The Moment Our Eyes Met

by SweetCarol

Chapter 5

After with all the care and love in the world also making a card for the only woman that made his heart aflutter, to give her at night, Spike went out to check some details of the festival. When he got outside, the dragon couldn't help but notice the heart-shaped card on his staircase.

He looked around to see if anyone nearby had dropped, but apparently, there was no one. Still confused, he picked up the card from the floor and opened it. It was by far the most beautiful song lyric he had ever seen in his life, he could feel that each of those words had been dedicated to him.

He suspected it was from Gabby, but even if his heart belonged to AB, he felt it would be rude if he threw a 'Hearts and Hooves day' card in the trash as if it meant nothing, after all one of his friends gave it to him.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle went to their bedroom and were sad, but at the same time confused when they heard the still loud sobs of Apple Bloom.

"Hey Apple Bloom, are you okay?" Sweetie Belle asked, after knocking on the door.

"Go away!" She screamed, her voice muffled by having her face sunk into the pillow.

"There's no way, we're not leaving until we know what happened to you!" Scootaloo retorted with stubbornness.

"I don't wanna talk about it at the moment okay? I just... I just want to be alone."

"Aren't you gonna talk to us?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Not at the moment, later. But for now, please just leave me alone."

When Sweetie Belle was about to enter the bedroom, Scootaloo stopped her.

"... Sweetie, I think we better give her some space, later we'll come back to talk to her."

Sweetie Belle gave a sad sigh and reluctantly agreed.

Apple Bloom wiped away the tears that continued to roll down her cheeks and gave a sad sigh. She'd never love someone as she loved him, there was no way she wouldn't be sad about that situation.

The yellow mare didn't feel like doing anything but lying in bed which seemed to ease the hurt in her heart, being alone in the room with her own thoughts, she started to think about herself, Spike, Gabby and everything that had happened recently in her life.

After some hours of reflection, she came to the conclusion that she should learn to live with pain that the great love of her life, didn't love her. She didn't ask to love him, just like he shouldn't have asked to love Gabby, and if she made him happy, everything was fine.

In the late afternoon, despite being worried about Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo finishing up in time for the festival to begin. They were very proud of themselves, everything was so beautiful and colorful to express the celebration for every kind of love.

"Now shall we see her again?" Sweetie Belle asked her, without disguising the anxiety she was feeling for having spent the last 5 hours without knowing anything about Apple Bloom.

"Is obvious." Scootaloo replied and the two ran to talk to her and get ready.

Without hesitation, Sweetie Belle entered the room and they were both impressed, but at the same time confused with they saw.

Apple Bloom was wearing a simple but beautiful dress, the mane tied in a ponytail and decorated with small yellow flowers. She looked completely different from the completely devastated Apple Bloom they saw hours earlier.

"W-w-what happened? You were so ..."

"Sad?" She said, interrupting one of her best friends. "Yes, I still am, but if I'm not the one he loves, fine. I love him too much to stop him from finding someone who does. "

"You mean he doesn't ..."

"Yeah." She said in a sad tone. "But it's okay. I'll never forget him, it's practically impossible to happen, but I'll do everything to try to at least overcome what I feel."

"What's this guitar for?" Scootaloo asked curiously.

"Duh, to play the song? I didn't write it to keep it in the drawer." She said between soft laughs.

"But are you gonna be okay?" Sweetie Belle asked in a slightly dismayed tone.

She sighed and smiled.

"Yes, someday I will. Now I understand Marble perfectly. Now I wanna go to the festival and celebrate with my two special someponies of ever. "

"Awwww." The two said, as they wrapped her in a loving collective hug and kissed her cheeks lovingly.

After Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo also got ready, the three left together. Arriving outside, Apple Bloom was surprised. It looked completely different from the place she had arrived earlier, the little colored lamps were certainly not her ideas, but she liked it a lot.

All ponies, dragons, griffins, hippogriffs and so on, were exchanging cards between siblings, parents and friends, but there were also couples in love. Most of the cards were made by themselves, but each had a different and special touch.

"Hey Luster Dawn." Apple Bloom greeted one of Twilight's students with a smile.

In the early afternoon before going to Canterlot, they gave her 3 cards to celebrate the love of friendship between them.

"Hi girls." She said, right after rummaging through her bag and took out 3 cards for them. "Happy festival of the 4 loves!"

"Thank you, they're so beautiful!" Sweetie Belle said, admiring that each had their own colors and gitter.

"Yes, thank you."


"You're welcome, the party is beautiful, you guys did such a good work..."

"Hey Lusty!" The voice of one of her friends called to her.

"I better go see what she wants, bye."

"Bye." They said bye in unison and were extremely excited that there was already someone who was in favor of the changing of the holiday.

After picking up cotton candy to eat, Apple Bloom noticed that Gallus was at the open mic, doing a dance performance and the next one would be her.

Meanwhile, Spike was constantly looking for her, rejoicing when he finally found her in the middle of the open mic audience. It was only a few minutes before he finally declared himself to the pony he loved.

Apple Bloom's heart overflowed with happiness when she saw him walking up to her. But the thought that he loved somepony else, soon pulled her out of her paradise.

"Heeeey ... AB!" He greeted her with a light punch to the shoulder.

"Hey Spike, happy 4 loves day."

"Happy 4 loves day." He said, hiding the card he made for her behind his back. "Anyway, I was looking for you, because I really wanted to tell you something."

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow confused. He should've been with Gabby right now. As soon as she opened her mouth to reply, the presenter, who was her sister, took over the microphone.

"Thank you Gallus that was amazing, right, guys? But there are still a lot more people to perform, now she'll go on stage to sing and play a song that she wrote herself, Apple Bloom!"

Everyone applauded and shouted enthusiastically.

"You'll rock, sis!" Applejack shouted when she joined the audience.

"Excuse me, can we speak after the presentation?" She asked as she walked up to the stage.


"It'll be quick, I promise." Apple Bloom assured him, who reluctantly respected her decision.

She took the stage and positioned the microphone.

"Uhhhh is this thing on?"

The microphone made a high-pitched sound, which made everyone cover their ears.

"Oops, sorry guys." The yellow mare said between nervous laughs. "Well, this song is a song that I wrote especially for somepony, somepony whose heart belongs to somepony else."

Everyone in the audience had the same sorry reaction, except Spike. He was so sure that Apple Bloom matched his feelings for her.

"But it's okay. I know that wherever he is, he'll know that this song is for him and just for him."

She started playing the guitar notes, creating beautiful melodies from it.

You're like this so close to me

And still so far away

I know I shoudn't

But I cannot help but be glad that you got in my way

Spike never was so surprised, it was the same song on the card he found on the stairs. But how did his heart not belong to her??? He wanted more than anything to remedy that misunderstanding, but he stayed there, discovering one more thing he loved about her: He loved watching her sing.

When I'm with you, it feels so right

I wish you could stay forever by my side

But I don't care that you're not mine

As this stanza has no rhyme

My heart always skips a beat every time you're close

It's the warning that something new and strong started to rose

Before Apple Bloom sang the next part of the song, she was confused to see that someone else was singing.

When we first met, I didn't realize

What I can only see now, nevermind

Spike sang, approaching, until he took the stage, without taking his eyes off her and she without taking her eyes off him. She wanted to stop and ask for an explanation, but continued to singing and just loved how their two voices seemed so harmonious together.

You stole my heart, but keep it with you it's fine

'Cause you make my world so bright

Eternal love it will never ends

I wish we were more than just good friends

Anyone can see, it's the bare truth

Just as the fact that I'm madly in love with you

Everyone applauded even louder, while besides being happy, she had a thousand questions that needed answers.

"B-b-but how? Why? What ...?"

"I feel the same." He murmured sweetly, handing her the card.

Apple Bloom read and felt the scars of her broken heart heal instantly, she had never read such a beautiful sentence in her life.

"But I thought you loved another ..."

"What made you think that?" He laughed softly and extending one hand, gently stroked her cheek. "Since the day I met you again, my life changed in the most amazing way, I just can't stop thinking about you. I still don't know what made you think that, but the bare truth is that I love you more than anything Apple Bloom and I'm not sure of anything in life. Except that I'm yours, forever. "

While hearing those beautiful and sweet words, Apple Bloom cried again, but with emotion and pure happiness. That misunderstanding no longer mattered, all she wanted now was to live their love without wasting even a second more.

She carefully put her mother's guitar aside and jumped into his arms, which wrapped her in a strong hug.

"I love you, too, more than anything in this world."

Everyone in the audience applauded as if it were a spectacle.

"That's what I call a plot twist. Oh, isn't that too sweet for ya, Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle asked wryly, as Scootaloo burst into tears.

"Shut up, I don't care, this is so beautiful!" She said while ugly sobbed.

Sweetie Belle smiled as she contemplated the scene, handing her friend a tissue and stroking her back.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss ..." Everyone started to repeat, making Apple Bloom's face flush 50 shades of red.

"Well, I think we should give the audience what they want, right?" Spike joked, making a boop on her snout and winked at her.

"Come here, you stupid dragon." Apple Bloom said, quickly wrapping her front legs around his shoulders and tugging at him, making their lips seal in the first of thousand kisses.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on? What did I miss?" Applejack said.

"Isn't it already obvious, honey? We just witnessed their love blossom." Rainbow Dash said, while leaning on her girlfriend.

Applejack just smiled at her words and also contemplated the love scene with the crowd of creatures.

"Hey, now enough of all this sentimentality thing." Scootaloo said, breaking into the stage and taking the microphone.

"Heh, says the pony that was wepting not even a minute ago." Spike retorted.

"For your information, Mr. The Dragon, I was testing a new eye drop, okay? It's not just that you're my best friend's boyfriend now that you can come all sassy with me." She replied playfully, making everyone laugh. "Now let's rock this place a little!"

DJ Pon-3 put on the song she asked for, a lively song that made everyone want to put on the maximum volume and dance until they got tired. A large circle of people opened up in the middle of the checkered floor, which began to light and flash, turning into a dance floor.

"Hit it Sweetie Belle, u-huh, you know it ..." Everyone sang, when Sweetie Belle was the first to take a chance and show what she could do on the dance floor.

Right after her, came Tender Taps, who danced his tap dance in time to the music. Spike came after him, dancing the robot dance, until he did the rope dance step, linking Apple Bloom with an invisible rope.

She denied it at first because she was not very good with dancing, but soon gave in and the two danced together. She laughed, no matter if she wasn't the best dancer in the world, dancing with Spike was fun.

Excited a little more than he should, the dragon took her in his arms and threw her into the air. Before Apple Bloom fell, he flapped his wings and caught her, flying high as he spun her in his arms.

She opened her eyes and when she saw that she was flying, she opened her arms and laughed, feeling the wind on her mane. Spike looked at her passionately, she looked so beautiful experiencing the feeling of flying.

Until he stopped when he saw they were tall enough to see the full moon above the few clouds. It was so huge, he felt that if he reached out, he could touch it. but soon his gaze returned to her.

A smile broke out on his face when he saw that Apple Bloom just wanted and was able to pay attention to what was in front of her. Despite the large and beautiful moon, she could only see how much more beautiful her true love was in the silver moonlight.

Without taking her loving eyes away from his affectionate gaze, she wrapped her front paws even more around his shoulders. As she brought her face closer, she started to feel his arms slowly wrapping even more around her body. Oh, it felt like she imagined it would be.

Spike tried to dare and leaned over to kiss her, but she strangely backed away.

He raised an eyebrow, until he remembered that he forgot a small detail.

"Dragon breath right?" He asked.

She nodded. When she noticed that he was a little sad, she immediately wanted to cheer him up.

"Aww sweetie, It's okay, I know that isn't your fault. I can hold my breath, look." She took a breath and kept her mouth shut so the air wouldn't come out.

"I don't know, I don't want you to..."

Before Spike continued, she leaned over and kissed him lovingly. He really loved that mare more than anything.