//------------------------------// // Fluttershy meets Someone New // Story: 26 Short Stories of EQG // by TPC-2k16 //------------------------------// Today after school, Fluttershy is doing her normal everyday after-school activity, which is going to the local animal shelter to help take care of the animals. Usually, one of her other friends comes along with her to help, but that's not the case today as Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle were all called with having to go through the portal to Equestria to help the supposed ponies there of an ancient, thousand year old magical threat, and stopping it before it decides to come to this world to wreak havoc everywhere. Yeah, they were busy. Walking into the animal shelter, hearing the bell ring throughout the lobby of the shelter as she opened the door, Fluttershy puts her bag down on a nearby chair and immediately gets right to work. "Hey TreeHugger, didn't expect to see you here today?" Fluttershy asks her new 'interesting' friend, seeing as she's holding a doggie biscuit in front of a wounded puppy, who's about to bite into it until TreeHugger turns her attention towards Fluttershy, pulling the doggie biscuit away, and waving at her with the hand that's holding the biscuit. "Hey Fluttershy, what brings you here?" She asks in her usual 'interesting' voice. "Why, I always come to the shelter every Wednesday after school," Fluttershy says as she grabs another doggie biscuit and walks over to another injured puppy, "You didn't forget again, did you?" "Sorry. My chakras must've not been cleared up. But at least I remember today's bath day!" Tree Hugger says as she waves the doggie biscuit in front of the puppy's face, the pup trying to take a bite out of it as the treat repeatedly moves up and down in front of him. Her unknowingly knowing of what's going on. "Well, at least that's good." Fluttershy says positively, giving her treat biscuit to the other puppy. After the two finish giving treats to all the animals, then going over to get the bath ready, Fluttershy and Tree Hugger (mainly Fluttershy as she notices her friend acting awfully zoned out(more than usual today)) both hear the hanging bell above the front door chime all throughout the shelter. "A visitor?" Fluttershy questionably asks, looking to see her friend looking the more zoned out than before. "I'll just go check on who it is. Don't start without me." After Fluttershy leaves the room to head to the lobby, leaving Tree Hugger alone, she finally answers back: "Righteous." Back to Fluttershy. "Hello there, and welcome to Canterlot City Animal Shelter Number Fifteen. How may I help you today?" Fluttershy greets the visitor as she walks on in to the lobby from the bathing room. "Oh my. You're Fluttershy, right?" The visitor shyly asks. "Uh huh. And what brings you here?" Fluttershy answers back, asking. And also trying to get a good look at the shelter's newest visitor. Trying the key word as this visitor is wearing a large blue parka jacket, a sweatshirt underneath it, its hood covering up the person's face entirely. Also wearing blue jeans and dark blue rubber boots. Oh, and having on bright red mittens. "Yes. I need you. To help me?" The visitor speaks once again, still speaking as shyly as before. "Okay, and that is...-?" "Yes! That is, I need your advice," The strange visitor interrupts Fluttershy, "If I want a pet of my own, which do you think is perfect for me?" "Which pet? Why, it all depends on what you're comfortable with. What you think would be the perfect -est pet for you. I can only offer suggestions." Fluttershy answers the visitors' question. "Any pet I'd feel comfortable with...?" The visitor says to itself, though, Fluttershy could hear a little of what was said. "Thanks for the advice. I uh, gotta go. Now." "No problem then. Thanks for coming-" Fluttershy interrupts herself once she sees that the visitor had just left, mysteriously almost. "Huh." Fluttershy scratches the top of her head in confusion, thinking about the weird visitor she'd just seen before hearing what sounds like a loud explosion coming from the direction of the bathing room. Immediately stopping her train of thought and running over there as fast as she can.