//------------------------------// // The Letter // Story: The New Dragon Prince // by G4forever //------------------------------// "SPIKE WAKE UP! IM HUNGRY!" Spike groaned and rolled out of his basket. He heard a little crunch as he rolled onto the letter. "Wait someone actually did send me a letter? I thought that was a dream," He unrolled the letter so he could go downstairs and read it to Twilight but saw the words 'Dear Spike'. It must have been from Ember. The letter said 'Dear Spike, This is your friend Ember. I need you to come to the Dragon Lands. It's urgent, and you can't bring your pony friends. Come by tomorrow sundown. Your Friend and Dragon Lord, Ember'. Spike knew that he had to go today sundown since she sent the letter yesterday. He ran downstairs to show the letter to Twilight. "TWILIGHT! A letter!" Twilight, thinking the letter is for her levitates it over. As she reads it her eyes bulge out of their sockets. "You're not actually thinking about going, are you? "I am. Why?" "You can't go without us. You're just a baby dragon. We have to protect you!" "I can protect myself. I'm not just a baby dragon. You're the main one telling me how mature I am," "Well this is different. Your mind is mature, not your body. You could get hurt!" Spike just storms out of the room, sick of being treated like a baby. As he leaves the castle, Starlight walks into the dining room with bags under her eyes. "Twilight -yawn- does Spike have breakfast ready?" "No he left because he thought I was treating him like a baby," "Why would he think that?' "Because Ember wants Spike to go to the Dragon Lands. Alone. And I won't allow it," "Why can't he go?" "Because he's just a little colt," "But just yesterday you yelled at your friends for treating him like a foal. How is this any different?" "Because...because. BECAUSE IT'S ME!" Starlight jumped a little, not expecting the outburst. She just left the room and headed towards SugarCube Corner. When she got there she saw Pinkie hugging Spike very tightly and sobbing. Spike gave her a look that said 'HELP ME'. "Pinkie what's wrong?" "SPIKE-sob-IS-hiccup-LEAVING-burp-FOREVER!" "I am not! Pinkie just took it the wrong way!" "Well Pinkie Pie, I'm sure Spike can tell us the truth," "Well I came here to get an amethyst and cream cheese bagel. I showed Pinkie the letter, and she took it the wrong way!" Spike handed Starlight the letter for her to read. As Starlight's eyes zoomed across the page, she understood. She could understand why Twilight thought Spike couldn't handle the journey. She could understand why Pinkie Pie thought Spike was going to leave. But she couldn't understand why Ember thought Spike could make the journey to the Dragon Lands. Alone. By sundown. Ember had a teensy winsy crush on Spike. When Twilight and Starlight visited Ember, they came across a Spike shrine. It was very, very disturbing. So Starlight knew that Ember would be pretty protective of Spike. Something was not right. "Ok. Pinkie Pie, Spike would probably not be gone for that long. But this is urgent. Ember needs him," Spike nodded, trying to encourage Pinkie Pie to loosen her grip on him. Pinkie eventually set Spike down and sent them on their way. "Thanks Starlight," "Of course! I have an idea. You write to Ember telling her that you can't come without us. I'll try to see if Twilight will loosen her grip on you," "Sound good. Let's get going," 'Dear Ember, I can't come to the Dragon Lands alone. Twilight has restricted me. Maybe if you told me the emergency Twilight would let me come. But I probably wouldn't be able to make the journey anyways. Sincerely, Your friend, Spike. Ember burped up a letter in the middle of court. "Ash, take over for me. Gotta go bye!" Ash was a young dragon. She was a little shorter than Ember, and was Garble's last marefriend. Or would it be dragoness friend. I don't really know. Ash was brown and red. Her scales brown, and spikes red. Ash was also Ember's right claw dragon. Ember however was flying as fast as she could to the hidden palace. "Dragon Lord! Has Arytiss replied?" "Yes. But I'm not sure it's what you wanted." "What do you mean?" Ember fly's up to the big green dragon's snout to show him the letter. Ember braced herself from the nameless dragons wrath. "Yes this is perfect. He is humble. If he can't come, bring him," Ember was saddened and surprised. The nameless dragon wasn't mad? Did she really have to do this. He wouldn't ever trust her again. But an order, is an order. "Ok Starlight. I sent the letter to Ember . Will Twilight let me go?!" "She'll let you go, once you have a real reason to go to the Dragon Lands." "Don't worry. I asked about that in my letter to Ember," "Perfect!" Spike and Starlight waited for Ember's letter. They waited, and waited, and waited. It was now sundown. It was pretty clear that Spike wasn't going to the Dragon Lands. It was clear until a pair of blue feet landed on a hill. 'I'm going to get Spike. But I can't tell him why. This is annoying. I have to lie to Spike. But he'll forgive me in the end. Won't he?