The New Dragon Prince

by G4forever

The Prep For the Journey

Ember walks swiftly to the delicious looking castle. 'Spike is so lucky he gets to live here' She sees Starlight and Spike walking to the castle as well. Ember flies to them right before they go inside. "Ember! What are you doing here?" Spike asks. Ember forces down a blush. "No time to explain right now. Can you guys get all your friends?" Starlight nods and is gone in a pink flash. A pink flash later, the main 6 are in front of the castle. "What was that for? I was in the middle of practice!" Rainbow Dash said. "Starlight, there better be a good reason why I got interrupted. I was reading Parenting for Dummies," Starlight looks at Ember with a look that says, 'get on with it!' Ember clears her throat and starts, "We may have found something about Spike's parents," Every eye bulged out of their sockets. "MY PARENTS ARE STILL ALIVE!" Spike was so happy, he just kept jumping around Twilight and the others. "Wait, don't get your hopes too high. We don't know just yet," Spike's smile faltered a little bit. Twilight thought it over. 'Spike would be in capable hands. But should I really trust Ember after seeing that shrine? Maybe if I just-perfect' Twilight had her plan ready. She had an evil grin on her face as she says, "Yes. I guess Spike can go,"
Starlight was ready to argue with Twilight. "Spike has to-wait, you said he can go?"
"Yes I did. I think he deserves to know his parents," Starlight was just looking at Twilight in surprise. Something was wrong. Twilight looked like she was ready to kill somepony. And Twilight was stubborn, almost as stubborn as Applejack. One little thing couldn't change her mind. Twilight was going to plan something and Starlight needed to figure out what it is. "Ember it's already night. Why don't you stay in the castle until it's time to go," Spike says leading Ember to the castle. Spike was blinded by happiness. He wasn't paying attention to Twilight. "By the way Twilight, you and your other friends can't come," Ember says, not looking back. Twilight just walked into the castle, following them. Once Spike and Ember were all the way inside, Twilight motioned for her friends to follow her. Twilight led them all to the throne room. "I have a plan," Twilight said as they all sat down. "Wherever Spike is going, we will follow him," The others gasped at the absurd idea. "Hear me out. Ember is a friend of the ponies. But can we really trust her with Spike's life?" No one said yes.

In Spike's room. "So. Spike. Anything unusual happening lately?"
"YEA! One time..."

Spike was going about his business running some errands, before he saw a burning house! Spike being the only fire proof being, went inside. He was surprised to see Derpy and Ditzy. He had to save them (most importantly, Derpy). He went in. He felt the heat on his scales. To his surprise the heat wasn't that strong. Spike picked up Derpy who was carrying Ditzy. But before Spike could make it outside, a ring of fire circled around them. The ring was tall so he couldn't go through it without burning the ponies. His instincts kicked in and he blew a huge breath of...wait for it...ICE! 'I didn't know I could do that! But whatever, let's save these ponies.' Spike walked out of the house carrying 2 ponies. The crowd that gathered around cheered. He set down Derpy, and Ditzy. "Thank you so much! We would've died without you. I don't know why a unicorn couldn't just levitate us out. But plot convenience!" Everyone was just looking at Derpy Hooves. She was almost as weird as Pinkie Pie. Spike was still confused on how he did that. Dragons blew fire, not ice. He had to talk to Ember about that when he had the chance.

"So, do you know anything about dragons breathing ice?"
"NO!" Ember said quickly. "I mean, I don't know but I can ask my dad," Spike nods his head and passes Ember a quill and a scroll. 'Nameless Dragon, I think I know where to find him. I know where the Great Darastrix is.-Ember'. "Ok Spike, just focus on my dad. You know big ole Torch!" Spike focused on Torch. It was kind of hard to forget a dragon like that. He sent the letter with ease.

Torch was talking to his wife, Sapphire, when he burped up a letter. "WHO DARE SEND ME A LETTER! Oh it's Ember!" Torch read the letter and immediately took to the sky. He sped through the Dragon Lands before he saw The Hidden Palace. He landed and hurriedly walked into the palace. "Nameless Dragon! A letter from my daughter has come to you!" The Nameless Dragon got up from his throne, and picked up the tiny scroll. "SHE HAS FOUND HIM!" The Nameless Dragon yelled happily. "EMERALD, DARLING, AMY TOO! LET US REJOICE!" The Nameless Dragon's wife, and daughter came out. Emerald, his wife was sleek and thin. She was about 2 feet shorter than her husband. Amy, short for Amethyst was about the same height as Smolder. Just a few inches shorter. "You really found the Great Darastrix?" The Nameless Dragon just nodded and kept on rejoicing.

"So. Who is coming with me to spy on Spike?"
"Well, if he was as awesome as me, he would be able to survive. But he's not,"
"Oh I will come! Little Spikey-Wikey all alone, in the wilderness!"
"Did we forget Ember?" Starlight's question became unheard.
"I think we all should respect Ember's wishes. And ya'll better pipe down before they come and hear you,"
"YEA! I agree with Applejack. Spying on our friends is what no good meanies would do,"
"Well I agree with Rarity, and Dashie. Spike is so young. We need to protect him,"
"Did everyone just forget the song we sang yesterday, about Spike being 17?" Starlight asked. But once again everypony's ears were closed. "Ok then. Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy. Let's get packing for the journey tomorrow!" 2 uninvited guests were there, but only 1 showed them self. "You 4 are terrible friends!" A voice from nowhere exclaimed. Discord popped into existence. "Really, spying on Spike? How rude,"
"But this whole time you've been spying on us,"
"Yea, that's what makes it funny. You're one of those people who never get the joke," Twilight just blushed and ignored Discord. They continued planning. Once the 4 disobedient mares left the room the others started planning. "We have to follow them," Starlight said.
"Why?" Pinkie asked.
"So they don't get in trouble,". Little did they now Ash was listening. She was on strict orders from the Dragon Lord and The Nameless Dragon. The ponies would be following Spike and Ember, and Ash would be following them.