//------------------------------// // Attacking the Muffins kingdom // Story: When a Derp Has Too Save The Day // by derpyhoovesstories //------------------------------// She looks at the swordsmen and says happily “you’re the top of the top people in this army and I want you to attack the guard instead of bombing the places, and here is some armor just in case.” The general gives them gold armor with a Greek helmet with the blue fur on top. The swordsmen run and fly into action. Derpy walked up to a guard and punched him and the guard jumped on derpy. Then they started a fight derpy was fighting a stallion she chopped of his head. Blood was everywhere. A teammate got up stood back to back. And that teammate died. 20 minutes into battle derpy snuck into the castle and places a bomb under the thrown of the queen when she was about the leave a pony looked at her. It was the alicorn from the evil statue she saw at the front gate of the muffin kingdom. The alicorn looks at derpy and doesn’t notice the bomb. Well well well the alicorn. Want to meet your old friends. All of a sudden the devil pony was on fire while she walked in. the wood burn, the wax melted, she was on fire, but the blue fire. “Hi derpy” says the devil pony, “you’re famous here, and we don’t like you so much. No you killed my best friend because well you got healed the blood she took from you got healthy and killed my best friend. I don’t like you derpy and so I’m here to avenge my friend”. She goes and fire and grows lava on her hoof. She touches derpy. Derpy doesn’t scream at first but after 10 seconds she screams like a little baby. The guard looks at what is wrong and they see derpy’s wing is not attached to her body anymore and it melting by lava. They look up only see that the lava is melting derpy’s other wing off. All solider attack and grabbed derpy and ran. They all met in the meeting room. The general looks at the hurt solders and tells them you need to go rest and heal. Derpy walks out the room while hearing a click. Then derpy heard bombs going off. Derpy goes to sleep.