A Field Of Dreams

by BlazyPazy

Chapter 2- Lost In The Mind

The school bell rang as the many fillies and colts ran out from the schoolhouse into the playground for their playtime. Blazy walked out last before noticing the CMC nearby doing their own thing. She gently cleared her throat while thinking of something to say. Sweetie Belle glanced at the grey filly and smiled lightly. “Hello, Blazey!” The white unicorn waved as the others turned to her. 

“You know her?” Scootaloo asked her friend.

“Not too well but I know a small bit about her,” Sweetie Belle stated bluntly, “She’ll be joining Cutie Mark Day Camp in a few weeks or so.”

“Well ah reckon she’ll have a great time there, maybe even get her cutie mark in the process,” Apple Bloom smiled. 

“I-I would hope so...” Blazey gently smiled at the three, feeling a bit more welcomed. 

“Oh trust us, you’ll have an awesome time!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she flapped her little wings. 

Blazey chuckled lightly before looking at her own wings. She occasionally talked with the CMC, talking about all sorts of things with them. 

“So it’s true you all have a clubhouse around here? I’ll definitely have to have a peek sometime, maybe bring some of my mom’s cookies” Blazey said in amazement from hearing some of their adventures.

“You're always welcome to come anytime, Blazey,” Apple Bloom said warmly. 

 “If you can, I’d love to try the cookies!” Sweetie Belle smiled brightly.

“I’ll let her know then,” Blazey said with a light giggle before heading off to do her own thing before recess was over. She goes over by a tree, thinking to herself as she laid next to it. She gently closed her eyes as she began to reflect as the breeze blew lightly.

“Please! There must be something you can do! I don’t want her to live like this...” Gentle began to tear up as she begged the doctor. 

“I’m sorry Mrs. Sketch, we’ve been trying for two years straight, but nothing is going to fix her wings! I’m afraid her wings are never going to fully grow and there’s not much we can do!” The stallion said bluntly as he sat back down in his office chair. 

“P-Please! She already has been suffering enough from her not being able to hear some sounds as it is.” Gentle’s voice shook.

“We know miss, we’re already setting up another appointment about that.” 

Blazey silently sat by the door, her eyes shrunken from their conversation. She couldn’t exactly understand what was happening but knew her mom was heartbroken from her voice.

Gentle lightly sobbed, looking towards the doorway. She quietly trotted out of the stallion’s office and looked down at Blazey with tears in her eyes. Blazey looked at her mom, her eyes filled with worry as she stood up and gently hugged her. “W-what’s going..on?” She whimpered.

“I… I’ll tell you later..” Gentle said, sniffling as she lightly guided Blazey out of the hospital slowly. 

“Blazey?” a light echo said causing  Blazey to open her green eyes that shined like emeralds. She looked up at her best friend, who was concerned for her. “Are you alright? You been laying there for a few minutes now,” The gray pegasus colt stated as he stated, handing a hoof to her.

She takes his hoof as she gets up, shaking the leftover snow off of her “oh yes… of course I’m okay!” She forced a smile to him, not wanting him to find anything amiss. 

"If you say so..." He pulled her into a tight hug for comfort. She blushed deeply but returned the hug, beginning to enjoy it as she began to smile lovingly. 'He's a great hugger...' she stated in her mind.

Fullmoon eventually lets her go as he smiled a bit, backing up and bumping into a darkish gray pegasus colt in the process. He looks up and sees Damaged who had spilled his juice all over himself.

"Hey! You're gonna pay for that nerd!" Damaged said, trying to stand over the two as he cracks his neck. 

"Stand back," Fullmoon stated to Blazy as he dodged Damaged's efforts to hurt him. Blazy couldn't stand watching this, but she couldn't just stand there and do nothing either. She would usually inform the teacher about this... But not this time. 

Blazey gets out from behind her friend as her eyes began to glow red, like blood as her eyes narrowed. She goes up to Damaged who was standing over her. "Leave... Him... Alone..." 

Damaged chuckles and gets up to her face. "And what are you gonna do about it? Draw me a widdle picture? Tell the teacher on meeee?" 

She grabbed him by the shirt, something she's never done before and pulled him towards her which shocked him. "I said… LEAVE. HIM. ALONE!" 

"W-whatever you s-say!" He jerked away from her grasp instantly and began to back up slowly from her. "Y-your a monster!" He cried before running off. 

She lightly scoffs before noticing most of the fillies and colts, including Fullmoon, stared at her. She looks confused before looking at her reflection in a puddle, her eyes shrinking as she sees what had happened to her eyes. "H-he's r-right..." Her eyes lowered as her eyes stopped narrowing and looked rather sad, running behind the schoolhouse. Fullmoon chased after her. 

"Wow...that was uh...that was interesting" Fullmoon said as he caught up to her, seeing her looking down at the ground in despair. 

"...I'm a monster..." Blazey said, sighing.

"No Blazy... You’re not." 

"You saw all of that! I've never done that before… I don't know what came over me..." Her ears lowered as she says this with hesitant.

He grabbed her arm, pulled her to his side and hugged her tightly, "if anything I'm a monster." 

"How? Because of the whole eye thing?" 

"I...I can't tell you." Fullmoon said rather hesitantly.

"Right… Well… You know I'd still be your friend if you were, right?" She blushed deeply.

"...mhm..." Fullmoon slightly did the same, wiping her tears.“Everything will be okay... I promise you that"
"I really hope so..." She said, looking away from him, staring at her hooves, not being able to think straight. 

Fullmoon looked at her with worry and concern, thinking about whether she should bring up what was going on with her lately or not. Sometime later, the bell ranged, signaling it was time to go back to class. All the fillies and colts quickly ran back in, Fullmoon and Blazey following behind them slowly. 

Blazey couldn’t help but feel anxious, she didn’t feel like dealing with her problems at home now that this had happened. She already had a hard time trying to think as her mind was already filled up with the fact that her eyes had changed color because of her feeling of anger, and it wasn’t in her control. She had so many questions, but that was for another time. As soon as she walked in, Cheerilee watched at her with a rather concerned look. 

“Did you see what happened back there?”

“Yeah! Her eyes looked kinda scary if you ask me…”

“I never saw anything like that before!”

Blazey couldn’t exactly hear what her classmates were hearing but knew they had to be talking about her. She lowered her ears before slamming her head down on her desk quietly. The events swirled around in her head as she could feel the anxiety run down her spine. ‘What even was that? Was he going to be okay?! Am I going to get in trouble? Why did Ms. Cheerilee look at me that way? Why did I do that?’ She questioned herself. 
Blazey looked at her half-written assignment and began to doodle on it, hoping it would calm her nerves. She occasionally looked over at the window, seeing the snow slowly fall down. It was hard for her to hear but others could hear the sound of the chilly weather quite clearly. “I’m not normal… am I?” She muttered to herself. 

She glances over at a couple students that sat across from her, thinking some more as she kept scribbling on her paper. Suddenly, Cheerilee tapped her ruler on her desk to get everypony's attention. 

“Alright, class! Now that you’ve had some time to write down your thoughts on the book we’ve finished yesterday, it’s time to find a partner and discuss with them what your thoughts were,” She began to give different students a small piece of paper that was either labeled “A” or “B” in which Blazey got A. “Now, everyone! Turn to the pony next to you and begin!”

Blazey looked at her unfinished work and gulped nervously before looking over to her left where Fullmoon was sitting, hoping to be partners with him, but to her dismay, he already found one. Her ears lowered as she sighed before looking to her right to see a light tan unicorn colt that had blue eyes and mane, smiling rather nervously at her.

“Oh..h-hi there,” she said with an anxious smile. 

“I’m Trèsor, I-I’m kinda new here… I came here a couple of weeks ago.” 

“Oh, welcome, Trèsor. I’m... Blazey,” she softly says with a bigger smile. 

“It’s nice to meet you,” he said before looking at his work that wasn’t even completed like Blazey’s. “I… haven’t exactly finished.” He rubbed the back of his head as he chuckled timidly.

“That’s okay, I haven't exactly finished either,” Blazey giggled, encouraging Trèsor to laugh with her. 

As they talked, Cheerilee taps her ruler on her desk once again, signalling everyone to pay attention. “Time’s up everyone.” She went to each of the fillies and colts’ desks, removing the assignments from them one by one before handing them back a packet. “I want you all to complete at least one page in this packet for our next lesson tomorrow,” she explained, setting down the pile of papers on her desk for her to grade later, “Tomorrow, we’ll be talking about the weather and how it works.” 

Blazey looks at the rather big packet, beginning to feel anxious but containing herself, sliding it into her saddlebag. As soon as the bell rang, Cheerilee went up to Blazey’s desk. “You should have told me what happened with Damaged, Blazey. I could have taken care of it.” 

“I know… I’m sorry Ms. Cheerilee... I just don’t know what came up to me… I just felt so… angry, i couldn’t just do nothing while my friend got hurt” 

“I know you meant well Blazey, but next time please come get me...” Cheerilee stated, lightly patting her head. 

“Alright...” Blazey said, getting up from her desk and heading towards the door. “Ms. Cheerilee…?”

“Yes, Blazey?” 

“Thank you for always helping me… “ Blazey smiled before walking out the door.

“It’s nothing, Blazey.” Cheerilee smiled as she sat down at her desk, beginning to grade the many piles in the tall stack. 

“Are you in trouble?” asked Fullmoon who was waiting for her at the door. 

“Nope, everything is fine,” Blazey said as they both walked down the dirt path together. “The packet seems a bit difficult...” 

“Not really, it’s probably pretty easy,” Fullmoon assured her, “and besides, after tomorrow is the weekend.”

“Yeah! Then we can hang out together more!” Blazey smiled brightly

“It’ll be the best!”

“You're the best!” Blazey hugged him close to which he returned the affection, giggling.

As they discussed their weekend plans, they soon reached Blazey’s house. Fullmoon looked up at the sky, seeing the sun begin to lower, “well… I better get going! I’ll see you later!” He quickly runs off in a hurry, going down the dirt path. 

“Oh... bye Moony!” Blazey waved lightly before heading to her house door.

“Welcome home, sweetie,” Gentle said, watching her daughter heading to the house door. “How was school?”

“It was alright!” Blazey smiled, trying to not acknowledge what happened between her and Damaged. 

“I saw you and your friend walking together, I must admit, you two would make an adorable couple.” Gentle lightly smirked. 

Blazey instantly blushes bright red, her eyes shrinking a bit “M-Mooom! It’s not like thaaaat!” Blazey said, removing her bag and heading indoors and taking the nice, hot cup of chocolate from her mom.

“I’m kidding!” Gentle laughed at her daughter’s reaction. 

Blazey lightly chuckled as she sipped her hot chocolate, as she began to ponder about what happened that day but forced a smile so her mother wouldn’t find anything suspicious.