Ponyville's Biggest Threat

by MLPkillers

Mysterious Mad Pony! Another Investigation!?

An all-black colt with a mane and tail, the same as his coat, was walking deviously through Ponyville, east-north. His tail and mane were scrub and short. He thought only about blood. He had a purple bag with purple tree logs cut in half on it. Inside the bag was a small hatchet. He saw a light yellowed pony with a rose cutie mark. Maybe he should put her talent on her grave. He ran at the Earth pony. She was carrying groceries on her back. She must’ve just bought them. Toom was only 50 feet away from the target. His thoughts were bloody and gorry. He grabbed his hatchet, imagining the innards of his victim, splattering all over the ground as he kept swinging the hatchet. The target saw him, getting frightening. That must be the pony who massacred the Pies. She’s not going to be next. She started fleeing, making her next destination the police station. The crazy Earthpony was right behind her. Somehow he was faster. The thought of killing her. The thought of her getting away. It’s too much to bear. His adrenaline was rising with each second. He was moments away from seizing his prey. He launched his Axe at the victim. The mare glanced behind her and started screaming.

“Somepony!... Help me!. Please!...!

No pony heard her. The doors and windows were tightened than normal; the doors were also barricaded. The Axe hit the victim in the back. The spinal cord as being separate from the body. She was going to die. This had to be some type of long nightmare. Maybe Nightmare Moon sent it? She felt weak, Tired. She looked back. Tears flowing onto the ground. What did she do to deserve this? The hatchet raised.

“I’m sorry!!! I’m sorry...!”

The hatchet penetrated her liver. Blood started to come out of her mouth. The was hatchet ripped down to her stomach. Organs were pouring out, as well as litters of blood. She lost consciousness. The Axe was raised into the air and brought down a dozen times. The last being a decapitation. The blood had ceased to flow. She was dead.

(”Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”)

The black colt took a small bottle of gas out of his bag. He emptied it all over the corpse: the vital dead organs, the decapitated body, and the head with the spine sticking out. He made a stream to the head. How did no pony see what was happening? Next was a match he pulled from its container. He ignited the match, throwing it on the body. The flames traveled through the stream and to the head, setting both ablaze. The smell was detestable, but no one smelled the stench, besides the killer. He put his Axe in his bag, along with the matching kit and gasoline container. He was running as the offense went up in smoke. To where? Who knows? He headed south. His bloodlust wasn’t distinguished. Who’s the next victim? The stallion made his way south, in search of more ponies to straight-up murder. The colt wondered why everypony is inside? Is it because of him? Maybe this village doesn’t house a police station; if it doesn’t then more fun and entertainment for him he guesses. Any ponies that cross paths with this killer will be... Remove the suffix in killer, then replace it with the suffix: Ed; It won’t be painless; in fact, the victim will suffer, and maybe he will prolong it for his pleasure. It’s irksome to see no ponies outside, this means he’ll have the element of surprise on his side; maybe knock on some pony’s door and straight-up massacre them and their entire family; that would be a good deal of fun; he won’t show mercy to no ponies, their age doesn’t matter, the youngest of the young will die; either by him or the house being exposed to the arsenal in his bag. They died in a blaze of unfortunate.


The group arrived in front of the Police Station, frantically running into the executive branch. As the doors burst opened, the chief got up from his post, waiting for the group to come to the desk. The way they came in, means there’s another-! Twilight frantically ran up to the chief’s desk, about to explain what’s happened to their friend. The deputy and detective walk through the door. Drinking their coffees, their eyes closed. They opened it to find the representatives of the Elements of Harmony. Maybe Pinkie Pie could lend a hoof in finding the perpetrator of the Pie Massacre. They all looked troubled, what were they doing out anyway?

“Flutter-shy, dead, at, cottage!”

Twilight Sparkle reported out of breath; she and her friends did just arrive The chief heard what Twilight said; he wanted her to explain calmly, in addition to this, what happened before her death?

“Come down Twilight, now tell me, what happened before you discovered Fluttershy’s death?”

The detective and deputy sat down in an uncomfortable chair. They wanted to listen to this also, especially the detective; who has been on the Pie case with other detectives; this might be able to help them solve that case, additional to this one if it’s the same killer?

Rainbow Dash and Rarity butted in on the manner; seems like they should explain with Twilight; to actually support there’s another homicide.

“We checked on Pinkie Pie after the Pie Massacre announcement, after that, we decided to check on Rarity here.”

Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof a Rarity. It was like giving her the microphone.

“Yes, then we went to Fluttershy’s cottage and searched for her; we’re searched hard and wide for her; outside her cottage, inside the cottage, and didn’t find her. We soon found out she’s dead! She was in the bushes, dead!”

“And before that, we meet a Unicorn with a red cape and black coat; Twilight and Rainbow Dash suspected him because he was out after the Pie massacre!”

The detective’s ears perked up, could he be here? The detective got up, looking suspicious. The deputy looked at his friend with concern. He walked towards the group. Ready to ask his question.

“Was his name Comber?”

The detective said bluntly and anxiously. He hoped it wasn’t, he could be very hard to bring to justice, actually almost nearly impossible. Twilight was surprised by the detective’s question. She turned to the voice, finding the detective standing there.

“I think so... I really don’t remember?”

The detective felt like he was being lied to, he had to be lied to, Comber can’t be here. He asked if the Unicorn had red eyes. Twilight nodded. The chief decided to send the detective and the deputy to the scene with the Mane 5 maybe they will be able to find this killer or what everypony been saying assassin.

“Deputy, I’m going to send you and your partner to investigate this massacre, that I don’t want to believe.”

“Yes, sir, I will be delighted to!”

The detective said joyfully with a smile. The deputy got up, keeping his gun from falling out.

“I understand, chief!”

The deputy said professionally, Expressing it.

“Good, now go with these ponies to the scene of the crime.”

The chief order in a respectful manner. The deputy walked towards the door, opening it for everypony. The detective did the same, holding the left door open. The Mane 5 watch, they didn’t mind helping find the perpetrator who killed Fluttershy, and possibly the Pies. They walked out the station doors, the detective and the deputy followed. Let’s not waste any time. The detective said. He didn’t want any evidence to be demolished. He walked towards the group, becoming the center.

“Twilight, can’t you just teleport us there?”

Rarity asked before Rainbow Dash could get the chance. Her mouth was about to ask.

“Well... I could attempt to perform that spell, I was planning to study and practice it more before all these dramatic events occurred; I studied it, and practice it a little, so maybe?

“I’ll do it.”

The detective said with confidence. Twilight was confused, did he learn that spell also, even so, it would require powerful magic to do so.

“Are you really able to perform that spell?”

The detective laughed. It’s natural to doubt a Unicorn who claims and sometimes pretends, they can perform intense spells. His laughter became a smile.

“Yes, I can. Now all of you, you too deputy, gather around.

The detective commanded nicely. They all executed the order. Rarity and Twilight are in doubt. The deputy really hated how his partner acted. Don’t have to be a smart cookie all the time.

“And we are off!”

The detective said happily and loudly. The group disappeared from the station. Appearing At the bottom of Fluttershy’s cottage. Everything still seems the same.