//------------------------------// // S3E1: X Marks the Spot (Mystic Version) // Story: Mystic Equestria Girls // by Shadow Master //------------------------------// Summer Vacation is here! Both Humane Seven and Dragon Strike Force are now at the beach for their relaxation and fun. Wallflower is also joining them as well. At the beach's seashore, Sunset was playing a new game in her cellphone called 'Treasure Hunt' while walking down the beach. Still busy playing a new game, she yelped in surprise, feeling something hard she just kicked. She looked down and found a glassed bottle with a strange scroll within. She picked it up while inspecting the bottle carefully. "No way…" Sunset said in disbelief. Sunset quickly get up and headed off to find her friends. She found Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Saber and Wallflower. Twilight was busy building and sculpturing sand statue of Spike. Pinkie was relaxing and tanning on her beach chair. Saber and Ace were stretching out calmly and firmly. Wallflower was collecting some shells in her bucket. Sunset approached to her friends. Saber was wearing yellowish singlet and bluish trunk while Wallflower worn brownish-beige colored striped swimsuit and sitting on her wheelchair. "Check this out! I found an actual real-life message in a bottle!" Sunset exclaimed happily as she shook the bottle for the scroll to come out. "Ooh! Is it a love letter? A secret recipe?" Pinkie asked excitedly, "Or, wait. Someone's trapped on a deserted island? We have to save them!" Wallflower gasped, "For real?!" "Nope. I just like to speculate it!" Pinkie joked happily. After getting the scroll out, Sunset looked at it. She gasped, "It's a treasure map." Saber, Twilight and even Ace looked at the map carefully. The naked mole rat whistled, "Treasure map! Yeah!" "It looks just like this beach." Twilight said in surprise. Saber hummed curiously, "What a coincidence." "Amazing! Let's go!" Pinkie cheered. Wallflower hummed in concern, "I don't know. Is it dangerous?" Sunset approached and held on the wheelchair's handler. The amber colored teenager smiled at her friend, "Don't worry, Wallflower. We've got this. We won't let baddies hurt you. Plus, consider this to be your first adventure." Everyone chattered and nodded in agreement with Sunset. Though still worried and scared, Wallflower also knew that her friends will be there for her now. She nodded reluctantly to accept her friend's offer Following the map, Sunset and her team walked across the beach, though they have encountered some difficulties such as Sunset and Wallflower have to go through the logs, Twilight and Saber were running for their lives from stray dog, and Pinkie has to get over the cranky crabs. They're now running across the scorching sand that almost burnt their feet. After managed to overcome the difficulties, Sunset and her team have arrived at the beach walkway that leads to the beach storehouse. Spotted something underneath the walkway, Ace whistled, getting their attentions. They looked at him. He made frantically noise while pointing at his direction. Looking at where he was pointing, they found a treasure chest under the walkway. "There it is!" Sunset exclaimed excitedly. As she and her friends approached to the treasure chest. Rubbing her hands, she asked, "I wonder if it's filled with loot!" As Sunset opened the treasure chest, she then found something inside. She picked it up. The item revealed to be another large bottle jar-like containing of another scroll. "Another treasure map?" Wallflower asked in surprise, "Isn't treasure chest supposed to be filled with loot or jewels?" Saber hummed curiously, "Or maybe, that's what the pirates want us to think. They must have hidden the real one somewhere around here." "So, why the leave another map behind?" Twilight asked curiously. "It's genius!" Pinkie cheered happily. Twilight and Wallflower were confused. She squealed, "Don't you get it? They left the map behind for someone so smart to understand the next clue!" "Right…" Twilight commented uneasily. "No. Pinkie's right," Sunset said excitedly. She read the map out loud, "'Follow the trail to the top of the MFBO and look for the X at the end of the...'" She gasped in realization, "It's a code!" "Wow. Must be smart pirate!" Pinkie exclaimed happily. "If only we had a..." Sunset said in concern while checking on the chest. She gasped as she took a next item out, "decoder ring!" "Well, that's convenient." Twilight commented. "Too convenient," Wallflower said in concern, "Why would a pirate left the decoder ring behind." Saber shrugged, "We'd never know till we find out where it leads us to." While using the decoder ring on the code, Sunset muttered, "'Follow the S-H... SHELLS to the... PIER and look for the X at the end of the R-A-I... RAINBOW!'" Wallflower asked, "Where can we-?!" Pinkie gasped while pointed ahead, "Look! There's a trail of shells!" Sunset and her friends looked up and found the trail of shell lead to the stairs. They all cheered and laughed happily. As they followed the trail to the top of stairs, they all arrived at the pier. It was crowded with people to relax and chattering. It is also filled with storehouses and shops. They all looked around of the surroundings. Twilight hummed curiously, "This is the pier. Now where's the-" Pinkie exclaimed in surprise, "Rainbow!" Everyone turned and looked at where Pinkie was pointing at – a snow cone motorcycle with rainbow colored snow cone on rooftop. The driver rode it out at once. They then found a sushi truck and has a floor mat with x-mark. "'X Marks the Sushi'?" Twilight asked in surprise. Wallflower hummed curiously, "Why would it leads to sushi truck?" "One way to find out." Sunset said calmly. She and her friends approached to cashier at the sushi truck's counter. The cashier worn a pirate hat, eye-patch on left side and has a parrot on left shoulder. She asked, "Excuse me, do you know anything about a treasure map?" Alerted by the question, Cashier or her name is Carrot Bun got up and acted like a pirate, "Aargh! Congr-argh-tulations! Ye mateys followed ye map to find the bounty of X Sushi!" "I've got a funny feeling about this," Wallflower said in uneasiness. Ignoring her friend's uneasy, Sunset asked, "What's our treasure?" Carrot Bun smiled and answered, "Twenty p-argh-cent off any hand roll, plus all-ye-can-eat wasabi! Aargh!" Everyone sans Pinkie, Saber and Ace was in shock and surprise. Twilight asked, "That's it?" "The treasure is a sushi truck! That's amazing!" Pinkie exclaimed happily. Just as instructed, Sunset and her group bought the sushi hand roll. They all happily eating their food. Twilight hummed happily while eating her sushi hand roll, "Mmm... Mmmm... I like it." "Like it? I thought you'd be disappointed…" Wallflower asked in surprise. She turned and looked at Saber and Ace, who were eating theirs. She hummed suspiciously, "You knew what the treasure map lead to, didn't you?" Twilight and Sunset turned and looked at Saber. He shrugged playfully, "I have no idea what you're implying." He poured out more of wasabi on his sushi. He chuckled a bit, "Plus, I finally got free wasabi for my sushi. Do you have any idea how much that costs? Dang it. Japan's cost cheaper than here." Wallflower groaned a bit. Sunset giggled while patted her shoulder, "It's okay, Wallflower. I'm glad he took us there for lunch. I haven't had eaten since this morning." "You're not disappointed about not getting the treasure?" Wallflower asked in surprised. Sunset sighed, "I admit it, Wallflower. I was expecting to get the treasure. But going out adventure with your friends is a true treasure and fun. Don't you think?" After giving some thoughts, Wallflower couldn't help but smiled happily, "Yeah. It was kinda fun. Thanks, Sunset." Feeling her tongue burning after eating the wasabi on her sushi hand roll, Pinkie yelled in pain and agony, "Ah... ah... tho thpithy!?" Unable to hold it, Pinkie yelled and breathed fire out, surprising her friends. She went off and headed straight to the water fountain, where she drank and gurgled the water. The people was shocked and surprised by her. Coming out from the water fountain, she sighed happily from it. After watching Pinkie got herself burnt from wasabi of sushi hand roll, Saber sighed, "And Pinkie said that she can beat me in the spiciest competition. As if." Everyone then giggled and laughed out happily and amusingly of Saber's jokes and Pinkie's trying to eat the sushi hand roll with wasabi. It was indeed fun for them. END… Review and Suggest… Main Casts: Rebecca Shoichet: Sunset Shimmer Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle Will Friedle: Saber Dragoon Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie Nancy Cartwright: Ace Shannon Chan-Kent: Wallflower Blush