A Place in Equestria V: The Storm Awakens

by GoebelTron

Chapter 9: Twilight Captured/Rescue Plan

Later on, back at the shoreline of Mount Aris, the Mane 8 popped out of the water, and then gasped for air. When they walked out of the water and onto the sand, Thomas was now shivering as Fluttershy held him against her chest as he was wet and cold.

Suddenly, they were surrounded by storm creatures, and then saw Tempest Shadow with them. “Well, fancy meeting you here,” she said. “Tempest!” Twilight said, as Fluttershy held her son closer to her. When the Storm Creatures had the Mane 7 surrounded, Twilight looked back at Tempest as a Storm Creature held her wings to restrain her. “I feel sorry for you princess. It’s really a shame that once you’re alone without somepony watching your back, they’ll always betray you,” Tempest said. “I’m going to give you an option in order for me to spare your friends. Surrender yourself and come with us to Canterlot, and if you refuse, they die.”

Twilight looked back at her friends as they made comments telling her “not to do it.” She then looked back at Tempest, “I’ll go with. Just don’t hurt them.” The Mane 7 gasped, and then Tempest smirked, “Good choice.” After with a nod of confirmation, Thomas was suddenly grabbed by a storm creature and thrown into a cage with Twilight. “And let this be a warning!” Tempest said, after climbing onto the cage. “Dare to follow us, and I will hurt him.” Thomas looked down at his mother, reaching out for her, “Mommy! No, don’t let her take me! Help me! Help me! Mommy! Mommy!”

Fluttershy tried to reach for him, but she was suddenly dropped and then caught by Rainbow Dash, until she cried underneath Rarity’s chest. “Fluttershy! Get help! I’ll take care of him!” Twilight said, hugging him towards her chest as he sat on her lap. “Mommy!!” Thomas screamed. The door shut, as the cage that had Thomas and Twilight was placed near Tempest. “Aww, look at that. Poor Princess Twilight, all alone with her poor little nephew,” Tempest said. “And with no way out.”

“Why are you doing this? You’re a pony just like me,” Twilight asked, until Tempest charged up her horn and make an terrifying type of electric shock to scared Thomas and Twilight as she hugged him tightly, but gently. “I’m nothing like you! I’m more than you’ll ever be!”

“But... but we’ve done nothing to you,” Thomas said. “Doesn’t matter,” Tempest said, and then she started to teach them a lesson.

It's time you learned a lesson
It's time that you understand
Don't ever count on anybody else
In this or any other land

I once hoped for friendship
To find a place among my kind
But those were the childish wishes
Of someone who was blind

Open up your eyes
See the world from where I stand
Me, among the mighty
You, caged at my command

Open up your eyes
Give up your sweet fantasy land
It's time to grow up and get wise
Come now, little one, open up your eyes

We all start out the same
With simple naive trust
Shielded from the many ways
That life's not fair or just

But then there comes a moment
A simple truth that you must face
If you depend on others
You'll never find your place

And as you take that first step
Upon a path that's all your own
You see it all so clearly
The best way to survive is all alone

Open up your eyes
See the world from where I stand
Me, among the mighty
You, caged at my command

Open up your eyes
And behold the faded light
It's time to grow up and get wise
Come now, little one, open up your eyes

Open up your eyes!

“I'm so sorry you felt so alone,” Twilight said, while she continued to hug Thomas, who was resting himself on her chest fur and snuggled underneath her wings. “I saw the truth. My "friends" abandoned me when times got tough. Looks like I'm not the only one. Face it, Princess. Friendship will soon fail you, too,” Tempest said.

“No. Friends will always look out for you. I used to be just like you, but I was lonely in the orphanage because nobody liked me or wanted to be my friend, and no one would ever adopt me as a son. So that’s why you should never give up hope and be patient, or otherwise you’re being hard on yourself,” Thomas said.

Tempest was shocked about what she heard him say, then returned to her evil self, “What’s the difference? The Storm King will help fix my horn once I help him get what he wants, which is all the magic of the four princesses of Equestria.”

“The Storm King is nothing but a jerk, a liar and a false king!” Thomas said. Tempest then charged up her horn, “How DARE YOU!” Thomas whimpered in fear as Twilight hugged him. Tempest then uncharged her horn and then looked with a evil smiling face, “No. I’ll forgive you for your outburst, Thomas. IF you join us. Think about it while I see to the princess. I want her to hear your answer once we get to Canterlot. Besides, I think the Storm King might have some valuable use of you at his side.” She then walked away to check on the bridge, leaving Twilight alone with Thomas until he found out that he was small enough to fit through the cage bars. “Auntie Twilight! I’m free!” Thomas said. “Thomas, way to go!” Twilight said, and then made sure no one was around, then looked back at her nephew. “Okay, listen to me. Find and exit, and see if you can find a way back to Mount Aris, okay?” Thomas nodded, “We’ll come get you.” Twilight nodded, and then Thomas carefully and quietly made his way to a safer way out of the ship.

Suddenly, Tempest came back, “So, what’s your answer?” She suddenly saw that he was gone, until seeing him escaping. “RUN, THOMAS! RUN!” Twilight hollered, and then Thomas started running. “After him, you fools!” Tempest shouted, as the storm creature guards tried to grab the small boy, but he ran as fast as his legs could take him until he grabbed a box and tied some rope and grabbed a tarp to make a parachute.

When he was outside, he was nervously scared about how high he was, and then he closed his eyes and made a jump for it. “Go, sweetheart. Go,” Twilight said, feeling proud of her nephew’s brave escape. “Hmph! It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are still in possession of the Storm King when he arrives,” Tempest said, and then walked back over to the bridge, as Twilight looked down with despair, but hoped that they’d come for her.

Meanwhile, Thomas was still falling, but as he tried to maintain more altitude with the parachute as he entered the right amount of altitude, but he suddenly crashed into a couple of big pointy rocks, and then he tried to hold onto the rope as he was about to fall towards another pointy rock.

“Help! Somebody help me!” Thomas suddenly lost the grip on the rope and started falling to his death, until he felt a pair of light gambogeish gray fur covered talon arms holding him against her chest that had a seashell necklace. He looked up and saw that it was Princess Skystar who saved him. “PRINCESS SKYSTAR!” Thomas said, as he nuzzled with her chest fur. “Don’t worry, cutie. I’ve got you,” she said, while holding him while flying.

Back at the beach, the Mane 7 were sitting around a campfire to get warm from shivering after getting out of the water. Fluttershy sighed depressingly while stroking and brushing her mane with her hooves, “This whole journey was such a mistake. All we wanted was somepony to help us, but now my son’s taken by that monster of a king, unlike Sombra or Chrysalis.”

“Yeah, I feel ya, Fluttershy. But I’m sure we’ll come up with somethin’ to get them both back safe and sound,” Applejack said. “Well, we can’t just sit here and do nothing! We gotta get her and Thomas back!” Rainbow Dash said. “How? We'll never catch up!” Fluttershy said. “And we got no way to defeat those monsters,” Applejack said. Fluttershy sighed disappointedly.

“Well, good thing I happen to know of a group of mighty heroes that could handle this easily!” said a familiar voice. The Mane 7 turned around and saw Capper standing there in a heroic pose.

“Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. No offense,” Rarity said. “Eh, none taken. These heroes have faced the Storm King's army and escaped! I've seen them tackle the streets of the roughest towns, break out of the tightest situations, and inspire others to join their cause!” Capper said. The Mane 7 and Spike replied with a “Ooooh.”

“Now don't get too excited. He's just talkin' about us,” Applejack said, until the other 6 and Spike replied with a “Awww.”

“They even escaped certain doom at the hooves of Commander Tempest!” Capper said. “Yeah. That was pretty great,” Rainbow Dash said. “Are you kidding me?! That was awesome!” Captain Celaeno’s voice said, as she and her crew appeared also making a heroic pose. Squabble squawked. “Figured you could use a claw!” Boyle said.

“We're on board to help you fight the Storm King! Just not on board our... actual ship,” Captain Celaeno said. “That crazy unicorn sunk it. But you got back our argh! And we're ready to kick some booty,” Mullet said. Boyle and the other pirates then laughed heartily.

After the laughter was done, they saw Skystar landing carefully on a nearby rock with Thomas in her right talon arm. She then lowered him onto the ground, “MOMMA!”

“Thomas!” Fluttershy said, lowering herself to bring her colt over for a hug, and gently smothered his face with kisses, “Oh, Thomas! Thank goodness you’re safe!”

Skystar then looked at her new friends, “Hello again. I don’t normally go out on my own. But my mother wanted to help you after helping us understand and live off our fears of The Storm King, so she asked me to come up and help. After all, one small thing, can make a big change.” Pinkie Pie squealed excitedly.

Thomas ran over to her and hugged her fur covered talon arms, until she hugged him back. “And please stop your crying. No offense, but it’s not gonna help us get your Auntie Twilight back,” she said.

“That's it, right? We didn't make friends with anypony else?” Spike asked. “Well, you have a unicorn who’s made shelter in the human world and can read memories, and one unicorn who’s an extreme expert on magic,” Sunset said. “All right, y'all! I think our course is clear. Y'all ready to do this thang?” Capper asked.

“We're coming, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie said, and then everypony cheered. “As soon as we bake up a plan!” Thomas then saw the pearl, but it was a silver bracelet on his wrist, “Momma, look!” They all saw the pearl on his wrist. “They accepted our help! We can do this!” Rainbow Dash said. “Then, let’s get this party started!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.