//------------------------------// // Act III: One Last Sketch: Hope // Story: Twiset Shimarkle // by 20thCentury Brony //------------------------------// Scene Twenty-Eight: The Sentence What the heck happened, Sci-Twi pondered as she darted her eyes in internal darkness. She came to with a very splitting headache. Everything felt fuzzy and discordant as she stirred her stiff limbs back to life. With what little effort she could manage, she finally peered open her eyes, only for them to be assaulted by a brilliant gleam of violet. She then use a still-stiff hoof to rub them as they adjusted to the brilliance of the black-yellow sphere she found herself within. In her blinded state, she located her glasses near her hooves and tried to use magic on them, only for nothing to happen. She soon realized the sphere’s magic-cancelling abilities and then resorted to her hooves. Once her eyes finally adjusted to the color and her glasses’ return, Twilight looked beyond her prison to find what appeared as a throne room, seeming terraformed. Her heart and mind were both racing as she looked over the long narrow room, the rising sun gleaming through stained glass windows depicting a fearsome ram in each, and the large throne right next to their prison. And sitting on it was a pony figure. The figure appeared alicorn in nature, but apparently demonic. It shared her lavender coat and mane-tail style, but her wings were that of a raven’s, her horn was long and shimmered in a ghostly blue that matched her blazing eyes. And she was wearing a nightmarish gown that she had only seen worn by- Oh heaven help us, the horrified brainiac realized. It can’t be her. It just can’t! Unable to take the realization, Twilight collapsed as her jelly legs gave. Before she fell over entirely, she felt a pair of hooves wrap around her, catching her at the last moment. She turned her upward to see Fluttershy offering a strained comforting smile. Seeing her shy friend, Twilight perked slightly at the hope that the rest were by her side. So regaining her footage, she found the rest surrounding her. She then observed everypony’s current condition. Pinkie’s colors looked to be dimmed and scared over recent events, her million-dollar smile not taking over her lower face, Applejack’s stomach wound was being stitched by Rarity with thread from the stetson, worrying over her farmer, and Rainbow showed obvious signs of fear and defeat while Fluttershy comforted her bold marefriend. Twilight looked beyond again to find their artifacts in a smaller sphere next to their own. “It is certainly crushing,” the familiar voice of their common tyrant echoed to their ears. The mares turned their hate-filled expressions to the King of Monsters approaching their spherical prison. And upon his harness they found but an additional Bell that appeared smoother and more ancient compared to the cruder construct. The Six stared in horror as the situation’s gravity crashed onto them. None of them could believe it. They were now trapped and powerless against their cage, Grogar had double his power, Princess Twilight has become a nightmare resurrected, and Sunset was either captured or worse. This was overwhelming for them all. “To know that you are all to die very soon in your pathetic friendship and that you have failed everybody below.” “At least we die together while you die alone, you monster” hissed Fluttershy with bile. “Even with us dead, Sunset will stop you,” Rainbow boldly declared. A demonic chortle broke her boldness. Everypony then turned to face Midnight Sparkle vacating the throne and trotting towards them. The six little ponies were in horror as the pony princess they knew and loved was now a demonized ghost of the past. “On the contrary,” Midnight claimed as she leaned towards her humanly self, “I took the liberty of getting rid of Sunset right away. She’s probably with her parents by now.” All six mares gasped and stared in complete horror at the claim. Now they were hearing that Sunset was dead? They had to be in Tartarus. They could all feel the floodgates cracking behind their eyes as they took the news in. “Now don’t be that,” the King mockingly demanded. “Save those tears for the sentence.” “How could you.” Twilight hissed in fury. “How could you do all of this: attacking a whole kingdom, killing many ponies, and enjoying it? What have they ever done to you?” “Nothing to me at all,” he simply responded. “My kind are at fault, however. They stood idly as your kind had their way in life, fearing them. I called them weak and pathetic for choosing peace over fighting for power against ponykind, thus beginning my reign with every last one of them.” The Rainbooms froze in shock. “Years of conquest and a banishment later led to me returning to my glory, all thanks to you six and Shimmer.” “Us?” Pinkie questioned. “Well, mostly Mrs. Spruce, but yes. Your constant battles in magic over the years only sent every trace to me, but your Friendship Games were the icing. Reason is because when the original Midnight,” the Father gestured towards the bespectacled unicorn, “destroyed the Wondercolt. In doing so, she not only let magic seep into that world, but also split fragments of the Crystal Mirror to spread across.” “The portal covered in quicksand?” Rainbow pieced as she reminisced on that Spring Break. “Smarter than let on, Rainbow Dash,” Grogar insulted. “Those cracks gave me all the magic I needed to strike back… more ruthless than before.” As if on cue, all heard the clang of armor originating from the balcony. The ponies and ram all turned to see a pair of similarly demonized alicorns trot inside. Before the heroes came what they assumed were Princesses Celestia and Luna bearing raven wings and blazing manes. “Humane 6, meet Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, the Two Sisters’ dark halves,” Grogar introduced, “and, along with Midnight, the perfect replacements for the Sirens.” “Not surprisin’,” stated AJ weakly as Rarity stitched on. “We tried convincing Adagio, but she didn’t listen.” “Arrogance forever fails everyone.” “Like you’re different.” Those baleful words hissed into Grogar’s ear. He glared at the lavender unicorn with his fiercest pair of daggers. How she had the nerve to call him out was beyond him. And to defy him after all that’s happened. He’d took over Canterlot in great ferocity, attacked her and her friends with his own beasts, and wholeheartedly spoke highly of his cruel deeds, all with the intent of their spirits and hope being shattered. But those three defying words pierced the First Emperor right at the heart. He had a good mind to just dust her there and then, but instead, he chose to psychological break her. “Such bravery from a little pony, Spruce,” he calmly stated, “but I’d figured you’d by now know the futility of resisting the First Scourge. “Really?” mocked the unfazed brainiac. “Because from what Sunset said, you ain’t that big a boogieman.” Her respond earned a collective gasp from her friends, who watched in fear and surprise. “I mean sure, what I’ve seen convinced me that you’re a very bad guy, but you’re just not that bad. Even Gusty’s book on you doesn’t quite convince me either; anypony could just illustrate a ram killing ponies and make it sound scary. Bottomline, you don’t scare me. You could just be another baddie using intimidation to gain respect and the minute you’re threatened, you resort to empty threats. I should know; I saw it within my old Crystal Prep principal.” She paused to let her words sink in, watching Grogar’s bubbling anger before turning around to see her friends al gesturing to quit the dissing before something terrible happens. She delivered a wink to them before continuing. “If you really were everything you’re cracked to be, you’d have just killed us here and now, and, instead, you’re just petrifying, demonizing, or just imprisoning ponies and creatures. And not a pint of blood on your hooves yet.” “You ignorant human,” Grogar growled, his teeth clenched and eyes beaming with anger as the unicorn threw dirt into his eye. “Don’t you understand the danger you are all in for insulting me?” “Of course I do. I’m insulting an interdimensional creature who’s been wasting our time by not being everything he’s known to be. I have to admit I was expecting a far serious villain for a while. And you could’ve won it… if you actually had the spine to kill Equestria’s hope.” As her friends gawked at their friend in disbelief, Twilight Spruce remained steadfast, undeterred from what was coming. For a brief moment, the King’s eyes were in shock before returning to his furious expression, his horns coming to life. Other than Gusty, that human-turned-unicorn had to possibly have been the foolishly bravest to stand up and insult him like such. And he was ready to end it right then and there. But, instead, he chose to be the better villain and do it the only way he deemed fit. “You want me to be the very bad guy?” he simply asked. “Fine. Your magic won’t be worth my time. Princesses.” He then commanded with a clap of his hooves for his new Sirens. Soon enough, the three princesses came to his side, kneeling and awaiting his word. He turned to them with a simple demand: “Please be sure to properly prepare our prisoners for the sentence.” “As you command, Emperor,” the three simply responded. And then, they divided. Nightmare Moon flew her way outside to address the monsters of the impeding news, Daybreaker moved to collect the petrified statues from below, and Midnight Sparkle had the most important job of preparing the Humane 6 for the alleged sentence. “You should have kept your muzzle shut, Twilight,” she mocked as she crawled all over the spherical prison. “Now you’ve just doomed everypony.” Before anypony else could say anything, the demonized friend levitated their sphere with her horn and made her way out of the throne room, quietly cackling to herself, clearly enjoying the wickedness. As they were carried away, the Rainbooms glared at Twilight with disbelief. “Now why the hay did ya do somethin’ so stupid, Twi?!” AJ barked. “Now, we’re all gonna get it!” “What were you thinking?!” Pinkie added in, her tone in par with Applejack’s. “Trust me, girls, everything’ll be okay,” was all the bespectacled unicorn answered said. Despite what she just done, Twilight still retained a calm demeaner. The girls couldn’t believe how relax their friend was taking it. Normally, she’d be panicking with them, but then she seemed content with her fate. And only she knew the reason why. I just hope, she prayed over in her head. Scene Twenty-Nine: Time to Pony Up Silence fell upon the hut of Scorpan and Zecora. Existence itself was at risk from the threat of the King of Monsters. Any threat to his rule was none but conquered, everypony and body against him was powerless, and his power had doubled since his prime with fear and two Bewitching Bells in his iron hoof. As the sun ascended upon Everfree, there was but solemn amongst the Fellowship as they reflected on recent events. They had failed. All of them. And they had but themselves to hold responsible. Spike, still retaining his ponied-up form, was pacing more nervous than ever before, thinking plans to himself. Trixie and Starlight tended to everybody’s injuries with assistance from Ray and Pyro and partial guidance from the grievously wounded Zecora with Scorpan by her bedside. Discord simply and shamefully hung his head low as he rustled his hand over doggy’s Spike’s fur as Lulamoon wrapped his wounds while Tempest sulked beside him. Flurry watched the sulking Aria comfort Sonata down on the ground before glancing upon Adagio, who leaned against a tree, silently cursing herself for being so ignorant. And then, there was Sunset herself. She took the lost the worst with Adagio behind her. Like the lead Siren, the teacher isolated herself under a tree, wallowing in her misery as she felt around her stitched wound behind her head. She was severely bullying herself badly for the whole mess. Despite everyone’s assurance, she only found herself to blame. She had to be such a brat to the only mother figure she had as a pony; she had to run from home; she had to steal one-sixths of a powerful artifact and failed to use it in another world, which then resulted in the Sirens’ reemergence, her friend/possible girlfriend being corrupted, and unknowingly aiding the greatest villain in Equestria in getting his power back!! How could she’ve let this happen? She held her geode in her palm and looked at it with her teary, bloodshot eyes. For a time, she had considered it her only equal magic to Twilight’s own, despite its only magic of empathy. Only until her nightmare of Midnight Sparkle flashed before her again did she snap and tossed it aside before breaking down in tears. How could she have done this? This was all her fault. Maybe everypony and body would’ve been better off if she weren’t born at all. Maybe if she weren’t living right- Her self-punishment was interrupted by the crunching of leaves approaching her direction. She lifted her head solemnly to see Flurry, Trixie, and Discord approaching her. Knowing them, she was probably getting another round of the “it’s-not-your-fault” talk, so she already prepared her response. “Listen, guys,” she objected, “it was my fault from the get-go, so don’t try and-.” “You’re right; it is all your fault,” was all Trixie bluntly stated. Hearing this, Sunset turned to see Trixie looking prideful while Flurry and Discord gave her gapping looks for her lack of gentleness. “Wow, thanks for being gentle,” quipped Sunset before burying her face in her knees. “Now before you sulk again,” advised the Lord of Chaos, “just hear us all out.” “What do I have left to hear?” ranted Sunset. “That I brought this whole mess on everypony back home; that I got our magic taken from us; that fate made the mistake of ever creating me in the first place!? Just stop trying to convince me. This was my fault, no one else’s.” “Still, you can still fix this. You just need to stop beating yourself up.” “Even so, how do you expect us to beat the Grogar?! The Father of Monsters? The ram who unleashed monsters upon Pre-Equestria? The very monster who turned the Two Sisters and the ruler herself into demons!?” “Sunset, I’ve seen enough to know-” “TO KNOW THAT I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!” Sunset screamed as her personal dam broke entirely, running down her cheeks and reddening her eyes. She proceeded to a blubbering rant of self-punishment. “I’ve been telling myself for years that coming here with magic was a terrible idea and what happened last night just went and proved me right! I’ve placed you all in danger, nearly got you killed, aided an ancient villain in his revenge quest, and got Equestria’s ruler turned into a demon! Now with two bells, Grogar is Celestia-dang unstoppable! And-and-and-” Her tears overtook all vocal ability, and she went on a full crying fit, kneeing down and hugging herself like a lost child, the self-guilt eating her up within. She slowly craned up to face Flurry with a quivering: “Flurry Heart, I am so sorry. There’s no hope.” She saw no need to further her point. All the details were voiced and pointing at her. She gazed upon her best friend’s niece, who looked pained. She could already make out what the young ruler was thinking, cursing the runaway unicorn for terraforming her aunt. Heck, she could have pictured that thought in everybody else’s heads. She waited in silent agony as the princess began to form a sentence. And what she said surprised the downhearted woman. “And that’s precisely why you can’t stop now,” Flurry claimed. “Dad told me that you can’t just make a mistake and fail to take responsibility for it.” Sunset just looked upon the princess in confused bloodshot eyes before stating: “But this was no mistake, sweetie; this was a massive catastrophe.” “So what?” Flurry objected. She then offered a hand to Shimmer, the former looking back and forth from her face to her hand, feeling scared and confused. She pictured their positions similar to when Twilight came over a second time. Like her crush, she was hesitant to accept the hand. By Celestia, it must’ve taken all of her willpower to extend her hand to her former enemy back then. But she felt to do so after the princess saved her from a life of loneliness and bitterness. Now that her niece was following her example, it was needing her willpower entirely again to reach for the hand. Slowly but assuringly, Sunset reached for Flurry, their hands finally connecting as their fingers laced together. Once fully gripped, the young princess pulled the unicorn up to her feet. Once on even footing, the teacher looked around to see the rest of the Fellowship walking up to her. And all she saw upon their faces was a sort of empathy. Like most of them knew how she felt then. Again, Flurry’s voice rang. “There’s probably enough people around you who know how you feel right now, including me.” Sunset looked at her, still confused. “It’s true; I nearly froze my kingdom by shattering its most sacred relic when I was born. And you know what I did then? I focused on controlling my magic with my crystaller.” Once finished, Flurry found her human native guide now gaining some understanding of her advice. Thought, she was still feeling too depressed to even care. Luckily, the others soon followed suit. Tempest went first. “Helped defeat an evil king after helping him steal alicorn magic.” Then Trixie. “Made real friends after using an evil enchanted amulet.” Starlight. “Became a compassionate leader after removing ponies’ cutie marks.” Equestrian Spike. “Valued giving after turning into a greed-infused giant dragon.” Discord. “Strayed from causing evil chaos, accepted friendship permanently, and became a more responsible draconequus after freezing Sweet Apple Acres, helping and being betrayed by Tirek, and bringing together Equestria’s vilest respectively.” And then there was Scorpan himself who approached Sunset who was starting to calm down greatly and placed his tender hand upon her still-tense shoulder. “I helped my brother drain ponies of magic before I accepted their ways and casted him to Tartarus.” She looked at him, tears lightly sliding down her cheeks, with eyes that processed what her friends have shared. “Sunset Shimmer, perfection of any sort is an achievement no one, pony, human, draconequus, dragon, or any creature whatsoever, will ever achieve. We are all capable of mistakes, just as much as we are of rising above them and taking responsibility. Your actions were no different and it is never too late to make up for them. All you need do is to gather your resolve and keep fighting for the right thing. And you can always achieve more when surrounded by your friends.” Sunset felt her once cold interior slowly thawing as Scorpan’s words echoed into her ear. Everything he had just stated was speaking volumes. No matter what’s she done to make up for her misdeeds, there was always going to be reminders of her old self within her; reminders that would stir her away from that dark path forever and mold her into a better soul as time goes on. But she knew now and then that she’d have people that have seen past those demons and have accepted her new outlook, people such as CHS as a whole, the Humane 6, and, of course, Princess Twilight herself. Her accidental aid in Grogar’s return to power was one of future mistakes that she’d need to take the heat for, but as much as remedy it as a whole. She gazed upon everybody around her. They were all looking to her with hope in their hearts to rise up and save the day for them, for two worlds, and for Twilight. A warm expression of determination and renewed faith took over her face. Crunching leaves broke her thoughts once again. Turning to the sound, she looked down to see doggy Spike holding her geode in his mouth, his tail wagging like crazy. Smiling at the gesture, Sunset kneeled down and grabbed it. Taking one last look upon everybody, she confidently returned it around her neck. Once she did so, its magical prowess instantly refilled her systems and she rose slightly into the air. She could feel the surge of energy overtake every inch of her renewed spirit. She smiled as her hair extended to a ponytail and her ear morphed into that of ponies and her everyday ensemble was now replaced by her geode outfit. She could imagine the satisfied smiles upon everyone’s faces below. Finally, she descended back to solid ground, more confident in and out than before. She then faced everybody once again. “Let’s finish this,” she declared in such renewed confidence. She didn’t need stadium cheers to gain approval; the smiling and proud faces of her friends were all she needed. “Uh, hate to ruin the moment, but we’re lacking magic-wise,” Trixie nonchalantly reminded everyone. “Which is why I’m opening up shop,” Scorpan stated. Everyone faced him in confusion, except for the Royal Advisor who caught on. “Five minutes. Follow Scorpan and get what you want,” Sunset instructed. Five Minutes Later When Scorpan directed the rest of the Fellowship to his room of collected relics from Equestria, their reactions were almost that of Spike and Twilight’s. They could not believe Tirek’s brother to manage a collection of such historic greatness. Of the relics as far as their eyes could collectively see, Grogar was solely concerned with his old power and never bothered with the other equally powerful relics. Brushing off their thoughts, they moved on. Soon enough, they returned to Sunset armed and ready. Ever the warrior, Tempest Shadow mounted herself in a suit of dirty golden armor called the Armory’s Plethora that magically granted the wearer any weapon conceived of. With so many choices to make her great and powerful title, Trixie Lulamoon eventually chose the pale blue Specter Scepter, which enabled the wielder to move and interact as such. Starlight Glimmer defended herself with a third eyepiece called the Eye of Falsity, which gave off a desired illusion and made it feel and look real enough through mindpower. For the depowered God of Chaos (again), Discord’s choices were pretty limited as most didn’t fit his interest well before he finally decided on Chaos’ Crypt, a large, green spell book true to its name as its contents were but entirely backwards. The Duplicating Claw, an ancient dragon relic that duplicated the user only three copies, found itself around Spike Sparkle’s arm. It had to have been sheer coincidence for Flurry Heart to find her distance relative Amore’s Heart Amulet, drawing power from the wielder’s hope and love, in Scorpan’s care. And with that, everybody was prepared and steadfast. “Your funeral,” a cold voice interrupted the moment. Everybody turned to see Adagio, still leaning, giving them a very cold stare. Nobody responded to her immediately, but only matched her stare. Thought she seemed unfazed by their counter, the lead Siren was breaking down within as everything within the last couple hours replayed in her head on loop and them staring down at her was just piercing her right now. And the only one to notice was the very subject of her wrath. Making her way past the rest, Shimmer found herself but inches away from Dazzle’s reach and extended her hand. “Adagio,” she pleaded, “I know your animosity towards me, but right now, Grogar is bigger than your revenge. We’ll need all the help.” “Oh, save it, will you?” Adagio barked, shooing the Rainboom’s hand away. “Even if we weren’t enemies, I’d know that you’d be dead within five minutes against that old goat; us three won’t make a difference.” “Every little bit will help. Once we get to Equestria and free my friends-.” “But if you want to die, here.” Before Sunset could question any further, Adagio reached into her pocket to reveal the same compass her former master gave her and her sisters to head home. Done with life’s manure, she then aimlessly tossed it on the air real high. Flipping into the air for a few moments, it finally plummeted down towards Trixie’s hands, who barely caught it. “It directs you to the nearest portal crack to Equestria.” “We’ll never forget your contribution,” Tempest sarcastically chimed. Her remark earned her a fierce backhand to the arm by Starlight. Looking back and forth at both the Fellowship and the Siren, Sunset let out a small sigh. She then knew that the bad blood between them wasn’t going to cool soon and hadn’t the time to do so; stopping Grogar had to come first. So, she sternly gaze at one of her greatest enemies. “It’s all up to you,” she simply stated. “You can either help us or sulk in defeat as you’ve done for thousands of years.” Not getting a reaction from Dazzle, Sunset turned to her friends following Trixie who walked over to the same cracked rock Grogar and the demonized princesses went through. A loud and rapid pinging sound broke out, indicating the same portal home. Everyone else just stared in wonder as another entry to Equestria was but a few feet away from them. They found themselves at the point of no return. Once they crossed the threshold, there was no turning back; there was but taking the fight to the very end. “This is it, everybody,” Sunset declared. And with that, everybody marched forth for the coming fight. Sunset stopped short when she felt something in her hair… moving? She felt around and found something… scaly. It quickly made its way onto her finger and wrapped itself around. Sunset retracted her hand, knowing what the thing was. She faced her little Ray of sunshine with regret as he held onto her index, eyes wide and pleading her to let him come. “Oh sweetie, I know you want to, but you can’t.” She gave him a gentle and comforting kiss on his tiny head. She turned to face Scorpan with Pyro on his shoulder and extended Ray to him. Seeing the rock-hard unpersuadable eyes of his owner, the leopard gecko reluctantly let go of her finger before crawling onto Scorpan’s palm. “Please take care of him,” Sunset pleaded. “He will be safe with me, I promise,” the gargoyle assured the Equestria Girl. “Spike and I will stay with Zecora and the Sirens. Be careful.” “We will and we won’t fail.” She promised as she gave Spike one last rub on his head before departing for the crack. With everyone knowing their places now, the Fellowship off to battle made their way for home. After exchanging some more looks of assurance and hope, one by one, the heroes made their way back to Equestria until Sunset was left, who gave one glance towards the onlookers. She saw the hope mixed with fear in everyone’s eyes; Scorpan the most hopeful and Adagio the most fearful. She gave one last warm smile before she followed through the portal. Scorpan rubbed Spike’s head, who wiped a running tear with his paw, as Adagio spoke up: “You know the odds of them surviving are slim to none.” He turned to the brooding Siren, who gave him a side-glance. He then walked up to the leader of the trio of hypnotizing creatures and was about to speak when… “You would know, or did your vendetta blind your thinking?” Aria hissed in spite. She released her younger Siren from her grasp and rose from the ground, walking up to her older sister with hatred in her eyes. “Don’t you start with me, Aria.” “No, you listen. I’ve been putting up with your manure for thousands of years and going with your schemes solely for the fun and food, but you’ve recently dragged us into nothing but a string of trouble.” “Shut up, Ari-.” “And now you’ve made a deal for us three with the bucking devil himself just to get back at a unicorn who destroyed our pendants-” “I said, shut up.” “-which then led us back to our magicless lives, which I’d take over an eternity in a living Tartarus WITH YOU!!! “SHUT UP!!!” And in a flash of red, Blaze went down hard by a mean swing from Dazzle. Dusk gasped in horror at the sight. Her breathing matched her sisters’ as they glared daggers at each other. Aria wiped away trinkling blood from her nose with her backhand before holding her purple cheek, feeling it heat up from her sister’s armored fist. A few moments passed before she saw something unexpected befall Adagio’s faces: regret. it was small by looks, but the message was much too huge to mistake for something else. Adagio looked regretful. She honest to goodness looked regretful. Tears welled in her eyes as she watched her eldest slowly approach her- Before she got far, Aria quickly got up and delivered a hard fist into Adagio’s stomach, causing her to slightly bend knees in pain while holding herself. “Stings, don’t it?” Blaze asked, enjoying her leader’s pain. Her joy was short-lived when Adagio dived blindly into her, bringing them both down. She then proceeded to strike Blaze in blind red, who blindly swatted her fists away before kicking her leader off her. Aria then pounced upon Adagio and wrapped her hands around her sister’s neck and began throttling her. Fighting back, Dazzle attempted something brutal: drive her nails into Blaze’s eyes. Seeing it was driving Sonata into near tears. Knowing it was going too far, she did something so unexpected of her. Running up to her family, she swiftly placed her foot down on Adagio’s chest before pulling Aria’s hair back, thus dividing the two. Seeing what she has done, all three were left starstruck as they heaved heavy breath after another. They gazed upon each other as the red in their eyes died down. “This is ridiculous, you two,” Dusk finally confessed. “We all made a mistake and can do than just rip our throats out.” Again, Dazzle and Blaze were struck surprised. What just happened? What were they doing? When did Sonata Dusk become the mature one? They knew who was at fault, Adagio especially, but were too angry to accept it. They helped Grogar rise to power, but he took their own away. They lingered on their thoughts for moments more, epiphanies dawning on them. “Proud to see you three finally coming to terms,” Scorpan suddenly proclaimed. As the Sirens gazed on him, another epiphany came to light: Scorpan did nothing. He stood idly as they lashed at each other, waiting to see if they would figure it out for themselves. And they did. “But for now, I believe, you should wait for the real person whose wronged you to return here.”