Thomas and Twilight: Heroes of the rails

by 4804255858ARD

The jig is up

As dawn broke over the island of Sodor, Spencer and Silver Spoon were back in action and wanting to find out what is going on.

"Today, Silver," Spencer said, "We are going to find out just what Tricky Thomas, Sneaky Sunset and Troublesome Twilight are hiding from us, once and for all!"

"Indeed, Spencer," agreed Silver Spoon, "those three meddlers have kept their secrets from us for too long."

Spencer and Silver Spoon were hunting for clues. They looked behind bushes, and snooped in sidings, and were getting closer and closer to where Hiro and Starswirl were hiding.

James, Rarity, Toby, Applejack and Sunset were guarding Hiro, when suddenly, Spencer whistled loud and hard.

"Uh oh!" said Sunset, "Spencer is getting closer."

Spencer and Silver Spoon looked into a siding.

"What's this you've found Spencer?" wondered Silver Spoon with intrigue.

They went into the siding.

"Come on guys," siad Spike, "let's lead those two away."

"Agreed hop on Spike." said Rarity.

Spike went with Rarity and James and Sunset went with Toby and Applejack. And they went to where they heard Spencer's whistle.

"Well rattle my rods SIlver," said Spencer, "we found Percy's mail cars."

"Thomas and Sunset must've hidden them as a trick." Silver assumed

Just then James with Rarity and Spike and Toby with Applejack and Sunset steamed out.

"Uh Oh!" exclaimed Silver, "they saw us. Let's get out of here."

Spencer and Silver Spoon didn't know that they were too close to Hiro and Starswirl. And James, Rarity and Spike and Toby, Applejack and Sunset chased the mighty Spencer and Silver Spoon away from Hiro and Starswirl, they soon came to a junction where Thomas and Twilight chuffed in front of the silvery duo. Spencer and Silver Spoon were blocked; they couldn't huff forwards; they couldn't puff backwards, and they had Percy's mail trucks.

"Oh no we're busted." said Spencer.

"Any ideas how we can get out of this one Spencer?" asked Silver Spoon. But unfortunately Spencer didn't.

At Knapford station, Thomas, Twilight, Spike, Sunset, James, Rarity, Toby, Applejack told Sir Topham Hatt how Spencer and Silver Spoon found Percy's mail trucks. Sir Topham Hatt was not pleased with Spencer and Silver Spoon.

"Spencer," Sir Topham Hatt scolded, "why did you and Silver Spoon take Percy's mail cars and hide them in a siding in the middle of nowhere? You two have caused confusion and delay."

"But sir," stammered Silver, "this is all a big misunderstanding."

"Yes, we didn't take the," Spencer tried to explain but Sit Topham Hatt interrupted,

"I am not interested in hearing yours or Silver Spoon's excuses Spencer. Spike has told me everything and I am very disappointed in you. Find Percy and Pinkie Pie and give them back their mail cars, At Once!"

Thomas and Sunset puffed away. Spencer and Silver Spoon were cross.

"This is all Thomas and Sunset's fault that we are in trouble!" Silver Spoon scowled

"We are not going to let those two trouble making teenagers get away with this." Spencer caimed

That afternoon, Hiro and Starswirl were waiting for Thomas, Sunset and Spike. They were very excited; Hiro's firebox was fired up and he was also making steam.

"Hello you two." greeted Sunset,

"Hello you three," greeted Starswirl.

"Percy and Pinkie Pie will arrive here soon with the water injector." assured Thomas, "it's the last part you need. With that injector, you can make more steam."

"I wonder if Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia have seen photos of me and Starswirl." said Hiro, "maybe some pictures of us with the Pillars as well."

"Of course they will," replied Spike, "they wouldn't believe their eyes. They are going to be so proud to have you two on our railway. Maybe the rest of the Pillars could visit us too."

"We are so happy." said Starswirl, "you know we have waited a long long time for this."

"How long?" asked Spike

"About 148 years young Spike." answered Hiro.

Just then they heard the sound of a whistle. It was one that everyone knew all too well.

"Oh no!" gasped Sunset, "it's Spencer and Silver Spoon!"

"They found us!" exclaimed Hiro, "those two will make sure I am in the smelters yard and Starswirl is in an asylum for sure."

"No they won't." retorted Spike, "we can escape like what Douglas did with Oliver years ago remember?"

"Of course! You're a genius Spike," said Thomas, "like Spike said, you two are nearly fixed, we can escape those Silver showoffs. Follow us."

Even though it was a slow start, Hiro was on track and he and Starswirl followed Thomas, Sunset and Spike to get away from Silver and Spencer.

Hiro was soon steaming fine, his pistons pumped and his boiler bubbled. Hiro and Starswirl were having the time of their lives.

"You're doing it!" exclaimed Sunset

"Well done Hiro!" shouted Thomas

"Well done Starswirl!" called Spike

"Thank you Thomas!" shouted Hiro

"Thank you Spike, Thank you Sunset!" called Starswirl

Then there was trouble, Spencer and Silver were snaking on the tracks behind Thomas and Sunset.

"Found you Thomas, caught you Sunset!" said Spencer

"And look there is Spike as well." said Silver

"Uh oh! It's Spencer and Silver!" exclaimed Spike.

Thomas wheels whired like the wind.

"You three won't get away from us this time!" called Spencer

Hiro chuffed as fast as he could. He and Starswirl wanted to get away from Spencer and Silver Spoon. Then Spencer and Silver Spoon gasped when they saw Hiro and Starswirl. They never saw an engine or driver as weird looking and strange as Hiro or Starswirl before.

"Who are you two?" exclaimed Spencer and Silver.

"Hiro!" cried Thomas and Spike

"Starswirl!" exclaimed Sunset.

"Thomas! Sunset! Spike!" exclaimed Hiro and Starswirl.

"That engine can't even puff properly." said Silver.

Then Hiro started to clatter and clunk. He and Starswirl were starting to get worried. Without the water injector, Hiro could only sputter. His new headlamp came off and landed on Spencer. Now Hiro and Starswirl were getting more worried as parts fell off and clanged and banged on the tracks.

"No!" exclaimed Hiro and Starswirl.

"Keep going Hiro, keep going Starswirl!" encouraged Spike, "We just need to hold out a little longer!"

"Thomas Sunset help me!" begged Hiro

But the harder Hiro puffed the worse he got. More parts fell off. Soon, Hiro's dome cover, cylinder plates, feedwater heater, smoke deflectors tore off Hiro and fell on the track.

"Please keep it together Hiro!" called Sunset, "Please don't give up!"

But more parts fell from Hiro's engine.

"Thomas! Sunset! Spike!" exclaimed Starswirl and Hiro

"Just a little longer!" said Sunset

"You can do it Hiro!" encouraged Thomas, "You can do it Starswirl!"

"I don't think they can go any farther!" claimed Spencer. "That engine is literally falling to pieces."

"If they don't stop now they will only get worse!" added Silver Spoon

But unfortunately, Hiro and Starswirl knew that Spencer and Silver were right. One of the masters of the railway was once more a heap of scrap. Everyone stopped, Hiro couldn't puff on.

"Is this what you've been hiding from all of us?" asked Silver, "trying to fix an engine that is a heap of scrap and breaking it apart?"

"You have been troublesome, but thanks for doing us a favor and fixing up this heap of scrap so it can be taken to the smelters yard." Spencer said, "That's the only place this engine is good for. Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia will make sure of it."

"And why is that old man in that engine's cab?" Silver Spoon asked, "he must be insane if he think he can drive that hunk of junk. He is sure to go to an asylum."

Thomas and Sunset felt terrible. They have worked so hard, and have come so far, but now their plan crumbled like Pinkie's stale cookies. They had let Hiro and Starswirl down. Spike on the other hand was mad.

"No they won't! I stayed with those two. I have been keeping them company I won't let Hiro get scrapped and I refuse to let Starswirl go to an asylum!"

"It isn't worth it Spike." said Sunset who was holding Spike back, "we have tried our best but now all of our hard work has fallen apart. Just like Hiro."

"Now how will we prevent Hiro from going to the smelters yard and prevent Starswirl from going to the asylum?" asked Thomas,"we tried to keep them a secret, we tried to help fix Hiro, our friends even helped out but now we have let the Masters of the Railway down. This is a disaster! Now Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia will get mad and Twilight will be disappointed with us. This is a catastrophe."

Then they heard a whistle, it was Gordon and Rainbow Dash pulling the Wild Nor' Wester and Twilight was with them.

"Twi, RD and I challenge you and Silver Spoon to Maithwaite, Slowpoke Spencer," taunted Gordon.

"We will win!" added Rainbow Dash.

"Once we win, I will get payback for Thomas, Sunset and Spike after you two humiliated us after the strength competition." said Twilight.

Spencer and Silver were surprised, they wanted had just caught up to Thomas and Sunset but after hearing that they will lose a race really got them angry.

"Oh no you won't Gordon!" Called Spencer, "Silver and I will win!"

"And you will still be humiliated, Sparkle," said Silver Spoon.

And Spencer and Silver Spoon sped after Gordon, Rainbow and Twilight. Way after Spencer and Silver Spoon disappeared, Thomas saw a siding, they didn't realize that it was the same place where Percy and Pinkie hid the mail trucks.

"Don't worry Hiro," reassured Thomas, "we can hide you here."

"It is big enough to keep you and Starswirl hidden until we can get help." Sunset added

"Can I please stay with you?" asked Spike, "I don't want you two to be alone again."

"Thank you Thomas," said Hiro, "Starswirl and I are grateful that you will still keep us alive." But he was sadder than ever.

"We also understand that you want to be with us Spike," said Starswirl, "but you need to be with Twilight Sparkle. It's not that we don't appreciate that you want to keep us company, but your friends must be worried about you."

"We are sorry." said Thomas who was about to cry, "I don't deserve to be your friend, I don't deserve my number. How can I be the number one when I can't even help the masters of the railway?"

"It's not your fault Thomas," said Sunset, "we tried our best. I just hope we can make things better."

"Indeed," said Starswirl, "you all are still our friend. One day you and all your friends could be masters of the railway."

But poor Thomas just shedded some tears and sobbed quietly, he felt it was all his fault. He decided to do the one thing he has to do. But he wanted to tell his friends.

Meanwhile, Gordon, Twilight and Rainbow raced ahead of Spencer and Silver Spoon. Spencer was out of puff after running around the island all day, that he and Silver can't get ahead of the trio. When they got to maithwaite station, Gordon steamed to a stop and Rainbow and Twilight leaned on the lampost.

"I told you two that RD Twi and I will win." boasted Gordon.

"That wasn't fair," complained Silver Spoon, "you three had a head start and the mail trucks were holding us back."

"Sorry, Silver," said Rainbow Dash, "but your loss."

"But we were tired after chasing that tricky tank engine, troublemaking teenager, and that deceiving dog of Sparkles." argued Spencer

"What if that was you?" Twilight replied, "you two have no one to blame but yourselves."

"Well sorry dear cousin, said Gordon, "but it looks like I am still the fastest in the family."

"Wait Spencer is your cousin Gordon?" asked Twilight in surprise.

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash, "Big G and I had to help Spencer up Gordon's hill one time when that silver showoff ran out of water."

"That wasn't my fault." retorted Spencer. But before he could he could say anymore and ease his axles, the door on one of the express coaches swung open. The duke and duchess of boxford stepped out with Sir Topham Hatt, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They were cross. "Fumbling fenders." groaned Spencer, "we are in big trouble now."

"You think?" asked Silver Spoon.

"Spencer, you and Silver Spoon have let us down!" scolded the Duke, "We left you two in charge of our summerhouse, and it is not even ready for our holiday. Our friends Sir Topham Hatt, Celestia and Luna have been telling us that you two have spent the past few days watching Thomas the Tank Engine, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, taking advantage of them and poking your noses around the island."

"And taking mail cars that are not yours." added Sir Topham Hatt, "you two promised me that you would take them back to Percy and Pinkie Pie, but what do you do instead? Watching Thomas, Sunset and Spike like a hawk."

"You call yourselves grand, but you two are not responsible at all." said Celestia.

Spencer and Silver Spoon's pride shattered like glass.

"But but," Spencer stammered, "that tiny toy tank engine, the troublesome teens left their bothersome dog with an old engine that was a heap of scrap in fact."

"That's true," said Silver Spoon, "and the old engine had an old driver, who is totally crazy to stay with that engine."

"Silver and I were chasing them," continued Spencer, "because Sir Topham your majesties you should-"

But before Spencer could say anything else, the Duke stopped them.

"Spencer the express engine! Silver Spoon! Stop!" said the Duke, "chasing insane drivers and engines that are a heap of scrap and telling us that Twilight left her own dog with them for nine days? We will just have to send you two back to the mainland. You are clearly not fit to work here at all."

"Please Sir," called a voice, "may Twilight, Sunset and I help out?"

And there was Thomas who puffed in.

"We can help Spencer and Silver Spoon with the completion of the summerhouse." said Sunset who winked at Twilight

"Yeah," agreed Twilight, "and while I work with Thomas and Sunset, Spike can work with Edward to make up for his disappearance."

"I promise together, Twilight, Sunset, Spencer, Silver and I will get the summerhouse completed in time for your holiday." said Thomas.

The duke and duchess were delighted.

"Thank you Thomas," said the duke, "That is most generously kind of you Twilight and Sunset. Please do us a favor and keep a watchful eye on Spencer and Silver Spoon; they are clearly not feeling well."

"We promise your grace," said Sunset, "we won't let those two out of our sight."

Spencer just steamed with anger and embarrassment. It was all too terrible and now they can't even tell the Fat Controller, the Princesses or the Duke and Duchess without Thomas, Sunset or Twilight watching them.

It was getting late, as Thomas, Twilight and Sunset went to see Hiro and Starswirl. Hiro and Starswirl were sad.

"You did everything you and your friends could Thomas," said Hiro, "but now I know I will be sent to the smelters yard and Starswirl will be sent to an asylum."

"No!" snapped Thomas, "No you won't!"

"We already failed you once and we are not going to let it happen again." said Sunset

"We promise. Don't give up." said Twilight

And Thomas and the girls steamed sadly away to Tidmouth.

At Tidmouth Sheds everyone was worried about Hiro and Starswirl, and cross with Spencer and Silver Spoon.

"Percy and I are so so sorry that we left our mail trucks so close to Hiro and Starswirl." faulted Pinkie, "we didn't even know they were there."

"It looked like a good hiding place." Percy added

"It wasn't your fault Percy and Pinkie," assured Spike, "we all did our best."

"What should we do now?" asked Henry

"I don't know if Victor has any more spare parts left to fix Hiro." said Fluttershy

"Is there anything else we could do?" asked Toby

"I can't believe I'm saying this," said Thomas, "but Twilight, Sunset and I are going to tell Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia."

"Why?" asked Emily and Edward.

"Wasn't that the exact opposite of what we wanted to do darling?" asked Rarity

"We all tried our best to fix Hiro ourselves but it didn't work." answered Sunset. "We need his help."

"But first, Thomas Sunset and I have to finish the summerhouse with Spencer and Silver Spoon," said Twilight, "Then they will see that we are really useful and he will want to help us."

The others were quiet. They knew that Thomas, Twilight and Sunset were right about getting Sir Topham Hatt and Celestia's help, but they were worried about Hiro and Starswirl. They wanted to look after their new friends. Then Thomas had an idea.

"While Sunset, Twi and I are busy, can you all look after Hiro and Starswirl?"

"Of course we will Thomas." said Starlight

"We can all take turns looking after Hiro and Starswirl like we did with guarding them." said Applejack.

"After all," said Gordon, "we had an alliance, united we stand together we fall."

"You help me and I'll help you." finished Rainbow.

"But wait what about Spencer?" asked Fluttershy, "you told us that he saw you three with Hiro and Starswirl and they might want to make sure that you fail in saving them."

This caused everyone to worry.

"Oh don't worry about Spencer." said Sunset, "we promised the duke and duchess that we would keep a watchful eye on those two."

The steam team were relieved and were so happy to look after Hiro and Starswirl that they blew their whistles loudly.

"You guys are the best." said Thomas.

They were a team for Hiro and Starswirl.