//------------------------------// // Canterlot Magical High // Story: 26 Short Stories of EQG // by TPC-2k16 //------------------------------// Nighttime during the snowy winter of Canterlot City can be pretty. As the snow falls from the clouds up above to land on the ground under, portraying the landscape to look a beautiful, winter wonderland. It can seem, and look, almost magical. As the snow continues to fall along the grounds of CHS, something else magical happens. Leaking out from the crack atop of the base of the wonderbolt statue, many different magical 'sources(?)' leak out from it. Each one a different color from one another. Though each one not really having a predetermined destination to go to, as they all appear aimlessly flying around the snowy winter night sky. Unlike one specific one, a dark, red colored magical 'source(?)', which does have a predetermined destination of its own. Flying around the city for a solid ten minutes before landing itself right into some poor, tired girl's alarm clock. The clock immediately sounding its alarm. Sounding way more louder than it's used to. A few five hours short of when it is supposed to go off. The tired girl immediately spranging up, awake, hearing it (as so too does the whole household). "Uh okay, like, weird."