//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Tough times, battle against the Umbra King. // Story: The Rising Demon Era. // by Neutral Boy //------------------------------// In Ponyville, things aren't going so well for some of the citizens. Especially a few of the certain ones. The Cutie Mark Crusaders however were having a private discussion sitting down at the club house. "So does any pony know on what to do next?" Applebloom asked them. "How should I know Applebloom? We tried everything, but it ended in failure." Scootaloo replied, grumbling to herself. "I'm with Scootaloo, we're not exactly qualified of being an expert therapist Applebloom." Sweetie said, rubbing her head. A few days ago, each of them were have grown worry for the heroes, but more so for there sisters. Sweetie Belle did try to talk with Rarity, but only gotten the little responses of 'I'm fine sweetie' or 'Just busy dealing with work, even though she hasn't worked on any of her designs and her makeup being a mess. So Sweetie thought it would be best to temporarily take for her sister's work fashion schedule just so they won't lose their home. Applebloom also checked up on Applejack, but hides in some corners since she saw her sister exhausting herself by punching and bucking some hard materials than apple trees. Though she did saw Applejack showing a few tears and her brother Big Mac taking Applejack to bed for some rest. Applebloom decides to ask her grandma Granny Smith a request to temporarily take over her sister's job of bucking trees for apples. Scootaloo however, hasn't seen Rainbow Dash at all and wonders if she's at her cloud home. She tries to call Rainbow, but for some reason there's no response. Though she did wake up on night when she can hear Rainbow screaming and hear her cries. It pains her a little of seeing her sister/hero fan in a downward spiral, but she didn't want to disturb her. So despite having problems with her wings, Scootaloo has asked a couple of pegasi ponies to take over Rainbow's job until she's feeling better. Although, the three little mares did most likely worry for the most of all, Spike the dragon. They usually saw him with Twilight every day, but yet he seems so mostly depressed all the time now. "Well we can't just give up that easily. There's got ta be some way ta help us out." "I don't have much info to give Applebloom." "Speaking of sisters Sweetie, do you know on where Rarity's at right now?" "If I had to guess, I did overhear from outside several hours ago that Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are heading to a place called the Crystal Empire. Though I haven't seen Twilight Sparkle with them, but she probably have gone ahead of them rather early if you ask me." "Hmmmm, I'll see if I can ask Big Mac and he-" *knock* *knock* *knock* "Ah'll go get it girls, probably those snobby mares Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon again." Applebloom gets up to go open the door. When she opens it up, she was ready for the insult, but however is caught off-guard when her eyes widen upon seeing a green armor pony at the front door of the club house waving to her. "Greetings, may I please come in your nice club house?" The armor pony politely asked her. Meanwhile, in the Crystal Empire, both Princess Cadence and Shining Armor have already made it. Having the read the important letter, despite having a trust relationship issue with her aunt, Cadence decide to put aside the issue for now and protect the returned Crystal Empire by creating a large shield area spell. Even if they haven't figured out on where the crystal heart is yet, the two ponies needs to protect the Empire and it's citizens against the freezing snow out there and King Sombra as he bangs on the barrier to break with no avail. What neither Shining, Cadence, and the crystal ponies knows is that the blue armor pony is at the library. "Looks like the bearers are on the move." The armor pony said, reading a book. "Time to begin phase 1." Upon snapping the fingers, the controlled King Sombra roars out and goes straight for the train. Shining Armor notice something off with Sombra before hit with a realization. 'He must be after some pony else arriving to help us.' He thought. "Hold on to the shield spell a bit longer Cadence, I'll be back with some help assistance for us." Patting on his wife's shoulder, Shining Armor runs off to go chasing King Sombra. Outside far off the shield barrier, Twilight, Flash, Spike and the others arrive in the snowfields. While finding for the Crystal Empire's location, they felt a sudden tremor meaning that something's coming. "Flash, stay close to Spike." Twilight said, readying her magic. "Leave it to me Twilight." The whole felt the tremor drawing in close before a shadowy presence appear. All of there eyes saw the shadow form to witness a dark face figure of King Sombra with his eyes glowing green and purple lashes showing. "Get out of here, I'll cover you!" Wasting no time, the group runs off while Twilight stays close and fires off her magic at Sombra. Her magic had little effect against his hazy shadow as he chases after them. When Sombra closes in, he didn't expect to get his face stunned in halt by a blind sided magic. The group sees Twilight's brother Shining Armor appeared and fires his magic at the Shadowy King. "Get going, the Crystal Empire's not too far from here!" He shouted to them. So the group runs off, except for Twilight who looked at her brother. "Shining, what about you?" "Don't worry Twi, I won't let this freakish King hurt you. Cadence has knock some sense into me. Even if I did cause some serious relationship damage at the wedding, I'll do whatever it takes to me amends with you. No matter if it takes for many long years or forever until I pass on." Before Twilight tries to respond, King Sombra made some shadowy spikes on the ground. Shining Armor quickly puts up his own shield to block the attack, but it wasn't enough as the spikes pierce through his shield and damages him. Causing his body to fly up and hit the snowy ground. "BROTHER!" Twilight goes over to her brother's side and sees that he's okay, but in a damaged state. King Sombra roars as he goes to kill them while Twilight shields her brother, waiting for the impact. However, the impact didn't as she opens up her eyes and turn her head before her face is shocked. The grey armor pony she saw for the first time in weeks ago has appeared again and shielded them both with a strong magic barrier. "I-I-It's you from before. H-How are you. . ." Twilight said, unable to finish up her sentence. "Save the questions for later. Right now, you need to take your brother back to the Crystal Empire and heal him up. I'll do what I can to buy you some more time by finding the Crystal Heart." Shaking her head and nodding to him, Twilight picks up her brother and teleports to the group waiting. When the two are gone, the armor pony then punches the King pony's face, making him stagger in pain. "She really did a number on you Umbra King. Though you did kind of deserve it in the end." He cracks both of his knuckles and conjures up another spell. A shame you haven't changed since the princesses sealed you up with the Empire." He slams both hands on the ground as the snowy ground shakes up. "Come forth from the icy depths, Glazer!" Upon speaking the name, an ice serpent rose up and roars at the shadow pony. "Let's give the Umbra King a reason to fear in the snowy depths of a frozen death."