Poetry Is Magic

by Peace Poet

I Lost The Ocean, Part 2

Six months of love between me and Ocean Light
My heart and souls glow was shining so bright
But then, I was seeing Ocean less and less
When I heard she got a job in Canterlot, which I thought was best

She'll bet more bits then me, I won't complain
Even though, I work at a place where I load the grain
My pay was pretty good
Since me and Daddy live together in the hood

Ocean's job was at Princess Celestia's castle
She's one of the maids, and trying not to get lost was a big hassle
She comes to my home just about once a week
Me seeing her less had my worries at the peak

Though, I understand that her job was an hour away
But then, she started to look different one day
New jewelry, clothes, shoes, and make up
It tells me that I'm failing as a coltfriend, which is a big wake up

But she told, " I know that you're trying your best
To everything you do for me, and you're still the best"
I was glad she said that, but was the sound of her tone
It gave me a frozen chill in my back bone

One day, She told me that she was coming to the park
I was glad, our first date, from dusk to dark
I was wearing my new shirt that said "Friendship Power"
But my happiness started to dwindle, as I wait for her at the midnight hour

I couldn't believe that my marefriend stood me up
Left me there waiting like an abandoned pup
I went home, walking like I had a severe wound
Got home, went to bed, under my sorrow cocoon

The next day, my pop gave me a letter
It was from Ocean, and I felt a little better
The letter said, "Peace, I'm so sorry
I'll make it up to you from my inexcusable tardy"

Though, I did understand that it was hard to get away
From a castle that's served twenty-four seven everyday
So instead of sitting at home, looking like a fool
I'll go to Ocean at her job, to a place that's socially cool

Though I should've explained this from the start
It was something that put a arrow through my heart
For her to have a job at a castle that's cool
She'd had to go to a Canterlot School

Me and Ocean wrote everyday
We write on how our days goes in good or bad ways
But after the date that we were suppose to have
Something in my heart gave my chest a hard jab

On a cloudy day, thanks to the weather Pegasi
I made it to Canterlot, from the balloon that flies the skies
I made it to the school called Canterlot High
As I saw shocked looks from other ponies eyes

Their eyes didn't say unwelcome, they said "not good"
I even heard, "He's not a bad ponies, but how could..."
Didn't finish the sentence, as I continued on
As I have to find out what in Celestia was wrong

Classes didn't start yet, so I went in a classroom
Many gasp was heard, like I was heading for doom
And I did, right in front of me
Something that I dreamt in my head many times, and now I see

A scene that I wished I was missing
Ocean Light and Prince Blueblood, making out, kissing
They both saw me, Ocean's eyes widen in shock
The room went silent, you didn't even hear a pencil fall knock

All the prince did was smirk at me, like a true villain
Standing like the devil with a grin; I feel reality reeling in
Before Ocean spoke, I teleported away
And came outside, with the rain coming downward way

When I came home, I didn't cry, because I knew
Different attitude, different school, and a Royal pony, too
A wanted to give Blueblood a magic blast
And before I did, I want to whoop his ass

But I won't stoop to a low level, not my style
I stayed away from both him and Ocean for more than a mile
The next day, she started sending me apology letters
I read them, but after I finished reading them, I burned them for the better

Yeah, I'm a commoner, with little to no glam
I know I'm not much like a Royal, but damn
She wanted the change for the better
But all she and Blueblood did was becoming a sight of stormy weather

Half of the year was gone, and me and Ocean hadn't talked
But I was on the straight and narrow; writing rhymes on the board with chalk
I forgot about her and her new prince charming
But one day after school, even in a clear day, I sense storm warnings

As I got home, I see the worry on Daddy's face
And I walked inside, my scenario was the worst case
I see my ex Ocean Light, her mom and dad
My good vibes were gone, and the feeling became annoyed with drag

The parents explained that they thought Blueblood was the one
Jumping the gun, they were hoping he'd be their new son
They thought me and Ocean split way
But then she told them the real truth that day

The truth was that she was with Blueblood
That name was like being hit by mud
Her parents wait patiently for her answer with care
That Ocean and Blueblood were in a affair

She cheated on me and lied to me and her parents for months
They heard it before, but still shocked all at once
What she said next would hurt me a little bit
But I stayed calm, trying not to have a wild out fit

She said, "Peace, the truth is, you were just poor
Beneath my standards, and you're not at Blueblood's door
I went with him to be noticed with fame
You held me back, so I couldn't shout out to say your blame

But when I saw you come in the Canterlot classroom
I was afraid to be caught, I thought you'd bring me doom
The last time I saw was that day
I was ashamed to put you in that position that way

The truth is, I used you to get to the prince
And I've been with Blueblood ever since
I've sent you letters to sincerely apologize
But you haven't written back since you saw my lies

A few months after, Blueblood did the same thing, too
He cheated on me, exactly like I did to you
Then I knew how you felt
The pain that I gave you, that you've dealt

I don't blame you for not forgiving me
But I just hope you don't hate me
What I did to you was selfish, heinous, and cruel
I've been like a foal, a childish fool"

Tears were in her eyes, as her words were shaken, but sincere
But I had to make one thing clear
I said to her, "You hurt me really deep
You betrayed me like I was a broken toy, sold for cheap

I loved you with all of my heart, I really did
And you cheated on me, like a spoiled little kid
After everything I've done for you
And I hear it in your voice, loud and true

You used me like a retarded pawn
Like a fin-less whale that won't see the next dawn
How could you be so heartless
Greedy with much want, and so relentless

I gave you my heart and soul
And now I see I was never your goal
You left me abandoned in the forgetful mist
I was sad, confused, and overly pissed

Did you come here, because you slipped off the mound
And now you want to use me as a rebound
My answer is "absolutely not"
You coming in here with a lot of nerve got me hot

I respect your parents, I really do
But you also lied to them, and got them hot, too
My guess is that you lost their trust
You will never get mine, since you made ours bust

So Blueblood dumped you, can't say that I'm surprised
He showed you your own lies you showed me in front of your eyes
As much as I believe in second chances
You don't deserve one, not after your deceiving advances

I treated you like a princess that'd be brighter than Prance
You and I went on top of a building to a slow jam to dance
But I guess that dance was still a dream
Because you didn't like my view of things, it seems

Mister and Misses, I still respect you both
But your daughter just sank my hopeful love boat
I wished that I had more things to say
But please show yourselves out, and be on your way"

I didn't look back after they got out
I calmed down a little, but the heartache was still about
Many moons later, haven't heard from Ocean Light
I don't know if I want to see her in my sight

Right now, I have no love interest
But being single may be lonely, but it's for the best
From that heartbreaking commotion
That is truly how I Lost The Ocean.