia said to the minotaur.

"Oh that's quite a lot princess, I already got all the approval that I need," Well-To-Do said as he showed several papers that showed what he was doing was surprisingly perfectly legal.

"Even if you aren't breaking the law can't you see the damage you're doing to the forest?" Princess Celestia replied.

"Oh it's nothing that can't be fixed, all you have to do is grow trees on the other side of the forest. By expanding there it should balance out all that I'm doing over here."

"Well actually that's not going to work as the land on the other side has a bit of a problem supporting life at least to the degree of a forest."

"Well from what I've seen on this side the forest has been expanding a bit too much for its own good. I know a thing or two about nature and having too many trees in 1 area can be bad for all of them. Besides, I pretty much put all the money I have into all this." Hearing that caught the others quite a bit by surprise.

"You have?" Fluttershy asked out of concern which also was surprising considering how much she cared for animal life which the forest greatly supports.

"Yes so what would you all have me do? Shut down this whole operation and put myself out of the street with hardly a bit to my name. Not to mention put all of these hardworking ponies and minotaurs out of a job."

"Well we don't want to do that, do we?" Fluttershy asked.

"No we don't," Princess Celestia said. "So this just makes things quite a bit harder to solve."

"Harder to solve, are you mad!" King Aspen said in almost a rage. "All we have to do is stop this mad minotaur and his hired help."

"You try that and you're going to be 1 sorry deer," Well-To-Do replied and pulled his sleeve back ready for a fight. Princess Celestia made the 2 separate and cool off telling both of them she would think on the matter and figure out a way to solve the problem at hoof. 

But as Princess Celestia tried to think up a plan King Aspen refused to simply stand by as his beloved home was being chopped down. So he did what he could to expand the forest. Unfortunately for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna that meant Canterlot getting overrun with plant vines. The 2 of them were bound by the plant vines and hanging from the ceiling and they couldn't get free with magic because they were wrapped around their horns.

"Well this is quite the problem you got here sun butt," Discord said as he appeared in the room. "Though in all honesty I have to say I rather like this place's new look."

"Oh gosh of all creatures today," Celestia whispered under her breath.

"Discord your here, that's actually good," Princess Luna said.

"It is?" Celestia and Discord asked at the same time.

"Of course, he can get us free Celestia."

"He can do a lot of things but that hardly means he will." 

"Well I certainly won't help you if you have that attitude," Discord said.

"You wouldn't help if I pleaded and begged you to cut me free," Celestia replied. 

"Well, yeah pretty much," Discord said.

"Come on Discord don't be like that let's be friends. Doesn't that sound good to you?" Luna asked. 

"Maybe tomorrow."

"Oh come on Discord put yourselves in our hooves," Celestia said. "We're stuck here and can't escape at all. Do you have any idea how bad this feels?"

"Are you kidding me? You and your sister turned me into stone and then you put me in the mines beneath this precious castle of yours."


"You know I'd be a lot more polite to me if I was in shoes. Do you say you're sorry?" 

Celestia then began to wriggle and shake trying to get free while grunting in rage. "Rggh! Discord you dirty rotten stinking, hggr," Celestia said as she tried to get free. A little while longer Celestia stopped as she realized while she was strong the roots had her good and tight and Discord stayed in the room rather enjoying Celestia's tantrum. "Discord I am not kidding if you don't get me down in 5 seconds-"

"You got yourself into this mess little miss I can't get a minotaur to care enough about the trees, not me."

"But all of Canterlot is being overrun by these things. We have to do something." 

"So the castle gets a lot more green so what? This isn't so bad, maybe you could change it into a nature preserve if I don't gobble all these roots up," Discord replied as he ate some of the roots. "Wow this stuff is good I just might go fat on this." 

"Discord, this is a serious problem. What if Twilight tries to send a letter to me or something because she needs my help?"

"You could tell her we'd like to help but we're too busy hanging around."

"Not helping Luna! Okay look Discord, I'm sorry I yelled at you, I'm having a bad day and all the blood is rushing to my head which is very uncomfortable. Please get us down."

"Well, you did say please." Discord flew above Princess Celestia and started to bite on the roots above her. "Thank you Discord you know I don't really give you enough credit maybe you're not so bad after," Celestia stopped when she realized that she was going up because Discord was sucking up the root like spaghetti. "Wait Discord what are you doing hold on if you keep doing this you're gonna," Celestia was cut off when Discord suddenly swallowed her.

"Oh gosh," Luna said in shock but thankfully Discord spat out her sister.

"Ew you're not very tasty are you? You're just lucky that most of my body parts are animals that are herbivores." 

"Well you got me free so I'm not going to get mad," Celestia said as she stood up and wiped a bit of Discord's saliva. 

"You're turn now moon pie."

"I'll get Luna free Discord!" Celestia said as she used her magic to get Luna free.

"Thank you sister though don't you think it's rather weird that Super Stallion didn't notice all this and flew in to rescue-"

"Have no fear, Super Stallion is here," Super Stallion interrupted as he arrived ready to help. "Discord I should have known get ready for a Super Stallion super smack-" Super Stallion  charged but was stopped when Discord cut him off by whacking him with a giant mallet.

"Blamo!" Discord said and then Luna got the mallet off of him while Celestia helped him up. 

"Discord isn't behind this Super Stallion," Celestia said.

"He's not?"

"No Luna, please explain it to him."

"But don't you want to tell him?"

"Yes, but I really need a shower." After Super Stallion was told everything and Princess Celestia got herself cleaned up the 4 made their way to where Fun Fun Land was to be built. The situation was going from bad to worse as Well-To-Do and King Aspen were butting heads.

"I won't let you destroy my home!" 

"I won't let you destroy all my hard work and put all these fine workers out of a job!"

"Every time you chop down trees we're going to grow some new ones!"

"Every time you grow some new trees we're going to chop them down!"

"Hey!" Discord said getting the attention of every creature. "We don't you just move Fun Fun Land about halfway to the side where there's hardly any vegetation and then grow some trees in the back and a bit around the sides of the theme park?" 

Hearing that practical solution from Discord of all creatures rather surprised all of the others. 

"That could work actually," King Aspen said. "By moving it there we could regrow half the trees chopped down and by making new ones behind and around should help with the other half as well as expand the forest a bit."

"And with all those trees around my park it could stop creatures from sneaking in without paying and if that's still not enough you can plant some trees in Fun Fun Land," Well-To-Do said and in no time at all a deal was made between the 2 who before were getting along like old friends. 

"Wow Discord you actually saved the day," Super Stallion said who decided to speed up the creation of Fun Fun Land. But he didn't do all the work the ponies and minotaurs were hired by Well-To-Do to do; it was still their jobs after all. 

"Yes it was actually rather nice, maybe I should do it more often, nah." 

"Well all the same we are very grateful for your advice," King Aspen said.

"You're telling me this spot is even better than where we actually started," Well-To-Do said.

"I suppose all that's left is to take care of the roots around Canterlot," Super Stallion said.

"On it," Discord said before teleporting away to quickly gobble up all of the remaining roots. Discord did just that but it resulted in him becoming rather bloated. "That stuff was so delicious I simply have to get the recipe for this later," Discord said as he was on the ground as his stomach was getting rather upset from eating too much. "I just wish I could do something about the stomach pain."

"I think this could help you with that," Celestia said as she offered a cup to Discord who drank it and afterwards sat up. 

"Oh that actually does help, thanks a lot Celestia."

"My my I think that's the 1st time you've ever thanked me or used my actual name."

"Well don't get used to it sun butt."

"And there it is, and I went to all the trouble to get you this other thing to help you with your stomach," Celestia said as she got out a brownie that Discord grabbed with his tail and ate right away. "Hope you like it, I made it with something special."


"Yes, chocolate super lax," Celestia replied with a huge grin. 

"What?" Suddenly Discord's stomach started to rumble and roar something fierce. "It's because of how I got you free isn't it?"


"Well at least I brought out your chaotic side."

"Actually I was always a bit of a prankster," Celestia replied. Afterwards Discord teleported to the royal bathroom.


"Not exactly my proudest moment," Discord said as he was eating certain roots out of a bucket with a pair of chopsticks. "I almost destroyed her toilet so there's that, next up is number 7 where a certain former student goes through quite the emotional struggle.”


Sunset Shimmer was with her friends and a few others.

"Yes we did, we admit it," Sweetie Belle said while with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. 

Recently the school had been flooded with horrible rumors and Sunset Shimmer was at the center of it all because even her friends thought she was doing it. She tried to convince them otherwise but they refused to listen and cast her out leaving her to fend for herself. In the end Sunset figured out it was Sweetie Belle and her friends because they were feeling left out. The others spent so much time with Sunset that they barely had time to spend with them. Once Sunset accused them they admitted right away.

"We didn't mean for this to spiral out of control," Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah we wish we could stop it all but we don't know how," Scootaloo said. 

"We're so so sorry Sunset." Sweetie Belle said. 

"I-I just don't understand Sweetie Belle why didn't you just talk to your sister about how you all felt? They would have understood."

"I don't know, I really wanted to, but when I tried I just choked up," Sweetie Belle said as she couldn't help but tear up a little bit.

"But you had no problem dragging my name through the mud," Sunset Shimmer said to the crusaders rather coldly. "Not to mention all the names of countless other students to cover your tracks."

"Now hold on just a second," Applejack said as she got up to defend the crusaders. "You can't talk to my sister and her friends like that."

"I can say whatever I want, remember? But that doesn't mean you have to listen," Sunset Shimmer said, throwing the words that Applejack had used on her earlier back at her. 

Sunset Shimmer then stormed out and made it to some nearby woods figuring that would be a good place to rest and think. As she made it there and rested she tried to make sense of everything and couldn't help but cry a bit from all of it. So she figured she needed to find someone to talk to or somepony. 

Twilight Sparkle was at her castle checking up on a good book as she usually did when Suddenly Twilight saw she was getting a message from Sunset. "Oh my gosh Sunset," Twilight said, almost crying while noticing strange dots. She quickly figured those were tears that fell on the paper. Sunset needed a friend and made her way to a certain mirror and using chaos magic teleported to where Sunset was right away.

"OH MY GOSH!" Sunset Shimmer said as she fell down or would have if Twilight didn't catch her. "Twilight, how did you get her so fast?"

"Let's just say that it's a new trick I learned, besides from what I've read you really need a friend right now." Hearing that Sunset pulled herself up and put herself right on Twilight who welcomed her with a hug as she started to cry. 

"How could my friends have just walked out on me? They didn't even say they were sorry, well thinking about it I didn't give them much of a chance. But I had a right to be mad at them, didn't I?"

"Perhaps, but maybe you should talk to your friends about all of that," Twilight said as she continued to hold Sunset Shimmer who was starting to calm down. 

"But can I even call them my friends after the way they treated me? We've been through so much and grown together so much but something like this drives a wedge between us. How can we still be friends after this?"

"I know just how you feel," Twilight said. Hearing that Sunset lifted her head and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"You do?" 

"Yes." Twilight then talked about a certain almost wedding. Twilight felt betrayed by her friends, her brother, and Princess Celestia. 

"Wow you had even worse than I had, uh sorry that was probably the wrong way to put it."

"It's okay, you're right. I felt like I couldn't trust them again or that they didn't deserve to be my friends after that but overtime after I talked things out and I was able to move past something I thought I couldn't. While it's not an Element of Harmony, forgiveness is an important part of friendship. Because the ones closest to you are the ones that can hurt you the most." 

"You're right Twilight, I'll talk with everybody about this in the morning." Sunset and Twilight then shared a few laughs then got to sharing some stories with one another before Twilight decided to head home after she made sure Sunset was going to be alright. Morning came and Sunset looked around the town for her friends and when she found them the 5 of them were together.

"SUNSET!" They all cried out as they ran over to her and gave her a group hug.

"We were so worried about you darling," Rarity said.

"We tried to call you but your phone wasn't working," Applejack said.

"We were worried something might have happened to you, we're so glad you aren't hurt," Fluttershy said.

"I'm alright I just turned my phone off because I didn't feel like talking, but I do now," Sunset said and afterwards Sunset talked to her friends about how they should have given Sunset more credit. But she also talked about how maybe she didn't handle it the best way by walking out on them.

"Well it's kind of hard to blame you for acting like that. We fingered you out as the source of the rumors because we thought it only could have been you," Applejack said.

"We're super duper sorry," Pinkie Pie said.

"Please forgive us," Fluttershy said with an adorable sad face. 

"It's okay I forgive you all," Sunset said as she saw Sweetie Belle hiding a bit behind her sister who was also looking for Sunset Shimmer. "And I forgive you and your friends too Sweetie Belle."

"You do!?" Sweetie Belle said as she ran over to Sunset Shimmer and hugged her as hard as she could. 

"Yes, I know what it feels like to feel like you're all alone. It can make you do really stupid things. You're hurting my back." 

Sweetie Belle then let go feeling embarrassed. "Sorry." Afterwards Sweetie Belle and her friends took down the Anon-A-Miss webpage and informed Principal Celestia about it all as well as apologized to all the students. They received 6 months of detention for the trouble they caused and despite their efforts the gossip they spread around is still there. 

But as Sweetie Belle was told by Rarity she tried to take it all back and that's what counts. Even after all they did the crusaders were still invited to a huge family get together because they were still family and with family there's always room for more.


"Always room for more in a family huh?" Discord asked. "I wouldn't know, I never had a family, anyway from 1 Sunset story to another in number 6." 


"What's going on it's like I've been erased," Sunset said in horror while trying to figure out what could have happened to her friend's memories. But as she tried she slipped and fell on Twilight's new device breaking it when she landed on it.

"No!" Twilight said as she ran over to check on it. "You broke it!"

"I'm okay thanks for asking," Sunset replied in a harsh tone as she got back up and rubbed her back a little. 

"You should have been more careful!" Twilight said.

"Oh you're right next time I fall I'll try to defy gravity so I don't land on something important so you'll at least not be inconvenienced," Sunset replied leaving Twilight a bit stunned because she made a rather good point.

After leaving the beach Sunset tried to figure out what happened so she contacted Twilight who still remembered her. The 2 tried to figure out what was going on and that led to Sunset returning to Equestria and a long awaited reunion. When Princess Celestia saw her former student had finally returned, she was so shocked she was frozen stiff. Suddenly she teleported right over to Sunset and pulled into a hug and wrapped her wings around her.

“I-I’m sorry,” Celestia said as tears poured down her face. “That night, I don't know what got into me. I should have understood you better.” 

“I…appreciate that,” Sunset said, shocked at her former teacher’s behavior. 

Princess Celestia was informed of what was going on so she and Princess Luna took Sunset and Twilight to a secret part of the Canterlot Library where they ran into none other than Clover the Clever. 

"Clover? What are you doing here?"

"Oh hi there Celestia I'm just catching up on some light reading."

"Wait Clover, like Clover the Clever."

"Yeah that's also a long story," Princess Celestia said before explaining to Clover about what was going on with Sunset.

"Wow that sounds like the Memory Stone," Clover said.

"The what?" Sunset asked. Clover then explained all about her encounter with the stone and how it could remove the memories of others. 

"In short the stone is very powerful and after a while any memories lost to the stone will be gone forever."

"Forever?" Sunset said afraid her friends would forget all about her. "So what happened to the stone?" Sunset asked Clover.

"Uhhhhhhhh." Tried as she could, Clover the Clever couldn't quite remember but did give the others a lot to work with. Sunset decided to head back and when she did, she was in a panic along with the rest of her high school as everyone was running around in fear.

"What is going on around here?" Sunset Shimmer asked when suddenly she heard someone laughing like an evil villain and when she followed it she found herself, literally. 

"You? But why you?"

"Oh hello my other self I was wondering where you were?"

"What are you doing here, besides giving new meaning to the phrase I've seen the enemy and it is me."

"I'm finally getting my revenge on this miserable school. They should have missed me but they forgot all about me when you came along so now I'm making them forget about everything and guess what? YOU'RE NEXT!" Mad Alicorn then aimed the Memory Stone at Sunset but suddenly a puff of smoke appeared out of nowhere and when it cleared Sunset was gone. "What but how?"

"That was certainly a close one, lucky for you Sunset the wise and super fast Trixie was here to help." 

"Actually I was the one that told you she needed help," Wallflower Blush said. 

"Keep the ego in check, Wallpowder," Trixie said. 


"Whatever it's not important right now, we need to stop the you that isn't you Sunset, what do we do?"

"We need to get that stone somehow, which begs the question how did she not get you 2?"

"The great and powerful Trixie's magic provided an escape from that stone."

"And the other you didn't notice me because, no one does." 

"We can talk about it later for now we need to stop you…you know what I mean," Trixie said.

"Yes I do and I know how to fix all of this but we need to get that stone away from her." The 3 were about to make a plan when suddenly Sunset saw all of her friends were together trying to help everyone who didn't know who they were. 

"If Trixie is going to get that stone from the other you we're going to need a plan." Suddenly Mad Alicorn pointed the stone at Sunset's friends and she ran right towards them. "That's not a plan!" Sunset got in the way of the Memory Stone's beam and took the blast for them causing her to lose all her memories. "This is bad we got to do something."

"I have an idea," Wallflower said. 

"You took the beam for them, how stupid can you get?"

"Who are you? What's going on? Where's Princess Celestia, why is my body different?" 

"That wasn't stupid that was noble," Rarity said. 

"Oh way then let's see if you're noble enough to take this beam for your friends." Suddenly more smoke appeared blocking Mad Alicorn's view. "Again with the smoke what's going on?"

"If you want to get to them you'll have to get past the great and powerful Trixie first!" 

"Oh it's you Trixie, I should have figured even after all this time you're still a blowhard after this I should erase you from my memory then see what I can do to a certain Super Stallion with this baby." Suddenly Wallflower grabbed Mad Alicorn from behind and tried to grab the stone but she got thrown off. "I remember you."

"You do?" Wallflower asked, more surprised than scared. 

"Yeah you were that lonely little nobody that clung to walls."

"I'm not lonely," Wallflower said as she stood up. "I've got, plants! That sounded less lonely in my head."

"Well hear let me help you forget," Mad Alicorn said when suddenly her attention focused on the mane 7 who after seeing Sunset's noble action informed her of their friendship and then powered up. "What the?" The mane 7 then worked together and charged their magic at Mad Alicorn.

"Wow that looks tough," Wallflower Blush said. "I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that." Mad Alicorn tried to use the stone on them but the magic of friendship pulled through once again and destroyed the stone, restoring the memories of everyone.

"Girls I remember you all, thank goodness," Sunset said as she hugged them but as she turned her head to face Mad Alicorn she had already escaped somehow. 

"She got away but how?"

"Hard to say but at least we beat her," Sunset Shimmer said as she made her way over to Wallflower Blush. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah I'm okay thank you for asking, really I'm surprised you even remembered I was here." After restoring the peace of the school, Sunset got back to work with the yearbook and added a few things such as giving Trixie her greatest and most powerfulest page and helping a certain wallflower with her gardening club.

"Thanks for your help Sunset," Wallflower Blush said, who was helping Sunset with the yearbook.

"No problem Wallflower," Sunset said as she made her way out to hang out with her friends and shut the light's off after heading out. But then came back to turn the lights back on. "Sorry."

"It's okay it happens, a lot actually," Wallflower replied. 

Meanwhile back in Equestria Mad Alicorn returned to Grogar in shame.

"Well where is the Memory Stone? You said you knew where it was," Grogar asked.

"I'm sorry it got destroyed while I was testing it."

"Testing it? Let me guess you were using it for your own amusement and in the process got careless, allowing those who destroy it to do so." 

"Please forgive me, great Grogar." 

"I’m going out for some air. Cozy Glow is in charge until I get back.”

“Again?” Tirek asked. “Why is she always in charge?”

“She’s organized. From now on none of you goes alone to get powerful objects or useful information an-" Grogar suddenly stopped talking all of a sudden and looked at seemingly nothing for he had a strong feeling he was being watched.


“Yeah that was when I stopped watching as I didn't want to get that ancient ram’s attention just yet," Discord said. "So yes I was watching those rogues the whole time I could have done something but if I did Cozy might not have gotten her redemption. So maybe there's a method to my madness after all. But either way let's get right to number 5, this is a particularly interesting one involving time travel of all things." 


Time Wizard had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and saw that the Apple siblings were hard at work. “My my,” he said. “You 3 are really hard at work and working up quite a sweat while you’re at it.”

“Well it comes with living on a farm,” Applejack said. 


“Were you planning on showering today?” Time Wizard asked.

“Why?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Do you want to visit your parents all sweaty?”

The Apple siblings froze in place.

“What?” Apple Bloom asked. “Really?!”

“Really really.” 

The Apple siblings then cleaned themselves up and told Granny Smith everything. But when offered to go back in time with them, she turned it down.

“But granny-”

“Applejack, if you 3 go back in time to before you were born that’s 1 thing. But I was already there.”

“Are you sure granny?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I have many wonderful memories of Bright Mac and Pear Butter, you 3 deserve at least 1 memory to call your own.”

“Well, alright then,” Applejack said. The apple trio were then taken back in time and met their parents. Apple Bloom hugged both of them right away.

“Well aren’t you just adorable,” Pear Butter said. 

“And friendly too,” Bright Mac said. “What are 4 doing here?”

“4?” Applejack then remembered Time Wizard came with them. She wondered why were parents weren’t freaking out, but when she turned around she saw that Time Wizard had turned himself into a pony.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Tim. We were in the neighborhood and just thought we’d say hello.”

“Well that's mighty nice of you,” Bright Mac said. “You know, we could use a little extra help. Would you mind helping out a bit?”

Time Wizard and the Apples helped make short work of the chores around the farm. But the Apple sibling enjoyed every moment of it.

"Thanks so much for all the help you 3," Bright Mac said.

"Yeah we're so grateful, uh what were your names again?" Pear Butter asked. 

"Oh, you can just call me AJ," Applejack answered. "This here is AB and BM, sorry." 

“Well as a reward, how about we treat you to dinner?” Bright Mac asked.

“That would be nice, but we should be heading home.”

“Ah can’t we stay a little longer Time- I mean Tim.”

“Sorry, AB. But we really should get going.” With that the Apples said goodbye to their parents as well as Granny Smith who came out to see if the chores were done.

Upon seeing her Applejack had a better understanding of why Granny didn’t want to come.

When they were out of sight, Time Wizard turned back and brought the Apples back to the present.

“Thank you so much Time Wizard, this was wonderful,” Applejack said.


“No problem.”

“Though how come you turned into a pony?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I didn’t want to freak your parents out, when I showed up you were already freaked out when the time anomaly known as Shadow Paradox arrived.”  

“I guess that makes sense,” Apple Bloom said.


“Now with all that none and over with, it’s time for me to go.”

“Wait,” Applejack called out. “Will we ever see you again?”

“If the fate of your entire multiverse is at stake. So keep a close eye on Starlight.”


"Such a sweet family reunion," Discord said. “Even in my stone prison I could sense a power presence around my level but never figured out what it was. Guess that finally came full circle. Though time travel had me thinking about the good old days. Say Mr. Pioneer, how about we take a break from my list and look back when I ran Equestria?

I’m sure that would be fun Discord, but we have a schedule.

"I suppose you have a point. Now on to number 4 the Grand Galloping Gala, Discord style!" 


Princess Celestia usually oversaw the Grand Galloping Gala but this time she wanted Twilight to do it so she could relax and spend time with Squeaky. Twilight being a rather intelligent and hardworking pony got right on it everything was going perfect until.

"Well here I am!" Discord said as he showed up in an orange outfit getting everypony's attention. Mostly because of his plus 1 Tirek, who nopony had seen since he was taken off by Discord. "Ready to party Tirek?" 

"You must be an even bigger fool than I thought if you think I would simply "party" with you and these ponies."

"Oh really?" Discord asked as he raised Tirek up to his face. "Maybe you'd like to go home and watch some more home videos?" Discord asked as he made a tape appear in his claw.

"No no no!" Tirek answered in fear as he put his hands together in a pleading position. "I'll be good! I'll be good!" 

"Good. Go mingle," Discord ordered before tossing Tirek. "And don't even think about taking anypony's magic I'll know." After that the ponies became rather nervous but they quickly calmed down. Celestia however was still a bit on edge because so many ponies wanted to chat her up and kiss up to her so she hardly had any time for Squeaky.

"You and I have come a long way haven't we?" Discord asked.

"We have?" Twilight asked.

"Yes and I'm sure we'll learn from each other much, oh for crying out loud." Discord then teleported to Tirek who tried to take the magic of a young colt's magic who was all by himself. Discord grabbed him from behind just as he finished and pulled himself up again. "Oh Tirek how disappointing." 

"Heh heh I suppose you can't blame me for trying."

"Oh yes I can, and much worse." Discord summoned a giant rolling pin and he used it on Tirek to force the magic right out of him and back into the colt. 

"You can't do this to me!"

"Be honest, if the roles were reversed would you stop?" Discord then continued to use the rolling pin and shortly after Celestia arrived with Squeaky after hearing the screaming. 

"Discord stop, you could really hurt him."

"What do you care, he took your magic and locked you in Tartarus?" 

"Just because he doesn't care about us doesn't mean we shouldn't care about him."

"If we do, we're no better than he is," Squeaky added.

"Wow how virtuous you 2 really do deserve each other. And this." Discord then made a bubble appear around Celestia and whacked it with the giant rolling pin causing her to ricochet all over the walls and floor and eventually forced her through several walls forcing her to get her rump stuck in a toilet of all things after landing. 

"Well better that end than the other," Discord said.

"You'd done quite a few things to me before Discord, but this is the final indignity."

"Wrong as usual sun butt, this is the final indignity," Discord replied as he flush the toilet causing Celestia to go down the toilet before she could even do anything about it. Squeaky made his way through the holes in the wall and had his sphere ready.

"Where is she?!"

"Here," Discord grabbed Squeaky by the neck with his tail and shoved him down the toilet. Discord then sat down on the toilet and started to dance a bit. "Sitting on a toilet, sitting on a toilet, gotta grab Tirek." As Discord went off to grab him and eventually drop him off at Tartarus and replace with a certain green blob Squeaky and Celestia found themselves in a small yet romantic setting.

"What the heck?" Squeaky asked as he looked around to find Princess Celestia was okay. "Oh thank goodness you're all right!"

"Yes this is quite the surprise isn't it?" Celestia asked as she walked over to a table with various foods along with 2 lit candles, several spot lights showing the heart symbols that are rotating around the table, and a collection of roses that had a letter saying "Don't say I never did anything for you." written on it. "Well I'll be."


"It seems Discord made a little romantic getaway for us."

"What about the gala, I mean I still wanted to dance."

"Yes me too, but I suppose there's no real hurry is there?" Celestia asked as she opened a lid revealing a large bowl of spaghetti.

"Yeah you know we could just work off the food by dancing later." 

"And afterwards we'll have to remember to thank Discord, I don't like it either." Celestia and Squeaky then sat down to enjoy the romantic dinner and would later dance next to Discord who actually convinced Twilight to dance with him but first had to wait until she finished with the Smooze.


"Yeah that was fun short but fun much much like number 3 where a little before his fight with Stone Wall and his wedding Squeaky's Parents are in for a jaw dropping surprise." 


"So when is this mare gonna get here," Tub Rub asked. 

"She should be here soon. She's a pretty busy mare but she promised to come."

"I just can't believe our son is getting married," Sky Sail said. "How come you never told us you were even dating somepony?"

"I guess since I don't live with you and dad anymore I got a bit out of touch, I meant to tell you 2 but I kept forgetting." 

"Well at least your train of thought finally made it to this stop."

"Yeah sis, the bride to be should be here any second you mind if I go inside and make a few snacks?"

"Go right ahead sweetie," Sky Sail answered. Squeaky then headed into the house leaving the others to talk.

"So how much do you want to bet this mare is also a janitor or something?" Stacy asked in a mocking tone.

"Oh honestly haven't you grown out of the need to tease your brother?"

"Mom, think about it, he's a janitor, it's not like he's going to be dating a supermodel or something. She probably has a bit of a gut and a wonky eye." 

"Give your brother some credit he does have my looks and sense of humor not to mention your mother's pure heart."

"Thank you dear, and by the way I find nothing wrong with dating somepony with a gut or whatever a wonky eye is."

"Maybe she's some sort of hag or maybe even-" 

"Excuse me," Princess Celestia interrupted, shocking the 3 ponies who bowed right away.

"Princess Celestia, what are you doing here?"

"Is Squeaky Clean here?" The 3 ponies stood up in more shock and pointed to where he went. She then made her way to the house and the 3 followed. 

"No way," Stacy said and when Princess Celestia walked up the Squeaky and kissed him right on the lips making her jaw hit the floor.

"Are you alright my little pony?" Stacy then got her jaw up.

"Yes I'm all right your highness." After that they all made their way to the living room with the snacks Squeaky made. 

"So, so you're actually marrying our son?" Tub Rub asked.

"Yes, your son has captured my heart."

"The most precious treasure in this or any land," Squeaky added as he got super close to his soon to be wife who wrapped her wing around him. 

"He's such a romantic isn't he?" 

"Oh yes princess he gets that from me," Tub Rub said. 

"I must say this is quite a surprise, however did our son win you over?" Sky Sail asked.

"It's a rather long story but when he got hired at the castle we talked every once in a while, letting me get to know him and see how sweet, charming, and funny he is. He had tough days once in a while but he always did what was right no matter what. He's a real Super Stallion." 

"Oh that's so romantic," Sky Sail said as she cried out of joy a bit. 

"I always had a feeling you were special son and had a feeling you'd get quite the mare but Princess Celestia now that's a trophy wife." 

"Tub!" Sky Sail said as she playfully smacked him with her wings.

"It's quite alright Sky Sail," Celestia said.

"Sorry, it's all just so sudden my son is going to be a prince."

"Yeah he certainly knows how to pick them," Tub Rub said. "What was that you said earlier Stacy about our future daughter in law?"

"Uh, nothing."

"Oh really nothing about how Squeaky's fiancée might have a gut and a wonky eye?"

"I-I was joking around, I didn't mean it."

"What does wonky mean?" Celestia asked. 

"Off center or unsteady, like how my sister is feeling right now."

"It sounds a little like she might be a bit jealous," Celestia said.

"I don't blame her, I feel the same way," Tub Rub said which made Sky Sail smack her yet again. "Mare, can you take a joke!?" 

"I can take a good one," Sky Sail replied. 

"Okay maybe I'm a little jealous, I've been looking for a stallion for years and no luck when it's going to be my turn?"

"I know how you feel," Celestia replied. "I gave up looking for my other half long ago but Squeaky came into my life and well, he was worth the wait. My time came and so will you-


"Yeah it kind of goes on and on for a while after that but you get the picture, on to number 2 where we return to the Crystal Empire along with several other ponies." 


"At long lost she can finally come home," Sombra said. once an innocent colt unaware of his destiny to become a lost soul but found his way back into the light with help from a certain princess. After helping to save the Crystal Empire he left with his childhood friend Radiant Hope and was quickly joined by Gentleman Thief. 

Long ago the Crystal Empire was ruled over by Princess Amore. But Sombra, blinded by anger, turned her into a statue and scattered the pieces. She never really died but could never become herself if the pieces were scattered. The trio searched for the pieces and after finding them all, returned to the Crystal Empire believing she should be revived there.

"This adventure has proven quite eye-opening for us; it's rather bittersweet for the journey on the verge of concluding," Gentleman Thief said. 

"I kind of wanted to travel a little more too," Hope said. They made their way right to the center of the empire and put the pieces together and at long last, Princess Amore was revived. Needless to say, the ponies were shocked and amazed to see that.

"If it's needless to say why did you?" Discord asked.

Who's telling the story here?

"Fine, never mind go on." 

Princess Amore came to her senses and the 1st pony she saw was Sombra. Sombra tried to say something but was choked up upon seeing her again and actually started to tear up and he fell to his knees. Princess Amore saw that and pulled him into a hug as he continued to cry.

"I'm so sorry!" 

"It's all right."

"How can you say that princess I almost killed you? I enslaved the crystal ponies."

"You were a lost soul, but you came back into the light, you saved the empire from your own kind and searched high and low for my pieces." Hearing that made Sombra stand up and wipe the tears from his eye. 

"Even then, how could you forgive me?"

"Sombra, I was never mad at you. If anything I was mad at myself for not telling you the truth earlier. I thought I was protecting you but I should have told you to try and convince you that you could be better."

"All that and more your highness," Hope said. "Sombra's turned into 1 heck of a stallion."

"Yes and I'd imagine having somepony like you for a friend helped with that. You've made some mistakes as well but you always did what you thought was right, that is truly admirable."

"Thank you so much Princess Amore that means the world coming from you, I've always admired you in fact when I was a filly I looked into the Crystal Heart and saw myself as a beautiful princess which motivated-" Radiant Hope was cut off when Gentleman Thief placed his hoof on her muzzle. 

"I believe the fair maiden understands," Gentleman Thief said and then removed his hoof.

"Sorry," Hope said, feeling embarrassed. 

"It's quite alright Hope, now then just who might you be my good stallion?"

"Good might not be the accurate term, like Sombra I lost my path. I am descended from crystal knights, 1 fateful night I acquired what I believed to be a shard of legendary figure. I took the mantle of the Gentleman Thief to collect the sum of your pieces. But along the way my path became more wicked and only when I saw the depths the individual I followed would go to I sought to redeem myself. 

"My my, such an impressive vocabulary you have there."

"Thank you, I seek to redeem my actions," Gentleman Thief said as he approached Princess Amore and bowed before her. "If necessary I vow to serve under you for the remainder of my days if that is what I must do to make up for what I've done."

"I see well I suppose if you pass the requirements I could use a knight."

“He’s more than qualified,” Hope said. “He already found half your pieces when we teamed up.”

“Well…I had a little help.”

"Well before we get to the whole knight thing, what are we going to do with Princess Amore?" Shining Armor asked who recently arrived with Cadance. "I mean she used to run the Crystal Empire but now we run it so what's she going to do?"

"Well I think we can work something out," Cadance said as the screen went black again. 


"Again it kind of goes on from there. Something about how Cadance and Shining Armor run the Crystal Empire but Amore runs it too like how sun butt and moon pie run things or, I don't know politics bore me. And we have 1 before we end this countdown and it’s fitting to end on this one because this one is also about an ending." 


Sunset Shimmer and her friends were all dressed in black robes and gathered together for after what felt like a lifetime, she and her friends were graduating. 

"I can't believe this is actually happening," Sunset said as she thought back on all the things she'd been through before giving a speech as valedictorian. Twilight probably would have gotten it but she wasn't at Canterlot High as long as Sunset. 

"Butterflies in your stomach Sunset," Fluttershy asked. 

"A little but I'll be alright." Sunset answered shortly before she got up to talk to the graduating class that was when things moved faster than usual. 

"Yeah I'm just gonna fast forward through the speech," Discord said. "You know the drill she was alone and isolated, gave into her darker natures but the magic of friendship and blah blah blah, you've heard it a million times." Things resumed as usual as the mane 7 were hanging out at the café discussing what should come next while having some donuts.

"Wow this feels like the end of an era," Rainbow Dash said. 

"Or the start of an even better one," Pinkie Pie added. 

"So Sunset," Applejack said before pausing. "Now that yer outta school are ya going to head back to Equestria for good?"

"I, I'm not sure I haven't really been thinking about it. But whatever happens I want all of us to stick together. I know that's going to be hard with pretty much all of us doing different things and going different places but," Sunset paused as she was tearing up a little bit. "But I love you guys." Hearing that Sunset's friends got up to give her a group hug even Spike.

"Oh Sunset we love you too," Rarity said as she and the others cried a bit. 

"You know I could figure out some way that we could all stay together," Twilight said. "Maybe we could still do our things but get together like maybe once a month."

"That would be great," Spike said. "Best friends forever."

"Best friends forever!" The mane 7 said all together as they all hugged each other even tighter.


"And with that we've reached the end of my top 10 and the chapter I hoped you all enjoyed it and-"

"Discord!" Twilight called out unknowingly interrupting Discord. 

"Twilight, what do I owe this surprise?" 

"I came to ask you for help on the final touches of my coronation. I've been here for a while calling out. Were you watching a top 10 thing you put together again?"

"Call it a unique hobby and I might make a new one, the top 10 great things we'll do when you're in charge."