//------------------------------// // Legends // Story: Twiset Shimarkle // by 20thCentury Brony //------------------------------// Scene Twenty: Rumble in the Forest No matter where I go, Sunset thought in frustration, my life is manure. It’s only been two hours after snapping to Everfree and it’s already been another moment of personal Tartarus for Sunset. Flurry was still by her side, promising her that she’s not leaving, despite the former’s protests. Twilight seemed unstoppable in her march through the woods as the rest followed while bearing whatever Everfree threw at them. How could Twilight bruise so bad over that kiss?, Sunset self-loathingly pondered. More importantly, how could I be so stupid to fall for it?! Meanwhile, the Fellowship has been miserable. The deeper the journey, the more miserable things became. Twilight, Sunset, and Flurry were the only quiet ones as the rest just argued away with Spike often joining to give his two bits on some topics. “Of all the tricks up your sleeves,” complained Tempest as she swatted at some Flyders, “you don’t have bug repellent!” Trixie’s face was red with annoyance as she spitted back: “For the umpteenth time, I would have it…” She then turned to Discord who was helping himself to his own brand of bug attraction spray, “if a certain draconequus had given us the right spray!” “Well, you should have specified,” quipped the snide draconequus with a coy smile. “Ugh, what does Fluttershy see in you?” “More than you, Miss Boastful.” With a growl, Trixie was about to lunge when Starlight dashed between her and Discord, hands extended to distance them. “Discord,” Starlight stated, “Trixie is clearly annoyed with you not giving her the proper protection from these Flyders and would appreciate if you give her it.” “Well, I just might consider…if she apologizes for calling me an ill-mannered deformity.” “No chance in Tartarus!” rebuked the boastful counselor. “I’ve nothing to apologize for; you’d deserved it!” Starlight exaggeratedly bemoaned. “I forgot how exhausting guidance counseling is.” As everybody complained on, Flurry turned her attention to Sunset hugging herself in self-comfort. She then glance at her aunt still undeterred before returning to the former. She didn’t want to do it, but after Adagio’s low blow, it was time to unleash Cupid Heart. Trixie, turning her head, stopped to be right next to Sunset in sympathy and decided to lend a hoo-, er hand as well. The princess gave the counselor a bold nod that the latter returned. “So…,” Trixie began, her voice trailing as she waited for Sunset to turn towards her, “The Great and Counseling Trixie would like to know about your feelings for Twilight.” Sunset’s eyes went wide and looked at Lulamoon with dry emotions. “What’s it to you?” Brushing off Sunset’s comment, Flurry made their case. “What’s it to us is that we know where your feelings come from so I can precisely determine the perfect way for you to express your romantic feelings towards my aunt, thus giving you both the maximum happiness possible.” Sunset and Trixie stared at Flurry with confusion at the princess’ statement. Seeing this, she giggled mirthfully. “My aunt’s brainiac talk’s been rubbing off on me.” Still distraught, Sunset found it in her to manage a small laugh before recounting her emotions. “Well, I’m pretty sure it all began when I was still the bad girl. When I first saw her as a human, I didn’t immediately recognize her, but I found her rather adorably *ahem* hot.” She blushed as Trixie nodded. “But it was just hatred back then, only until my new leaf along with the Sirens did I really feel…warm around Twilight, like I could relate to her on some levels. In fact, we were at a sleepover and we talked about how everybody always looked to her for answers instead of thinking she wouldn’t find them, and I felt this twinge of empathy between us. Ever since then, I always found Twilight to be my very best friend. We’ve went back and forth through our journals, telling each other secrets never told, sharing friendship lessons, and got a bit more * sigh* personal.” Exchanging looks with Flurry, Trixie returned to Sunset, delicacy in her tone. “Care to define? I’m not pushing; it’s only your choice.” Turning to Trixie, Sunset felt warm. She saw on rare occasion back in high school Trixie’s more sentimental side overshadowed by her arrogance. But when Lulamoon displayed such traits, it was done with absolute sincerity. Shimmer was touched to see the “manipulative blowhard” pony display mature and honest comfort. Sighing once more, Sunset explained. “You see, before I came here, I was the one daughter of unicorn drifters who came to Canterlot for high-paying jobs. My mom, Sunray Shimmer, was about three weeks due with me when they arrived and were given a home by Celestia herself. Once settled in, they immediately sought out enough money for ends meet, Five days after that, April 19th, my mom went into labor just when my dad, Sunrise, finally landed a job as an elite accountant. She was rushed to the hospital and…” Sunset paused to let out a long, shaky sigh. Trixie rubbed Sunset’s back tenderly as the latter continued. “Mom didn’t make it pass the delivery and Dad, tired of the bad luck, took a scalpel and…” To make her point, Sunset move her fist to her throat as if holding something and shakily motioned it across her neck, imitating a slitting action. Seeing the display, Flurry and Trixie exchanged shocked looks as Sunset cried fresh tears over her late family. “Celestia took me in, trained me in magic, and in return, I threw it all away, all because of-.” Sunset broke down entirely as she placed her hands to cover her eyes. Not thinking, Trixie turned her back comfort to a full-blown hug, both women sinking to the ground to melt into the embrace. Flurry stopped as well, feeling to join, but decided against it as it was between the counselor and the counseled. Stopping in her tracks, Twilight turned to see what was going on and saw her sobbing crush with the rest watching on in concerned. Twilight was uncertain to believe the tears. Even with her hardened emotions melting a bit, she’d seen Sunset kiss Adagio and was uncertain to believe if Sunset were either guilting her back to her side or genuinely upset. “Quite fitting, huh?” Sunset simply choked through tears. “Born to no family and dead with no family?” “That’s up to you, Sunset,” Trixie whispered comfortably. Sunset looked up at Trixie with bloodshot eyes. “Don’t get me wrong; I’m no psychiatrist; I’m simply trying to find the ‘why’ of your crush. When you first met Twilight, you saw her as relatable, feelings that grown more intimate when you turned over, yes?” Answering, Sunset barely nodded her head. Cupping her chin, Trixie smiled before going on. “Now again, this is just an amateur opinion, but…after your parents, you couldn’t make a strong bond with Celestia because you weren’t on equal footing with her; you wanted somepony that was. You wanted somepony who was understanding and compassionate enough to be by you. And you saw that somepony in Twilight, right?” Alright, Sunset thought Trixie was okay, but putting things together like that, she was starstruck. So, lips forming a wavy smile, she hugged the counselor more tightly, who shortly returned the embrace. Sunset broke the hug and looked at the magician with a thanking smile, the latter wiping a few loose tears and glancing at Twilight who seem to be in regret. Suddenly, a rustle broke the moment. Catching on quick, Trixie helped Sunset, who wiped her tears and composed herself for what’s next, up to her feet as the rest looked at the bushes and dark forest trees for the disturbance that disturbed the tender moment. A few moments of silence broke, sweat beating down them all and the princesses taking fighting stances, wings expanded. Taking a step forward, Tempest placed a hand to an ear towards the source. Another rustle was heard, louder than the first, followed by a growl. “They’re right there,” Tempest pointed towards a few insects and squirrels scurried away. Preparing for the possible fight, Tempest, Trixie, and Starlight charged up their cutie mark, Discord snapped a metal pack onto his back with a blaster-like nozzle, Spike‘s jaw went alight with his dragon fire, and Sunset activated her geode to pony-up again, the princesses already prepared. All eight Equestrians were charged, waiting for a fuse to light. A third, even louder rustle followed by a second louder growl. The fuse was lit. Tempest unleashed a battle cry as she charged towards the bushes, the rest following her and ready to fight for their lives against whatever. The thing suddenly pounced out of the bushes onto Sunset, pinning to the ground… …and kissing her all over the face. Opening her eyes in surprise, she finally saw her assailant was just canine Spike with a pack Sunset recognized as his travel pack from Twilight strapped onto his back. Realizing the lack of danger, she helped herself up on her elbows. “O-Okay, Spike, I’m happy to see you, too.” she giggled as the canine’s playful kisses continued and she repeatedly petted his fur. The two remained that way until they saw the onlooking expressions of the rest. Of all faces from both parties, Sunset had the feeling that the “most-shocked” award went to both Spikes, considering the confused and shock ways they eyed each other up and down, while herself, Twilight, and Starlight held no surprise as they’d grown used to it. Finally breaking the stunned silence, Flurry uttered towards the dog: “Uncle Spike?” “Heh, Spike, I like you to meet Princess Flurry Heart, Captain Tempest Shadow, Trixie, Discord, and yourself of Equestria.” Sunset introduced as she gestured towards the respective. “Buongiorno,” Spike the Dog spoke as he offered a paw to the still stunned silent Equestrians. Wanting to show some decency, Flurry descended, knelt down and shook the talking canine’s paw slow and steady while trying to hide her shock with a creeped smile. Discord, however, didn’t hide his excitement. “A talking dog!” he proclaimed ecstatically while getting rid of his pack. “Finally, something truly chaotic you humans do not see 24/7!!” Rolling their eyes at the Chaos God’s comment, Twilight and Sunset returned their attention to the dog. “How did you find us, Spike?” Sunset asked her mascot. “Well,” the canine explained, “I was just conversing with Owlowiscious for sixteen minutes about how to explain making a cake to Timber when Twilight’s instruments detected what she would call an anomaly on Restaurant Row. So gearing up, I followed it, which led me from your little throwdown in the city to you guys here-.“ Out of the blue, Spike’s pack hissed open with a couple of clicks from inside and from it emerged an old friend of Sunset’s: a light-yellow leopard gecko with black spots. “Ray!?” Sunset proclaimed with joy as the leopard gecko jumped from the pack onto Sunset’s outstretched palms. The gesture of her pulling Ray close to her cheek and feeling his head rubbed against it was an image that Twilight found adorable. “With a stowaway,” finished the mascot with a flat expression that was overlapped by the girls’ cooing. “Oh, you sneaky gecko, again for me?” Sunset asked her companion, to which he responded with a lick of his left eye. Since Sunset’s Twilight blues began, the leopard gecko’d devoted every waking moment to make sure Sunset wasn’t lonely. When Sunset preferred solitude at first, Ray resorted to sneaking within her satchel wherever she was going: school, the supermarket, or just hanging with the Humane 7. At first, it grew to be annoying, but over time, Sunset really enjoyed the gecko’s attempts to keep her beaming. Unfortunately, he wasn’t quick enough to catch Sunset leaving for school before this whole fiasco. When she failed to return home after school, Ray was able to make his way towards Twilight’s house for help and jumped into Spike’s pack before he made his way to Everfree. After finally getting the pack to open on the inside, he was jubilant to see his owner again, a feeling clearly mutual. Sunset was content with embracing her pet for a while longer, until she saw everyone’s reactions. Sunset quickly flashed a blush ready to say something out of embarrassment until Twilight’s reaction of such a cute sight quickly changed her mind. Finding her manners, Sunset moved her companion towards the rest and began introductions again. “Everyone, Ray; Ray, everyone.” The gecko gave a lick to his right eye as a “hello,” to which everyone else returned. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Turning their heads up, the heroes quickly saw a trio of snapped-off trees being thrown right at them! Moving quickly out of the way, the Fellowship were divided by the last tree: Sunset, Ray, Flurry, Equestrian Spike and Trixie on the left, Twilight, Discord, Starlight, doggy Spike, and Tempest on the right. All looking ahead of what could’ve threw the trees, their answer was given when Flores emerged, tendrils armed with thorns, side-heads morphed into flytraps, and vine legs bending for a leap towards the Twilight squad, who instantly ponied-up. The group moving quickly, Twilight and doggy Spike were barely able to avoid the crushing weight of the monster’s moss and leaf covered body. Despite a lack of eyes, it knew where its quarry stood as it extended two smaller vines towards the two, only to be saved by Tempest’s directed blasts, blowing the vines to small bits. She, however, failed to notice a smaller vine slithering underneath that tangled her leg, lifting her up and simply throwing her aside to a tree. Seeing this, Twilight quickly gestured towards Sunset. “Sunset, get Flurry outta here!! We’ll handle this!!” shouted the Princess of Friendship with evident concern as she expanded her wings and charged herself. Heads to the older princesses, Sunset turned a fierce expression towards the plant beast while Flurry glued attention to her aunt. “No!!” retorted the Princess of Love. “I’m tired of running from the fight.” Cracking each of her clenched knuckles and neck, Flurry spread her wings and charged her hands. She flew herself into the air and unleashed a combined magic blast to the beast’s unbloomed flower head. This only aggravated it as it countered with shooting thorns from a tendril to the young princess. Heart was more agile than expected as she expertly dodged all five thorns graceful. Flores instead refocused assault onto the Equestrians on the ground as it sensed Trixlight blasting at it behind a huge black tree. Having gotten attention, the two looked on with shock as one flytrap swooped in for the kill. Reacting quick, they’d dived apart as the mouth snapped off the big tree like a twig. Watching this display, doggy Spike darted eyes at the mouth as it recoiled for another attack towards Trixlight. Though never in a situation like this, Spike was always ready to put Twilight and his family before his own and bite back. Preparing to pounce, Spike growled aggressively and sprint towards the mouth as it attacked Trixlight and Discord, soon running alongside the flying Equestrian Spike. Moving close, both saw Flores struggling to release its flytrap from a tangle of vines. Apparently, the prey had lured the plant monster into a small trap. Seizing the opportunity, both Spikes charged onward. Equestrian Spike unleashed his fiery fury onto the trapped trap as doggy Spike went away with biting at it with all of his jaw strength. Though he simply gnawed pieces of the monster’s arm off, it didn’t derail him from protecting his friends, especially when Flores unleashed several smaller tendrils to swat them off. Despite getting a few good hits at the dragon-dog duo, Flores had lost his bout with them as they successfully took his arm off. As the two attacked, the princesses and Sunset tended to the pained Tempest who struggled to get up. Even with her training, Grogar’s walking house plant outbested the Crystal Captain herself and left her with several broken bones. Flurry brought herself under her captain’s right arm to keep her up, Starlight rushing by to support the left. “We need to do something about this walking flower and quick!” Sunset blurted. “Why not get Discord to bring out his weed killer?” vehemently suggested Trixie. “Well, I- “began the Lord of Chaos before Flores cut him off and grabbed him by the foot. Turning as Discord was swiftly pulled away, the heroes saw Flores with Equestrian Spike in its grasp as well as it roared ferociously at them. The Spikes had peeved the plant off. As doggy Spike dashed to his friends’ side, the vicious plant threw his constricted victims over the distance and swatted away the doggy. Twilight shot up to save her friends in her telekinetic magic midair, only for Flores to deliver a curled up vine straight into the princess’ face. Watching her crush and her friends fall out of the sky, Sunset ragefully turned to Flores, hands engulfed by magic, and delivered a powerful beam straight at the curled up vine, shredding it and the rapidly regenerating flytrap to bits. Her angered assault did nothing more than peeve the plant off more as another small vine wound up and pitched the remaining heroes into the dark woods. Coming down onto some soft underbrush, Sunset quickly brushed regained her footing and looked over her shoulder for Ray. A quick jolt of panic dripped down her spine and she turned her head for her pet, only for the gecko to emerge from her ponytail, safe and unharmed. Extending her palms for him to jump onto, Sunset and Ray embraced the moment they shared until Flores returned for the hunt. Step by step towards the pair, Flores bared its jaws, preparing for the kill, and would’ve succeed in eating them if not for the timely arrival of Starlight with a handful of underbrush tied to a large branch, the underbrush lit with fire from Glimmer’s headband. Seeing this, the plant recoiled in fear. Sensing fear, Starlight threw her fire right at the beast’s unbloomed flower head, causing it to screech in pain. As it continued, Starlight helped Sunset up to her feet, who gave a thanking smile to the Headmare. However, moments like this seemed to last no more than seconds for those heroes as they found themselves lifted up by their feet off the ground by more vines. And with another furious roar, the two were thrown back to meet with the others, coming down into a mud puddle. Rushing to their immediate aid were Trixie and Twilight, helping up their respective crushes. As Sunset brushed off the mud, she looked over the distance she was thrown at, her eyes shrinking in shock upon seeing the complete lack of Flores walking towards them. Flores’ disappearance wasn’t missed by the rest as Flurry with Spike helped Tempest, headband pulsing as well as Trixlight’s, up to her feet, one hand supporting her captain and the other charged, Discord snapping his blaster pack again with two cans of weed killer inserted into it, and Twilight standing next to Sunset with her hands stretched towards some rocks ready to be thrown, while the latter had her hands firmly raised for another bout. The collective tension between the heroes was but heart-racing. Knowing their grounds, they turned to face every direction possible, sweat beads dripping down, not risking being caught off-guard again. The possibility of Flore popping out from anywhere was-. CRACK!!! Before anybody could react, the ground in their little circle cracked open with massive roots spurting out that quickly took the form of Flores roaring in fury at the heroes. Thorned tendrils surfaced and were just one aggravating action away from being shot. And they provided just that. Thought taken aback from the surprise, they resolved to attack the household plant. The princesses quickly flew high above to attack the plant beast with rocks and magic while dodging thorns, Trixie, Starlight, Tempest, and Spike gave their all towards the legs and thorned tendrils, and Sunset and Discord unleashed powerful magic onto the snapping mouths threatening to snap them dead. Despite attention stretched among fighting the Fellowship, Flores did not relent. Eventually, the assault came to an end when it secretly drilled more tendrils underneath the ground shooters, emerging to constrict them. Witnessing it, Discord was open for attack as Flores slammed him down hard to the ground. Rushing to Discord’s aid, Twilight and Flurry assaulted the plant, backup provided by Sunset. Efforts, however, were in vain as the plant quickly shot more veins onto the princesses’ feet and hurled them right at Sunset. After colliding with a tree, the three girls looked up and saw themselves the last ones standing against Grogar’s pet. Regaining their footing, they prepared themselves as Flores advanced on them. Eyeing two boulders, Twilight effortlessly lifted them from the earth and hurled them towards her enemy. Flurry and Sunset joined the assault when they joined their magical strike as one. Unfortunately, Flores was more intelligent than given credit, as its flytraps easily caught both boulders and used them to shield from the combined blast. The result turned the rocks to dust and left it unharmed. The trio was left stunned senseless. It was at this point they knew that they were screwed. And how right they were. Wasting no time, Flores quickly constricted them within veins once more and lifted them to its face. Making sure they couldn’t escape, the veins restrained all hands from using magic and began to choke them to keep them from using their marks. Flores wasn’t believing that it had all of Grogar’s enemies at its mercy. It could imagine their lives being squeezed away, reviling in the glory of being immortalized as Grogar’s go-to monster. It squeezed its victims even harder, enjoying their struggles and leaving them powerless at his mercy. It roared triumphantly. A high-pitched whistle broke through the roar and all sentient creatures turned their attention to the source, finding a person cladded in a cloak of black and white with a satchel. Once seeing the plant monster’s attention towards it, the stranger then drew a pair of potions from the satchel onto the creature’s constricting veins. Meeting with the potions, the veins withered and died, ultimately saving the seven heroes from Flores’ grasp. Roaring in anguish, Flores directed a flytrap straight to the savior, only to have it severed by a second stranger with a sword. Glaring daggers at the second stranger, the plant monster shot its other flytrap to the warrior. However, Warrior proved quicker, jumping onto the tendril and rushing his way up towards Flores’ head. To derail its assailant, Flores spat out destructive spores and whipped up a rejuvenated flytrap as an extra measure. It didn’t make within three feet, however, as the first stranger threw another potion at the flytrap, causing the same reaction as the veins as Warrior sliced up the spores. None of the Equestrians could believe what they were bearing witness to. They saw two unknown people going up against one of Grogar’s latest beasts. And they were winning. Everyone there was wondering who the hay they were. Some out of time humans from medieval ages? Crazy wood people? Equestrians? Whoever they were, Sunset and Twilight would be thankful towards the duo once they got out of their situation. Finally making his way on top of Flores’ head, Warrior quickly tied up the beast’s mouth with the rope that was lassoed around his waist. The action, however, did little to quell the beast’s anger as it tried to shake the warrior off wildly, an action that reminded Sunset of human Applejack riding mechanical bulls. Despite struggles, he held onto his ground. The more the Warrior held on, the harder the plant struggled. Eventually, the rope snapped off and Flores let out an angered roar. However, Warrior wasn’t derailed as he nodded to the first stranger, who returned it. Reaching into the satchel, Savior threw yet another potion to Warrior. Holding onto the beast’s upper lip, Warrior caught the potion with his free hand. Once he removed the cork with his mouth, he emptied the contents down Flores’ throat. Moments passed until Flores squirmed wildly, roaring in vehement pain as Warrior jumped off of the head. Once landing, he, his friend, and the Fellowship could simply watch as Flores took the potion’s full effect. Its green bark rapidly became gray and cracked, all tendrils and thorns withered and snapped off, and Flores itself finally shrank down into a withered, dead plant that shortly crumbled to dust. Seeing this, everyone was in shock and awe at what had happened. They just saw two strangers they just met in the woods turn one of Grogar’s latest monsters into a withered plant. Yet there was the question over identity. Who were they and how did they know how to beat Flores? Turning to face Sunset and the princesses, Warrior walked towards them, sword still in hand. Tempest, seeing this, felt a rush of protective adrenaline to attack him, but the collect of her broken bones and Starlight and Trixie holding her back kept her down. Even if she could manage, the second stranger lept in front of them as Discord limped his way alongside them. Spike and Tempest looked at the stranger with dagger eyes, cheeks glowing with fire and hair sparkling with magic. Seeing this, the first stranger simply lifted a hand. “There is no need to scowl with fear, for to help you all is why we’re here.” she voiced. That voice. That voice from the stranger came a surprise for some. Even the trio could hear from where they sat. The voice, the accent, the rhyming. They all heard it before; they’ve just yet to piece it together. After a few moments, Twilight and Spike brightened and gasped with recognition. Looking back at the two, Sunset wondered who they were gapping about, when the warrior punctured the ground with his sword, knelt down, and bowed towards the princesses. “My wife is right,” he finally spoke, “you are among friends.” And with that, the hoods were drawn back, and faces were revealed. The first stranger wasn’t very surprising as most of them had already knew who it was. Before them stood Zecora, their medicine zebra of Everfree. Everyone minus Sunset couldn’t see much difference between the human and zebra, as they shared the black-and-white color scheme, hair, dark-teal eyes, earrings, bracelets, and neck-rings. Nothing could’ve surprised them. Sunset couldn’t say much since she never met her in her life. It was her husband, however, that shook both her and the rest hard. Once he fully revealed his face, jaws and eyes grew wide and shocked. His features were that of grayish eyes, skin of light brown, ears slightly pointed by human standards, and brown hair that resembled a manticore’s mane. Though the differences between human and pony were plenty, Sunset, with a shared surprise amongst her colleagues, has read enough books to associate a well-illustrated person with the man who stood before her right now. The second stranger was…Scorpan. The gargoyle brother of the centaur Lord Tirek, Scorpan betrayed him to Celestia and Luna, accepting the ponies’ way and making friends with Starswirl before returning home. Sometime after Luna’s banishment, Celestia sought him out for condolence, only to find him mysteriously gone with no trace. News of his disappearance spread across Equestria. Rumors varied from him dying out to venturing beyond Equestria or especially to another dimension. Looking upon their faces, Scorpan realized that the Fellowship had so much to ask of him. So, turning to face his wife, who gave an understanding smile, he removed his sword and returned it to the holster on his back. “You will have your answers soon.” stated he. “For now, let us take you home.” Scene Twenty-One: Scorpan’s Story The ten-minute walk to the duo’s home was one of stunned silence. As much as he expected them to babble madly, Scorpan was surprisingly pleased to hear nothing from his guests. Since it has been, for them, centuries since anypony had seen him, he had imagined himself being assaulted with many, many questions by modern ponies about his life before and after his significant betrayal. However, the current ruler of Equestria and her subjects showed no interest in engaging in immediate questioning, clearly waiting to do so once they got to the Everfree house. Not surprising for them, Sunset, Twilight, and the rest still had to endure, with the addition of carrying the bruised Tempest, the same annoyances of Everfree. Flyders, poison ivy, and roots just unearthed behind shrubbery, however, were paid not much attention as Scorpan’s appearance was hogging it all. Zecora turned her head solely to glance at the shocked and questioning looks of her new guests. They were just too silly to resist smiling to. She turned to her husband. “You must have left home for so long,” she rhymed, “that ponies there gapping follow along.” He bemusedly smiled. “I apologize, my dear, but I have made quite an impact.” The two shared a laugh. Sunset, seeing this, was in complete awe of meeting a legendary figure, as much as Discord, Twilight, Starlight, Trixie, and Flurry. Scorpan’s actions against Tirek was so influential that it inspired the first ideals of befriending creatures outside Equestria. Placing a hand as to whisper, she turned to the Lord of Chaos. “All those years of gaining wisdom,” Sunset questioned in awe, “and you never thought Scorpan would come to this dimension?” “Jinkies!” cried out the annoyed draconequus. “Why is everybody grilling me lately? I never cared about him then; also, it was not in my script.” He made his point by showing Sunset a transcript that read: Twiset Shimarkle (Discord Variety). Sunset acknowledged his statement with a pursed lip and nod. “Guys,” Twilight giddily cut in, “do you know how big an honor it is to meet Scorpan himself!?” Her voice grew a higher pitch as she voiced her excitement quietly. “Meeting him now is a grand opportunity to know more of his biography! Could help me connect some of the facts Starswirl shared with me!” “I doubt that’s much compared to my knowledge on him.” commented Sunset. Twilight turned to her with a gasp of ecstaticity, a grin looking to kill Sunset with cuteness. The Equestria Girl looked away before she nervously offered: “I’d be happy to tell you-.” “Oh yesyesyesyesyes!!” The Princess of Equestria jubilantly jumped in acceptance without letting Sunset finish. Her expression quickly changed to embarrassment once she saw Scorpan’s face and realized how loud she was. She expected him to be some kind of historical Equestrian figure with a heart of stone whose years of loneliness and hard decisions would make him difficult to fully understand. However, those suspicions were trashed when he mirthfully laughed. “Your excitement will be rewarded soon, Your Highness,” he promised the princess before returning attention forward, missing Twilight beaming with excitement. Sunset could not deny loving Twilight’s geeking out. It was one of her favorite things about the pony princess; exactly speaking, ranking fourth in her list of the top five traits about Twilight she loved. Seeing this also gave her a feeling of hope; that maybe she could still find the courage to tell Twilight how much she loved her and apologize for the Adagio kiss. But this wasn’t some teenage sitcom or buddy cop movie where words alone could just win a crush back over; this was reality. And right now, the reality was Sunset and Twilight in their 40’s, dealing with adult problems that require adult solutions. Sunset Shimmer had to think this mess of hers through like an adult. Looking back at Ray on her shoulder, she exhaled as she adjusted her satchel strap. “Welcome, friends anew, to our nice, little brew.” Zecora announced. Snapping out of her thoughts, Sunset gaped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scorpan. Before seeing it, she expected their home to be one solely of vines and sticks from that one film about kids forming their own society before descending into anarchy, until now. Now it reminded her of that village from a space movie with the tiny space bears. From Twilight and Spike’s eyes, the centerpiece of the home was like Zecora’s hut from Equestria, only bigger and more like a well-kept married couple house than a voodoo hut. It was a large golden oak tree with multiple decks and platforms surrounding it. Connecting them to the hut were bridges and ladders lined with tied gems that glimmered in the night. From the Fellowship’s current spot, they could see traits of a regular house: an outdoor kitchen, bedrooms preached high in the trees, and they couldn’t decide which, a personal workout area or some sort of karate training floor. Still taking in the sight, the Fellowship soon followed their saviors inside. Everyone saw that the interior was like a well-kept married couple house, only primitive. The smoothed bark walls were lined with couple pictures, the floors were smoothly polished, the furniture was crudely made of underbrush and twigs, and light was provided from the gems strung from the ceiling. “Please make yourselves at home,” offered the gargoyle-turned-human. Seizing the opportunity, Trixie and Discord flopped down onto the couch, sighing in sweet relief after the recent fight and walk there. Starlight was about to sit right next to Trixie until doggy Spike jumped and curled onto the underbrush. So, she instead sat on the armrest. Meanwhile, Flurry and Spike tenderly placed Captain Shadow onto the armchair just across from the sofa, Tempest slightly grunting in pain as they did so. Before she could completely abandon her friend, Flurry found a nearby footstool placed next to the four feet tall bookshelf. Looking over to Scorpan, she gestured to the stool to ask if she could use it. He gave a dismissive wave with his hand, which the Crystal Princess took as a “go-ahead.” Wasting zip time, Flurry lifted Tempest’s feet off the ground for a moment until she got the footstool under them. Glancing at her captain, she saw a thankful smile cladded onto the older woman, to which she warmly returned. Entering the home, Twilight and Sunset (deciding to still stand) were surprised by how the gargoyle managed to turn an average tree of the forest into such a livable home. Such a place would make a pleasant location to raise a family. It had practically everything needed: ample food, safe shelter, and more than enough room. Lost in thoughts, Sunset and Twilight separately both imagined themselves raising a child of their own and using that tree as a good example for a nice home. If they could hear each other’s thoughts right now, they’d be madly blushed. For they were thinking themselves married…to each other. “Snap out of it!” screamed Spike, breaking their trains of thoughts. Shaking their heads with embarrassment, Sunlight looked at the annoyed Spike. “Did you hear Zecora? She’d asked if we needed anything.” Looking back towards Zecora and Spike, they quickly responded in unison: “No thanks, we’re good!” The medicine woman gave a smile as she removed her cloak and hanged it onto the coat rack on the wall. She then made her way to the stairway leading up to the kitchen. “I will fix you all my best remedy,” she rhymed, “while my love recounts the events of his journey.” And with that, she made her way up. Scorpan sighed as his wife escaped his vison and took his chair up against wall. Twilight and Sunset looked at each other, wondering how human Zecora was so lucky to land herself with the Traitor of Tirek. They’d’ve asked each other how lucky they feel with each other, but they saw Scorpan turn to his guests with a look of anticipation for their rapid-fire questions. “Please,” he allowed with hand waves, ready for the bombardment of questions. Trixie was the first to speak. “I think I speak for us all when I say:” Trixie stopped to breath in before continuing, “who are you?” “WHAT!?!” Everyone minus the couple and doggy Spike exclaimed collectively. Apparently, Tirek’s brother was missed by the arrogant magician. “Trixie, are you freaking kidding?!” shouted an annoyed Starlight who spat fire into Lulamoon’s face. “You can’t be serious when you say you’ve never heard of Scorpan!” “There is no need to be angry, Miss Glimmer,” Scorpan calmly stated over Starlight. Turning to the legend himself, she blushed vibrantly before turning to glare at Trixie again. “I am willing to share all details about my life after Tirek.” At that, everyone minus doggy Spike, Ray, and Trixie beamed with excitement and gathered in silent wait like around a campfire. Flurry grabbed a pillow and hugged it tight, Tempest smiled flatly, ready for what she’s about to hear, Equestrian Spike and Starlight had their hands on their cheeks holding back giddy smiles, and Discord, Twilight, and Sunset were beaming with shimmering eyes and gaping mouths, clearly the most excited. Taking in their excitement, Scorpan exhaled and began his tale. “Years after my brother’s defeat and living amongst ponies, I have returned to my kingdom just as my father Vorak and mother Haydon reclaimed the throne from Tirek’s coup. I remember how excited I was to share your customs with my people. But…it was not how I envisioned it. While grateful for stopping Tirek, Vorak was not pleased with how I have chosen to adjust to your customs than accept the throne. I tried and pleaded for Father to make friends with you, but he refused, feeling Tirek had disgraced them and made ponies fear and hate us. Disgraced, I left to walk the world. “Throughout my journey, I have met and befriended many creatures and ponies alike, made the first interracial friendships between ponies and creatures. I even managed to fund and open a school for all creatures under the E.E.A.’s noses.” Twilight looked at the warrior with stunned eyes, feeling connected to him on a level. “But I also had my fair share of monsters and enemies, some I felt to be reasonable to follow the Elements of Friendship, most, however, called it an illusion, seeking only power for themselves. Doing so was through many powerful relics that I have collected to keep them away from those with sinister agendas. “Eventually, I found myself…empty. I had travelled all over the land, I have seen everything as the world changed, and done about everything. I found myself without any more reason to continue. For a moment, I just thought of…ending it there. “Until I felt a magical surge. “I felt it pulling me to the land you now call Trotland. Once there, I found a simple portal. I didn’t know what kind it was or where it led to. Yet, like a youngling, I felt pulled to it. And how my curiosity repaid me. “Emerging from the other side, I was somehow in Canterlot, only it lacked…the royal treatment. Venturing around, I soon knew it as an alternate world. I soon had to adapt into it, took up many personas with my name as a family name, took up many occupations, taught the values of life to poor unfortunate souls, and survived a magicless world.” Scorpan was about to continue when Zecora came in with a tray of sizzling cups. “I mean not to interrupt the tale of being, but please drink to stop the pain from increasing.” she rhymed as she placed the tray in front for everyone to take a cup. When she got to doggy Spike, she brought down a bowl onto the floor for him, the latter jumping off the couch for it, with Starlight taking the seat next to Trixie, who simply blushed lightly. Flurry Heart was given two cups since Tempest couldn’t retrieve her own with her broken arm. Everyone looked down at their cups and saw the contents to be a dark green with unidentified ingredients. Giving glances to each other, everyone took a sip of their cups (Flurry pressed Tempest’s cup to her lips so to drink) and smack their mouths for the taste. A few seconds passed before Trixie, Discord, doggy Spike, and Starlight cringed at the taste. Twilight, Sunset, Equestrian Spike, Flurry, and Tempest didn’t mind it, however, as they grew used to it. “It’s not perfect, I can understand, but as least, you’ll be able to still stand.” Everyone chuckled for a moment before returning attention to their co-host. “As you three should know,” he claimed gesturing to Twilight, Sunset, and Spike, “after the Fall Formal over sixteen years led to the Sirens emerging, I scoured the globe in search of any magical enemies who had also been banished from Equestria. It was only until I returned and met Zecora did I realize Grogar’s presence in this world. For within the depths of this forest, his Bewitching Bell incased in a defensive magic sphere, child’s play by my standards.” “Waitwaitwaitwait, time out,” interjected Discord, “You found the Bell?!” To that, Scorpan simply smiled. “And, like the rest of my collected relics, kept it safe from the King of Monsters himself. Ever since, I have lived within this Forest to guard it from all who would maliciously use it. You are all fortunate that you are here to use it for Equestria’s benefit.” Twilight stopped short of another sip when she heard that last part. “Wait, how did you know-?” “Let us not discuss how here, Your Highness,” he insisted as he got up off the chair. “All of your compatriots are probably tired and wish to rest.” He then made his way to the right stairs. “But if you wish to continue, we can take this somewhere else.” At that and placing her remedy cup on the bookshelf, Twilight beamed again with a quiet squeal as she approached him, only to stop short of a foot when she turned to face Sunset who was kneeling down at doggy Spike and giving him the I.D.O.B. in his pack. Turning to see her crush looking at her, Sunset thought of turning away from her crush, but she couldn’t break her gaze away when she remembered just how magnificent Twilight was, from her comet tail hair and sparkling violet eyes as sweat beaded down her forehead visible to Twilight . “Would you like to join us, Sunset?’ ask the Princess timidly with a blush coloring her soft lavender skin. Eyes shooting from one person to the next, Sunset knew that everyone, especially Scorpan, Zecora, and Flurry (who was no surprise), wanted them to just do it, yet Sunset didn’t feel confident enough to do it now. She then glanced at Ray, who remained on her shoulder, for his opinion and took his eye lick as a sign of “do it.” However, she caught Zecora collecting cups from the finished Equestrians, Sunset broke from her thoughts, downed her remedy, grabbed Twilight’s unfinished cup, and responded: “No thank you, Twi. I’d like to, but this is between you and Scorpan, so I’m sure Zecora won’t mind if I help with the cups, do you?” She turned to the married woman anxiously. Looking at the bacon-haired girl blankly, Zecora simply shrugged before collecting Trixie’s cup. Working quick, she gathered Tempest’s and Flurry’s with her fingers and held them upward. She then shuffled her feet to walk right behind the remedy maker as they worked their way up to the kitchen, leaving a slightly dejected Twilight to watch the teacher go. Turning her gaze back, Twilight halfheartedly gestured him to lead the way, to which he abide tenderly after seeing the display. She followed not far behind, hearing footsteps and seeing Spike following her up. Seeing their co-host gaining speed, she picked up her speed with Spike following suit. Shifting gazes between the left and right ascensions, Flurry looked in disappointment at what had happened. Solidifying a determined face, she gave Tempest one last glance before she bolted for the kitchen stairs, leaving her captain with Starlight, Trixie, doggy Spike, and Discord. Tempest looked at them, her face asking them if they had any ideas of what to do now. “Well, I don’t know ‘bout you guys,” announced doggy Spike as he marked his spot on the smoothed floor before stretching and yawning, “but I’m calling it a night.” And with that, he plopped and curled down into a ball and snoozed away. One by one, the rest fell into the irresistible urge to sleep as the Sunlight drama continued upstairs. Scene Twenty-Two: The Elephant in the Woods “Why am I so terrible at this, lately!?” groaned Sunset. On the way to the kitchen, there was a very uncomfortable between Sunset and Zecora. The former tried her absolute dangest to play it cool, while the latter had already seen through the cover. It wasn’t until they’d reached the kitchen did the mask come off. As Zecora emptied the still full cups into an empty bowl before cleaning them with a bowl of water, Sunset helped passed them to the remedy brewer, trying to hide the pain. That is, until Zecora weaved: “The more you conceal your pain, the more you cause others pain.” And with that, Sunset went on a tireless, self-loathing rant about “how stupid” she is at just admitting real feelings and mustering the courage to do so. “I’ve dealt with worse than this!” complained Sunset as she paced back and forth as the cleaning continued. “I’ve fought Sirens, magically corrupted people, a freak storm, and, on top of them all, a freaking principal who pressured one of my friends into releasing contained magic just to win a game! My friends and me did it all together and we turned out alright, and yet, I CAN’T TELL THE PRINCESS I LOVE I LOVE HER!!” Zecora was just in quiet understanding, smiling and nodding as she listened, for she, too, knew what it was like to struggle with saying thatthree-word-sentence and spilling her heart’s emotions onto her crush. When she first met Scorpan, he was suffering from Poison Joke. The flower somehow managed to strip the alien from another world of his immortality and, at the same time, he was bitten by a mouse spider. Founding him near-death in the woods, she cured him of both the venom and the Poison Joke with her remedies. Once he managed to get his longevity back, he was grateful towards her and offered to help her with her medicines. During that time, she saw the best of him. He was honest, kind, empathetic, funny, loyal, and generous. Over time, he decided to stay with her full-time, to which she never minded at all. Soon enough, Scorpan came clean and told her everything about him from his heritage to his adventures. To prove his love, he fooled in Poison Joke again to remove his immortality. At first awestruck, she fully accepted his decision. Since then, they’ve been living a happily ever after. As she continued to hear Sunset’s lament, she spotted Pyro, her fire lizard, approaching, happy to see her again. Putting the cups down, the remedy brewer extended her hand for Pyro to jump onto before escalating him to her shoulder. She then returned to finish rinsing the cups before turning full attention to her complaining guest. “… you have any idea just how fracking frustrating it is to-?!” Sunset ranted before trailing off once seeing Pyro. She was surprised to see how Zecora had her own pet. Turning to see Ray curled up on her shoulder in dismay, she realized how bad her rant has upset her pet. So she gave him a finger to walk onto before she descended him onto the carved out counter, an action Zecora repeated with Pyro, leaving the two reptiles to get acquainted. “Sunset Shimmer,” the remedy maker explained as she placed the cups onto her tray and moved towards a left shelf before stacking them up, “love is mysterious, with one too many ways of being serious. With the right push and motivation, you’ll convince Twilight of your adoration.” Sunset looked on in confusion, ready to say something when Flurry explained. “She means do something that’ll get Twilight to love you back after that *ahem* kiss.” Zecora looked confused while Sunset looked with obvious annoyance. Seeing the younger woman’s face, Flurry blushed sheepishly. “I knew what she meant, sweetie,” Sunset clarified, “I just don’t get what kind of push I need to convince Twi.” * “I’m sorry you had to see that, Scorpan.” apologized the downhearted Twilight. Twilight, Spike, and Scorpan’s venture to the relic room was of uncomfortable silence. As he led the way, Twilight wasn’t far behind, arms lagging and dangling, faces miserable, and eyes shining with tears. Spike wanted to comfort her sister very badly, but he couldn’t get himself to do it. The Traitor of Tirek was nothing but silent through it all, face stoic but breaking within. Finally, they arrived at the door to the relic room. It appeared to have been a simple door, with no lock to secure it or no knob to open it. Spike, looking at Scorpan with confusion, was ready to question his style of security, only to take it back when the gargoyle lifted his arm to the door, magic emanated from his hand, and a click broke the silence. Briefly brushing off her discomfort, Twilight and Spike watched as Scorpan managed to unlock the seemingly unopenable door. As it creaked open, he explained what they just saw: “A simple spell that only responds to my magic alone.” Shaking off their surprise, the trio entered a room consumed entirely in black. Only seconds passed as Scorpan clapped his hands twice and the darkness was washed away by the orange glow of gemstones from the ceiling. What became visible now was unbelievable. Standing before Twilight and Spike was a small museum made up of long lost and never found Equestrian relics; relics that are only told in books and never seen in real life. The treasures on small podiums varied from powerful weapons, spellbinding books, and objects of amazing magical feats. Before moving to Ponyville, Twilight had read and dreamt of getting to see the relics up close and personal. Now there she was, years later, and her wish came true. But Twilight didn’t care about it anymore, as her Sunset troubles overcame her excitement. However, the crown jewel of Scorpan’s collection came to her attention in a clichéd accompaniment of light shining over it. Up against the far back of the room stood a podium displaying the infamous object of their quest: the Bewitching Bell. The two weren’t believing their eyes. They bared eyes onto the very object that nearly won the Legion of Doom the day once again. Only it was simply standing still, magicless. Trapped in their awed trances, they didn’t realize how close they were walking over to it as they gawked…until they both received a slight shock when they came within a foot of the Bell. Jolting back from their shock, they looked at Scorpan with surprise, wanting an explanation. “I apologize for not mentioning the protective spells placed on these artifacts,” their host amused with a small laugh, “but you two were so lost, I figured I would leave you to know yourselves.” “Wow,” Spike exclaimed. He then turned to Twilight. “Scorpan with a sense of humor.” Twilight simply shrugged. “Everything can be relevant.” She then turned to the humanoid gargoyle. “So, how long exactly did you have the Bell?” she meekly asked. “Immediately after your Advisor,” the Traitor gestured to Spike with his hand, “and Discord brought it to this world.” He then turned to his guests with gloom. “It was also then I realized Grogar’s presence here. Before his banishment, Grogar gave the Bell a piece of his essence that would enable the King to find it should they be separated. I had severed the connection, but I feared it would be inevitable that he would find us and regain his power.” Looking at the historical figure with a worrisome expression, Twilight spoke up. “We’re sorry for putting this much fear onto your shoulders. We never meant-.” “Do not.” Scorpan simply stated. The princess look on with fear of unintentionally angering him. Her fears were snuffed, luckily, when he turned to her with calmness. “I knew the consequences of such a task.” Twilight smiled warmly. “So, care to talk about…*ahem* …the elephant in the woods?” Catching on, her smile dropped, and she blushed darkly as Spike bit into his fingers to avoid laughing. * “Whattada mean you don’t have a plan?!” exclaimed the shocked Flurry. After Sunset stated that she didn’t know how to push, Flurry went on to explain that she know everything about Twilight. She went on to explain her aunt’s quirks, weak points, hobbies, mostly stuff that Sunset had already knew about. She wanted to explain but decided against it just to let Flurry have her moment. Then, Flurry went on to explain how the humanoid unicorn needed a well-thought-out, carefully planned plan to woo her lovely aunt effortlessly for just the moment they have now. Unfortunately for Flurry, Sunset revealed her lack of a plan. All while Zecora and the pets watched on. “I mean, I didn’t think I’d have to come up with one at this very moment.” Sunset barked in annoyance as she paced back and forth. “Not with Grogar and the Sirens and Scorpan popping outta nowhere just surprising me at every turn! In fact, who worries over romance when the fate of the world’s on your shoulder?!” She turned to Flurry with a half-crazed look. “Well…,” Flurry began as she rubbed her neck and darted her eyes from Sunset, “that’s practically, for me, every protagonist and his/her love interest in movies and books I’ve seen and read.” Sunset gave an incredulous and spoke with sarcasm. “And how many of those were NOT fairy tale fantasies or romantic comedies?” Flurry was about to respond, only to stop short. Sunset saw the princess process her question and knew she got her. A few moments later, Flurry hanged her defeated head. “Mmhmm, just what I thought.” She then shook her head back to topic. “Anyway, even if I did, how would I sweep her off her feet?” “That’d depend on how you sway her,” stated the young princess. “Get your head outta those cheesy romance stories, will ya?” “Hey, I’m only trying to help! No need to snip at my personal tastes.” “Sorry, but I’m being realistic here.” “If I may help with your dilemma,” Zecora suddenly spoked up, “you might find solace in your little drama.” She walked closer and closer to Sunset with unbreaking eyes, as if looking into the young unicorn’s soul. “Your aura is shadowed by insecurity, but your book might provide clarity.” “My book?” repeated the confused Sunset. Zecora simply gestured her hand towards Sunset’s satchel. Looking down on it, Sunset’s eyes lit up as she finally grasped the meaning. Unclasping it open, she rummaged through it a bit before pulling out something she hasn’t looked into for, to her, an eternity: her sketchbook. * “…and that’s the story of Sunlight so far.” Twilight finished with a sigh. Once the initial shock of Scorpan’s question passed, Twilight went on to tell the great Traitor about her bond with Sunset, the personal connections they made over the years and how guilty she’s been feeling as of late. Both men listened on with stern and understanding attention. Once Twilight was finished spilling her heart out, she rested herself onto the floor, knees bent to cover her face. “And you cannot bring yourself to admit to yourself after that brief judgement?” questioned the gargoyle with his most assuring voice manageable. In response to it, Twilight shook her head in a weak nod. “One kiss and I end up making Sunset think I hate her.” restarted the princess. “We’ve let each other in on many of our secrets for years, we’ve trusted each other very much, and, when I see her unintentionally kissing Adagio, I get all uptight about it. That Siren is a lot of things I wish to be for Sunset: sleek, sensual, a much better singing voice…” Watching the princess going on yet another ramble, Scorpan slowly turned to look at her Royal Advisor with an incredulous expression. Spike simply shrugged as he mouthed “you get used to it,” having had seen Twilight like that a thousand times before. “…I could understand why Sunset’d go for someone with those traits, but-. “Twilight stopped short as she ran her hands over her face and let out a mighty sigh before burying it in her knees. “Twilight, of all the ridiculous scenarios you could think of,” chuckled Spike as he walked towards his sister, “That’s the most ridiculous, even more than your “Magic Kindergarten” manure.” His chuckles lasted shortly once he noticed Twilight’s stern expression, reminding him of her good reason why she was all “Lesson Zero” then. Turning and clearing his throat, Spike continued: “My point being is that Adagio lacks one thing: your heart.” Hearing that made Twilight tilted her head up. “If Sunset is in love with you, then it’s not for your looks; it’s for your ideals and your heart. You saved her from going over the edge; she’d have to love you even more for that.” “I’d figured that, Spike, but it’s been Celestia knows how long since I last spoke with Sunset. For all I know, she was seeing other people while I was ruling Equestria.” “Well why don’t you ask her? Next time you see Sunset, ask her. You’ll never know unless you ask, right?” Twilight readied herself to make another counterpoint, but once she processed her little brother’s statement, she heaved another heavy sigh as she decided against arguing any further. Giving Spike a look of thankfulness, she then turned to Scorpan with the subject of Grogar’s Bell in mind. * “I’ve to give you credit, Sunset: these are spectacular,” comment Flurry. Once Sunset did the seemingly impossible task of opening the sketchbook again, nostalgia punched her right in the heart as she looked back on the good times. Her adventures and misadventures with the other Equestria Girls, the memories they’ve made together, the days when there was nothing but school and homework to worry over. Much simpler, easier times. Noting Flurry’s eagerness to look from her right, Sunset handed the young princess the book to look over her sketches that practically chronicled every significant event in Sunset’s life. Flurry was floored by it all: the attention to detail, the perfect color blends, the often shift from comic book to sketched-out portrait; it was all too amazing. Sunset chuckled a small chuckle. “Thank you, Flurry. But they’re not masterpieces; just part of a hobby of mine.” “Keep telling yourself that.” retorted the younger princess as she flipped over more pages. “I’m even surprised with how Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are a thing, as well Applejack and Rarity. Well, on-off in the latter’s case.” Sunset hummed in acknowledgement. Flurry’s page jumping stopped suddenly at one page. Turning her head towards the princess, Sunset wondered about the abrupt end, only to realize why once she gazed upon the pages. Seeing this reminded her just how romantically cheesy she was being when she done it; letting someone else see it would just make her seem that cheesy. But Flurry didn’t say anything; in fact, her face looked flustered. Taking up two pages was a romantic dinner setting sketch with Sunset and Twilight. The layout was that of a balcony by candlelight. Leading to the dinner table for two was a pathway occupied by lavender cherry blossoms and yellow sunflowers. Designed by Rarity herself and considered amongst her finest, Twi and Sun were both dressed in magnificent dresses that both matched their color schemes and brought out the very best of them. Hanging above them was what Flurry could think to be lanterns shaped just like the Crystal Heart, one that reflected off beams of sunlight from the setting sun as the coming twilight hovered above. More details were present, but Flurry’s mind was swimming with admiration and questions over the sketch’s beauty. “Oh, such amazing attention to details,” Zecora suddenly commented, “and color schemes weave a stunning tale.” Turning their heads, Sunset and Flurry saw the Everfree woman glancing down onto Sunset’s sketch, with Pyro and Ray on her shoulders, as well. Flurry shifted her head towards Sunset with starry eyes of wonderment. The older woman was blushing darkly, feeling she just unleashed something that’ll get the Cupid in Flurry scheming. Flurry’s mouth opened, ready to say something. “Listen, sweetie,” the older woman managed to stop the younger girl in the nick, “I really appreciate what I am very certain you are thinking right at this moment, but please, under any circumstances, don’t go and do something as long a shot as whatever it is you’re planning. Aunt Twilight doesn’t need getting all creeped over such a real-life, cheesy, romantic fantasy as what’s in the sketch. Twilight’s gonna be wooed off her feet, then it’ll be an original and realistic idea. Can I trust you to understand that, sweetie?” Flurry just stood in silence, processing everything Sunset kindly demanded from her. Though she was used to being told not to play Cupid Heart, Sunset’s demand was made so amazingly stern that Flurry’s parents’d be floored. On the other hand, Sunset was hoping that she didn’t sound so demanding that she’d upset the princess. Shaking off her blank expression, the Crystal princess looked at Sunset eye straight and responded with: “I very much understand, Miss Shimmer. I’m sorry if you thought I was gonna go nuts with matchmaking. I’ll leave it to the grown women.” Sunset gave a warm smile at Flurry’s understanding. And before the princess could do anything else, Sunset advanced forward and covered the latter in a warm embrace. Blinking in shocked for a few moments, Flurry melted into the hug and returned it. Eventually, the two pulled apart. Seeing the sketchbook still in hand, Flurry handed it over to Sunset with a warm smile. To her surprise, Sunset didn’t take it. “I think you should have it, my dear,” Sunset offered as she gently pushed it back towards Flurry. The latter could only respond with a thankful expression. “Well, you better get some sleep before sunrise,” yawned Sunset before she made for the stairs down. “It’s been a very eventful night.” “You’re right.” confirmed the princess as she rubbed her eyes for a moment. Flurry then yawned, and the way she yawned was just too cute for Sunset and her melting heart. “Goodnight, Sunset.” she bid Sunset as she turned for the stairs. “Goodnight, sweetie,” responded Sunset, who, in a surprising force of habit, actually grabbed the princess’ arm, pulled her back, and kissed Flurry Heart on the cheek. After pulling apart, Sunset realized what she had just done and looked at Flurry with tensed eyes that quickly eased when Flurry gave a warm smile. “Y-y-you’re not weirded out?” Sunset asked timidly. Flurry shook her head, still holding her warm smile. “I thought it…pretty sweet.” Breathing in silent relief, Sunset finally returned the smile. Letting go of Flurry’s arm, she gave one last look at the Princess of Love before the latter vanished from her line of vision. She then found Zecora standing right next with a warm smile glued onto her face. Similar expressions she found upon their reptile companions. And she knew what they were all for. “In truth, you would make a lovely aunt,” Zecora claimed, “if you properly nurture the plant.” Usually, Sunset would tense up at the very idea of marrying Twilight, but this time, she felt no tension after sharing a moment with her crush’s niece. “Thank you, Zecora,” Sunset responded warmly. The remedy brewer nodded before she spoke up. “If your private pleas she does not heed- “ “She’s so gonna tell everyone indeed.” Sunset simply interjected, deadpan expression on top of it, already knowing what Flurry will do. To which Zecora simply pursed her lip and nodded. Scene Twenty-Three: From Sketch to Masterpiece Morning came for most of the Fellowship. It was thirty past eleven when the heroes finally settled into the hut. From the flight to Canterlot to the battle with Flores, everybody had arrived tired, exhausted, and dirty. They all needed a couple of hours of shut eyes and a nice hot shower. First to smell the six a.m. coffee was Tempest, followed not long after by Starlight and Trixie, who were then followed forty minutes later by Discord and the Spikes. Sunset and the princesses were still out from last night and were thought to be best left alone since last night’s sitcom drama and survival left them particularly pooped. Everybody else made their say for the dining hall once they were all showered and cleaned, where breakfast was already served and waiting. On the table were a number of bowls laid around. And in those bowls was yet another creation of Zecora’s: Forest’s Nurture. Contents of said nurture was comprised of a caramel brew with a mixture of Everfree fruits. How it tasted was completely up to the guests. Sips were taken and most faces became cringed. All-in-all, they were forced to consume it since Zecora claimed it would “prevent you from getting badly bruised.” And so, they ate away, some with the basic tools and others with magic. After about a half-hour of eating and chatting, they were finally joined by Flurry, who walked in with her new sketchbook in hand and a giddy smile. “Oh no,” Tempest sarcastically exclaimed, “I’ve seen that expression before. What’s my royal princess cooking up this time?” “This time, a plan that’s gonna work,” stated the Crystal Princess. Taking the sketchbook in both hands, she pushed her bowl aside, opened the book, and slid it to the center for all to see. Reactions were mixed with amusement, confusion, and “Seriously.” “Uhh…what the heck is this?” blurted Trixie, causing Starlight and Flurry to smack their foreheads. “Oh, I dunno know. it’s just a romantic setting that Sunset putted together some long time ago,” Flurry condescendingly simplified. “Flurry Heart,” Tempest cautioned with a facepalm, “what are you thinking?” “Fillies and gentcolts, I’ll be brief.” Flurry then got up out of her seat. Lifting a finger, Discord was ready to speak his piece. “Forget it, draconequus,” Tempest quickly spoke against, “she’s rolling.” “We all saw what happened last night, yes?” began Flurry. Once she heard no objections or second thoughts, she smiled and continued. “Well, Sunset pulled her old sketchbook out and showed me that. I thought it seemed pretty lovely, despite being called a cheesy moment of cheesy hopeless romance. Then after she passed down to me, she told me not to make a big deal over it-.” “But you’re going to, anyway.” Spike monotoned. “Eeeeeyup,” answered Flurry with a sheepish elation tinge. Everybody just exchanged looks and glances as Flurry circled the table, cupping her hands behind her back. “Guys, look. I understand how you might think this to be a childish pursuit, but…,” Flurry stated before letting a heavy breath she didn’t know she was holding. “I just want Aunt Twilight to be happy. Just with everything going on lately, I-I-I-I just figured that if we do this together-.” “Whoawhoawhoa!” sputtered Starlight in rapid objection. “What’s this ‘we’ manure? You think you can just drag us into your little fantasy making?” Keeping her hands behind her and standing on her toes, leaning back and forth, Flurry exhaled heavy breaths, glancing anywhere but Starlight. “Wwwweeeeellllll…” she finally managed. Starlight placed her face into her hands, groaning in exasperation. “Flurry, sweetie,” she pleaded through her hands, “you know we love you and all.” She stopped when she glanced at Discord and Trixie, making her rethink herself. “Well, most of us. But this isn’t the time for another of your Cupid Heart episodes. We need to get back home and stop Grogar before he does who knows what.” Still glancing away from Starlight, Flurry grew a light blush over her whitish pink cheeks. While she was trying to get some sense into the younger woman, the Headmare couldn’t help but feel a bit ashamed of herself for chastising such a sweet and well-meaning girl. Even Tempest was feeling a tad bad for not sticking for her best friend. Some awkward moments of silence passed before Flurry braced up and plastered that optimistic face of hers. She then turned to face the rest. “Obvious things aside, being here might provide them both the perfect opportunity to rekindle things between them. And I just find this sketch to provide just that. I just have one more thing to ask: can you guys please help me?” All eyes fell onto Flurry Heart who stood back over her seat with a hopeful expression in her eyes. Everyone started to shift glances at one another. Flurry could make them out to mean “Is she serious about this” to “It’s the only way to turn her off.” Of them all, Tempest and Spike looked to be the most willing and reluctant, respectively. Seeing where it would be going, Flurry knew she had to resort to her trump card. Once everyone locked contact with the princess again, Flurry played it. She stuck out her bottom lip into a pout and stretched her eyes to make them as big as possible. When she was a couple of years older, Flurry had always resorted to that move when she wanted something. Sometimes, it would’ve worked, other times, not so much. But luckily, the hardened Captain Shadow was a massive sucker for the adorable expression that instantly melts her hard heart. Everyone else but Starlight weren’t submitting, but knowing no other way out, they sighed. Finally, Tempest raised her hand with an “Aye.” Three more followed with an extra paw from doggy Spike. Everybody turned to the odd man. “Ugh, fine,” concede Spike as he raised his hand as well, “we’ll help you.” “Yes!” cheered the Princess of Love as she launched a burst of magic from her headband up to the ceiling that fireworked into sparkles. “Great,” whispered her exasperated captain, “she’s about to go Bridleway.” * (From Sketch to Masterpiece by Flurry Heart, the Fellowship, Scorpan and Zecora: This upbeat song is mostly accompanied by strings and brass instruments. The overall pulse and tempo is medium with a fantastical touch, minus the beginning and end with a soft pulse and slow tempo.) One meal of breakfast later, Flurry and her friends stood outside the cottage, ready to take on Flurry’s task of making a fantasy into a reality. Flurry: Listen up, all of you, and look closely Give firm attention to this book’s pages If we work as one, that I’m sure, the we can Forge a tale that’ll be told for ages Now read and understand your assigned cards Get them right and Sunlight we shall appease Can’t you imagine their looks of surprise When this goes from sketch to masterpiece Soon enough, everyone got to work on their respective jobs to appease Flurry’s lovesick behavior. Doggy Spike was assigned to pick out the cherry blossoms and sunflowers found just outside the forest in a couple of snaps, Spike and Discord went on to carve out wooden heart lanterns with gemstones inside to be stringed over the dinner table, Starlight and Trixie were tasked with the weaving of the dresses, and Flurry and Tempest handled making the dinner alongside Zecora. Cooking in the kitchen was quiet but progressive. Serving the couple of the night would be “some of my finest meals,” as stated by Zecora. While the two Crystal Ponies had no idea what exactly, they just went along with the brewer’s recipes. All they could make out was that it was completely vegetarian. Zecora: Doesn’t Flurry Heart realize that from this Things will only go so far from bliss Tempest: As much as I’ve tried to make clear in the past All that can be done is simply appease that miss Meanwhile, Discord and Spike have been going at it with their multiple little wooden heart carvings, making as many as their will and hands would allow. The process went from simply carving and sanding to drilling a hole and Of the two, Spike was the more progressive since Discord was but just snapping his way through, resulting in his carving wood being turned inside out, molded into an annoying stick man, or being used as wooden darts. Only mutual thing: they were both not joyed with their laborious task. Discord: If Flurry Heart wanted a lovely setting Why not have me snap it to reality? Spike: Maybe if you stopped playing with your wood, By now, our fingers wouldn’t be bloody From the top of the hut were Starlight and Trixie constructing the dresses, being sure to get the details precisely right for Flurry’s sake. Starlight had a lot more experienced in weaving (by far) such lovely dresses since she had taken some pointers and training from Rarity. Meanwhile, Trixie was struggling very much as she had zero experience whatsoever. Trixie: Can’t we just hurry things up, Starry? All we’re doing is piling fabrics here! Starlight: We NEED to get this right, Trixie The dresses’ beauty is in the perfection All the while, Flurry was observing with delight. Flurry: I can see no way this plan could fail This scheme will surely hit the nail Nobody is convincing me to bail Soon the S.S. Sunlight will set SAIL!! Just then, a bemused laugh interrupted her elated thoughts. Turning her head, she found Scorpan just standing in the doorway of the balcony overlooking the progress. “You are overly confident about this, are you, my dear?” asked the gargoyle as he walked over to join her at the railing. “Unlike a lot of my other schemes,” cemented the alicorn, “I am very certain that this won’t hit a bump.” Scorpan: I mean not to derail you my dear, But only hope that you will see unforced No good will come from forcing them as one But then will if nature takes its course “Huh?” uttered the Crystal Princess as she turned to her host. Seeing her clueless expression, Scorpan was convinced that she has yet to grasp his words’ gravity. Having given the young woman his opinion, the man of Everfree turned back to the doorway with a solemn look of wisdom. “Nature always wins.” he calmly summarized. As he walked down the stairs, Flurry looked back down over her friends, overseeing their progress. But she didn’t have much of an elated expression on her face now with Scorpan’s words bouncing in her head. She looked down with a downcasted look. Thinking back on her earlier endeavors and how most of them ended, she began to reconsider her actions. No!, her inner voice demanded. Don’t let him ruin this!! You’re doing this for Sunset and Aunt Twilight, not for you! This may seem forced, but those two are…argh!! A fierce shake of her head and steeling of her nerves changed her expression to determination and turned for the stairs down. Flurry: I surely know what relationships need For they have all share the magic with me Tempest: Eternally loyal Spike: Tons of laughs Starlight: Thoughtful hearts Trixie: Honest and Powerful Discord: Sharing everything Flurry: They’re easy feats Fellowship: And magic make it all complete!! * Four-thirty in the PM and everything had looked perfect in Flurry’s eyes. The huge outskirt of the hut was decorated in heart-shaped lanterns; the dinner table was set with Zecora’s finest meals; the couple of the hour’s dresses were perfectly weaved over mannequins; the flowers were perfectly placed across the pathway. Everything was simply…perfect. And everybody was standing in the center admiring their hard-done work. “Phew,” exclaimed a sarcastic Spike as he rubbed sweat off his forehead. “Well, that wasn’t such a chore now, was it?” “No, not at all,” stretched Trixie with sarcasm. “It only took…most of a day’s worth of relaxation from monsters trying to kill us!!” “Oh, you’re just sore ‘cause you weren’t as great as dress making as I was,” quipped Starlight as she nudged her Great and Powerful friend on the side. Trixie looked down at her hands that were covered in band-aids and bandages. “Again: is this really a good idea?” inquired a concerned Discord. “Guys, please,” pleaded an exasperated Flurry, “quit worrying. I’m sure this plan will work. I couldn’t’ve done this without all of your help.” Tempest let out a sigh as she wrapped an arm around her princess. “Anything to help your aunt.” she assured as she silently thought: And your twisted romantic fantasies. A few silent moments passed before Spike moved towards the gowns. “Anybody want to take Sunset’s dress? I’m taking Twilight’s.” Doggy Spike walked his way for the dresses as well. “I’ll lend ya a paw, me.” he offered his Equestrian counterpart. Pressing a button on his pack’s strap, he managed to carry Sunset’s mannequin and soon followed Spike to the door inside the hut. Soon, one-by-one, everybody else left the majesty of the scenery for the hut’s interior until only Flurry and Tempest remained. Turning her head to face her princess, Tempest saw her smile fading. “Are you okay?” eased the captain. Shooting her head up real quick, Flurry nodded her head. “Oh-oh-oh, yeah, I’m perfectly okay. N-n-n-no need to worry over me.” she sputtered in nervous confirmation. But Tempest was no fool. If somepony were to lie or act very off-putting or whenever Flurry would try to execute a plan behind her captain’s back, Tempest grows instantly suspicious and relentlessly seek the scoop. And Flurry was mostly on her radar. So she faced Flurry again with a raised eyebrow, hoping to see through the ruse. Seeing it, Flurry forced a smile onto her face. “Why are you giving me that look?” Flurry forced through her smile. “I know what that face is, Flurry.” confirmed her captain. Brushing her arm off her, Flurry quickly dashed away from Tempest. “What are you fussing over?! There’s nothing wrong!” Tempest continued to glare at the younger princess before sighing in annoyance and trekking for the door into the hut, leaving Flurry alone. Flurry hated making Tempest upset whenever she lied or ignored her concerns. She chastised herself for doing something so stupid to her best friend. As Scorpan’s sung words continued to rewind in her head, Flurry looked over the hard work. Flurry: Look at all of this hard work Done all for your aunt and her crush Yet why does this feel just the same Another speck of dust ready for the brush How this will end I wish to know Will this fly or smash to shattering pieces Yet I know that this’ll make quite the splash When this goes from sketch to masterpiece A sigh escaped her mouth as she composed herself to fool everyone else minus Tempest. Marching her way to the hut, she stopped short of opening the door. She gave one last look with a look mixed of hope and uncertainty. Am I doing the right thing making this real for them? the divided princess pondered. Will this be another addition to the pile? With a groaning sigh, she finally entered the hut as her conscious’ conflict continued. Scene Twenty-Four: Inner Demons The bitter cold did little to quell Grogar’s enjoyment. Just the very idea made him chuckle with sadism. He’s been the undisputed ruler of all fear in the land for years, and just one little unicorn thinks she can usurp his throne. Pathetic, he thought. The peak of Mount Everhoof, once filled with white as pure and whole as the black, now ran red. Making his way to the highest point, he savored sight he saw. The frozen expressions of hundreds of unicorn warriors who have come to stop as they drew last breaths, the look of dead defeat upon their faces as he plucked the magic dry out of them with his Bell. He held no concern as he walked on their corpses, satisfying his self-belief of being far superior to “these weak excuses of sorcerers.” As he drew closer to the very top, he could not help but imagine the defeated anger of the very pony who believe could destroy him; he could not contain his joy of watching her grovel for mercy; he was ready to make her scream his name. He finally reached the top. “GUSTY THE GREAT!!!” he roared as it echoed off the roaring winds. “We have unfinished matters to discuss!” “There is nothing to discuss with you, Grogar!!” a voice snarled. Her statement bounced off the winds as well, leaving Grogar unable to seek the source. He chuckled. “Come, now, my dear. I simply wish to talk. About how you, a mere unicorn, believed she could unite the three tribes and oppose; about how you tried to lead an army of unicorn against me, only for them to fall dead at my feet; about how you think you can make your last stand by hiding in a frozen fate.” Grogar continued to mock the voice as he walked straight for the cave on his left. “I did all that because I’ve had hope that you’ll be stopped.” Grogar stopped dead in the center. He glanced by the side of his eyes, hoping to catch something to no avail. He let out a full monstrous laugh of evil. “Me? Stopped? Impossible! Nopony will ever stop me. Even those foolishly brave enough to attempt so will not even live to tell the story, just like your soldiers outside. My strength comes from more than the magic stolen inside my Bewitching Bell alone; your kind’s fear of me, any fear whatsoever, is just another boost of power to add to my strength. I can feel your fear radiate through these walls; I can smell and taste it from here!” “That fear you smell, monster, is that of the courage I have against you.” Another chuckle from Grogar. “Hear this, unicorn: YOU. WILL NOT. LEAVE. ALIVE.” Before he waited for a counter, Grogar immediately shot a direct blast of his magic towards the far left, watching as the struck stone flew in multiple directions. Emerging from the smoke came the voice in the form of Gusty the Great. From her disheveled mane and tail to her battered coat, Grogar could see that she’d been hiding in the cave for the twenty-five minutes it took him to reach the peak after she blew him off with one of her air spells since her wounds were still drying. The sight of his enemy physically broken and clearly with no apparent plan gave Grogar an unmeasurable pleasure. Wasting no time, the King launched another blast towards the unicorn who barely maneuvered away from it. Despite her reliance on magic, Gusty was an agile pony should she need it. Taking cover behind more stone, She still managed to avoid the ram, who didn’t relent. Returning the favor, she charged and unleashed a series of blasts as she advanced around. They continued until Grogar managed a quick one at where the unicorn was landing, striking her left hind leg. Hugging her leg in pain, she fell to the soil. Taking advantage, Grogar charged at her with his charged-up horns. But pain wouldn’t derail Gusty’s attempt on Grogar, for with her horn, she managed a strong gust to practically punch her outta the ram’s way, causing him to collide with the strong stone walls. Backing from the wall, Grogar refocused quickly and looked at his enemy with mild bile. The mare struggled to keep herself standing to face the plague himself while cementing her war face. With another horn charge, Gusty entrapped Grogar with a sphere of winds before using it to suck the air out of him. However, Grogar was quick to shatter the sphere with a Bell shockwave. Collapsing from the aftershock, the pony managed to open her baleful eyes towards the King of Monsters, who simply laughed at the unicorn’s efforts. “Is this truly the best you have to offer?!” he managed between his laughs. “The fate of Ponykind on the line and you trap me in an air bubble. How pathetic. I thought you so desperate to stop me that you wouldn’t hold back.” Staggering to her hooves, Gusty grinded her teeth with a growl. Meeting with her enemy dead in the eyes, she gave off a grim face. “You want my absolute best?” she spat in disgust towards the monster before her. With that, Gusty’s horn charged the brightest it had throughout the battle. Not breaking eye contact with Grogar, she mustered every bit strength she had to gather much of the roaring winds outside into the cave. With every gust of wind that piled in came the forming of a cyclone’s eye. Sweat dripping down, she continued forward with probably the most powerful spell she knew despite the effort draining her strength as she strained. Peeking to Grogar, she found him unfazed, clearly thinking her spell to be nothing compared to his spells. His stoic look only fueled her fires. Everything hung on her shoulders and Grogar’s defeat. If she didn’t stop him now, he would continue on his rampage throughout the land, eventually driving the tribes to extinction. The end of everything. Her will unbending, she glanced at her forming cyclone before locking onto her enemy. Blasting a surge of magic onto the cyclone, she could see ice crystals beginning to form. Seeing it, she knew it. It was all or nothing now. With a strained battle cry, Gusty the Great unleashed an unspeakable surge of wind and ice onto the undeterred Plague of Ponies. The cyclone then encircled the ram, swirling with frozen fury soon engulfing him. As the spell continued, she felt her legs quake below her. Sensing her strength waning, she strained every remaining ounce she had to finishing the fight. Then the most satisfying sound entered her ears. She could hear Grogar…screaming. Never had she thought the Father of Monsters screaming in pain and defeat would sound so satisfying. Pressing forward, Gusty let out another scream as her storm engulfed the cave. Once the clouds subsided, she fell to her legs once again, exhausted and panting in heavy breaths. She opened her eyes to find the entire cave frozen, the walls, the spikes above, the shattered stones. Only she (and possibly Grogar) remained unfazed. Craning her neck upwards, she saw the clouds surrounding Grogar yet to dissipate. Her anxiety rising, she rose to her feet and advanced forward. Her injured leg screamed at her, yet she limped through the pain. Waving the smoke away with her hoof, her face shifted from anxious to surprise. Before her stood the frozen figure of Grogar standing stiff with a face mix of pain and rage. His mouth was agape, but his eyes were filled with something she never thought to see: Grogar’s eyes filled with fear. Standing frozen, the pain still screaming, Gusty the Great’s face grew from surprise to elation. I did it, the voice of her mind echoed, I actually did it. I finally really did it. She couldn’t wait to tell her people of Grogar’s froze defeat. The tribes would rejoice in his-. Her fatigued joy suddenly faded when she heard some cracks. Shooting up in attention, she looked around for the source. A stretching silence filled the cave as the unicorn sweated, horn charged. Another crack broke the silence again. This time, Gusty could make out where it was. And her eyes shrank. The ice continued to crack as she could see Grogar’s face go from distraught to mocking glee. She could hear his laugh echo from the ice. Before she could react, she was blown away as the frozen Grogar exploded in black and yellow. Recovering slowly and coughing, Gusty watched at the cave melted rapidly. Her head then jerked back up once she heard the Ultimate Monster’s cackle. “Unimpressive,” Grogar mocked. Gusty immediately shot back up as fast as Grogar darted towards her. Before she knew what happened, Grogar wasted zero time in attack his opponent. Unrelenting, Grogar flew his charged hooves and horns at every direction, savoring every strike he made onto the pony as she grunted with every blow. The more hits he gave, the more he could see Gusty’s spirit break. As much as she wished to fight back, Gusty couldn’t bring herself, stricken with her failed spell to stop Grogar. Everything she’s done, everypony she’d rallied to support her, it all seemed to be for nothing at this very moment. Rearing his head downward, Grogar delivered one final blow onto the pony’s battered face, his horns connecting to her muzzle and sending her flying before finally tumbling down onto the ground, groaning in broken defeat. Gusty flipped herself onto her back just in time as Grogar planted his forehooves on her chest, savoring the fear cemented onto the unicorn’s blood-soaked and battered face. He then placed one hoof onto the Bell. “All of this effort for nothing,” uttered Grogar gleefully. “Your army’s but dust, your spells are futile against me, and you, the Great Gusty, lie broken, battered, and bloodied under my hooves, where all of your kind belong.” Turning to her side, Gusty coughed up a mouthful of blood and turned back to her pinner with undivided anger as he slowly charged his Bewitching Bell with the clear intent of draining her dry. “I may not… stop you now,” she heaved through labored breaths, “but you will be stopped…in the future.” “There is no future for anypony but me,” the Father of Monsters scoffed, earning him a look of venomous determination from the pony at her mercy. “I disagree.” countered Gusty with smirking bile. And before he could react, Gusty kneed Grogar’s stomach, causing him to writhe back in pain. Seeking her own opportunity, she used her charged horn to slice the Bell off the harness apart before catching it in magic. Now possessing it, the rageful mare turned it towards Grogar, who looked with shock. Instead, she ripped a portal open from behind the King. Sensing what’s soon to come, Grogar charged once more for his pony enemy. But Gusty was faster on her draw and aimed the Bell at Grogar this time. The unspeakable had happened. Gusty held the Bell in her magic as she drained Grogar dry as he screamed in pained rage. Neither could believe what was happening: Gusty the Great was removing Grogar of all of his magic and Grogar was being drained by a mere unicorn trying to oppose his tyranny. Looking upon his enemy, Grogar saw the raw and untamed fury pulsating through her eyes. This time, no more holding back. Charging her horn, Gusty shot a powerful beam right at Grogar, causing him to plant his feet on the dirt ground. But it proved futile. The mix of his strength fading and the force of Gusty’s magic sent Grogar flying straight into the portal! He screamed in fury as the portal closed after him… * Not this time, Grogar vowed as he stood on the castle balcony looking over Canterlot. That memory had played over and over for millenniums since that day. The rage he felt when he first arrived in that magicless wasteland of a world he could remembered as well as his own name. Now he stood over the land now called Equestria in a time when ponies think him nothing but a ghost from a time best forgotten. This time, I will rule forever. Just as he walked back in and onto the throne, the Sirens barged into the throne room, bowing before their Father. “What is it now, Adagio?” asked Grogar in a low voice, still angered over her actions. His tone wasn’t missed by the lead Siren, who only shrank in fear. Seeing it, Aria vouched to speak with a clearing of her throat. “Well, the impatient Catrina demands that we attack the Rainbooms in the catacombs before they stumble onto…anything of value to them and against us.” “I told her to wait,” groaned the King, “I told you all!” “A-a-a-and you’ve made it pretty clear, Your Highness,” sputtered the scared Sonata. Heaving a heavy sigh in frustration, Grogar rubbed his forehead. But before he could say something else, Catrina appeared through a portal of her own. She then quickly kneeled before Grogar. “Am I interrupting?” she coaxed condescendingly. “Yes.” replied Grogar dryly. “I was just about to tell the Sirens what to do with your…lack of patience.” “So I figured. But I bring news instead of demands.” Heaving another sigh, Grogar gestured the witch to speak her piece. “Flores has been…incapacitated.” Grogar growled in silent anger. “But the Raptorian left behind, he still lives and has followed the princess into the Everfree…and your Bell.” Grogar’s face lit with mild elation. Finally, his moment has arrived. Grogar turned to his three generals. “Dazzlings,” he addressed, “rally my Elite. We leave soon.” “Yes, father,” obeyed Adagio. “We will finally-.” “No,” the King cut off, “you will deal with our guests first. I want Sunset to suffer.” As much as Adagio wanted to argue, her confidence was shattered when Grogar humiliated her in front of his Elite. Without a second word, Adagio led her sisters out to the balcony, where they rushed to rally Grogar’s top beasts. Only Grogar and Catrina remained. Turning towards his cat witch, Grogar simply scowled at her. And Catrina had a good idea why. “If you think your pointless demands will come true,” Grogar growled, “you clearly deserve no power.” Recoiling in fear, Catrina could only watch in fearful anticipation as the Bell glowed. Just to be safe, she charged her hands with magic, despite knowing her changes are but thin. Fortunately for her, the Bell eased. “Unfortunately for me,” bemoaned her father, ‘I still need you for something.” Twenty Minutes Later Grogar made his way through his Hall of Heroes. Once he took control of the castle, Grogar himself personally reconfigured the castle dungeons into a trophy room where he’d place his fallen anypony or creature who’d oppose him. As he walked advanced forward, Grogar glanced around in wicked glee. Amongst his “trophies” were the Pillars, the leaders of beyond Equestria, and the rest of the Mane 6, all petrified into obsidian. He personally didn’t care for trophies much, but he only kept these heroes to be examples of his oppressors. He had hoped the Mane 6 would especially break the masses’ spirits. But he came not for admiring his victories; he came for the Two Sisters. Among the initial chaos of his arrival, Celestia and Luna were confronted by the Sirens and his Elite. They’ve put up a valiant fight against the four, but the Sirens finally brought the two to their knees. Expecting him to drain their magic and just waste them, the Sirens were surprised when Grogar decided to let the Two Sisters live and thrown into the Hall, encased in a sphere that cancelled out their powers. There he would continually torture them to either interrogate them and/or break their spirits. Just a few feet away and Grogar could only look in patience at the empty stand he was saving for the rest of Equestria’s heroes, while Celestia and Luna were placed on the left of a three-way stand. Seeing him, they could only scowl. “Come to stick the knife in again, Grogar?” inquired Celestia vilely. “What do you expect?” scoffed the King of Monsters. “Go to Tartarus,” spat Luna. “We’d never betray Twilight and her friends to you. And when they return, you will be stopped.” Grogar simply laughed. “Silly little alicorn, I don’t need you to tell me where she is.” Grogar then leaned forward really close to their ears. “I need you to help me.” Celestia, in a rare moment, literally spat in Grogar’s ear, causing him to recoil back in a disgusted huff. Both lords glared at each other with their fiercest daggers yet. “The day we help you, Grogar,” hissed Celestia, “is the day we lose hope in Twilight!” Another simple laugh from the King. “You think I need your help?” Before any of the Sisters could react, Grogar activated his replacement and, instead of the usual power drain, unleashed a darkly violet magic sphere that pooled straight into the Sisters. Grogar watched with sadistic satisfaction as Celestia and Luna screamed in agony over the overflow of dark magic coursing through their veins. As it done so, Celestia and Luna could peak their strained eyes what was happening to them. Royal armor built itself over them, their wings became sharper, and manes and tails went from smooth and flowing to fiery and dark. With one last collective scream, the pain was over.