//------------------------------// // Take Two // Story: Smitten // by Natedogg2006 //------------------------------// "Alright Twi, you got us here, again. What was the big important thing y'all needed to ask us about this time?" Looking around from where she sat next to Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash seemed to make an observation. "Oh no, Pinkie Pie isn't here again. Don't tell me you need our help on how to break up with her this time?"  This seemed to get her some contentious looks from some of the assembled ponies. Today Twilight had called for another informal meeting of her friends, but this time around had managed to gather them in her library home. She had gotten lucky earlier when the Crusaders had come to drop off Spike but had asked if he could still hang out. Apparently they had decided at some point during the sleepover that having a dragon along opened up a lot of crusading opportunities. And that gave Twilight an empty house to gather ponies into.  Twilight cleared her throat before speaking, forcing it to not sound like a growl at the words just spoken. "No, far from it. Although strangely enough you did provide me with an appropriate segue into the topic I needed to discuss with you all today." This seemed to now turn the looks in the room to confusion. Applejack was the first to respond. "Iffn' y'all ain't breaking up with Pinkie yet," Twilight openly glared at that, "then why do ya' want to talk about breaking up with her?" Twilight took another moment to compose herself before she continued. "What I had to talk to you all about is my wonderful marefriend and what an innocent  and genuine pony she is." Everypony nodded their heads in agreement, which frustrated her somewhat. "She's a mare who's usually very open with her emotions, almost to the point of making her too blunt at times. But despite this she spends most of her time doing her best to make as many ponies as she can happy." She took a moment to look around to the assembled ponies, looks of confusion still evident to some degree in each. "That is why you are all terrible ponies and you all owe her a heartfelt apology, a big warm hug, and maybe even some flowers." "What in the hey are ya' talking about Twi?" It was an honest reply, from an honest pony. But it still made Twilight internally sigh. She was going to have to do this the hard way.  The looks of confusion had only shifted. They were still there but had changed somewhat depending on the pony and the memories they were now sifting through. One of them looked aghast, very nearly offended at the accusation. She was the first to make a direct response.  "Yes Twilight, whatever can this be about?" Rarity looked even more offended as Twilight turned to address her directly. Trying to remain neutral, she began to elaborate.  "Every one of you was approached by Pinkie with romantic intent, and every one of you decided not to take her feelings seriously. I will clarify that even though it's a little selfish, I am glad that you all did. Had any of you been more willing to see your opportunity I might have never gotten a chance. But it was still a mean thing to do to such a sweet pony." Questions only seemed to be adding up as the confusion in the room remained. "I don't understand what the issue you are attempting to address is dear," Rarity began again. "Yes we all have had a romantic interaction with Pinkie to some extent, but nothing that needed to be taken seriously." Twilight began to calm herself again for this one, but then didn't. Rarity still wasn't seeing what she had done wrong, so maybe it was time to be a little more blunt. "So exactly how many other ponies do you think," Twilight began as she sat down and directed a withering gaze to her fashionista friend. "That if they actually took the time and worked up the courage to walk up to you, tell you that they had romantic feelings for you, and asked you out on a date, that you'd just decide they were just joking around. You're a very attractive mare, I'm sure you've been asked out many times. How many of them did you decide you didn't need to take seriously?" Rarity's eyes widened and she stared blankly at Twilight. Twilight didn't break her gaze but did note the other reactions and the room. Fluttershy's eyes widened as well, but looked much more concerned. From next to her Rainbow Dash seemed to be thinking hard as her eyes drifted down to the floor. She couldn't see Applejack's reaction from where she stood but didn't want to break her gaze with Rarity yet.  Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again after a moment. As it opened again she raised her hoof as if she'd thought of a good point to make, but then lowered it as her mouth closed again. Finally, and rather pathetically she managed to mutter out a response. "But it's Pinkie. She couldn't have been... I mean if that were true then... everypony, in the whole town?" "So now you're saying that you don't believe that a pony as sweet, positive, and genuine as Pinkie Pie could find something worthwhile in just about everypony she meets?" The ponies she could see all winced at that. Rarity turned away and Twilight could see her biting her lip. But after a moment she seemed to harden her expression and face Twilight again. "Well even if she did, in my case at least it was still better to not lead her on. A relationship between myself and her could never have worked and even she would have had to acknowledge it eventually. And I'm sure it's the same for the others as well." The rest didn't seem to move. Taking a page from Rarity's usual playbook, Twilight lifted a hoof to examine it in smug nonchalance. "Oh really? So you're saying that your lifestyle and Pinkie's are completely incompatible. There can't possibly be any overlap between fashion and parties?" "Of course not." The answer was a little too forceful, and although Twilight didn't seem to react Rarity still felt the need to reel it back somewhat. "Not to belittle Pinkie in any way of course. I know when she plans a party she puts her all into it." Her eyes then rolled up as if thinking on something. "And while I would suppose there would be a number of similarities between planning a party and, let's say, planning a fashion show, it still wouldn't fit." Her eyes now seemed to refocus on Twilight as she gave a nod, largely to herself from what Twilight could tell.  Twilight kept up the nonchalant posture, but now actually focused on Rarity from beyond her own hoof. "You're sure?"   "Darling please," she now seemed to be gaining a handle on the situation and waved a hoof to brush off the question. "Pinkie Pie doesn't even like those types of parties. Could you imagine if she tried to plan one. The very idea. A high class fashion show, but with streamers, confetti, and cake. My goodness, the Canterlot elite would be talking about it for years." Her hoof stopped in midair as her eyes shot open wide. "They'd be talking about it for years," she repeated, this time with an air of disbelief.  "The dresses I could make to accompany such a theme would be so unique. They'd be the most unique creations no matter the season I decided to debut them in. There would be a rush to mimic the style, and each would just garner more attention on my work for being the original. And through it all I'd be able to thank..." Rarity jumped slightly as Twilight patted the briefly unresponsive mare on the shoulder. She smiled to her with understanding. "If it's any consolation, I'm sure she'd still plan a show with you. Although I'm sure it will lose a little something as far as increasing the buzz about the line if you can only introduce the designer you worked with as your friend and not your special somepony." She decided to leave the wide-eyed mare to her own thoughts. She moved to the pair of pegasi sitting not far behind her. She was somewhat surprised when Fluttershy spoke first.  "Twilight, did I... Did I use Pinkie?" Her eyes were wide as well, however her's seemed to be filling with barely contained tears. "I... if she really did have feelings for me and I..I went on dates with her just to see what it would be like if I ever..." She stopped, eyes darting to the side towards the blue pegasus who had raised a hoof to her shoulder despite not being able to raise her own head yet.  Twilight raised a hoof to her other shoulder. With as much caring and understanding as she could muster she replied. "Oh Fluttershy.  Yes, yes you did." Rainbow Dash's head finally snapped up as a sob escaped her oldest friend. She pulled her away from Twilight and into her shoulder as she shot the unicorn a glare. "The heck Twilight!" She hissed at her as she wrapped her wings around her timid friend defensively.  Twilight raised her hooves placatingly, maintaining her look of understanding at the force of the glare. "But in your case, from what I can understand, you were more or less up front with your feelings. You didn't have strong feelings for Pinkie and let her know. I'm sure Pinkie appreciated at least getting a chance with you. A lot of other ponies didn't even take her seriously enough for that." Though she was still distraught, Fluttershy managed to turn her head away from where it was pressed into Rainbow Dash just enough to look over to Twilight and speak. "You, you don't think she resents me for it do you? Even if it's like deep down." Twilight reached out, but a deepened glare from Rainbow stopped her. "I don't think so, Pinkie isn't the type to hold a grudge in the worst situation. I'm only doing this today because I think it would be better for the peace of mind of all of us to get all of this out in the open. About the only thing I think needs to be done about it is a proper apology, like I said before." From the small area she was peeking from Fluttershy nodded. She hadn't cried heavily, but still seemed to prefer the comfort of her friends' embrace at the moment. She turned away and pressed herself back in.  Twilight gave a sigh of relief. She had been worried Fluttershy's reaction would be a hard one to manage. She smiled internally at Rainbow's actions to help her, but now she had to confront Pinkie's most recent and possibly most bitter ex directly. However, before she could even fully open her mouth to speak the cyan hoof that wasn't patting Fluttershy's back softly was raised to stop her.  She seemed to barely acknowledge Twilight as she spoke.  "Pinkie Pie and me could have worked. And I should have... I kind of did know it at the time but I didn't want to accept it. The reason why I couldn't was the same reason we could have worked. It's because of how similar we are. If we had tried to make it happen for real it would have taken a lot of work. We kind of bring the worst out in each other and that's something we'd have to work on for a long time, and honestly I just wasn't mature enough to want to. Not really now either, and I'm not sure I ever will be. You're much better for her, you bring out the best in each other. That's honestly what I need to look for too." Twilight was taken aback by the succinct assessment. She had to take a moment to process the remarkably insightful statement, and as she did she watched as Rainbow seemed to stop paying attention to her altogether. She seemed much more focused on whispering words of comfort to the no longer sobbing pegasus pressed against her.  "No idea where you could possibly find a pony like that." She smiled knowingly to the pair before turning away. Rarity seemed to be doing much better by this point. If Twilight had to guess she figured the fashionista was thinking hard on a proper apology. She could leave her to that. She turned again to see Applejack, looking almost bored at the proceedings. "Well?" "Well what?" Twilight just quirked her eyebrow in a decent imitation of the farm pony. She quirked one right back. "I never dated Pinkie. I done told ya' that. I ain't done nothin' to hurt her feelings, I never even had the chance to." "Of course not. You don't like mares so you would have never dated Pinkie Pie. That's true. So obviously if she had feelings for you and was therefore at a loss, she totally could have just decided to transfer whatever those feelings were to your brother without any kind of issue whatsoever. Like you suggested she should do. Because obviously you and your brother are just gender swaps of each other so anypony could fall for him from the exact same feelings that made them fall for you. Right?" Applejack didn't respond for a few seconds. Twilight wasn't sure what kind of reaction she would get, but she thought she was prepared for any kind of rebuttal the somewhat short tempered mare might come up with. Apparently though, Applejack had been paying better attention to what had happened with their other friends then she had thought. She finally frowned before leaning her head back and letting out a groan.  "Gol' darn it." She began walking towards the door of the library, muttering as she went. "I ain't never bought a mare flowers before. How the hey do I even go about apologizing for something like that..." She turned back to Twilight. "You're dating her, what kind of flowers does she like?" "She likes calla lilies. Mostly because she says it's a fun name to say for a flower. But orchids would be more traditional for an apology. If you got her her favorite flower I'd be worried you'd suddenly had a change of heart and actually want to ask her out." She shot Applejack a warning look with no substance behind it.  Applejack just groaned again. "This is already going to be awkward Twi, don't go making it worse." "It doesn't have to be awkward, for anyone," she said as she turned to address the rest of the group. They seemed to all have recovered significantly, although Twilight wondered if Rainbow was aware that she still had a wing draped over Fluttershy. "She'll actually be here in a while. We have plans for today, but they can wait if anypony wants my help.  Well after whatever she's planning for when she gets here." At this the other mares now shot each other looks of question. "What is Pinkie planning?" Rarity finally chimed in. "Are the two of you planning something even after your date last night?" Twilight actually blushed at this. "Well, we ended up having a nice long conversation about our relationship last night. Apparently due to a long history of disappointment in relationships she's been holding back a lot with me." They all winced at the words, but Twilight smiled to them with reassurance. "So I told her that I wanted her to ask me out for the first time again. The way she really wanted to, with no restrictions." Twilight was now concerned as eyes widened and glances were shared again. "Is that what the bleachers are for?" Rainbow blurted out.  "Bleachers?" Twilight was immediately on her hooves and making her way to a window. However upon pulling open a curtain all she could see was a large sign.  By Order of the Pinkie Party Planning Partnership: No Peeking "Pinkie party planning partnership?" Twilight questioned.  Rainbow was now laughing. Fluttershy giggled lightly along with her. Rarity and Applejack were both more reserved, but were smiling at her confusion as well.  "It's literally just Pinkie, but cause' ah' lack of attendance to town hall meetings she managed to get it officially commissioned. It's acknowledged as a function of town hall, there's fines for violating it and everything." Twilight's eyes grew in shock,  but then a wide smile broke on her face. "This is going to be a lot of fun isn't it?" With a final laugh Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and took to the air, swooping back around to scoop up Fluttershy as she did. "We're gonna go get seats before they're all gone." Before she could make it to the door, the earth bound members of the group also moving in that direction, Twilight stopped her with a question. "Ponies are already gathering?" Rainbow scoffed but smiled at that. "There's tons of seating and Pinkie has been running around like a madmare all morning. Of course ponies are gathering." Four heads nodded as they gathered at the door to the tree house. Sensing them waiting, Twilight waved a hoof. Needing no more prompting they opened the door. Beyond it Twilight could only see another sign like the one at her window. Her friends hurried out, words of congratulation and encouragement trailing as they did.  The door seemed to close itself as soon as they were out. Almost as soon as it was closed an excited knocking could be heard coming from it. Twilight giggled as she opened it.  Outside there was no trace of the sign that had been there a moment before. Far across the road that branched out in front of the town's library she saw her friends in a spot together in a reserved set of seats at the front of the newly placed stands. They were looking around as if confused as to how they had gotten there.  Twilight could only smile wider. As she stepped from her door she heard the sound of the drums of a marching band starting up. She had a brief thought that at one time not long ago the attention now being paid to her would have made her very uncomfortable. Now she only felt elation as a familiar pink form appeared. Pinkie Pie, dressed in a full band leader uniform, stepped into view. How Twilight hadn't seen her before that point? She decided she'd try to figure that out later.  "LADIES AND GENTLECOLTS!!!" She exclaimed while twirling a baton in the air. "WE ARE GATHERED HERE TODAY SO THAT I, PINKAMENA DIANA PIE,  CAN FORMALLY,  PROPERLY,  ASK OUT THE SMARTEST, CUTEST, MOST WONDERFUL PONY IN ALL OF EQUESTRIA!!!!" There was a loud boom as confetti shot into the air and the rest of the yet to be seen band began playing. Smiles and laughter started growing all around, and even though it seemed to put Pinkie more in her element she didn't seem to pay it any attention. Those big happy eyes were locked on Twilight's, and the joy in them spread instantly into Twilight's heart.  This was the element of laughter in all her glory. Twilight stepped forward, smitten by her magic.